SKProduct localizedDescription in different languages - ios6

I have in app purchase in my app. I am testing a thai language device with a test account that is in the thai store. I have both English and thai in app purchase titles and descriptions.
SKProductsResponse (product details[localizedDescription, localizedTitle] of SKProduct)always returning in English.
What am I doing wrong?
My Test Device setup in the Thailand store with Thai as the language, but product details returning in english, i want to show user in thai format .
how it is possible, i tried so many way but i didn't find any solution till now.

You should create a test user account on iTunes Connect, and set it's iTune Store to Thailand. Then sign out your apple id from your device, but don't sign in with your test user account here. When you start purchasing your product, iTune account dialog will prompt you to sign in your Apple ID. After you sign in with your test account here, you should see the product details in Thai.
You can get more information in detail from here.


Microsoft Graph API to read phone number assigned to Teams user

Is there any MS Graph API to read phone number assigned to Teams user for Direct Routing?
Please go through Get a user. It returns a default set of properties businessPhones, displayName, givenName, id, mobilePhone, officeLocation etc.
Edit :
Please go through Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumber to retrieve telephone numbers from the Business Voice Directory. Similar question was asked in this Where to find the phone number assigned to a MS Teams user?

Multiple language (but same value) count in Laravel

My Goal: To find out which University has the larger amount of user (DISTINCT and COUNT in MySQLi).
I've been developing a survey website for Portugal, England and France.
In the survey some questions answer has predefined answer options.
For example: Gender, Living Country, Graduation Level (undergraduate, graduate, PhD, BBA etc)
But I also have questions where users need to write down the answers.
For example, University Name (where the user studied).
Two users filled the form as follow:
In this case the text "University of Glasgow" in English and the text "Universidade of Glasgow" in Portuguese is difference but it's the same institute.
So, these two institute has one user but the truth is this (as both are originally same University) University has two users.
My Question: How can I get the expected result?
I was planning to use Google translate but I it won't be accurate.
I also thought about to have all the University name in 3 languages but there are more than thousands of University, so it may not be efficient.
The structre I thought for table is,
id, que_en, que_fr, que_pt, university_name
id, university_name, count
You could use localization for the university name. Check the docs here:
Make your users choose from a drop down list based on their locale (language)

USPS IntlRateV2 - country list

I'm using USPS IntlRateV2 API to retrieve shipping rates for international customers.
The problem I'm facing is that USPS requires to fill in a country name (not the 2 characters code for it, but the full name) that causes me troubles getting rates for countries that have no straightforward name, for example: south Korea and there are many of such countries.
Does anyone can come up with a list of all USPS supported countries?
I've tried contacting the USPS but no reply given.
I appreciate any help.
I found a nice snippet to get the list off USPS website:
Credit goes to: taj morton

Possibilities of AngularFire, sum of values entered by users, obtaining sum at main site with angular?

Suppose we want to develop a website. Key features:
home page (access for all) the main element on the page is the
sum of payments
registration and login page - mail address and password, account activation
the payment will be declared by the registered and logged in users through the form and a checkbox, when the checkbox is selected data should be uploaded to the server and saved if "pass verification" for example, do not exceed $ 10, each user in one day can only declare one payment
after possitive verification the sum from "number 1 above" is updated
additional features - user notification: when the last payment hasn't been made for more than six months, or if the total sum exceeds a certain level eg $ 1,000...
Is it possible that the whole solution would be based on angularfire? In particular:
the sum of payments - on main site the information about
the sum avaible for all visitors, so each time somebody visits the website
we will have to send request to Firebase to get all the records and
add the payments to finally show the sum on web site? With Angular we can do that?
Firebase enables queries/limits: e.g. last 20, but to get the whole amount you need to have knowledge of the previous value - in this case, increase in payments and visits will result in sending large amounts of data client side vs firebase - whether and how it can be optimized?
suppose that the activation of user account will require small payment
(paypal/transfer) is it possible to set account active when the
payment is done?

MS Access 2010 database

I am not sure if this the proper forum for my kind of question but since you all guys are programmers perhaps you know a bit of everything. :)
So what I want to do is to create in MS Access a simple contact database (for my clients). BUT I want for each of my contacts (AKA records) to be able to add info assigned to dates (something like subform-record I guess) one info (note) assigned to one date for each record/client
Record 1: Bill Smith.
Date 17/02/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Date 18/05/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Record 2: Spencer Williams.
Date 17/02/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Date 18/05/2012 note: "I got 30$"
Date 19/05/2012 note: "I got 30$"
and so on...
notice that different records will give me info in the same dates sometimes.
In conclusion I wanna make a contact database for my clients but since I am having regular dates with them I want to take notes for each client : "what date" , "how much he gave me".
in case you are new comer in ms access world, I recommended to look at ready to use template. That can be downloaded from Microsoft site. For example : microsoft templates
in this et of template there is contact database
