What is the best way to handle Chinese names in Salesforce? - salesforce

Salesforce separates family and personal names according to western convention.
That is the first name is personal and the last is a family name. This can be changed by changing the salesforce locale (say from the US to China) so that a the first name is the familyname and the last name(s) are personal
So in the vanilla SF John Smith appears as John Smith. If you switch to the Chinese localisation it would appear as Smith John.
Equally in vanilla Lim Keat Song would appear as Keat Song Lim, but would be correct in the chinese localisation as Lim Keat Song.
My problem is that about 30% of my contacts have East Asian names and so neither localisation is entirely satisfactory.
What are the the best ways of resolving this on a standard contact object?
I've asked the question on salesforce and as far as I can see there isn't much on this on google.
I'm asking this because whilst I can solve it - probably along the lines of the SD question - it's probably a known problem and I would like to find the best solution rather than reinventing the wheel.

Just for your idea.
We add two custom fields as Formula on the Contact object.
One custom field called Last Name refer to the Standard Last Name field on the Contact,
the other called First Name refer to the Standard First Name field on the Contact.
Therefore, you don't need to do any data import to these custom fields, but only define how to display your customized Last Name and First Name fields in the Contact display.
And this layout of Last Name and First Name will not change with users' localisation setting.
This may be not a perfect way to solve this, I wish it would help.


How can i match and filter table by user input in data studio

I have a list of objects. In my case, the object is a contract (agreement). The contract has address field as string
I want to make it possible to filter by address. Or rather, the user enters the beginning or part of the address and the table is filtered based on the user input text. The problem is that the user can enter with a capital or small letter or something else, and thus strict equality does not work. I need a matching address with user input.
Data structure:
Input box controller:
This input box controller works only then user put exactly the same address as in data structure, for example Juhkentali tn 32, Tallinn. But my idea is, that user can enter only juhkentali and will see all contract with matched address
Please help me, how I could solve this problem.
I was facing the same issue. So I converted it to lower case using the lower function as commonly all searches are in lower case.
For example -
My data had a patient name column with the following values
So I converted the patient name column to lower case and used it in the input box. And, my visualizations used the original patient name column.
The only restriction with this is that the users have to search only in lower case.
Please let me know if this helps or if you got a better solution.

Field in active directory to store transliterated/original person name?

I wonder if I have a user that has name in non latin character set (eg. Юрий Гагарин).
What is recommendation to store name - as transliterated representation (Jurij Gagarin)?
And is there any field that can store original name?
I've checked list of user attributes (http://www.kouti.com/tables/userattributes.htm) but I haven't found anything that can fit.
You won't find an attribute that was created for exactly that purpose, but there are several single-value string attributes that are often unused. You can just use one of those, as long as no one else in your organization is not using it for something else.
One attribute that is usually unused, but actually kind of makes sense to use for this is adminDisplayName.
Otherwise, you could just create your own attribute. You can add attributes to your schema, but I think that's a bit overkill just for a plain-text attribute.

SQLite Read Column

I have a SQlite Database with an id,name,number.
My problem is that I need a command which gives me the name connected with an AutoComplete function in an editView and in another editView there should stand the correct number related to the name. For example: I have the name rice and the number 50. I want the rice in the first editText and connected to the AutoComplete and the number 50 in another editText.
I am looking up the internet and also some manuals for SQLite for that, but it seems like I am too blind to find the right command. Someone has a suggestion for a tutorial where this is shown or someone has the right command for me to read this information out of my database.
SELECT number FROM table_id_name_number WHERE name = 'rice';

Import CSV to class structure as the user defines

I have a contact manager program and I would like to offer the feature to import csv files. The problem is that different data sources order the fields in different ways. I thought of programming an interface for the user to tell it the field order and how to handle exceptions.
Here is an example line in one of many possible field orders:
"ID#","Name","Rank","Address1","Address2","City","State","Country","Zip","Phone#","Email","Join Date","Sponsor ID","Sponsor Name"
"Z1234","Call, Anson","STU","1234 E. 6578 S.","","Somecity","TX","United States","012345","000-000-0000","someemail#gmail.com","5/24/2010","z12343","Quantum Independence"
Notice that in one data field "Name" there is a comma to separate last name and first name and in another there is not.
My plan is to have a line for each field (ie ID, Name, City etc.) and a statement "import to" and list box with options like: Don't Import, Business>Join Date, First Name, Zip
and the program recognizes those as properties of an object...
I'd also like the user to be able to record preset field orders so they can re-use them for csv files from the same download source.
Then I also need it to check if a record all ready exists (is there a record for Anson Call all ready?) and allow the user to tell it what to do if there is a record (ie mailing address may have changes, so if that field is filled overwrite it, or this mailing address is invalid, leave the current data untouched for this person, overwrite the rest).
While I'm capable of coding this...i'm not very excited about it and I'm wondering if there's a tool or set of tools out there to all ready perform most of this functionality...
I hope this makes sense...
Is there a header row?
usually in CSV files, the first line is the header.
If so you could use the header line to determine the order, just have a list of column names, and only prompt the user if a column name does not match.(this could then be auto added into the predefined list).
even if a header does not exist, its simple enough to add one. The file can be manually edited. Alternatively in your program let the user define it (from your predefined list)
I can't find any tools all ready out there and no one has replied otherwise, so for the sake of leaving a question answered until otherwise notified the answer is: no.

Plain, computer parseable lists of common first names?

I need a list of common first names for people, like "Bill", "Gordon", "Jane", etc. Is there some free list of lots of known names, instead of me having to type them out? Something that I can easily parse with the programme to fill in an array for example?
I'm not worried about:
Knowing if a name is masculine or feminine (or both)
If the dataset has a whole pile of false positives
If there are names that aren't on it, obviously no dataset like this will be complete.
If there are 'duplicates', i.e. I don't care if the dataset lists "Bill" and "William" and "Billy" as different names. I'd rather have more data than less
I don't care about knowing the popularity the name
I know Wikipedia has a list of most popular given names, but that's all in a HTML page and manged up with horrible wiki syntax. Is there a better way to get some sample data like this without having to screen scrape wikipedia?
A CSV from the General Register Office of Scotland with all the forenames registered there in 2007.
Another large set of first names in CSV format and SQL format too (but they didn't say which DB dumped the SQL).
GitHub page with the top 1000 baby names from 1880 to 2009, already parsed into a CSV for you from the Social Security Administration.
CSV of baby names and meanings from a Princeton CS page.
That ought to be enough to get you started, I'd think.
You can easily consume the Wikipedia API (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php) to retrieve the list of pages in specific category, looks like Category:Given names is something you want to start from.
The part of result from this URL looks like this:
<cm pageid="5797824" ns="0" title="Abdou" />
<cm pageid="5797863" ns="0" title="Abdu" />
<cm pageid="859035" ns="0" title="Abdul Aziz" />
<cm pageid="6504818" ns="0" title="Abdul Qadir" />
Look at the API and select appropriate format and query parameters, and check categories.
BTW, The wiki-text from page you linked to contain names in a form that easy to extract using regexp... As well as titles of links in the rendered HTML page have “(name)” attached to the name itself.
Social Security Administration - Beyond the Top 1000 Names Data Files
The above is a comprehensive list of first names in use in the US. The zip files contain national and state-level data by year of birth in CSV format. It includes the number of occurrences (minimum 5) and gender. For example, the national file for 2010 includes 33,838 baby names.
