AngularJS : What's the Angular way to interact with a form? - angularjs

I understand one of the key principals of Angular is:
Thou shalt not reference thy DOM from withinst thou's controllers.
I'm trying to process a credit card payment, which requires the following steps:
User fills out a form, and clicks a submit button
A portion of that form is sent to our servers, which starts a transaction with the payment gateway
The response from our servers updates values in the form, which must then be submitted directly to the payment gateway, via a form POST.
Other stuff happens.
In this scenario, how do I:
Update the data in the form (without referencing the form from the controller)
Get the form to submit?
The form binds to a model on my controller, so I've tried something like the following:
<form action="{{paymentModel.urlFromTheResponse}}">
<input type="hidden" name="accessCode" value="{{paymentModelaccessCodeFromResponse}}" />
<button ng-click="startTransaction(paymentModel)"></button>
// in my success handler
.success(function(data) {
paymentModel.urlFromTheResponse = data.url;
paymentModel.accessCode = data.accessCode;
the theory being here that if I can immediately get the form into the correct state via databinding, I can then do something to submit the form. However, this throws an error:
Digest already in progress
What's the Angular way to support this type of flow? It seems I'm required to interact directly with the DOM, which goes against the nature of controllers.

As others have stated, you shouldn't need to call $scope.$apply() because the form should already be tied to angular by setting ng-model attributes on each of the fields.
However, occasionally it is necessary to call $scope.$apply() to update display when data is pulled in from some other source outside of angular...
In those cases, I've had great luck with this:
// This method will be inherited by all other controllers
// It should be used any time that $scope.$apply() would
// otherwise be used.
$scope.safeApply = function(fn) {
var phase = this.$root.$$phase;
if(phase == '$apply' || phase == '$digest') {
if(fn && (typeof(fn) === 'function')) {
} else {
I place that in my outermost controller, so all other controllers on the page inherit the function from it.. Any time I find I need a call to apply, I instead call $scope.safeApply() which will call apply if there is not already an apply or digest in progress, otherwise, those changes will already be picked up by the currently running apply/digest.
In your code I would change this:
<input type="hidden" name="accessCode" value="{{paymentModelaccessCodeFromResponse}}" />
To this:
<input type="hidden" name="accessCode" ng-model="paymentModel.accessCode" />
I would probably also remove the form action, and instead add something like this in the controller:
$scope.$watch('paymentModel.accessCode', function() {
// Fire off additional form submission here.

The error is generated because your success callback is already "inside Angular", so $scope.apply() will be called automatically for you.
If you use ng-model (instead of value) on your form elements, then you can modify the model/$scope properties in your success callback and the form will automatically update (due to two-way databinding via ng-model). However, instead of trying to submit the form, why not just use the $http or $resource service inside your controller to call the web service? (That's why I asked if the user needed to be involved in my comment.)

Assuming you are using something like $http, you are already inside of the angular scope and should not need to manually call $scope.apply(); as you are inside of the angular execution already.
You should be able to ditch the $scope.apply() and simply have an
.success(function(data) {
paymentModel.urlFromTheResponse = data.url;
paymentModel.accessCode = data.accessCode;
// other stuff


Angularjs form.$dirty

I'm able to find form data is changed or not using $dirty.
ex: I changed text box or drop down and then $dirty become true. If I reverted to old data still it is true. I need to know if my changes are reverted or not. Do we have any property in Angularjs? If property is true I want to enable save button otherwise it should be disable.
I need to implement around 10 pages and each page has 10 text boxes and a couple of drop downs. So I don't want track each control manually in my pages.
You can try using this module:
From the README file:
This Angular.js module adds additional properties and methods to the
ngModel and ngForm controllers, as well as CSS classes to the
underlying form elements to provide end-user with facilities to detect
and indicate changes in form data.
This extra functionality allows you to provide better usability with
forms. For example, you can add decorations to the form elements that
are actually changed. That way, user will see what values has changed
since last edit.
Also, you can reset an entire form or just a single field to it's
initial state (cancel all user edits) with just a single call to the
reset() method or lock new values (preserve new state) just by calling
overloaded $setPristine() method.
DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried it myself and I notice the author overwrites the ngModel directive instead of adding a decorator, which could be dangerous...but at the very least, you can look at the source and get an idea of how to write your own service or directive with similar functionality.
Even though it does not follow the usage of $dirty, but an implementation similar to this might be helpful for you in the case of a Save button on update.
Inside your html:
<form name="testForm" ng-controller="ExampleController" ng-submit=" save()">
<input ng-model="val" ng-change="change()"/>
<button ng-disabled="disableSave">Save</button>
Inside your controller:
.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.disableSave = true; // Keep save button disabled initially
$scope.val = 'Initial'; // Initial value of the variable
var copyVal = $scope.val; // Copy Initial value into a temp variable
$scope.change = function() {
$scope.disableSave = $scope.val === copyVal;
$ = function() {
// Save the updated value (inside $scope.val)
// Re-disable the input box (on successful updation)
copyVal = $scope.val;
$scope.disableSave = true;
Here is a working plunkr for the same.

