WordPress 3.5 Media Manager: Is there a "good" way to add an additional select option within Create Gallery tab? - backbone.js

By good, I mean using hooks/filters.
Basically, by default the two options are Images and Uploaded to this page. I would like to add an additional option in there. I know how to add a new tab to the media manager (see here), but that doesn't achieve what I need.
I've been looking through the limited documentation on 3.5 and have found the media_view_strings/settings filters, but, based on what I can tell, neither could be used in this case. I've also done quite a bit of digging through the core source, but the number of files relating to the media uploader is daunting to say the least.
I thought about running JS after page load to modify the DOM and just add the extra select option in, but this seems very hackish and I'd like to avoid it if there is a better, more robust solution.
Any thoughts on the best way to approach this would be greatly appreciated!
Note: I didn't post this to the WordPress SE Site since it gets much less traffic and the questions tend to be much less programming-related.

Most of those select-dropdowns are from wp-includes/media-template.php, which has a lot of Underscore templating (<script type="text/html" tags), but few action hooks for php code. With Javascript you can bind the Backbone.js hooks for wp.media events, such as wp.media's open/close events. From such event you could grab that Images/uploaded-to-page selectbox with jQuery('.media-modal-content:visible .attachment-filters'), add item(s) and listeners as needed. I'm pretty sure there should be a much better Backbone.js-style solution, though.

Here is a tutorial by Shiba Shake on this subject ...
How to Expand the WordPress Media Manager Interface
Hope this is helpful to you!


Salesforce JavaScript button in Lightning

We have some buttons on our contact page that via javascript update a handful of hidden fields on the object. We are moving to the lightning UI and I understand these are not supported, but am struggling to decipher the documentation on the best replacement. Can someone help point me in the right direction.
Requirement is to update several fields on the contact that is currently on the screen... nothing more, other than we don't use chatter so nothing with the feed please.
The Winter 17 release included the ability to create Actions based on Lightning Components. This is most likely the way you will want to go to convert your existing JavaScript buttons. I would suggest you check out this new Trailhead that was just released which is specifically about Lightning Alternatives to JavaScript buttons.
I am also working on a course for Pluralsight about Lightning development and this is one of the areas I plan on covering since it is so applicable to a lot of people right now. I am not sure if you realize this but by next year, any JavaScript buttons you have will no longer work (even in classic). It is part of a 3 phased approach that Salesforce is implementing to phase them out for security reasons.
Good luck in your conversion. I wish I could say it will be easy, but at least now it is possible.

How to create a living style guide with your own UI

I have created an website/application using Angular2. The infrastructure is all set, I have routing completed, sass being processed etc.
I have sections (components) on this website that will display current web standards for our designs (buttons, forms, copy). The purpose of this site is to give our developers a copy/paste solution for markup and sass.
We will most likely create our own css library but they will still need a good visual reference of what each class does and a copy/paste solution.
I know how to develop all the standards, what I don't know how to do is have the DOM display options for the user to copy/paste the code. I could manually enter the code into or tags but this will be hard to maintain and not very clean approach. I'd like to find some solution that will utilize my code and create these tags at run time.
Googling this question leads down the road of using living style guide generators, which i don't want to use... why? I like having the functionality of controlling my own layout and scaling my standards as I see fit with our own technology.
Any ideas?
After exploring this even further I ended circling yet again on documentation tools (KSS) where I would need to rebuild my entire style guide for this functionality using markdown and or JDOCs.
Use CodePen, its free to signup however there are some nice to have features for a monthly fee. I easily created my code here using SASS, HTML and CSS libraries. CodePen has a great EMBED feature whereas I could copy/paste html or iframe right to my styleguide.
Problem is now solved, and we have have a dynamic Web & UI Styleguide.
Hope this method helps others in my situation.

Is it possible to use ExtJS components in AngularJS?

