Sorting an Array without changing it C - arrays

Hey guys I have been working on this for 3 days and have come up with nothing from everywere I have looked.
I am trying to take an Array of around 250 floats and find the Kth largest value without changing the array in anyway or making a new array.
I can change it or create a new one because other functions need the placing of the data in the correct order and my Arduino cant hold any more values in its memory space so the 2 easiest options are out.
The values in the Array can ( and probably will ) have duplicates in them.
As an EG : if you have the array ::: 1,36,2,54,11,9,22,9,1,36,0,11;
from Max to min would be ::
1) 54
2) 36
3) 36
4) 22
5) 11
6) 11
7) 9
8) 9
9) 2
10) 1
11) 1
12) 0
Any help would be great.
It may be to much to ask for a function that would do this nicely for me :) hahaha
here is the code I have so far but I have not even tried to get the duplicates working yet
and it for some reason only gives me one answer for some reason that's 2 ,,, no clue why though
void setup()
void loop ()
int Array[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int Kth = 6; //// just for testing putting the value as a constant
int tr = 0; /// traking threw the array to find the MAX
for (int y=0;y<10;y++) //////////// finding the MAX first so I have somewhere to start
if (Array[y]>Array[tr])
tr = y;
Serial.print("The max number is ");
int F = Array[tr];
Serial.println(F); // Prints the MAX ,,, mostly just for error checking this is done
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// got MAX
for ( int x = 1; x<Kth;x++) //// run the below Kth times and each time lowering the "Max" making the loop run Kth times
for(int P=0;P<10;P++) // run threw every element
if (Array[P]<F)
for(int r=0;r<10;r++) //and then test that element against every other element to make sure
//its is bigger then all the rest but small then MAX
if(r=tr) /////////////////// done so the max dosent clash with the number being tested
Serial.println("Max's Placeing !!!!");
F=Array[P]; ////// if its bigger then all others and smaller then the MAx then make that the Max
Serial.println(" on the ");
Serial.println(F); /// ment to give me the Kth largest number

If speed isn't an issue you can take this approach (pseudocode):
for i in [0,k):
for j in [0,n):
if item<current and item>max:
current will then contain the kth largest item, where an item is a pair of value and index.
The idea is simple. To find the first largest item, you just find the largest item. To find the second largest item, you find the largest item that isn't greater than your first largest item. To find the third largest item, you find the largest item that isn't greater than your second largest item. etc.
The only trick here is that since there can be duplicates, the items need to include both a value and an index to make them unique.
Here is how it might be implemented in C:
void loop()
int array[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int n = 10;
int k = 6; //// just for testing putting the value as a constant
int c = n; // start with current index being past the end of the array
// to indicate that there is no current index.
for (int x = 1; x<=k; x++) {
int m = -1; // start with the max index being before the beginning of
// the array to indicate there is no max index
for (int p=0; p<n; p++) {
int ap = array[p];
// if this item is less than current
if (c==n || ap<array[c] || (ap==array[c] && p<c)) {
// if this item is greater than max
if (m<0 || ap>array[m] || (ap==array[m] && p>m)) {
// make this item be the new max
m = p;
// update current to be the max
c = m;
Serial.println(array[c]); /// ment to give me the Kth largest number
In the C version, I just keep track of the current and max indices, since I can always get the current and max values by looking in the array.


Rebuild an array of integers after summing the digits of each element

We have an strictly increasing array of length n ( 1 < n < 500) . We sum the digits of each element to create a new array with each elements values is in range 1 to 500.The task is to rebuild the old array from the new one. since there might be more than one answer, we want the answers with the minimum value of the last element.
3 11 23 37 45 123 =>3 2 5 10 9 6
now from the second array, we can rebuild the original array in many different ways for instance:
12 20 23 37 54 60
from all the possible combinations, we need the one we minimum last element.
My Thoughts so far:
The brute force way is to find all possible permutations to create each number and then create all combinations possible of all numbers of the second array and find the combination with minimum last element. It is obvious that this is not a good choice.
Using this algorithm(with exponential time!) we can create all possible permutations of digits that sum to a number in the second arrays. Note that we know the original elements were less than 500 so we can limit the death of search of the algorithm.
One way I thought of that might find the answer faster is to:
start from the last element in the new arrays and find all possible
numbers that their digit sum resulted this element.
Then try to use the smallest amount in the last step for this element.
Now try to do the same with the second to last element. If the
minimum permutation value found for the second to last element is bigger
than the one found for the last element, backtrack to the last
element and try a larger permutation.
Do this until you get to the first element.
I think this is a greed solution but I'm not very sure about the time complexity. Also I want to know is there a better solution for this problem? like using dp?
For simplicity, let's have our sequence 1-based and the input sequence is called x.
We will also use an utility function, which returns the sum of the digits of a given number:
int sum(int x) {
int result = 0;
while (x > 0) {
result += x % 10;
x /= 10;
return result;
Let's assume that we are at index idx and try to set there some number called value (given that the sum of digits of value is x[idx]). If we do so, then what could we say about the previous number in the sequence? It should be strictly less than value.