Fire an event when user moves out of speciifc route in AngularJS

I am using AngularJS 1.3. Assume I have created several routes in my application. But when user hits a specifc route/url & then tries to move to another route/url, I want to fire some event. I do not want to fire this event on every URL change.
So only when user comes out of this url http://localhost:9000/data/55677c/edit, I want to fire one function available in XYZ controller.
Here is my scenario:
I have a page which looks like this:
<div class="well">
<button id='edit-btn' type="button" ng-click='saveContent()'>
<div ng-include="'components/grid/comOne.html'"></div>
components/grid/comOne.html page contains one grid and it has its own controller which takes care of data management of the grid.
This grid is shown in two pages. One in editable mode and one is non-ediatble mode. While user is in editable mode and try to move out of the page without saving the info, I need to fire an event in order to discard ant changes user has made to the grid data.
Please suggest
If the listening controller is a parent controller you could $emit the event.
Or you could have a common service like this:
angular.module('x').factory('CommonLogic', function(){
var pageChangeListeners = [];
return {
listenToPageChange: listenToPageChange
function listenToPageChange(callback){
function pageChanged(){
for(var i = 0; i < pageChangeListeners.length; i++){
then when leaving that url (track that via $routeChangeStart) you can call: commonLogic.pageChanged()
In the controller where you want to take action just:
Obviously this should be improved to avoid duplicate registration of the listener ... etc.
I hope I'm not overcomplicating this. Could you describe your use case in more detail ?
I guess you want to use $routeChangeStart:
$rootScope.$on( "$routeChangeStart", function(event, next, current) {
You can put this in the scope of your current controller which might be edit as your url says.
From the docs:
Broadcasted before a route change. At this point the route services starts resolving all of the dependencies needed for the route change to occur. Typically this involves fetching the view template as well as any dependencies defined in resolve route property. Once all of the dependencies are resolved $routeChangeSuccess is fired.
The route change (and the $location change that triggered it) can be prevented by calling preventDefault method of the event. See $rootScope.Scope for more details about event object.
Target:root scope

How to use $resource in AngularJS properly for building a client app?

I've been following this tutorial I implemented a Grails backend with it instead of the Java one in the tutorial.
I've got the data coming back and forth, with one issue. If I create/update/delete a user, I don't see the changes reflected on my user list when I am redirected back. I have to refresh the page to see the updates.
Looking at the network traffic for an edit, it looks like it does a PUT and fires off the GET before the PUT is complete. Assuming this is because $resource returns a promise so things can be done asynchronously. So how do I handle this so that when $location redirects me, my list is up to date?
I'm guessing the options are to wait for the PUT to complete before redirecting/querying for the list, or to somehow manually manage the $scope.users to match the request?
Or maybe this tutorial is just a bad example? Maybe there is a better way to do it (still using $resource)?
Note: I've seen Restangular out there, and I've seen $http with success callbacks, but I would like to understand the situation above.
One way to overcome this issue would be to not redirect to the list page, till you get a callback, and then do a redirect. You can show some busy indicator till that time. The resource call looks like this.
resource.update(config,data,function() { //gets called on success},
function(error) { //gets called on failure});
In real life scenario waiting for the response of update makes sense as you want to handle the error and success scenarios on the same page.
I don't see your code anywhere so i'm just assuming (based on what you wrote and your current problem)
You are probably doing a full (or partial) get each time you changed a user and (re)binding the result to your scope. Doing this in the callback of the resource should actually start the digest cycle angular does to update modified objects. If you had been doing the fetching outside $resource - for example with custom/jquery ajax you would need to execute $scope.$apply()
What i really don't understand you would need to wait for the callback. You already know you added/modified a user. Instead of 'detaching' that user from your scope, modify it, post it to your rest server, then wait for callback, and reinserting it into the scope - why not modify it directly in the list/array you put on your scope?
var users = Users.get(function () {
$scope.users = users.record; // bind the resulting records to the scope
$scope.updateUser = function (user) {
resource.update(...); //pseudo
Then in your html, you will keep a reference to the currentUser and the div-list will update automaticly.
<div ng-repeat="user in users" ng-click="currentUser=user">{{user.Name}}</div>
<input ng-model="currentUser.Name">
<button ng-click="updateUser(currentUser);">Update</button>
If you don't want to see the update in the list while you type, but only once your callback fires or when you hit the button, would would instead use another ng-model for your input like this:
<input ng-model="tempUser.Name">
And you would then copy the value other in either the updateUser method or in the resource callback like this:
$scope.updateUser = function (user) {
user.Name = $scope.tempUser.Name; // should update automaticly
resource.update(...) // pseudo
Hope it helped!