I'm really enjoying learning to use AngularJS. Now I'm looking for components I can use with it. I've been looking at Angular-UI components but I'd like to know if it's possible to use the nice, supercharged components in ExtJS. Does anyone have experience with this? Any hints or tips or Angular directive libraries?
The company I work for is making a similar move. We currently rely heavily on an older version (3.x) of ExtJS, and the effort to upgrade to the current (5.0) version is at least equal to the effort required to move to angular.
To answer the question (to the best of my limited knowledge):
They can exist together in the same JS application.
Can you use UI elements of ExtJs with Angular?
You can put angular in control of markup via HTML templates in Ext.
Is this a wise idea?
Probably not.
Why would I consider doing this?
I need absolute control over the markup and don't care about possible page load issues
I need to serialize or de-serialize in some special way that Ext doesn't innately provide
I need to do something special like pub/sub (still totally possible with Ext)
In our case, it is a proof of concept for a few modals. If I am biased, I am biased in the direction of ExtJs (which is a huge statement given my background). The more exposure I have to ExtJS, the more I personally like it. I've used several frameworks in the past like Ember, Backbone, KnockoutJs and AngularJs and they are excellent tools that are reaching a level of maturity that makes them excellent choices. That said, they don't follow the same development model/pattern that ExtJs does, and I don't think a direct compare is fair to either side.
It would be almost like comparing Ext to Node (silly, I know).
If your project requires some special functionality that you don't believe is possible in Ext, you are probably like me and have limited experience with it. If you have a lot of experience with Ext, and want to try what we are trying, I say go for it. The single downfall of Ext is the size of the built package that is delivered. Another small framework isn't going to help that, but it also isn't going to cause more pain.
In the end, for me, I just love JS and expanding my knowledge of how things work now and in the future.
For the post above asking about the lack of traction for Ext: the answer is simple... it's not free, and thus not an option for many of us who aren't writing commercial software that fits well with the license.
In our AngularJS app at work, we have integrated a 3rd party ExtJS app with it, not for its UI components though. We open certain popups of that app based on user input and when the user commits data in the popup, we respond to ExtJs events to refresh our app. AngularJS is flexible enough to integrate with any other Javascript code/libraries as long as the library has public events to respond to. I would recommend going through the Directive and scope documentation on how to effectively create directives and respond to scope events.
Personally I do not feel ExtJS and AngularJS would be needed together, unless you are forced to use it like me. There is http://angular-ui.github.io/ that brings in a lot to the table. Again any given JQuery plugin can be integrated using directives, filters etc in AngularJS. So you may want to investigate into that before trying to bother with ExtJS.
Why do you need AngularJS anyway if you have ExtJS? I agree learning Ext can be somewhat difficult though once you've bitten through it there is nothing better at the moment. The only disadvantage is the heavier footprint but who cares? It's not like it's causing any problems... We use nothing but ExtJS at work and the progress in our apps is amazing. It integrates seamlessly with Spring MVC. We don't need to hack in HTML directly which I consider more of an advantage than a disadvantage: no more writing tags, no more open/close tag issues, you can still use css and Ext handles any browser incompatibilities so what else do you need more?? Angular is just the new kid on the block but in total it can not (yet) compete with ExtJS. It doesn't even com close. Just my 2$.
Sencha is planning to add support in the framework. Please find the link at the bottom for reference:
At SenchaCon in Las Vegas on November 7-9 2016, Sencha will be introducing the ability to use Ext JS components, layouts, and themes within an Angular 2 application, which we are currently calling the Ext JS Bridge to Angular 2 (also known as ‘The Bridge’).

Hybrid page-based / single-page web-app (Angularjs, Ember.js) with progressive enhancement?

