I'm on Windows Server 2008 R2.
My script verifies that the files I enter exist and then verifies that the files I want to move don't already exist in recycleBin.dir. There's also a choice to overwrite the file or not; if you choose "yes," the script moves them.
My problem is I need to be able to input multiple files, not just one.
What I've done:
#echo off
set param = "%*"
set corb_path=c:\corbeille.dir
set rep_courant = %cd%
if "%*" == "" goto error
goto path
goto end
cd %corb_path%|| del %corb_path%
if not exist %corb_path%/nul mkdir %corb_path%
cd c:\
if exist %rep_courant%%* goto something
) else (
goto end )
if exist %corb_path%\"%*" goto choice
) else (
goto 1 )
choice /t 10 /d n /c on /cs /m "fichier "(%*)" file exist in corbeille.dir"
if errorlevel 2 goto 2
if errorlevel 1 goto 1
move %* %corb_path%
goto debut
echo the file has beed deleted
goto end
echo "You need to input something"
You want your script to process each file passed in as command line parameters?
From what I see of the bat, you will need to change a few lines. The major issue is with using the %*. This will pull in all the parameters at once and not one at a time. You will want to use %1.
Change Line 6:
if "%1" == "" goto error
Change Line 13:
if exist %rep_courant%%1 goto something
Change Line 17:
if exist %corb_path%\"%1" goto choice
Change Line 21:
choice /t 10 /d n /c on /cs /m "fichier "(%1)" file exist in corbeille.dir"
Change Line 25:
move %1 %corb_path%
The %1 will always have the next item due to the shift command.
There are also some other changes in reagards to strings, quotations, and spaces that I might address later in an updated answer, but the changes above should do what you want.
BTW: Line 2 and 8 are doing nothing useful in the script. They can be removed.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why the below set prompt won't work when it is in the if statement:
#echo off
REM :askdeletecsvs
if exist *.csv (
echo Warning! All files in the scripts folder that have the "CSV" extension will be deleted!
echo Answering "n" will continue the script without deleting the CSVs.
set /p ASKDELETE=Delete CSVs? (y/n):
REM if ( /i %ASKDELETE% equ "y" goto :deletecsvs )
REM if ( /i %ASKDELETE% equ "n" goto :runscripts )
REM goto :askdeletecsvs
When I run the batch file as it is above the cmd window opens and then shuts quickly. If I move the set line outside of the if statement then the prompt shows as expected. (There are csvs in the folder the bat file is running from)
What am I missing?
To start with you had used a closing parenthesis which was prematurely ending your opening If parenthesis.
I'd suggest reversing the thinking:
If Not Exist *.csv GoTo runscripts
Echo Warning!
Echo All files in the scripts folder that have the "CSV" extension will be deleted!
Echo Answering "N" will continue the script without deleting the CSVs.
Choice /M "Delete CSVs"
If ErrorLevel 2 GoTo runscripts
Del /F /Q /A "PathTo\scripts\*.csv"
You can change GoTo :EOF to a relevant valid label as necessary or remove it if you want to continue on to :runscripts. You can also replace PathTo\scripts\ with %~dp0 if the batch file is running from the scripts directory, or remove PathTo\scripts\ if the current directory holds those files. (note that the current directory and batch file path may not necessarily be the same)
Should be straight forward I think, well I thought it was, but having some trouble getting it to work.
Create automated install using various batch commands, files and software installers. In order that the user doesn't have to complete the install, a set it and forget it affair, I want them to choose from 3 options at the start of the process BUT only get applied at the end, so the one of the 3 tasks they chose is done without user input.
It's all done just having problems with the start phase.
User can choose 3 things, copy a file and start the software, don't copy a file and launch a config tool, copy and file and don't run the software (waiting on additional prep).
SET /P "Input=Enter a Number Choice & Press RTN: "
if '%Input%'=='1' set end1=end1
if '%Input%'=='2' set end2=end2
if '%Input%'=='3' set end3=end3
Here is the start menu above, as you can see the number choice 'should' be setting a variable. After this is set, the file runs, installs and does things, then comes to the end where it should run the corresponding action defined by the start menu choice So...