So we already have a state for a potential dp approach - [idx, value], where idx is the index where we are currently at and value denotes the value we are trying to set on this index.
If the dp table holds boolean values, we will know we have found an answer if we have found a suitable number for the first number in the sequence. Therefore, if there is a path starting from the last row in the dp table and ends at row 0 then we'll know we have found an answer and we could then simply restore it.
Our recurrence function will be something like this:
f(idx, value) = OR {dp[idx - 1][value'], where sumOfDigits(value) = x[idx] and value' < value}
f(0, *) = true
Also, in order to restore the answer, we need to track the path. Once we set any dp[idx][value] cell to be true, then we can safe the value' to which we would like to jump in the previous table row.
Now let's code that one. I hope the code is self-explanatory:
boolean[][] dp = new boolean[n + 1][501];
int[][] prev = new int[n + 1][501];
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++) {
dp[0][i] = true;
for (int idx = 1; idx <= n; idx++) {
for (int value = 1; value <= 500; value++) {
if (sum(value) == x[idx]) {
for (int smaller = 0; smaller < value; smaller++) {
dp[idx][value] |= dp[idx - 1][smaller];
if (dp[idx][value]) {
prev[idx][value] = smaller;
The prev table only keeps information about which is the smallest value', which we can use as previous to our idx in the resulting sequence.
Now, in order to restore the sequence, we can start from the last element. We would like it to be minimal, so we can find the first one that has dp[n][value] = true. Once we have such element, we then use the prev table to track down the values up to the first one:
int[] result = new int[n];
int idx = n - 1;
for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++) {
if (dp[n][i]) {
int row = n, col = i;
while (row > 0) {
result[idx--] = col;
col = prev[row][col];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out.print(' ');
If we apply this on an input sequence:
3 2 5 10 9 6
we get
3 11 14 19 27 33
The time complexity is O(n * m * m), where n is the number of elements we have and m is the maximum possible value that an element could hold.
The space complexity is O(n * m) as this is dominated by the size of the dp and prev tables.
We can use a greedy algorithm: proceed through the array in order, setting each element to the least value that is greater than the previous element and has digits with the appropriate sum. (We can just iterate over the possible values and check the sums of their digits.) There's no need to consider any greater value than that, because increasing a given element will never make it possible to decrease a later element. So we don't need dynamic programming here.
We can calculate the sum of the digits of an integer m in O(log m) time, so the whole solution takes O(b log b) time, where b is the upper bound (500 in your example).

Max score to reach end of array with step length

Assume an array and we start from element at index 0. We want to go from 0 index to last index of the array by taking steps of at max length K.
For example, suppose an array is [10,2,-10,5,20] and K is 2, which means maximum step length is 2 (We can assume K is always possible and less than length of array).
Now as we start from index 0, our score currently is 10 and then we can either go to 2 or can go to -10. Suppose we go to 2 from here so total score becomes 10+2=12. Now from 2 we can go to -10 or 5 so you go to 5 making score 12+5=17. From here you directly go to last index as you have no way other than that, hence total score is 17+20=37.
For given array of length N and an integer K we need to find maximum score we can get.
I thought of a solution, to divide it into sub problems by deciding weather to go at index i or not and recursively call the remaining array. But I sense some dynamic programming out of this problem.
How can this be solved for given array of size N and integer K.
Constraint : 1<=N<=100000 and 1<=K<=N
Came up with a O(n*k) solution.
Main function call would be findMax(A,N,K,0).
MAX = new Array();
MAX[i] = null. For 0<=i<N
null denoting the particular element has not been filled.
procedure findMax(A,N,K,i)
if (MAX[i]!=null)
return MAX[i];
else if (i==N-1)
for (j=2; j<=K&&(i+j)<N; ++j)
if (A[i]+findMax(A,N,K,i+j)>MAX[i])
return MAX[i];
The problem has optimal sub-structure property. To calculate optimal solution, all sub-problems need to be computed. So at a quick glance, I guess the time complexity wont go below O(n*k).
This can be solved in O(n) time and memory
basically: go from back from i = n-1 to 0 and you have to know somehow what is the best index from i+1 up to i+k right? Then best answer for i would be to jump on the best index in range [i+1, i+k]
To get that information you can create some sort of queue (but you need to be able to perform pop from both sides in c++ you can use dequeue).
In that queue you keep two informations: (time, value), where time is the time at which you pushed element and value is best sum you can get if you start from element.
Now when you are in index i: first pop until current time (lest name it t) minus is > k: while( > k) que.pop
Then you can take + array[i] and that is the best value you can get from index i.
Last part to do is updating queue. You create new element e = (t, + array[i]) and take que.back (instead of and perform
while (que.back.value <= e.value) que.pop_back
Then you can push back
and increase t++
This works because, when your new element has better value then elements inserted on the que in the past its better to keep this element instead, because you will be able to use it longer.
Hope it makes sense :)
Try to walk backward this way you can achieve that in O(n*logk).
If the array was on size 1 the the max was that element. Consider you in the i-element - you can take him or one of the next K element -> choose the one that maximize your final result.
