How can I create a GUI for a text based program? - c

I'm quite in a basic project for now which is recoding a unix shell in C. It is of course intended to work in a tty which means without a GUI. Though I'd like to add an option to use it with a graphical mode. As it's a text based program, when I launch it with Gnome (using alacarte) it launches itself in a Gnome Terminal. What I want to add is a sort of graphical interface like the Gnome Terminal app. Is there a simple way to put a text based program in a sort of frame with graphical elements in it ? I want to get rid of any other application to launch my shell so when I'm in graphical mode (when not using tty) I want my own frame and not another application that launches it.
Can anyone help me ? =)

You cannot create a GUI using the standard C library. You can make one with an external library though.
With OpenCV, it is possible to make a GUI, and there is a large community behind the project. You can find lots of code examples and tutorials on their website. In addition, you can use OpenCV for lots of other computer vision related things.
You could also use GTK+ to write a GUI for your program. It is very simple, and easy to use for beginners. It's more focused on graphics though, and if you want another functionality required by an external library, you might not be able to use GTK+.


Allegro5 with C - making program

I'm making program using Allegro5, but I'm not familiar with the library yet. I just want to know what is possible with this library.
I have to do 'color correction of image' (contrast, brightness, etc.) and I thought about:
-making buttons (like in normal windows program),
-file loader - I click on the button and I'm allowed to jump through directories on my hard drive and pick image file i want to edit in my program
-opening windows in allegro window (for the preview or something)
I want to use for that as much OOP as I can (i know, it's C). Is it possible to do all of that in C and Allegro5, or i need windows libraries and other stuff as well?
Thanks in advance for your replies. :)
Yes, you can do all of those things, but Allegro 5 is primarily designed for games and not GUI applications. It has support for native menus (5.1 series) and dialogs, but you're on your own regarding buttons, sliders, etc. (There are some third party GUI libraries available, but none of them would look like a native application.)
So if your program is basically a GUI application, then you're probably best off using something like Qt or GTK as your foundation, and only using a graphics library as needed.

Using SDL with Win32 Window

I'm using gcc in Codeblocks for my c programming on Windows Xp.
When learning c I created a basic program that takes a book text file and counts the letter frequency.
A couple of months later when learning SDL basics i thought it would be a good idea to
create a bar graph to display the results of the c program.
I now have 2 working programs BUT with no idea of how to combine them.
Searching the net has produced numerous mentions of a Windows hack that allows SDL
to be displayed inside a Win32 window, but i've been unable to find an actual code routine.
I know at some point I will have to learn Windows programming, but was hoping i could find a short, quick fix meanwhile.
I ended up changing my approach and coded a pure SDL program.

Developing a simple windowed app for Linux

Okay, I'd like to write a simple C app for Linux (say Ubuntu with Gnome) that would do the following:
Open a Window
Draw something in that window using a main loop, e.g. the current loop number. I don't want to use controls, but to draw directly on the window surface
Close the window & the app
I can do that in Windows, but I've no idea how I could do that in Linux.
Unless you want a full-blown GUI (in which case I'd recommend Qt or GTK), then SDL is a very popular and extremely simple free cross-platform library that gives you a drawing surface and some simple IO facilities. It's natively C, but has bindings to a large number of other languages.
There are various "Hello World" examples for X11 programming.
Using GTK+:
Using Qt:
Using wxWidgets:
There are a lot more toolkits: Fox, FLTK, Tk, EFL ...
So far these have all been cross-platform, so let's have a look at X11-specific exampls:
This is using Xlib:,_Xlib)
And this is using Xcb:
If you only want to draw something, why not just use OpenGL and GLUT. The latter provides simple methods to create a window with an OpenGL context.
Setting up a GLUT application is very straighforward and there are lots of tutorials out there , e.g. This tutorial works with visual studio, but it's not hard to translate this to compiling an application on Linux.
Alternatively, you could also work with Qt, which is a more advanced and easy to use GUI toolkit, and which would not necessarily require you to write OpenGL code.
Since you mentioned C, there is Glade if you want to make use of GTK+ for a nice little editor that allows you to draw controls onto a window.
Alternatively if you have access to a C++ compiler you can have a look at Qt which provides similar functionality.
Well, if you're familiar with making gui apps in windows I'm going to take a guess that you've done it with .net or something similar. An easy transition would be to use mono. A cross platform .NET development platform -
There's also has a variety gui toolkits to use:
If you want to draw directly onto the window, have you considered X11?
It's not going to be as nice as working with a toolkit like GTK or Qt, but it's about as low level as you can get in the windowing system.
I don't have any experience with programming straight X11, so I can't recommend any starting material.

