I am usning below code to store the data from the ajax request but it is not lading data on the store so Please let me know what I am doing wrong.
Here is my store class:
Ext.define("Por.store.Notes", {
extend: "Ext.data.Store",
config: {
storeId: 'Notes',
model: "Por.model.Note",
This is my model class:
Ext.define("Por.model.Note", {
extend: "Ext.data.Model",
config: {
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'content_name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'kind', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'company_name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'note', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'attext', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'cid', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'category', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'file_extension', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'mime_image', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'ciid', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'citem_name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'attach', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'cryptic', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'url', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'is_socialsites_share_ok', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'skey', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'lookup_id', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'lookup_kind_name', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'rid', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'content', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'clip_wm', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'vid_wm', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'flash_clip', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'module_num', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'itemtype', type: 'string' }
This is ajax request which I am firing :
url: url,
scope: this,
callback: callbackFn
success: function(response) {
var responseData = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText);
var store = Ext.getStore('Notes');
This is my view:
Ext.define("Por.view.NotesListContainer", {
extend: "Ext.Container",
alias: "widget.noteslistcontainer",
initialize: function () {
var notesTitle = {
xtype: 'panel',
html:'<div style = " text-align:center; padding-top:10px;" >First Data</div>'
var notesData = {
xtype: 'panel',
html:'<div style = " padding-left:15px;">Personalized Content for ARP</div>'
This is my list view:
var notesList = {
xtype: "noteslist",
store: Ext.getStore("Notes"),
listeners: {
itemtap: { fn: this.onNotesListDisclose, scope: this }
this.add([notesTitle,notesData, notesList]);
onNewButtonTap: function () {
this.fireEvent("newNoteCommand", this);
onNotesListDisclose: function(dv, index, item, record) {
this.fireEvent('editNoteCommand', this, record);
config: {
layout: {
type: 'vbox'
Ext.define("Por.view.NotesList", {
extend: "Ext.dataview.List",
alias: "widget.noteslist",
config: {
loadingText: "Loading Notes...",
emptyText: "<div class=\"notes-list-empty-text\">No notes found.</div>",
onItemTap: true,
itemTpl:'<div ><div style="font-size:14px;color: #5090D0;font-weight:bold;">{content_name}</div><div style =
"clear:both;"></div></div><div><p style="font-size:12px;"> <span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;"><b>Type: </b></span> {company_name}
</p></div><div><p style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;border:1px solid red;">Account: </span>
{lookup_kind_name} </p></div></div>'
Here is the json data:
"data": [{
"id": "56636",
"content_name": "Ray Zor interview",
"kind": "0",
"company_name": "The Gillette Company",
"note": "<b>Business Problem<\/b> d\r\n* Inadequate collaboration infrastructure\r\n* 100% year over year growth\r\n* Lost sales due to service issues \r\n\r\n<b>Solution<\/b>\r\n* Apollo suite v7 with Oracle add-in\r\n* AppAccelerator for SQL\r\n* Solution Consulting engagement\r\n\r\n<b>Results<\/b>\r\n* 30% in time to market process\r\n* 25% improvement in customer sat scores\r\n* Better utilization of existing IT staff",
"attext": null,
"cid": null,
"category": "Listen",
"file_extension": "rref",
"mime_image": null,
"ciid": null,
"citem_name": null,
"attach": null,
"cryptic": "48737f98c5172",
"url": null,
"is_socialsites_share_ok": null,
"skey": null,
"lookup_id": "-1",
"lookup_kind_name": "Recorded Audio Reference",
"rid": "56636",
"content": "a wma is loaded to this topic",
"clip_wm": "48738147342c1.wma",
"vid_wm": "",
"flash_clip": "",
"module_num": 0,
"itemtype": "listen"
Either put autoLoad: true in the store
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
// the operation object contains all of the details of the load operation
scope: this
You have not defined proxy and reader for Por.store.Notes. Define these configurations like -
Ext.define("Por.store.Notes", {
extend: "Ext.data.Store",
config: {
storeId: 'Notes',
model: "Por.model.Note",
proxy: {
type: "ajax",
url : url,
reader: {
type: "json",
rootProperty: "data"
How to override model in EXTJS?
For example, if I have a model defined as:
Ext.define('Mypp.model.Class1', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [{
name: 'field1',
type: 'string'
getField1: function() {
return this.data.field1;
setField1: function(field1) {
this.set('field1', field1);
how can I override it and add extra field ```field3``
For example, how to override the following class and add extra field(s)?
Ext.define('Ext.calendar.model.Event', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
mixins: ['Ext.calendar.model.EventBase'],
fields: [{
name: 'title',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'color',
type: 'string'
getColor: function() {
return this.data.color;
getTitle: function() {
return this.data.title;
setColor: function(color) {
this.set('color', color);
setTitle: function(title) {
this.set('title', title);
I tried
I don`t understand why you need this, but anyway:
Ext.define('Mypp.model.Class1', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [{
name: 'field1',
type: 'string'
getField1: function() {
return this.data.field1;
setField1: function(value) {
this.set('field1', value);
Ext.define('overrides.model.Class1', {
override: 'Mypp.model.Class1',
fields: [{
name: 'field1',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'field2',
type: 'string'
getField2: function() {
return this.get('field2');
setField2: function(value) {
this.set('field2', value);
model = new Mypp.model.Class1();
I'm facing some diffculties loading specific data records frome local store into app's views.