IF exist %end1% GOTO end1
IF exist %end2% GOTO end2
IF exist %end3% GOTO end3
However it never detects anything other than just running the first of the choices by default. Ideally if the client pressed 1,2 or 3 at the beginning, when it comes the end, it goes to the menu option related where the appropriate action is launched;
:end 1 "copies a file" launches software
:end 2 "starts a program"
:end 3 "copies a file in preparation for some other task"
Hope that makes sense. Let me know if you need more info. I have searched but probably not searching for the right thing.
If I try and echo for the presence of end1 and it says it is not defined. I'm guessing maybe error level checks would be better, but struggling with that also.
Thank you...
EXIST checks for the existence of a file or folder. You want DEFINED. http://ss64.com/nt/if.html
I'm not sure if you really need to set 3 different variables though (maybe you've done it this way to reduce the issue to simplest steps). You can restructure it a bit like this:
SET /P "Input=Enter a Number Choice & Press RTN: "
if '%Input%'=='1' set ending=1
if '%Input%'=='2' set ending=2
if '%Input%'=='3' set ending=3
IF %ending% EQU 1 GOTO end1
IF %ending% EQU 2 (GOTO end2) ELSE (GOTO end3)
echo ending 1
echo ending 2
echo ending 3
This code works for me.
OK been fiddling, this works:
SET /P "Input=Enter a Number Choice & Press RTN: "
if '%Input%'=='1' set ending=1
if '%Input%'=='2' set ending=2
if '%Input%'=='3' set ending=3
~things happen~
color 1f
IF %ending% EQU 1 GOTO end1
IF %ending% EQU 2 (GOTO end2) ELSE (GOTO end3)
All three menu options behave!
Assuming that end1, end2, end3 are defined elsewhere in the batch as folder paths, try this:
#echo off
set "mes1=Enter a Number Choice and Press RTN"
choice /c 123 /m "%mes1%" /t 10 /d 1
if %errorlevel% equ 3 (set disk=end3
) else if %errorlevel% equ 2 (set "disk=end2
) else (set disk=end1)
if exist "%disk%" (
if %disk%==%end1% (goto :end_1
) else if %disk%==%end2% (goto :end_2
) else if %disk%==%end3% (goto :end_3)
::some code here
:end_1 rem "copies a file" launches software
:end_2 rem "starts a program"
:end_3 rem "copies a file in preparation for some other task"
If you don't use drive paths, try this:
SET /P "Input=Enter a Number Choice & Press RTN: "
if '%Input%'=='1' (set ending=1
) else if '%Input%'=='2' (set ending=2
) else if '%Input%'=='3' (set ending=3)
if defined ending (GOTO :process%ending%) else (goto :end)
:: put some code here
:process1 rem "copies a file" launches software
:process2 rem "starts a program"
:process3 rem "copies a file in preparation for some other task"
timeout 5 >nul
exit /b
How do I call multiple batch files within a single batch? When I try it always goes to the same one or none at all and closes window.
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
call %userprofile%\desktop\\Menu1.bat
call %userprofile%\desktop\Menu2.bat
There are several issues with provided batch code in question.
The first one is that after processing of the batch file called with command CALL finished, the processing of current batch file continues with the next command respectively line, except the called batch file contains itself the command EXIT without parameter /B as in this case the command processor terminates itself independent on calling hierarchy.
For details about CALL behavior see answers on:
How to call a batch file in the parent folder of current batch file?
In a Windows batch file, can you chain-execute something that is not another batch file?
The second issue is that folder path assigned to environment variable USERPROFILE could contain 1 or more spaces (default on Windows 2000/XP, possible on later Windows versions depending on user name). Therefore always enclose a string referencing USERPROFILE or USERNAME in double quotes.
The third and most difficult to handle issue is that the user of a batch file on prompt with set /P has the freedom to enter anything and not just what the writer of the batch file suggests.
For example
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
results in an exit of batch processing caused by a syntax error if the batch user hits just RETURN or ENTER without entering anything at all and the environment variable choice is not already defined with a useful string because in this case the next line to process by command processor is:
IF ==1 GOTO 1
It is good practice to define the environment variable with a default value before set /P as this value is kept when the batch user just hits RETURN or ENTER.
