What does the following for loop syntax mean in C? - c

I came across this syntax, not sure what it means.
for( ; ; )
//do stuff like read from a handle etc.
I am still on my learning curve in C so vote down if you want if it's a lame question.

It's an infinite loop. Same as while(1)
Really the only important thing to look at is that for loops look like for (initialize vars; continue condition; counters) . Since there's no continue condition it just keeps going (unless there's a break or return statement in there somewhere).


for without increment vs while

I'm currently studying computer science in Germany but did work on several C/C++ opensource projects before.
Today we kind of started with C at school and my teacher said it would be a no go to modify a for loop variable inside the loop, which I absolutely agree with. However, I often use a for loop without the last incrementing part and then modify it only inside the loop, which he also did not like.
So basically it comes down to
for(int i=0; i<100;) {
[conditionally modify i]
int i=0;
while(i<100) {
[conditionally modify i]
I know that they are essentially the same after compile, but I don't like using a while loop because:
It's common practice to limit variables to smallest possible scope
It can introduce bugs if you reuse i (which you have to because of larger scope)
You can not use a different type for i in a later loop without using a different name
Are there any style guides/common practices which one to choose ?
If you answer with "I like while/for more" at least provide a reason why you do so.
I did already search for similar questions, however, I could not find any real answer to this case.
Style guides differ between different people / teams.
The C standard describes the syntax of for like this:
for ( clause-1 ; expression-2 ; expression-3 ) statement
and it's common practice to use for as soon as you have a valid use for "clause-1", and the reason to do so is indeed because of the limited scope:
[...] If clause-1 is a
declaration, the scope of any identifiers it declares is the remainder of the declaration and
the entire loop, including the other two expressions; [...]
So, your argumentation is fine, and you could try to convince your teacher. But don't try too hard. After all, questions of style rarely have one definitive answer, and if your teacher insists on his rules, just follow them when coding for that class.
There are some common practices which programmers follow while taking the decision on which loop to use - for or while!
The for loop seems most appropriate when the number of iterations is known in advance. For example -
/*N - size of array*/
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
But, there could be many complex problems where the number of iterations depend upon a certain condition and can't be predicted beforehand, while loop is preferable in those situations.
For example -
while( fgets( buf, MAXBUF, stdin ) != NULL)
However, both for and while loops are entry controlled loops and are interchangeable. Its completely up to the programmer to take the decision on which one to use.
If you are modifying the loop counter inside the body, I would recommend not using a for loop because it is more likely to cause reader's confusion than the while loop.
You can work around the lack of scope limitation with an additional block:
int i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
[conditionally modify i]
for(int i=0; i<100;) {
[conditionally modify i]
Because this looks confusing, not standard way to write for loop. Also, conditionally modify i is dangerous, you don't want to do that. Someone reading your code would have problems understanding how you increment, why, when..etc. You want to keep your code clean and easy to understand.
I would personally never write for loop with conditionally modifying iterator. If you need it, you can use additional counter, or something like that. But you shouldn't control flow with conditioning iterator, some people even avoid break and continue.

Why is for(;;) used?

I have seen code (in C) which contains something similar to:
How would this work, and why is it used in any instance?
It is the idiomatic way to have an infinite loop.
In the C Programming Language book, by Kernighan & Ritchie book it was introduced in section 3.5:
for (;;) {
is an infinite loop, presumably to be broken by other means, such as a break or return.
is an infinite loop something like
This is equivalent to an infinite loop, as many other have explained. However, few of them explained why this executes as an infinite loop.
A for loop can be broken down into three parts:
for(initialization(s); condition(s); looping command(s))
None of these fields are actually required. Without a condition provided, there's nothing to stop the command from running. This is because the for loop looks for a false statement. Without conditions provided, nothing is false, therefore the loop runs indefinitely.
Therefore to cause a for loop to be infinite, all you need is to not provide a condition. This means that this is also a valid infinite loop:
for(int i = 0;; i++)
printf("Iteration: %i\n", i);
For readability, and to make sure that the second semi-colon isn't a typo, some programmers might put a space between them, or put true as the condition.
Honestly, I prefer while(true), as this is a clear infinite loop. Using while(1) works as well, but '1' is an integer, not a boolean. While it is equivalent to true, it does not always mean true.
Between these three types of infinite loops, for(;;) has the fewest characters (7). while(1) comes second at 8 characters, and while(true) at 11.
I suppose that certain programmers prefer a low byte count over a readable program, but I wouldn't recommend using for(;;). While equivalent, I believe that using while(true) is better practice.
A for loop needs three expressions, which are separated by semicolons, and are completely optional:
An initialization (e.g. int i=0)
A condition (e.g. i < 10)
An afterthought (e.g. i++)
In this case, the three expressions are empty, and thus there's no condition that will make the loop stop, thus creating an infinite loop, unless a flow control instruction like break (which will exit the loop) or return is used.
Its an infinite loop. Its equivalent to:
while (true) {
The C# compiler directly translates for (; ;) into the exact same construct as while (true).
Infinite loop
same as
the code for(;;){} or while(true){} or while(1){} all represent infinite loops.
An infinite loop is something to be expected in a software system that is expected to run and "unlimited" amount of time. Every OS has at least one - it's how a background task or idle task is implemented.
Real Time systems use infinite loops as well because the system has to handle events which are asynchronous;
Basically anything that runs software uses infinite loops in one way or another.
I don't know why no one answered why people do this instead of while(true): It's because while(true) will often generate a compilation warning that the condition of the loop is constant.
This kind of infinite loop can be used in microcontroleurs. In your main function, you initialize the basic functions of your microcontroleur, then put a while (1).
void MAIN(void)
The microcontroleur will then do nothing but wait for interrupts of internal or external devices (like a timer overflow, or UART data ready to be read), and react to these interrupts.

for loop, leaving start value blank?