Consider the following pseudo code:
Base on #RandomPerfectHashFunction answer with some change
Consider Max as our answer array and tree as AVL Tree( self balancing binary search Tree)
findMaxStartingFromIndex(A,N,K,i, Max, Tree)
if Max[i] != null
return Max[i]
max = Tree.Max // log k - just go down all the way to the right
if (i + k > N) // less then k element to end of array
max = max(max,0) // take the maximum only if he positive
Max[i] = A[i] + max
if (i + k < N)
Tree.remove(Max[i+k]) // remove the element from tree because it is out of the rolling-window of k elements
return Max[i]
In Main:
Init Max array at size N
Init Tree as empty AVL tree
Max[N-1] = A[N-1]
for (i = N-2; i >= 0 ; i--)
findMaxStartingFromIndex(A,N,K,i, Nax, Tree)
When all done look for the max in the first k element of the Max array (no always choosing the first element is the best option)
Adding finding and removing element to binary search tree is log n -> in our case tree will hold only k element -> we achieve O(n*logk) complexity
This can be done in O(n). I'm assuming you're already familiar with the basic DP algorithm, which runs in O(nk). We have dp[i] = value[i] + (max(dp[j]) for i - k < j < i). The k factor in the complexity comes from finding the minimum of the last k values in our DP array, which we can optimize to O(1).
One optimization might be to maintain a binary search tree containing the last k values, which would make an O(n log k) solution. But we can do better by using a double-ended queue instead of a binary search tree.
We maintain a deque containing the candidates for the maximum of the last k elements. Before we push the current dp value into the back of the deque, we pop off the value at the back if it is less than or equal to the current value. Because the current value is both better (or at least as good) than the value in the back and will be in the deque for longer, the value at the back will never be the maximum in the deque and can be discarded. We repeat this until the value at the back is no longer less than or equal to the current value.
We can then pop off the front value if its index is less than the current index minus k.
The way we popped off numbers from the back makes our queue always decreasing, so the maximum value is at the front.
Note that even though the loop popping off the values at the back might run as much as n - 1 times in an iteration of the main loop, the total complexity is still O(n) because each element in the DP array popped off at most once.
this can be solved with dynamic programming. dp[i] means the maximum scores we can collect from nums[0] to nums[i]. Transition is dp[i] = max(dp[i-1], dp[i-2],...,dp[i-k])+nums[i]. Time complexity is O(nk).
A greedy solution. You might find it is easier to understand.
class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[]path= {10,2,-10,5,20};
int maxStep=2;
int max=path[0];
for(int i=0;i<path.length-1;) {
int index=0,temp=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//for each step, choose the step that has max value
for(int j=1;(j<=maxStep)&&(i+j<=path.length-1);j++) {
if(path[i+j]>temp) {
//change the index and the max value
This was asked today in my interview .Two of the answers here posted best approach. Just adding code here for the same.
Time Complexity : O(n) n - number of elements of array
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static int solve(int[] a, int k) {
int ans = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
MaxSlidingWindow maxSlidingWindow = new MaxSlidingWindow(k);
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
ans = maxSlidingWindow.getMax() + a[i];
maxSlidingWindow.add(i, ans);
return ans;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] input = {-9, -11, -10, 5, 20};
System.out.print(Main.solve(input, 2));
// at any point MaxSlidingWindow will have atmost k nodes
// with 'index' and 'val' monotonically decreasing from head to tail
class MaxSlidingWindow {
int k;
Deque<Node> q;
class Node {
int index;
int val;
Node(int index, int val) {
this.index = index;
this.val = val;
MaxSlidingWindow(int k) {
this.k = k;
this.q = new LinkedList<Node>();
public void add(int index, int val) {
if (q.isEmpty()) {
q.addLast(new Node(index, val));
} else {
if (index - q.peekFirst().index + 1 > k) {
q.pollFirst(); // removing head as it is out of range
while (!q.isEmpty() && q.peekLast().val <= val) {
q.pollLast(); // removing values in last less than current
q.addLast(new Node(index, val));
public int getMax() {
if (q.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
return q.peekFirst().val;

find the largest ten numbers in an array in C

I have an array of int (the length of the array can go from 11 to 500) and i need to extract, in another array, the largest ten numbers.
So, my starting code could be this:
arrayNumbers[n]; //array in input with numbers, 11<n<500
int arrayMax[10];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
if(arrayNumbers[i] ....
//here, i need the code to save current int in arrayMax correctly
//at the end of cycle, i want to have in arrayMax, the ten largest numbers (they haven't to be ordered)
What's the best efficient way to do this in C?
Study maxheap. Maintain a heap of size 10 and ignore all spilling elements. If you face a difficulty please ask.
If number of elements are less than 20, find n-10 smallest elements and rest if the numbers are top 10 numbers.
Visualize a heap here
EDIT2: Based on comment from Sleepy head, I searched and found this (I have not tested). You can find kth largest element (10 in this case) in )(n) time. Now in O(n) time, you can find first 10 elements which are greater than or equal to this kth largest number. Final complexity is linear.
