I can compare two files in Winmerge by triggering a comparison on the command line with a command similar to:
WinMergeU C:\file1.txt C:\file2.txt
I can query a list of files with particular properties in clearcase with a clearcase query similar to:
Y:\VOB_A>cleartool find . -type l -exec "cleartool describe -fmt "%n %[slink_text]Tp\n\n\" \"%CLEARCASE_PN%\""
.\Directory\createsymlink.txt -->..\..\VOB_B\SymlinkFolder\createsymlink.txt
What I want is to generate a set of clearcase query results that can then be used as input to winmerge (ie generate a bunch of diff commands on checkins fulfilling a certain criteria like user or day).
How can I write a clearcase query to get a list of file elements (referable in clearcase ie winmerge could open the path to the version on a dynamic view), and get their corresponding previous version of the file?
The bit to format this to winmerge I imagine would look somewhat like this:
... describe -fmt "WinMergeU ...
One, you would need to generate the right full extended pathname for each file (one being the result of your query, one being the previous version of the one found by said query)
Two, you need to do so in a dynamic view (in order to access to any version though the extended path name of the file.
Once your query gives you a version, you can ask, with a cleartool descr -fmt "%PSn" (see fmt_ccase man page), for the previous version and add that to your result file.
Trying to do it all in one pass (find + predecessor version + WinMerge call) seems too complicated.
Suppose I have a file with versions 0 to 4. On version 2 I applied a label called mylabel. Now I want to do a find query using cleartool which gives me all versions created after my labelled version 2. That is I only want to get versions 3 and 4 as output, but not versions 0-2.
I know how to find all versions except the labelled one:
cleartool find . -version "!lbtpye(mylabel)" -print
There is also a command to get the history of this element:
cleartool lshistory -minor PATH_TO_FILE
This theoretically gives me the date when the label was applied, so I could do
cleartool find . -version "created_since(date)" -print
But the lshistory command always outputs the full history of the element and I feel it is too much to parse all this information just to get the desired date.
So basically I want to know if there is a more elegant way to do this. I could imagine that I could maybe first check which version has mylabel (because the version number is already provided by the find query) and then search for files with a version higher than the labelled version. So in my example with mylabel at version 2 I would hope for something like:
cleartool find . -version "version( > /main/2)" -print
After VonC's answer I should mention that the labeltype will only be created once and the label itself moved every few days. It is therefore not possible to check for the time the labeltype was created.
version( > /main/2) jas no equivalence in the ClearCase config spec 'version selectors'.
That means an easier option should rely on a convention, like the convention the date of applying the label should be very close to the date of creating the label type.
Meaning the mklbtype shoudl be done just before mklabel, and you could then use the label type creation date for your cleartool find . -version "created_since(date)" -print query.
Basically, the crux of the issue is to keep track of the date where the label where last applied (or moved, since it is here a shifting label).
Another approach would be to store that date as an attribute attached to the lbtype: only one lbtype, and one attribute changed each time the label is moved.
See cleartool mkattr.
To provide some context, I am trying to write a script which will take a text file with clearcase elements in it, and label all of those elements.
To generate the text file, I am basically using the following command:
cleartool find -a -nxn -ele "brtype(branchName)" -print > "textfile.txt"
Then I go through the text file and remove the elements I don't want to label. The last step would be to feed the text file into a script which would repeatedly call a cleartool command on each line of the file.
For all existing files/folders, I can run this command:
cleartool mklabel -rep "label_name" (element_path)
Where I run into trouble is with files that have been added to the branch. They print out to the text file in a format that isn't recognized by the "mklabel" command and I can't find a good way to parse them.