A batch user has also the freedom on using set /P to enter anything including syntax critical characters like " or < or | or > and others by mistake or intentionally (for breaking batch processing by a syntax error).
Therefore it is in general better for menus in batch files to use the command choice (Microsoft article) because then the batch user can enter only what the writer of the batch file offers. But CHOICE is available only by default for Windows Server 2003 and later Windows. And there are different versions of choice (SS64 article with additional information) with a different set of options. So it depends on which Windows version(s) the batch file is designed for if CHOICE can be used at all.
It is also not good to name an environment variable or a label like a command although possible. Therefore choice is not a good name for an environment variable.
Here is a commented batch file with a code which avoids all those issues.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
title MENU0
echo 1 - Select Menu 1
echo 2 - Select Menu 2
echo 0 - Exit
rem Define 0 as default value in case of user just hits RETURN or ENTER.
set "UsersChoice=0"
set /P "UsersChoice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER: "
rem Has the user really entered just one of the offered characters?
rem There must be nothing to process if the user has entered just 0
rem or 1 or 2. Otherwise the user's choice was either by mistake or
rem intentionally entered wrong. The string entered by the user is
rem referenced with delayed expansion to avoid an exit of batch
rem processing in case of user entered a syntax critical character.
for /F "tokens=1 delims=012" %%I in ("!UsersChoice!") do (
goto MainMenu
rem Now it is safe to reference the variable value without usage of delayed
rem expansion as a syntax error caused by user input can't occur anymore.
rem The entered string does not contain any not expected character. But
rem it is possible that for example 11 was entered by mistake instead
rem of just 1. The entered string should have a length of 1 character.
if not "%UsersChoice:~1,1%" == "" (
goto MainMenu
rem Exit this batch processing on user entered 0. Previous environment is
rem automatically restored by command processor by an implicit endlocal.
if "%UsersChoice%" == "0" exit /B
rem Restore previous environment as the called batch files are most
rem likely written for using standard command environment with delayed
rem expansion not enabled (exclamation mark interpreted different).
rem The current value of local environment variable must be passed
rem to previous environment for usage on GOTO command.
endlocal & goto Menu%UsersChoice%
call "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Menu1.bat"
goto MainMenu
call "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Menu2.bat"
goto MainMenu
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cls /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
exit /?
for /?
goto /?
rem /?
set /?
setlocal /?
title /?
For meaning of & in line endlocal & goto Menu%UsersChoice% see answer on Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file.
I tried your code and what I found was that when the input was 1 both :1 and :2 are executed but when the input is 2 only :2 is executed. To fix this you need to specify the end of :1 using Exit or another goto.
You might see that none the batches are being executed IF you do not put a pause in the end of your script. They would be executed but the result might just flash out of the screen.
Also I do not understand why have you used \\Menu1.batand not \Menu1.bat in
call %userprofile%\desktop\\Menu1.bat
The final working code for me-
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
call yourpathhere\Menu1.bat
GOTO cont
call whatsoever\Menu2.bat
GOTO cont
That should fix your problem.
Hope I helped.
I may not be a pro, but I could help you!
I always add extra code on my games in order to avoid bugs, like this:
set /p letter=
if %letter% == 1 goto nocheck1
if %letter% == 2 goto nocheck2
if %letter% == 3 exit
if %letter% == 1 goto saves
if %letter% == 2 goto howtoplay
Maybe it could work on your problem!
I might have the code to do it:
#echo off
echo 1. Open Batch 1
echo 2. Open Batch 2
set /p test=Enter number here ----->
if %test% == 1 goto check1
if %test% == 2 goto check2
Edit the "Batch file name" text with your location of your batch file.
if %test% == 1 start C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\(batch file name).bat
if %test% == 2 start C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\(batch file name).bat
If there's still any errors with my code, let me know.
Hope this helps your problem!
Use cd to go to the location of batch file. For example:
rem myscript
echo calling batch file
cd demo\desktop\script
echo done
After the execution of that batch, control will return to the next line of your script.