Here is a algo which solves in linear time:
Use the selection algorithm, which effectively find the k-th element in a un-sorted array in linear time. You can either use a variant of quick sort or more robust algorithms.
Get the top k using the pivot got in step 1.
This is my idea:
insert first 10 elements of your arrayNum into arrMax.
Sort those 10 elements arrMax[0] = min , arrMax[9] = max.
then check the remaining elements one by one and insert every possible candidate into it's right position as follow (draft):
int k, r, p;
for (int k = 10; k < n; k++)
r = 0;
if (arrMax[r] > arrNum[k]) break; // position to insert new comer
else if (r == 10) break; // don't exceed length of arrMax
else r++; // iteration
if (r != 0) // no need to insert number smaller than all members
for (p=0; p<r-1; p++) arrMax[p]=arrMax[p+1]; // shift arrMax to make space for new comer
arrMax[r-1] = arrNum[k]; // insert new comer at it's position
} // done!
Sort the array and insert Max 10 elements in another array
you can use the "select" algorithm which finds you the i-th largest number (you can put any number you like instead of i) and then iterate over the array and find the numbers that are bigger than i. in your case i=10 of course..
The following example can help you. it arranges the biggest 10 elements of the original array into arrMax assuming you have all positive numbers in the original array arrNum. Based on this you can work for negative numbers also by initializing all elements of the arrMax with possible smallest number.
Anyway, using a heap of 10 elements is a better solution rather than this one.
void main()
int arrNum[500]={1,2,3,21,34,4,5,6,7,87,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20};
int arrMax[10]={0};
int i,cur,j,nn=23,pos;
printf("%d ",arrMax[i]);
When improving efficiency of an algorithm, it is often best (and instructive) to start with a naive implementation and improve it. Since in your question you obviously don't even have that, efficiency is perhaps a moot point.
If you start with the simpler question of how to find the largest integer:
Initialise largest_found to INT_MIN
Iterate the array with :
IF value > largest_found THEN largest_found = value
To get the 10 largest, you perform the same algorithm 10 times, but retaining the last_largest and its index from the previous iteration, modify the largest_found test thus:
IF value > largest_found &&
value <= last_largest_found &&
index != last_largest_index
largest_found = last_largest_found = value
last_largest_index = index
Start with that, then ask yourself (or here) about efficiency.

Calculate all possibilities to get N using values from a given set [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Algorithm to find elements best fitting in a particular amount
(5 answers)
how do you calculate the minimum-coin change for transaction?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
So here is the problem:
Given input = [100 80 66 25 4 2 1], I need to find the best combination to give me 50.
Looking at this, the best would be 25+25 = 50, so I need 2 elements from the array.
Other combinations include 25+4+4+4+4+4+4+1 and 25+4+4+4+4+4+2+2+1.. etc etc
I need to find all the possibilities which gives me the sum on a value I want.
EDIT: As well as the best possibility (one with least number of terms)
Here is what I have done thus far:
First build a new array (simple for loop which cycles through all elements and stores in a new temp array), check for all elements higher than my array (so for input 50, the elements 100,80,66 are higher, so discard them and then my new array is [25 4 2 1]). Then, from this, I need to check combinations.
The first thing I do is a simple if statement checking if any array elements EXACTLY match the number I want. So if I want 50, I check if 50 is in the array, if not, I need to find combinations.
My problem is, I'm not entirely sure how to find every single combination. I have been struggling trying to come up with an algorithm for a while but I always just end up getting stumped.
Any help/tips would be much appreciated.
PS - we can assume the array is always sorted in order from LARGEST to SMALLEST value.
This is the kind of problem that dynamic programming is meant to solve.
Create an array with with indices, 1 to 50. Set each entry to -1. For each element that is in your input array, set that element in the array to 0. Then, for each integer n = 2 to 50, find all possible ways to sum to n. The number of sums required is the minimum of the two addends plus 1. At the end, get the element at index 50.
Edit: Due to a misinterpretation of the question, I first answered with an efficient way to calculate the number of possibilities (instead of the possibilities themself) to get N using values from a given set. That solution can be found at the bottom of this post as a reference for other people, but first I'll give a proper answer to your questions.
Generate all possibilities, count them and give the shortest one
When generating a solution, you consider each element from the input array and ask yourself "should I use this in my solution or not?". Since we don't know the answer until after the calculation, we'll just have to try out both using it and not using it, as can be seen in the recursion step in the code below.
Now, to avoid duplicates and misses, we need to be a bit careful with the parameters for the recursive call. If we use the current element, we should also allow it to be used in the next step, because the element may be used as many times as possible. Therefore, the first parameter in this recursive call is i. However, if we decide to not use the element, we should not allow it to be used in the next step, because that would be a duplicate of the current step. Therefore, the first parameter in this recursive call is i+1.
I added an optional bound (from "branch and bound") to the algorithm, that will stop expanding the current partial solution if it is known that this solution will never be shorter then the shortest solution found so far.
package otherproblems;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class GeneratePossibilities
// Input
private static int n = 50;
// If the input array is sorted ascending, the shortest solution is
// likely to be found somewhere at the end.