The format of the files is similar to the following:
In the past I have used this generic command we use at my company to blindly label all files in a branch:
cleartool find -all -branch "brtype(<branch>)" -version "version(.../<branch>/LATEST) && !version(.../<branch>/0)" -visible -exec "cleartool mklabel -rep <label_name> %CLEARCASE_XPN%"
But I only want to label about half the files on the branch I am using, and there are too many to label them individually. I am sure I am missing something obvious here. Does anyone know how I should change my find or mklabel command to accommodate the new files and folders?
That format "\original_folder_path##\branch_name\version_number" is an extended pathname, and isn't reserved for "added file".
It is current rather for files listed by a cleartool find, but not visible (directly accessible) in the view used by the cleartool find.
You need to make sure to use a view which is set to select the LATEST from brname.
If you see extended pathnames in your cleartool find, you can ignore them: they are not accessible by said view.
Or you could use a cleartool find -cview, in order to limit the results to what you view is able to select and see.
I know the filename of a clearcase versioned file. How can i find the latest version of this file on a particular branch ? It should not pick any child branches. Also the parent branch names may not be know always.
If you are using a dynamic view, you can directly access the LATEST version of a given branch by using the extended path:
cat file##/main/branch/subbranch/LATEST
If you don't know the exact branch path (parent branches) this version is stored in, you can modify your dynamic view and add first the selection rule
element /path/to/file .../subbranch/LATEST
That will select the LATEST version of subbranch within the dynamic view.
Or you can do a cleartool find, in order to see the full extended path for that file:
cleartool find . -name "yourFile" -ver "version(.../subbranch/LATEST)
You will be able to cat (or type in Windows) directly the result (which will be the full extended path)
The diea behind the cat or the cleartool find is to be able to use the syntax .../subbranch/LATEST.
That syntax with the three dots means: '.../subbranch' whatever branches followed by /subbranch.
In my current working environment, I make use of eclipsed files extensively for testing purposes. When it comes time to formalize things, I have a script which generates a diff by comparing the file with a backup saved by my eclipse script.
I'd like to be able to work without the backup of the original file; is there any way I can retrieve the current version of the file that I can pass to diff? Even though the file is view-private, I see I can enter foo##/ and see a list of versions, but I'm not sure how to find which version is the latest. Everything I've tried using cleartool ls or describe with the file name tells me that it's not a VOB object (which is true, although cleartool ls does show it as eclipsed, so it must know, somehow, that there is an element there)
Eclipsed file means dynamic view.
The simplest solution would to make a second dynamic view based on the same config spec.
Considering how cheap and quick those views are, this isn't an issue.
On that second dynamic view, you can do a
cleartool descr -fmt "%Xn" /path/to/element
In order to get the extended pathname of the file (see fmt_ccase for more on the %Xn syntax).
I need to retrieve a list of all the files that have been checked-in across baselines along with the owner name. I tried using the cleartool lsact command :
However, this command fetches just for one task and is a bit cumbersome to use. Is there a command which will retrieve all the tasks if I specify two baselines?
A command like:
cleartool diffbl -act bl1#\apvob bl2#\apvob
will give you the list of activities which have new versions between baselines bl1 and bl2.
However, to get the list of files (ie elements, as in files or directories, and not versions as in all the updated versions even for a same file), the best way is to:
ensure those baselines are "full" baseline: promote them to full if needed:
cleartool chbl -full bl1#\apvob
cleartool chbl -full bl2#\apvob
(if they were already full, this command won't do anything)
list all elements which have the bl1 and bl2 labels on different versions:
cleartool find -all -element '{lbtype_sub(REL1) && lbtype_sub(REL2)}' ^
-version '{(lbtype(REL1) && ! lbtype(REL2)) || ^
(lbtype(REL2) && !lbtype(REL1))}' -print
See "Find changes between labels".
Note that this last question also mentions the "report builder packaged with ClearCase, which is interesting if you are after a solution involving a GUI and not a CLI (command line):
Again, if those baselines are full, you can use it to list (under Elements/Labels) either "Elements Changed Between Two Labels" or "Versions Changed Between Two Labels" depending on which you need.