Use "Start" instead of "Call" like so,
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press ENTER:
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
start %userprofile%\desktop\\Menu1.bat
start %userprofile%\desktop\Menu2.bat
Try This:
#echo off
title MENU0
Echo 1 - Select Menu 1
Echo 2 - Select Menu 2
Echo 0 - Exit
SET /P choice=Type the number or letter of task you want, then press
IF %choice%==1 GOTO 1
IF %choice%==2 GOTO 2
IF %choice%==0 EXIT
cd users
cd %userprofile%
cd desktop
:: call Menu1.bat or use: start Menu1.bat
:: exit
cd users
cd %userprofile%
cd desktop
:: call Menu2.bat or use: start Menu2.bat
:: exit
start "" C:\location\of\file\file.bat
This opens a new window, and as long as you have more commands to follow, the previous file that is calling the new one will still run along with this one.
I am writing a batch script that will loop through each line of a text file, (each line containing a filename) check if the file exists and then runs the file and moves it.
Here is my batch script:
REM Loop through each line of input.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i IN (./ready/input.txt) DO (
ECHO Check %%i exists, set error flag if it doesnt
if not exist .\ready\%%i set errorlevel=2
echo return code is %errorlevel%
ECHO Run %%i if it exists
if errorlevel 0 call .\ready\%%i
ECHO Move %%i to archive if no error occured
if errorlevel 0 copy .\ready\%%i .\archive\%mydate%_%mytime%_%%j_%%k_%%i
ECHO Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 >>output.txt %%i, %%j, %%k
Here is the output:
I do not understand why the "if errorlevel" is not working as expected... if the file does not exist (as in this example where it does not exist) it should NOT try to run the file, it should NOT copy the file, and it should echo a 2 not a 0
Edit 1: I was reading another SO Post regarding "delayed environment variable expansion" I am not sure if this issue is related
ERRORLEVEL and %ERRORLEVEL% are two different variables. That means your code with echo return code is %errorlevel% and if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 >>output.txt %%i, %%j, %%k is probably wrong.
ERRORLEVEL is builtin and used to fetch the result of the last command. You can use it like:
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO error level is 1 or more
ERRORLEVEL cannot be set, just like bash does not let you set ?= ...
%ERRORLEVEL% is an environmental variable. If %ERRORLEVEL% is set, then its used in your script when you use %ERRORLEVEL%. If %ERRORLEVEL% is not set AND if command extensions are enabled, then it falls back to ERRORLEVEL. ERRORLEVEL does not update %ERRORLEVEL%.
Raymond Chen has a good blog entry on it: ERRORLEVEL is not %ERRORLEVEL%. Some of the content in this answer was shamelessly lifted from it.
DEL output.txt 2>nul
REM Loop through each line of input.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i IN (.\ready\input.txt) DO (
ECHO Check %%i exists, set error flag if it doesnt
if exist .\ready\%%i (set "errorflag=") ELSE (set errorflag=2)
CALL echo return code is %%errorflag%%
ECHO Run %%i if it exists
if NOT DEFINED errorflag (
call .\ready\%%i
ECHO Move %%i to archive if no error occured
if errorlevel 1 (SET errorflag=3) ELSE (ECHO copy .\ready\%%i .\archive\%mydate%_%mytime%_%%j_%%k_%%i)
ECHO Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
if DEFINED errorflag >>output.txt ECHO %%i, %%j, %%k
Here's a rewritten procedure.
Note: output.txt is deleted at the start, else the >> would append to any existing file. 2>nul suppresses error messages if the delete fails (eg. file not exist)
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements), the ENTIRE block is parsed and THEN executed. Any %var% within the block will be replaced by that variable's value AT THE TIME THE BLOCK IS PARSED - before the block is executed.
Hence, IF (something) else (somethingelse) will be executed using the values of %variables% at the time the IF is encountered.
Two common ways to overcome this are 1) to use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion and use !var! in place of %var% to access the chnaged value of var or 2) to call a subroutine to perform further processing using the changed values.
Note therefore the use of CALL ECHO %%var%% which displays the changed value of var. CALL ECHO %%errorlevel%% displays, but sadly then RESETS errorlevel.
IF DEFINED var is true if var is CURRENTLY defined.