// If the input array is sorted descending, the shortest solution is
// likely to be found somewhere in the beginning.
private static int[] input = {100, 80, 66, 25, 4, 2, 1};
// Shortest possibility
private static Deque<Integer> shortest;
// Number of possibilities
private static int numberOfPossibilities;
public static void main(String[] args)
calculate(0, n, new LinkedList<Integer>());
System.out.println("\nAbove you can see all " + numberOfPossibilities +
" possible solutions,\nbut this one's the shortest: " + shortest);
public static void calculate(int i, int left, Deque<Integer> partialSolution)
// If there's nothing left, we reached our target
if (left == 0)
if (shortest == null || partialSolution.size() < shortest.size())
shortest = new LinkedList<Integer>(partialSolution);
// If we overshot our target, by definition we didn't reach it
// Note that this could also be checked before making the
// recursive call, but IMHO this gives a cleaner recursion step.
if (left < 0)
// If there are no values remaining, we didn't reach our target
if (i == input.length)
// Uncomment the next two lines if you don't want to keep generating
// possibilities when you know it can never be a better solution then
// the one you have now.
// if (shortest != null && partialSolution.size() >= shortest.size())
// return;
// Pick value i. Note that we are allowed to pick it again,
// so the argument to calculate(...) is i, not i+1.
calculate(i, left-input[i], partialSolution);
// Don't pick value i. Note that we are not allowed to pick it after
// all, so the argument to calculate(...) is i+1, not i.
calculate(i+1, left, partialSolution);
Calculate the number of possibilities efficiently
This is a nice example of dynamic programming. What you need to do is figure out how many possibilities there are to form the number x, using value y as the last addition and using only values smaller than or equal to y. This gives you a recursive formula that you can easily translate to a solution using dynamic programming. I'm not quite sure how to write down the mathematics here, but since you weren't interested in them anyway, here's the code to solve your question :)
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Possibilities
public static void main(String[] args)
// Input
int[] input = {100, 80, 66, 25, 4, 2, 1};
int n = 50;
// Prepare input
// Allocate storage space
long[][] m = new long[n+1][input.length];
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++)
// input[j] cannot be the last value used to compose i
if (i < input[j])
m[i][j] = 0;
// If input[j] is the last value used to compose i,
// it must be the only value used in the composition.
else if (i == input[j])
m[i][j] = 1;
// If input[j] is the last value used to compose i,
// we need to know the number of possibilities in which
// i - input[j] can be composed, which is the sum of all
// entries in column m[i-input[j]].
// However, to avoid counting duplicates, we only take
// combinations that are composed of values equal or smaller
// to input[j].
for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++)
m[i][j] += m[i-input[j]][k];
// Nice output of intermediate values:
int digits = 3;
System.out.printf(" %"+digits+"s", "");
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
System.out.printf(" %"+digits+"d", i);
for (int j = 0; j < input.length; j++)
System.out.printf(" %"+digits+"d", input[j]);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
System.out.printf(" %"+digits+"d", m[i][j]);
// Answer:
long answer = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
answer += m[n][i];
System.out.println("\nThe number of possibilities to form "+n+
" using the numbers "+Arrays.toString(input)+" is "+answer);
This is the integer knapsack problem, which is one your most common NP-complete problems out there; if you are into algorithm design/study check those out. To find the best I think you have no choice but to compute them all and keep the smallest one.
For the correct solution there is a recursive algorithm that is pretty simple to put together.
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import java.util.*;
public class Stuff {
private final int target;
private final int[] steps;
public Stuff(int N, int[] steps) { = N;
this.steps = Arrays.copyOf(steps, steps.length);
this.memoize = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(N);
public List<Integer> solve() {
return solveForN(target);
private List<Integer> solveForN(int N) {
if (N == 0) {
return new ArrayList<Integer>();
} else if (N > 0) {
List<Integer> temp, min = null;
for (int i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
temp = solveForN(N - steps[i]);
if (temp != null) {
if (min == null || min.size() > temp.size()) {
min = temp;
return min;
} else {
return null;
It is based off the fact that to "get to N" you to have come from N - steps[0], or N - steps1, ...
Thus you start from your target total N and subtract one of the possible steps, and do it again until you are at 0 (return a List to specify that this is a valid path) or below (return null so that you cannot return an invalid path).
The complexity of this correct solution is exponential! Which is REALLY bad! Something like O(k^M) where M is the size of the steps array and k a constant.
To get a solution to this problem in less time than that you will have to use a heuristic (approximation) and you will always have a certain probability to have the wrong answer.
You can make your own implementation faster by memorizing the shortest combination seen so far for all targets (so you do not need to recompute recur(N, _, steps) if you already did). This approach is called Dynamic Programming. I will let you do that on your own (very fun stuff and really not that complicated).
Constraints of this solution : You will only find the solution if you guarantee that the input array (steps) is sorted in descending order and that you go through it in that order.