What are some choices to port existing Windows GUI app written in C to Linux?

I've been tasked with porting an existing Windows GUI app to Linux. Ideally, I'd like to do this so the same code base can be used to build either the Windows version or the Linux version. I'll be doing my work on Ubuntu 9.04. After searching around, it's unclear to me what tools are best suited to help me with this.
A list of loose requirements would be:
The code is in C, not C++, and should compile to build both Windows and Linux versions. Since it's existing code, and fairly large, converting to a managed language like .NET is out of the question for now.
I would prefer if I can use the same dialogs in both systems. In Windows, putting up a dialog is pretty simple. You build the dialog in the Resource Editor in Visual Studio, then call DialogBox() API, and handle the event messages. I would really like to find something that can do the equivalent on the Linux side.
It would also be nice to have a good IDE similar to Visual Studio.
Any helps or hints would be appreciated.
Winelib should let you compile Win32 code under Linux with only a few modifications.
Since your code base is in C, I'd suggest using GTK+. It's a cross platform GUI toolkit. For instance, Pidgin instant messenger GUI is created with GTK+. Glade user interface designer can be used to graphically design UIs.
If you're on a tight budget, and don't mind taking time to work around a fair number of limitations, Winlib is an option. If you're shorter on time, and have a larger budget, you might want to look into Mainsoft instead. It's not exactly perfect, but I believe it supports a considerably larger part of the Win32 API (at a correspondingly higher price).

GUI for linux c

is it possible to develop a GUI in linux c??
how can be do that??
If you want to develop GUI applications for Linux with pure C you can use GTK+. IF C++ is an option you also have Qt.
There are many graphical toolkits for linux such as GTK, Qt, wxWidgets, and FLTK. They have bindings for many languages such as C and Python. I suggest you google around to see what you like. If you want a RAD you may want to check out things like glade and qt creator.
Yes. Use a GUI toolkit such as GTK+ that uses C, or find a wrapper for one of the various C++ toolkits.
XForms is a graphical user interface toolkit for X based on the X11 Xlib library. I.e., it allows you to create windows, containing all kinds of widgets (buttons, sliders, browsers, menus etc.) with a few lines of code and then attach actions to the widgets, i.e., have some function called when a button is pressed. To make this even easier XForms comes with a program called fdesign that allows you to design a GUI for a program directly on the screen and which then writes out the necessary C code for it.
XForms is written in C and has a C API, i.e., you can use it directly from a C program. It should work with X11 R4, R5, R6 & R7 and under all kinds of operating systems of the UNIX family (including MacOS X) as well as at least OpenVMS, OS/2 und Windows NT 4.0. In addition, the library is extensible and new objects can easily be created and added to the library.
I would recommend FLTK. It may be difficult to write complex interface with it. But FLTK, as its name implies, is very small and fairly fast. What is more important, it is cross-platform, working nicely on the three major OS: linux, windows and mac. In my view, GTK/Qt/wxWidgets are far too heavy. If you statically link to these library, you will end up with a huge executable which eat up the memory; if you dynamically link to them, users have to install the library before hand, which is always troublesome.
EDIT: I just realize that this is a "C" question. Then the best choice should be GTK. If you need graphics but not interface/widgets (e.g. menu, scrollbar and so on), opengl is also nice.