ERRORLEVEL is a special varable name. It is set by the system, but if set by the user, the user-assigned value overrides the system value.
IF ERRORLEVEL n is TRUE if errorlevel is n OR GREATER THAN n. IF ERRORLEVEL 0 is therefore always true.
The syntax SET "var=value" (where value may be empty) is used to ensure that any stray spaces at the end of a line are NOT included in the value assigned.
The required commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO COPY to COPY to actually copy the files.
I used the following input.txt:
seterr1.bat, J1, K1
seterr0.bat,J3 K3
seterr5.bat, J4, K4
notexist.bat, J5, K5
With existing files seterr*.bat which contain
EXIT /b 1
(where the 1 in the last line determines the errorlevel returned)
and received the resultant output:
Check seterr1.bat exists, set error flag if it doesnt
return code is
Run seterr1.bat if it exists
Move seterr1.bat to archive if no error occured
Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
Check seterr5.bat exists, set error flag if it doesnt
return code is
Run seterr5.bat if it exists
Move seterr5.bat to archive if no error occured
Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
Check seterr0.bat exists, set error flag if it doesnt
return code is
Run seterr0.bat if it exists
Move seterr0.bat to archive if no error occured
copy .\ready\seterr0.bat .\archive\__J3_K3_seterr0.bat
Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
Check seterr5.bat exists, set error flag if it doesnt
return code is
Run seterr5.bat if it exists
Move seterr5.bat to archive if no error occured
Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
Check notexist.bat exists, set error flag if it doesnt
return code is 2
Run notexist.bat if it exists
Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occured
Note that the COPY is merely ECHOed as I mentioned earlier.
and output.txt
seterr1.bat, J1, K1
seterr5.bat, J2, K2
seterr5.bat, J4, K4
notexist.bat, J5, K5
Use something like the following subroutine:
ECHO #exit /b %1 >ret.cmd
CALL ret.cmd
GOTO :eof
Then use it like this:
CALL somethingThatFails
SET retcode=!errorlevel!
CALL somethingThatPasses : don't care about the errorlevel here
CALL :return !retcode!
CALL :eof
So, the whole thing would looke something like:
CALL :Attempt
IF !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (ECHO Attempt Failed) ELSE (ECHO Attempt succeeded!)
GOTO :eof
CALL somethingThatFails
SET retcode=!errorlevel!
CALL somethingThatPasses : don't care about the errorlevel here
CALL :return %retcode%
CALL :eof
ECHO #exit /b %1 >return.cmd
CALL ret.bat
GOTO :eof
DIR some command that fails >nul 2>&1
DIR >nul 2>&1
The one side effect of this is a file laying around called ret.cmd. I usually use an :end subroutine that does cleanup and would delete it.
There is an easy way to set the %errorlevel% with a trick I learned several years ago:
:: force errorlevel to 1
echo %errorlevel%
:: force errorlevel to 0
#(call )
echo %errorlevel%
The space after call is necessary to set the %errorlevel% to 0.
Update: After researching this, I found a reference here.
For posterity, when specifically setting it to 0, I like
ver >nul
ver.exe always returns 0.
This is designed to execute the %%i item only if it exists and follow through with checking for errors and move or log. if the %%i item doesn't exist then it will do nothing.
REM Loop through each line of input.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i IN (.\ready\input.txt) DO (
ECHO Check %%i exists, execute it if it does
if exist .\ready\%%i (
call .\ready\%%i
ECHO Move %%i to archive if no error occured
if not errorlevel 1 (
copy .\ready\%%i .\archive\%mydate%_%mytime%_%%j_%%k_%%i
) else (
ECHO Copy line of text to the new output.txt file if an error occurred
>>output.txt %%i, %%j, %%k
for me, simple use of cmd /c exit 2 worked to set the errorlevel and use it locally in a batch file and even after it ended to ask for the errorlevel outside:
set errorlevel=2
cmd /c exit %errorlevel%
if errorlevel 3 echo 3
if errorlevel 2 echo 2
if errorlevel 1 echo 1
if errorlevel 1 echo 0
>if errorlevel 2 echo 2
So, how I have it done right now, is that it that it calls another bat file to update it, and then that batch file updates, and sets %ERRORLEVEL% to 1. At the start of the original program, it checks if errorlevel is 1, if yes, it goes to the main menu, but right now, it doesn't call the update file, it just goes to the menu. This is my code
Main program
IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto begin
call updater.bat
echo MENU
set=errorlevel 1
wget (updatelink here)
call mainprogram.bat
Right now, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, which leads me to believe that some command is somehow increasing the errorlevel, but the only code before the errorlevel check is
#echo off
color 0f
set currentver=v0.5.6
(check code)IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto begin
Here is what I have right now.