Here is a link to the general Knapsack problem if you also want to look approximation solutions:
You need to solve each sub-problem and store the solution. For example:
1 can only be 1. 2 can be 2 or 1+1. 4 can be 4 or 2+2 or 2+1+1 or 1+1+1+1. So you take each sub-solution and store it, so when you see 25=4+4+4+4+4+4+1, you already know that each 4 can also be represented as one of the 3 combinations.
Then you have to sort the digits and check to avoid duplicate patterns since, for example, (2+2)+(2+2)+(2+2)+(1+1+1+1)+(1+1+1+1)+(1+1+1+1) == (2+1+1)+(2+1+1)+(2+1+1)+(2+1+1)+(2+1+1)+(2+1+1). Six 2's and twelve 1's in both cases.
Does that make sense?
Recursion should be the easiest way to solve this (Assuming you really want to find all the solutions to the problem). The nice thing about this approach is, if you want to just find the shortest solution, you can add a check on the recursion and find just that, saving time and space :)
Assuming an element i of your array is part of the solution, you can solve the subproblem of finding the elements that sums to n-i. If we add an ordering to our solution, for example the numbers in the sum must be from the greater to the smallest, we have a way to find unique solutions.
This is a recursive solution in C#, it should be easy to translate it in java.
public static void RecursiveSum(int n, int index, List<int> lst, List<int> solution)
for (int i = index; i < lst.Count; i++)
if (n == 0)
foreach (int j in solution)
Console.Write(j + " ");
if (n - lst[i] >= 0)
List<int> tmp = new List<int>(solution);
RecursiveSum(n - lst[i], i, lst, tmp);
You call it with
RecursiveSum(N,0,list,new List<int>());
where N is the sum you are looking for, 0 shouldn't be changed, list is your list of allowed numbers, and the last parameter shouldn't be changed either.
The problem you pose is interesting but very complex. I'd approach this by using something like OptaPlanner(formerly Drools Planner). It's difficult to describe a full solution to this problem without spending significant time, but with optaplanner you can also get "closest fit" type answers and can have incremental "moves" that would make solving your problem more efficient. Good luck.
This is a solution in python: Ideone link
# Start of tsum function
def tsum(currentSum,total,input,record,n):
if total == N :
for i in range(0,n):
if record[i]:
print input[i]
i = i+1
for i in range(i,n):
if record[i]:
print input[i]
print ""
for i in range(i,n):
if total+input[i]>sum :
if i>0 and input[i]==input[i-1] and not record[i-1] :
# end of function
# Below portion will be main() in Java
record = []
N = 5
input = [3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
temp = list(set(input))
newlist = input
for i in range(0, len(list(set(input)))):
val = N/temp[i]
for j in range(0, val-input.count(temp[i])):
# above logic was to create a newlist/input i.e [3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
# This new list contains the maximum number of elements <= N
# for e.g appended three 1's as sum of new three 1's + existing two 1's <= N(5) where as
# did not append another 2 as 2+2+2 > N(5) or 3 as 3+3 > N(5)
l = len(input)
for i in range(0,l):
print "all possibilities to get N using values from a given set:"
OUTPUT: for set [3, 2, 2, 1, 1] taking small set and small N for demo purpose. But works well for higher N value as well.
For N = 5
all possibilities to get N using values from a given set:
For N = 3
all possibilities to get N using values from a given set:
Isn't this just a search problem? If so, just search breadth-first.
abstract class Numbers {
abstract int total();
public static Numbers breadthFirst(int[] numbers, int total) {
List<Numbers> stack = new LinkedList<Numbers>();
if (total == 0) { return new Empty(); }
stack.add(new Empty());
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Numbers nums = stack.remove(0);
for (int i : numbers) {
if (i > 0 && total - >= i) {
Numbers more = new SomeNumbers(i, nums);
if ( == total) { return more; }
return null; // No answer.
class Empty extends Numbers {
int total() { return 0; }
public String toString() { return "empty"; }
class SomeNumbers extends Numbers {
final int total;
final Numbers prev;
SomeNumbers(int n, Numbers prev) { = n +;
this.prev = prev;
int total() { return total; }
public String toString() {
if (prev.getClass() == Empty.class) { return "" + total; }
return prev + "," + (total -;
What about using the greedy algorithm n times (n is the number of elements in your array), each time popping the largest element off the list. E.g. (in some random pseudo-code language):
array = [70 30 25 4 2 1]
value = 50
sort(array, descending)
solutions = [] // array of arrays
while length of array is non-zero:
tmpValue = value
thisSolution = []
for each i in array:
while tmpValue >= i:
tmpValue -= i
array.pop_first() // remove the largest entry from the array
If run with the set [70 30 25 4 2 1] and 50, it should give you a solutions array like this:
[[30 4 4 4 4 4]
[30 4 4 4 4 4]
[25 25]
[4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2]
[2 ... ]
[1 ... ]]
Then simply pick the element from the solutions array with the smallest length.