I'm wondering if anyone has found a solution to this problem. Is there a way to get the best of both worlds:
build a page-based site, with permanent links, accessibility, SEO, and graceful fallback / progressive enhancement (basically all the best practices of web development)
and, for those with javascript, a responsive front-end experience with ajax loading of content, no page refreshes while navigating the underlying site pages, minimal redundant downloading of scripts/content/css/etc. (all the benefits of a client-side framework like AngularJs or Ember.js)
I see a few major sites are able to manage this (gmail, stackoverflow), and I see that Jeff's new site builds a bare-bones version of the site in a noscript tag.
Is the solution to the hybrid page-based/single-page app to build two versions of the site, send both, and let the client decide which it can show? (is this what gmail does?)
Or is the problem that AngularJS et al. are simply not designed to allow for graceful degradation?
It hurts my DRY brains to think that #1 is the answer.
(The reason I am focusing on AngularJs is that I like its support for html templating, declarative style, and its attempts to fix js scoping. Ember and other frameworks are excellent too; maybe one of them would be a better fit for a hybrid site?)
This questions is a bit of a nuanced one because the answer is "it depends". For example you mentioned Gmail, there isn't any reasons whatsoever that an application like Gmail would need to be indexed for SEO, though depending on what you want or need to support you may want to ensure you can support not having Javascript.
However even the "no-javascript" argument is getting tired and weak these days, at least for the class of "web applications". If I want to use a Windows application I need Windows, if I want to use a javascript powered web application it isn't unreasonable to assume that I'm going to need a browser that isn't crippled to use it.
However back to your question I can only speak to AngularJS because I'm the most familiar with it. For the most part it does allow you to support a progressive enhancement approach, though don't expect to use things like URL routing if this is what you want to support. What you can do is use AngularJS controllers, bindings and directives similar to how you might use jQuery as a way of enhancing the interactions and behaviours of the page.
Just keep in mind this approach will seriously limit what you can do with Angular (or Ember for that matter) and it may start to be debatable what you are getting from this approach that you couldn't easily do with jQuery alone.
The alternative these days is to do what sites like Twitter are doing. That is basically serve fully rendered HTML from the server for any view on the initial load and then use Javascript for subsequent loading and enhanced UI behaviour. This is very effective (though perhaps quite challenging to implement) if you really need to support browsing with and without Javascript and has the added benefit of improve the rendering/load times for the first request. Again "it depends" because it depends a lot on how your site actually works if it is possible to use this. You have to design for it, and it isn't going to be trivial or easy.
For what it's worth we are taking the Year of Moo approach and rendering the pages that need SEO using PhantomJS and sticking the cached initial state of them somewhere to serve them up. We have a rake task we run on deployments to update this. Again this is just the initial state but it helps get around the issue for now.
Things are always changing though and I'm sure I will have changed my mind on this approach in a year or so.
Have you read Google's Making AJAX Applications Crawlable. You can have JavaScript single page app and crawlable content.
If you stick with angular, there is interesting article: Turns out it is possible to have your AngularJS application indexed

Making development with Ext JS fast

Ext JS is a nice framework for web UI, but I found that building and putting stuff together takes a long time and painfully slow.
This might be a general problem when working with JavaScript, but does anybody have any way to speed things up?
What can I use? Better IDE with good JavaScript suppport? GUI designers? Code generators?
I need some way to speed up common things like building grids and forms but yet let me do complex things like creating custom components easily.
I'm using ASP.NET MVC. Coolite seems nice at first, but I feel that I'll be having trouble when creating any custom components later on.
There's always Ext GWT, which lets you use Eclipse tooling (and all of the advantages that gives you, such as refactoring, swift code navigation, etc.) to create your Ext/JavaScript app.
When you download the ExtJs library, you find lot of sample applications for common requirements like Grid panel, forms, form elements etc.
Regarding IDEs, you dont find mature productive tools, but check the below link and wish it could be of help to you
But if you really wish to develop custom components, you need to get through knowledge,start approaching with ExtJs-provided sample apps.
If you want to get faster at anything, practice it until you fully understand how it works and how to make it do what you want. If you are just starting out, why would expect to be able to work as quickly as you do when you are working on something that you are very familiar with?
Things I use to make ExtJS less painful
Chrome, for it's developer tools, or Firefox with Firebug.
snipMate: snippets for Vim, so I can quickly produce boiler plate code for classes.
JSLint as a command line tool. Especially good for detecting rogue commas.
Sencha forums.
ExtJS IRC chat (Server: irc.freenode.net Room: #extjs).
API documentation.
Sencha and Saki's ExtJS examples.
ExtJS is building a designer right know so you can look forward it, the only problem I think is not gonna be free.
you can see a video demo there, in term of release date I think this is due to the first quarter of this year.
I say learn the framework. But to develop apps, I use IntelliJ IDEA, which has partial code completion, etc. It costs money though.
Once you have some practice and understanding of how ExtJS works, you'll get faster at it. By using the examples for reference, and building up my application in small pieces, I've gotten much better (and faster) at developing stuff with ExtJS. A great way to get started is to find an example (or two) that kind of do what you need, and modify (or combine) them to see how they work together.