Don't play around with errorlevel. It's an internal variable. At the start of a batch, errorlevel will be 0 because all you've done is set a local variable. This will almost always ( never say never ) succeed. Also, if errorlevel is 1, and I'm reading this correctly you also seem to have an infinite loop? From what I understand of what you've said your batches are like this:
#echo off
color 0f
set currentver=v0.5.6
IF %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto begin
call updater.bat
echo MENU
set=errorlevel 1
wget (updatelink here)
call mainprogram.bat
As errorlevel get's overwritten each time you do anything you're asking for trouble. Change %errorlevel% to %error% and it should solve your problems. As it's a local environment variable it should also be passed between batch files. Just be careful not to use error elsewhere.
Here is a solution using Dropbox Public Folders and no wget. It uses PowerShell that in on Win7+ machines.
Update the below https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12345678/ url with your own.
It auto creates a .conf file for configuration.
Set __deploy_mode to 1 for the file on dropbox so the version file can be updated but the script not accidentally executed.
SET time_start=%time%
SET time_choice_wait=20
SET script_ver=1.00
SET script_name=%~n0
SET server_url=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12345678/
SET script_name_bat=%~dp0%script_name%.bat
SET script_name_cfg=%~dp0%script_name%.conf
SET script_name_latest_ver=%~dp0%script_name%.latest.ver
ECHO %script_name% v%script_ver%
ECHO %script_ver% > %script_name%.current.ver
FOR /f "delims=" %%x IN (%script_name%.conf) DO (SET "%%x")
IF %__deploy_mode% EQU 1 GOTO :EOF
IF %auto_update_compare% EQU 1 CALL :SCRIPT_COMPARE_VER
REM =======================================
REM TODO Add main content
ECHO Waiting for content...
REM =======================================
ECHO Creating new %script_name%.conf file...
ECHO __deploy_mode=0 > "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO repository_base_url=%server_url% >> "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO auto_update_compare=1 >> "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO auto_update_download=1 >> "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO Update %script_name%.conf as needed, then save and close to continue.
ECHO Waiting for notepad to close...
NOTEPAD "%script_name_cfg%"
ECHO Please wait while script versions are compared...
Powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%server_url%%script_name%.current.ver', '%script_name_latest_ver%') }"
IF NOT EXIST "%script_name_latest_ver%" GOTO END
SET /p script_latest_ver= < "%script_name_latest_ver%"
IF %script_ver% EQU %script_latest_ver% CALL :SCRIPT_COMPARE_VER_SAME
IF %script_ver% NEQ %script_latest_ver% CALL :SCRIPT_COMPARE_VER_DIFF
ECHO Versions are both %script_name% v%script_ver%
ECHO Current Version:%script_ver% ^| Server Version:%script_latest_ver%
IF %auto_update_download% EQU 1 GOTO SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT
ECHO Would you like to download the latest %script_name% v%script_latest_ver%?
ECHO Defaulting to N in %time_choice_wait% seconds...
CHOICE /C YN /T %time_choice_wait% /D N
ECHO Please wait while script downloads...
Powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%server_url%%script_name%.bat', '%script_name_bat%') }"
ECHO Script Updated to v%script_latest_ver%^^!
REM User must exit script. Current batch is stale.
SET time_end=%time%
ECHO Script started:%time_start%
ECHO Script ended :%time_end%
ECHO Please close this window
You can do that through these steps:
1.put two files in server,a config file, a higher version bat file which need to update; set last version num. in config file.
2.client bat should be checked update at every startup time. you can read the news version in server config file, then compared to local bat file version. if not equal, so do update, else other wise.
Do you have any problems?