Update: The comment is correct that this does not generate the correct answer in all cases. The reason is that greedy isn't always right. The following recursive algorithm should always work:
array = [70, 30, 25, 4, 3, 1]
def findSmallest(value, array):
minSolution = []
tmpArray = list(array)
while len(tmpArray):
elem = tmpArray.pop(0)
tmpValue = value
cnt = 0
while tmpValue >= elem:
cnt += 1
tmpValue -= elem
subSolution = findSmallest(tmpValue, tmpArray)
if tmpValue == 0 or subSolution:
if not minSolution or len(subSolution) + cnt < len(minSolution):
minSolution = subSolution + [elem] * cnt
return minSolution
print findSmallest(10, array)
print findSmallest(50, array)
print findSmallest(49, array)
print findSmallest(55, array)
[3, 3, 4]
[25, 25]
[3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 30]
[30, 25]
The invariant is that the function returns either the smallest set for the value passed in, or an empty set. It can then be used recursively with all possible values of the previous numbers in the list. Note that this is O(n!) in complexity, so it's going to be slow for large values. Also note that there are numerous optimization potentials here.
I made a small program to help with one solution. Personally, I believe the best would be a deterministic mathematical solution, but right now I lack the caffeine to even think on how to implement it. =)
Instead, I went with a SAR approach. Stop and Reverse is a technique used on stock trading (, and is heavily used to calculate optimal curves with a minimal of inference. The Wikipedia entry for parabolical SAR goes like this:
'The Parabolic SAR is calculated almost independently for each trend
in the price. When the price is in an uptrend, the SAR emerges below
the price and converges upwards towards it. Similarly, on a
downtrend, the SAR emerges above the price and converges
I adapted it to your problem. I start with a random value from your series. Then the code enters a finite number of iterations.
I pick another random value from the series stack.
If the new value plus the stack sum is inferior to the target, then the value is added; if superior, then decreased.
I can go on for as much as I want until I satisfy the condition (stack sum = target), or abort if the cycle can't find a valid solution.
If successful, I record the stack and the number of iterations. Then I redo everything.
An EXTREMELY crude code follows. Please forgive the hastiness. Oh, and It's in C#. =)
Again, It does not guarantee that you'll obtain the optimal path; it's a brute force approach. It can be refined; detect if there's a perfect match for a target hit, for example.
public static class SAR
//I'm considering Optimal as the smallest signature (number of members).
// Once set, all future signatures must be same or smaller.
private static Random _seed = new Random();
private static List<int> _domain = new List<int>() { 100, 80, 66, 24, 4, 2, 1 };
public static void SetDomain(string domain)
_domain = domain.Split(',').ToList<string>().ConvertAll<int>(a => Convert.ToInt32(a));
public static void FindOptimalSAR(int value)
// I'll skip some obvious tests. For example:
// If there is no odd number in domain, then
// it's impossible to find a path to an odd
// value.
//Determining a max path run. If the count goes
// over this, it's useless to continue.
int _maxCycle = 10;
//Determining a maximum number of runs.
int _maxRun = 1000000;
int _run = 0;
int _domainCount = _domain.Count;
List<int> _currentOptimalSig = new List<int>();
List<String> _currentOptimalOps = new List<string>();
List<int> currSig = new List<int>();
List<string> currOps = new List<string>();
int _cycle = 0;
int _cycleTot = 0;
bool _OptimalFound = false;
int _cursor = _seed.Next(_domainCount);
if (_cycleTot < value)
_cycleTot += _domain[_cursor];
// Your situation doesn't allow for negative
// numbers. Otherwise, just enable the two following lines.
// currOps.Add("-");
// _cycleTot -= _domain[_cursor];
if (_cycleTot == value)
_OptimalFound = true;
} while (_cycle < _maxCycle);
if (_OptimalFound)
_maxCycle = _cycle;
_currentOptimalOps = currOps;
_currentOptimalSig = currSig;
Console.Write("Optimal found: ");
for (int i = 0; i < currSig.Count; i++)
} while (_run < _maxRun);
And this is the caller:
String _Domain = "100, 80, 66, 25, 4, 2, 1";
Console.WriteLine("SAR for Domain {" + _Domain + "}");
Console.Write("Input target value: ");
int _parm = (Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()));
} while (true);
This is my result after 100k iterations for a few targets, given a slightly modified series (I switched 25 for 24 for testing purposes):
SAR for Domain {100, 80, 66, 24, 4, 2, 1}
Input target value: 50
Optimal found: +24+24+2.
Input target value: 29
Optimal found: +4+1+24.
Input target value: 75
Optimal found: +2+2+1+66+4.
Optimal found: +4+66+4+1.
Now with your original series:
SAR for Domain {100, 80, 66, 25, 4, 2, 1}
Input target value: 50
Optimal found: +25+25.
Input target value: 75
Optimal found: +25+25+25.
Input target value: 512
Optimal found: +80+80+66+100+1+80+25+80.
Optimal found: +66+100+80+100+100+66.
Input target value: 1024
Optimal found: +100+1+80+80+100+2+100+2+2+2+25+2+100+66+25+66+100+80+25+66.
Optimal found: +4+25+100+80+100+1+80+1+100+4+2+1+100+1+100+100+100+25+100.
Optimal found: +80+80+25+1+100+66+80+80+80+100+25+66+66+4+100+4+1+66.
