Embedding Image Editor in ADF page - oracle-adf

My requirement is that I shall be able to render an image in ADF page as well as can scale the rendered image, edit it, rotate in as necessary.
Does ORACLE ADF gives me out of the box support for that.
Note: I want to use something like this for image editing

There is nothing like that in ADF.
You'll have to write your own component using a lot of Javascript to handle all that functionality.

There is nothing like that in ADF.
BUT you can use one of numerous jQuery plugins to address your needs.


Is there a wysiwyg editor that supports template variables?

I'm a bit diving into a rabbit hole when it comes to implementing a rich text editor. Currently using react-quill, but want to implement a concept of template variables and/or allowing users to choose templates.
I know there is TinyMCE out there, but the self-hosted setup is very unstable and the cloud provided setup is not stable in the country I am residing. :(
I am pretty much looking into implementing something similar to this:
That would replace {{ mustache }} syntaxes with a bit more visual appealing element, that cant be edited but can be deleted.
So the thing I tried so far was using this as an example to insert Embed/blots in the QuillJS text editor. But this doesnt really insert things using mustache syntax, and also when a user chooses a whole template, then the variables are not being highlighted.
Example of a template a user could choose:
Hey {{ receiver.fullname }},
Some message here
How it shoud look like:
The user has the option to edit the template they chose, and after clicking on send. Taking the same template they edited (with the variables) to the next email window.
So my question here is, does anyone have a recommendation on how to accomplish this and which wysiwyg-editor might offer the right solution for this (besides TinyMCE)?
I recommend you to use tiptap framework.
This is an headless wysiwyg that gives you full control on the editor.
They provide a simple extension system which could perfectly match your need.
React Mentions does this very nicely IMO. You can use markup and displayTransform attributes to transform the entry into a tag like structure. Also the data attribute will let you define the available selections.

tinymce wysiwyg editor - text cursor issue, text fields/areas become inactive

I'm working on a couple of features for a project that I created a few months back when I was first learning React. I wanted to add a wysiwyg editor to one of my forms so that a user could have more control with the "about" section of an event page (i.e. embed media and images, html source code editing, font formatting, etc.)
The editor that I'm using is TinyMCE 5.0.
This project is a Rails backend and React frontend. (I'm not using Redux - this project was a way to practice React when I first learning it.)
You can find my last commit here if you would like to see my code
The Problem
I'm able to get the wysiwyg editor rendered. I can also type and format text inside the editor's body. When I click on the code icon or image embed icon (like in the gif below), a new modal appears but when I click into it to type, the text cursor appears and then disappears. So I can't type and it seems that the text area and fields become inactive (for lack of a better term - I'm still somewhat in the beginning of my coding journey.)
I just signed up and TinyMCE gives access to premium plugins as well, so I don't think it's an issue with my account permissions/subscription.
I'm also not receiving anything in the console but if there's any help you can provide, it would be appreciated!
TinyMCE 5 editor - text cursor issue - text areas become inactice
It is highly likely that the library you are using for your modal (that contains TinyMCE) is not allowing focus to go elsewhere. As you have not stated the library you use for your modal I can't tell you anything about how to address this but we know this is an issue with common libraries like Bootstrap:
Whatever you are using should have a similar ability.

Can I use some Jquery Editor's plugin in Silverlight?

As I know there isn't any powerful editor plugin(just RichTextArea control which requires too much work to be done and is really limited) in Silverlight whereas there are a bunch of editors available in Jquery. Can I use them in my Silverlight application? I know there is a webbrowser control. But it won't let me have the contents of the editor's textarea so that I can save it to database. It will just give me the whole Html for the webpage. So this is confusing me because if I directly dump all of the contents the database will keep growing filled with useless html. Can you provide any suggestions?
Thanks in advance :)
Take a look at this free component from VectorLight, Html RichTextArea.

Can we create reports using EXTJS?

I want to know if we can create reports using EXTJS.
Thnx a lot
If you simply mean that you want to format reporting data received from the server into visual charts or graphs (or tabular / grid format) the answer is yes. Look at the Ext.chart package in the documentation. Other than that, you'd have to provide some details on what you're trying to do.
EDIT: I'm still not 100% clear on what you're asking, but if you already have working grids and you want to display the same data in a different format for reporting, this is certainly possible. However, you would not use the grid directly, you would use the underlying Ext.data.Store and bind it to some other component that can output your report. The most obvious solution that comes to mind would be using a View (previously DataView) to bind your existing store to a custom XTemplate that would generate your report view.
No. You can't create reports with EXTJS. There are tools appropriate for reporting. All of them, server side.
Hope it helps.
You can use a CSS with "media='print'" like this:
< link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/print.css" media="print">
This CSS will be used by the browser only when the user are trying to print the page. Then, you can change the entire style of the page to look like a report.
This is a server side job. Here is what I use for generating tabular reports which are based on Grid data: http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/
Also, you can generate a very nice, fully functional Excel spreadsheet from tabular data: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/lib...ffice.10).aspx

Identifying Silverlight at server side

What I have?
I have a web part on which I am displaying a hierarchical diagram picking the information from a List. The diagram is drawn using Silverlight and HTML.
What I want to do?
I want to show Silverlight diagram if Silverlight is installed on the client machine otherwise I want to show HTML diagram.
What problem am I facing?
I want to check if Silverlight is installed or not on the server side and render the appropriate diagram. Basically, I don't want to use JavaScript to identify it and do a unnecessary post back for loading the diagram.
Is it possible to achieve this on the server side?
Thanks for your time!
You could give this a try:
<asp:Silverlight runat="server" ID="SilverlightControl"
Source="~/Control.xap" Windowless="true">
<!-- here go your HTML fallback content -->
Of course, this can be translated to a <OBJECT> element, if you're not using ASP.NET
Strictly speaking, it isn't possible. You have no access to the client side other than through the HTTP cycle and consequently, you need a client side mechanism of returning this information, i.e. something like JavaScript.
What you could do though, is position the diagram with CSS and position the Silverlight over the top (again using CSS) if it's present. To be honest though, this would have as much overhead as the roundtrip would as you'd always be loading the data twice. If you require Silverlight to display the diagram, then simply make it a requirement that the user must install Silverlight to view it - after all, you'd expect them to load Flash if they wanted to view a Flash image.
I am not sure, but I don't think it is possible. There is nothing in the browser string which identifies silverlight support. Anyway, the additional fetch of the silverlight will not typically be very expensive if you are using HTTP 1.1.