The store looks like this:
Ext.define('xyz.store.UserDataStore', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
requires: [ 'xyz.model.user' ],
config: {
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
model: 'xyz.model.user',
storeId: 'myStore',
proxy: { type: 'localstorage', id: 'id' } } });
The model looks like this:
Ext.define('xyz.model.user', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
config: { fields: [ { name: 'token', type: 'string' }, { name: 'title' }, { name: 'login' }, { name: 'facebookId' }, { name: 'firstName', type: 'string' }, { name: 'lastName', type: 'string' }, { name: 'nationality', type: 'string' }, { name: 'birthDay', type: 'string' }, { name: 'phone' }, { name: 'mobile' }, { name: 'street' }, { name: 'city', type: 'string' }, { name: 'zipCode', type: 'int' }, { name: 'willingToTravel' }, { name: 'pictureUrl' }, { name: 'eMail' }, { name: 'publicList' } ] } });
Thank you in advance,
i want to ask you if extjs comboboxes use filtered stores. I have a table with different kind of business(so it has a "type" field). I have a view with multiple comboboxes, and i want that those works with stores that use the same model, but with different filters. So when i put them to work, it doesn't work.
This is one of the filtered stores:
Ext.define('myapp.store.ListaAerolineas', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
requires: [
constructor: function(cfg) {
var me = this;
cfg = cfg || {};
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
model: 'myapp.model.Empresa',
storeId: 'MyJsonPStore',
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
url: 'http://myapp.localhost/empresa/listar/',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'listaempresa'
filters: {
property: 'IdTipo',
value: 5
}, cfg)]);
This is the model:
Ext.define('myapp.model.Empresa', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
idProperty: 'Id',
fields: [
name: 'Id',
type: 'int'
name: 'Nombre',
type: 'string'
name: 'Direccion',
type: 'string'
name: 'Telefono',
type: 'string'
name: 'Contacto',
type: 'string'
name: 'Celular',
type: 'string'
name: 'TipoEmpresa',
type: 'string'
name: 'Estado',
type: 'string'
name: 'FechaCreacion',
type: 'date'
name: 'IdTipo',
type: 'int'
name: 'IdEstado',
type: 'int'
And finally this is my grid column definition for my combobox:
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'Aerolinea',
text: 'Aerolinea',
editor: {
xtype: 'combobox',
id: 'cmbGridListaEmbarquesAerolinea',
store: 'ListaAerolineas'
So, i must do anything? Thank you in advance...
What version of ExtJs are you using? but in general combobox will display only records that are filtered in the store. So, to answer your question - yes, it should work.
My user has many exams.
Ext.define('Tm.model.User', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
config: {
hasMany: { model: 'Tm.model.Exam', name: 'exams' },
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'username', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'email', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'nameFirst', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'nameLast', type: 'string' }
Ext.define('Tm.model.Exam', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
config: {
belongsTo: 'Tm.model.User',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'int', defaultValue: null },
{ name: 'title', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'Exam' }
Calling var exams = user.exams(); gives me: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'exams'
You must require your associated model for the getter to be generated.
So add this to the definition of Tm.model.User:
requires: ['Tm.model.Exam']
I have my model as this:
Ext.define("NotesApp.model.Note", {
extend: "Ext.data.Model",
config: {
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'dateCreated', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'c' },
{ name: 'question', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'answer', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'type', type: 'int'},
{ name: 'author', type: 'int'}
validations: [
{ type: 'presence', field: 'id' },
{ type: 'presence', field: 'dateCreated' },
{ type: 'presence', field: 'question', message: 'Please enter a question for this card.' }
and my server page (qa.php) outputs this:
and this is my code in the store:
Ext.define("NotesApp.store.Online", {
extend: "Ext.data.Store",
config: {
model: 'NotesApp.model.Note',
storeId: 'Online',
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
url: 'http://xxxxxxxx.com/qa.php',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'results'
autoLoad: false,
listeners: {
load: function() {
// Loop through records and fill the offline store
this.each(function(record) {
// Sync the offline store
// Remove data from online store
fields: [
name: 'id'
name: 'dateCreated'
name: 'question'
name: 'answer'
name: 'type'
name: 'author'
But when I called Ext.getStore('Online').load(), the console showed "updating", "updating1", and "updating3" but not any "updating2", ie. no records were found. I wonder where the mistake is? Is there a way to output the jsonstring that's read in?
This is a different scope
listeners: {
load: function() {
// Loop through records and fill the offline store
this.each(function(record) {
// Sync the offline store
// Remove data from online store
this//adds scope
listeners: {
load: function(store,record,options) {
// Loop through records and fill the offline store
store.each(function(record) {
console.log("record"); //wahei records!
// Sync the offline store
// Remove data from online store