Optimal found: +1+100+100+100+2+66+25+100+66+100+80+4+100+80+100.
Optimal found: +66+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+66+66+25+1+100.
Optimal found: +100+66+80+66+100+66+80+66+100+100+100+100.
Cons: It is worth mentioning again: This algorithm does not guarantee that you will find the optimal values. It makes a brute-force approximation.
Pros: Fast. 100k iterations may initially seem a lot, but the algorithm starts ignoring long paths after it detects more and more optimized paths, since it lessens the maximum allowed number of cycles.

Starting with a 10x10 array how do I choose 10 random sites

I am trying to write C code to randomly select 10 random sites from a grid of 10x10. The way I am considering going about this is to assign every cell a random number between zero and RAND_MAX and then picking out the 10 smallest/largest values. But I have very little idea about how to actually code something like that :/
I have used pseudo-random number generators before so I can do that part.
Just generate 2 random numbers between 0 and 9 and the select the random element from the array like:
Do that 10 times in a loop. No need to make it more complicated than that.
To simplify slightly, treat the 10x10 array as an equivalent linear array of 100 elements. Now the problem becomes that of picking 10 distinct numbers from a set of 100. To get the first index, just pick a random number in the range 0 to 99.
int hits[10]; /* stow randomly selected indexes here */
hits[0] = random1(100); /* random1(n) returns a random int in range 0..n-1 */
The second number is almost as easy. Choose another number from the 99 remaining possibilities. Random1 returns a number in the continuous range 0..99; you must then map that into the broken range 0..hits[0]-1, hits[0]+1..99.
hits[1] = random1(99);
if (hits[1] == hits[0]) hits[1]++;
Now for the second number the mapping starts to get interesting because it takes a little extra work to ensure the new number is distinct from both existing choices.
hits[2] = random1(98);
if (hits[2] == hits[0]) hits[2]++;
if (hits[2] == hits[1]) hits[2]++;
if (hits[2] == hits[0]) hits[2]++; /* re-check, in case hits[1] == hits[0]+1 */
If you sort the array of hits as you go, you can avoid the need to re-check elements for uniqueness. Putting everything together:
int hits[10];
int i, n;
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
int choice = random1( 100 - n ); /* pick a remaining index at random */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (choice < hits[i]) /* find where it belongs in sorted hits */
choice++; /* and make sure it is distinct *
/* need ++ to preserve uniform random distribution! */
insert1( hits, n, choice, i );
/* insert1(...) inserts choice at i in growing array hits */
You can use hits to fetch elements from your 10x10 array like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// ith random entry in the matrix
arr[rand() % 10][rand() % 10];
Modified this from Peter Raynham's answer - I think the idea in it is right, but his execution is too complex and isn't mapping the ranges correctly:
To simplify slightly, treat the 10x10 array as an equivalent linear array of 100 elements. Now the problem becomes that of picking 10 distinct numbers from a set of 100.
To get the first index, just pick a random number in the range 0 to 99.
int hits[10]; /* stow randomly selected indexes here */
hits[0] = random1(100); /* random1(n) returns a random int in range 0..n-1 */
The second number is almost as easy. Choose another number from the 99 remaining possibilities. Random1 returns a number in the continuous range 0..99; you must then map that into the broken range 0..hits[0]-1, hits[0]+1..99.
hits[1] = random1(99);
if (hits[1] >= hits[0]) hits[1]++;
Note that you must map the complete range of hits[0]..98 to hits[0]+1..99
For another number you must compare to all previous numbers, so for the third number you must do
hits[2] = random1(98);
if (hits[2] >= hits[0]) hits[2]++;
if (hits[2] >= hits[1]) hits[2]++;
You don't need to sort the numbers! Putting everything together:
int hits[10];
int i, n;
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
int choice = random1( 100 - n ); /* pick a remaining index at random */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (choice >= hits[i])
hits[i] = choice;
You can use hits to fetch elements from your 10x10 array like this:
If you want your chosen random cells from grid to be unique - it seems that you really want to construct random permutations. In that case:
Put cell number 0..99 into 1D array
Take some shuffle algorithm and toss that array with it
Read first 10 elements out of shuffled array.
Drawback: Running time of this algorithm increases linearly with increasing number of cells. So it may be better for practical reasons to do as #PaulP.R.O. says ...
There is a subtle bug in hjhill's solution. If you don't sort the elements in your list, then when you scan the list (inner for loop), you need to re-scan whenever you bump the choice index (choice++). This is because you may bump it into a previous entry in the list - for example with random numbers: 90, 89, 89.
The complete code:
int hits[10];
int i, j, n;
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
int choice = random1( 100 - n ); /* pick a remaining index at random */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (choice >= hits[i]) { /* find its place in partitioned range */
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { /* adjusted the index, must ... */
if (choice == hits[j]) { /* ... ensure no collateral damage */
j = 0;
hits[n] = choice;
I know it's getting a little ugly with five levels of nesting. When selecting just a few elements (e.g., 10 of 100) it will have better performance than the sorting solution; when selecting a lot of elements (e.g., 90 of 100), performance will likely be worse than the sorting solution.
