Using 3rd Party Javascript in AngularJS Partials? - angularjs

I've making use of AngularJS Partial templates to create a dashboard. There is a listing view and when you click on an item, it switches to an Items-Detail partial.
Inside the Items detail partial, I'd like to show some charts via RGraph. However, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this.
I can't seem to invoke javascript from inside the partial html. So I think I need to do it in the controller, or maybe create a directive?
I'm pretty new to AngularJS so my understanding is still very rudimentary and likely misguided.

AngularJS ("jqlite") doesn't support <script> tags inside partials.
Include jQuery on your page, however, and it should work. Note that jQuery must be included before AngularJS.
See also AngularJS: How to make angular load script inside ng-include?


AngularJS: Execute a JavaScript script after the page has loaded

I have to customize a platform designed in ASPX and AngularJS.
I only have access to the HTML and CSS code, I do not have access to the AngularJS controller.
I want to add a small JavaScript script, but I encounter a problem when I integrate it on the platform.
I cannot detect when the page is loaded.
If I use the javascript (window.onload) or jQuery ($(document).ready) functions, it doesn't work.
Since I don't have access to the AngularJS controller, do I have a way of knowing when the page is loaded?
Thank you

Render partial view in angular JS

Is there any way to create a partial view like .net MVC in angular JS. I'd like to achieve the same partial view functionality in angular JS.
For Ex.
I want to reuse a modal popup in all page so I don't have to write the same code on each page.
you can use ng-include for partials, but if you are going to use this partial inside a ng-repeat its best to use a directive instead.It has better performance.
From this question it is hard to judge what you want to achieve, but from angulars perspective you can always use ng-include to include template fragments.
I'd recommend to either provide a more detailed example - potentially with code example - so that you get better support.
If you want to create something that is a partial in an MVC framework, then I'd say that should be a component/directive in angular.

jQuery code in Angular

I was forced to use jQuery code in Angular to hack a plugin that I need to use; should I put this code in the controller or in a <script> tag in the html (to have code that manipulates DOM close to the DOM)?
Its better you write your own custom directive. Please follow here at
You should keep the view logic separate either to HTML or to directives. Angular recommends this to keep your business logic separate from view logic.

can I use EJS with AngularJS?

Hi I am new to AngularJS. I have great web app already running with JQuery and jQuery UI.
Now I want to completely get rid of JQuery and am going to migrate to Angularjs because of its MVC (MVW) pattern.
So my jQuery application is running with EJS for templates and entirely DOM manipulation. But when I think about Angular js, I have doubts. Can I still use EJS or not?
So please guide me whether I can use or not.
Another doubt is, let's assume I have list page. It is updated dynamically, and it will display 10 records first then based on user scroll, the next 10 records will be appended in the DOM after AJAX. Can we append to the DOM dynamically using Angular?
How do I achieve these kind of things in Angular?
You can use EJS (server or client side) in combination with Angular but there's no need and you'll probably overcomplicate things. AngularJS is very capable for manipulating the DOM by itself in a very separation of concerns kind of way. The most elegant way to work with Angular is to have a RESTful backend and just serve some static html/js files from a webserver.
As for endless scrolling, there are tons of ready to use plugins (modules) to choose from or you can write your own. Basically this will need a view with a ng-repeat directive to display the currently loaded items and a directive that will notify a controller/scope to load more items when the user is scrolling down.
A nice simple article can be found here.
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Yes of course you can use EJS with Angular JS. You might want to have a look at this;
And about your DOM manipulation question. Yes you can append DOM dynamically using Angular JS. Angular JS have a strong feature of two way data binding which dynamically updates its DOM content when a model variable changes.
Have a look at this:

Using AngularJS routing with a single-page web app

I read about angularJS routing. I want to implement it in my web app, but unfortunately I have a rather difficult situation changing to routing now I think. This is how my app works now (and I know it's probably not the way it should, but it does work):
I have one controller for the whole app.
The view is built with some divs, one of which is a menu div. The others are 'partial' views as angularjs calls them I guess. But the problem I see here is that two of my partial views can be shown at the same time (page is built like this, partial view only takes a portion of the page for itself).
So what I am doing is: I click the button on the menu -> one partial view shows up (ng-show), then I can click something on this partial view to get the second partial view opened on the same page (menu and first partial must stay the way they are).
At the moment I include partials within some divs with php include (which is I am sure the wrong way) and the divs have ng-show on them so that nothing is shown on the beginning. Then I manipulate all the clicks in the menu with setting ng-show parameters of all my partials (views). So if one button is clicked I hide all the others (with ng-click and a function inside controller). But this is tedious work and not the angularJS way and that is why I am asking this question here.
Example of my included partial (stripped of all unnecessary css classes etc):
<div ng-show="showNames">
<?php include_once("views/AREA1/names.php") ?>
And names.php has for instance just some few elements with ng-repeat and other angularJS directives… I have many includes like that and they work with just ng-show manipulation very well. But now that I grasped some of the AngularJS concepts I see that I made a mistake…
To sum up: how can I use angularJS routes (with ng-view perhaps?-not necessary) to show views within my web app? (taking into account the situation that I have described above). I just want user to be able to know on what "part of page" he is at any given moment.
EDIT: I went trough this and I reckon I could work it out: I need a structure similar to the one in this example 2.1 Online Demo, but furthermore I need to be able to click something on ng-view which should open another view (first one should stay in place). Any idea how to accomplish this?
By using routing feature in AngularJS, the html content of ng-view will be totally replaced by the new partial. You should not use ng-view for such a purpose like showing multiple partials at the same time.
But you can think about mix the ng-view and ng-include.
Let's say, we click each item on the menu, ng-view changes the sub-partial, you can have ng-include in your sub-partials which we can all it here like sub-sub-partial.
Try reading ng-include
AngularJS has ng-view which would contain the main theme of current context, rest of the UI elements are all managed by ng-include. Routes also work in sync with nv-view.
If your view requirement are complex look at ui-router component that supports various combinations.