How do you set the focus to a control in an angular app?

The question stems from an ng-grid interaction, but I've stubbed my toe on it a few other places.
An interaction with the page raises the need for the focus to be on a certain control.
For ng-grid this might be clicking on the filter button in the header. This causes a popup (but not really a modal dialog) input control to appear which then needs the focus, so the user doesn't then have to click a second time to enter the filter text. I'm assuming this should be done in the directive, but how do you get that directive at the point this is happening?
Another interaction might be after an attempted save on a form. Let say there is a validation that can't happen in the client, (multi-user app, race condition to acquire a resource). When the error returns from the promise, I'd like to put the cursor in the field that needs to be changed. )Which field depends on the error response from the server.)
I think what I'm really looking for is the equivalent of an $('#id').focus() that accepts an ng-model and finds the correct control on the page and puts the cursor in that field, but one that could be used at the completion of promise or in reaction to an event. I realize that linkage from model => DOM is problematic (a model could appear many places on the page), but in the case of form input, that probably isn't true, or could be made not-true to facilitate this kind of application response.
I'm a little lost as to where the logic should be and how I could get hold of the object that would contain it.
There's a similar question that has some good answers. I think the second answer comes closest to what you're asking for
How to set focus on input field?
Instead of binding a boolean "should be focused" field, the directive uses events to set focus on the desired element.
There are several advantages to this approach over the $('#id').focus() functionality you were describing. The biggest one is that with the event approach, your controller can be mocked and tested outside the DOM, because the tests can just look for fired events, rather than checking which DOM element has focus.
Here's a really generic example of how you might do it for field validation. Kudos to #blesh for the directive/service implementations
In your form you can add the focus-on directive. Just use a unique event name for each field:
<input type="text" name="name" focus-on="input-name" />
<input type="text" name="email" focus-on="input-email" />
In your controller, after you do field validation, you can call the "focus" service on the using the focus-on="input-{name}" value you specified in your template. Here I just prepend input- to the field name, but you could use any naming convention you like.
app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, focus) {
$scope.validate = function() {
// ...
// Do your field validation
// ...
if (invalidFields.length) {
focus('input-' + invalidFields[0].name);
Then just define your directive and service
app.directive('focusOn', function() {
return function(scope, elem, attr) {
scope.$on('focusOn', function(e, name) {
if(name === attr.focusOn) {
app.factory('focus', function ($rootScope, $timeout) {
return function(name) {
$timeout(function (){
$rootScope.$broadcast('focusOn', name);

Submit form: Assert that the DOM is completely rendered

I’d like to submit a form but add some hidden inputs first. The hidden inputs are added with a ng-repeat. Eventually they will be rendered, but how can I be sure that the DOM is already updated prior to triggering the submit event?
<form ng-submit="addValuesAndSubmit()">
<input type="hidden" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}" ng-repeat="(name, value) in order">
<input type="submit">
$scope.addValuesAndSubmit = function() {
$scope.order = { param1: 1, param2: 2 };
// TODO: wait until form is rendered
// there should be two <input type="hidden"> now
// trigger submit action
As I understand it, a post-linking function for a directive could be used for this. Am I right or am I missing something obvious?
EDIT: The form data needs to be posted to an external website, redirecting the browser to the response. It’s a payment integration where I calculate an HMAC on the server, add it to the form as a hidden element and then post it to the payment provider. The implementation of $ seems not to do that redirect but returns the response instead.
With Angular apps, you often want to submit your model, rather than extract your data from form elements. I.e., use ng-model to specify $scope model object properties, then submit that model object via ng-submit. It would seem to me that you already have access to order in your $scope, since you are trying to get your associated view to use it. So you probably don't need to wait for the view to update -- just use order directly in your addValuesAndSubmit() function.