I'm writing a for loop for a variable start whose value has already been calculated elsewhere in the program.
Doing for(start; start<end; start++) gives a warning, and
for(start=start; start<end; start++) seems like an unnecessary assignment.
The other option I can think of would be the following--is this okay, or would you classify it as poor coding style?
for(; start<end; start++){
//do stuff
That's not poor coding style IMHO, but perhaps you want to use a while instead?
while (start < end)
//do stuff
It's just a matter of taste, really.
Leaving any part of the for loop out is OK. Leaving all parts out is OK too - in fact, it's the idiomatic way of expressing an infinite loop as shown in the K&R book.
You should carefully consider your other options though; it is possible that a while or a do / while loop presents a more readable alternative.
Yes, you can do this. However, I would suggest assigning start into a variable like i or something, because now you are changing the value of start as you iterate.
You can write your code as the following for the desired result:
// your code
You get to take advantage of the fact that adding "++" after the variable name increments it after it is checked in the condition statement.

Do Perl loop labels count as a GOTO?

Generally, it is good practice to avoid GOTOs. Keeping that in mind I've been having a debate with a coworker over this topic.
Consider the following code:
while( <> ) {
next Line if (insert logic);
Does using a loop label count as a goto?
Here is what perlsyn in perldoc has to say:
Here's how a C programmer might code up a particular algorithm in Perl:
for (my $i = 0; $i < #ary1; $i++) {
for (my $j = 0; $j < #ary2; $j++) {
if ($ary1[$i] > $ary2[$j]) {
last; # can't go to outer :-(
$ary1[$i] += $ary2[$j];
# this is where that last takes me
Whereas here's how a Perl programmer more comfortable with the idiom might do it:
OUTER: for my $wid (#ary1) {
INNER: for my $jet (#ary2) {
next OUTER if $wid > $jet;
$wid += $jet;
My take on this is no because you are explicitly telling a loop to short circuit and advance however my coworker disagrees, says that it is just a fancy GOTO and should be avoided. I'm looking for either a compelling argument or documentation that explains why this is or is not a GOTO. I'll also accept an explanation for why this is or is not considered good practice in perl.
Dijkstras intent was never that anything resembling goto is to be considered harmful. It was that the structure of code where gotos are used as the main construct for almost any kind of program flow change will result in what we today call spaghetti code.
You should read the original article and keep in mind that it was written in 1968 when labeled jumps was the main flow control constructs in just about all programming languages.
The danger of GOTO labels is that they create spaghetti code and make the logic unreadable. Neither of those will happen in this case. There is a lot of validity in using GOTO statements, much of the defense coming from Donald Knuth [article].
Delving into the differences between your C and Perl example... If you consider what is happening at the assembly level with your C programs, it all compiles down to GOTOs anyway. And if you've done any MIPS or other assembly programming, then you've seen that most of those languages don't have any looping constructs, only conditional and unconditional branches.
In the end it comes down to readability and understandability. Both of which are helped an enormous amount by being consistent. If your company has a style guide, follow that, otherwise following the perl style guide sounds like a good idea to me. That way when other perl developers join your team in the future, they'll be able to hit the ground running and be comfortable with your code base.
Who cares whether it counts as goto as long as it makes the code easier to understand? Using goto can often be MORE readable than having a bunch of extra tests in if() and loop conditions.
IMO, your code comparison is unfair. The goal is readable code.
To be fair, you should compare an idiomatic Perl nested loop with labels against one without them. The C style for and blocked if statement add noise that make it impossible to compare the approaches.
OUTER: for my $wid (#ary1) {
INNER: for my $jet (#ary2) {
next OUTER if $wid > $jet;
$wid += $jet;
Without labels:
for my $wid (#ary1) {
for my $jet (#ary2) {
last if $wid > $jet;
$wid += $jet;
I prefer the labeled version because it is explicit about the effect of the condition $wid > $jet. Without labels you need to remember that last operates on the inner loop and that when the inner loop is done, we move to the next item in the outer loop. This isn't exactly rocket-science, but it is real, demonstrable, cognitive overhead. Used correctly, labels make the code more readable.
stocherilac asked what happens if you have code after the nested loop. It depends on whether you want to skip it based on the inner conditional or always execute it.
If you want to skip the code in the outer loop, the labeled code works as desired.
If you want to be sure it is executed every time, you can use a continue block.
OUTER: for my $wid (#ary1) {
INNER: for my $jet (#ary2) {
next OUTER if $wid > $jet;
$wid += $jet;
continue {
# This code will execute when next OUTER is called.
I think the distinction is somewhat fuzzy, but here's what the goto perldoc states about the (frowned upon) goto statement:
The goto-LABEL form finds the statement labeled with LABEL and resumes execution there.
The author of Perl has never felt the need to use this form of goto (in Perl, that is; C is another matter). (The difference is that C does not offer named loops combined with loop control. Perl does, and this replaces most structured uses of goto in other languages.)
The perlsyn perldoc, however, says this:
The while statement executes the block as long as the expression is true. The until statement executes the block as long as the expression is false. The LABEL is optional, and if present, consists of an identifier followed by a colon. The LABEL identifies the loop for the loop control statements next, last, and redo. If the LABEL is omitted, the loop control statement refers to the innermost enclosing loop. This may include dynamically looking back your call-stack at run time to find the LABEL. Such desperate behavior triggers a warning if you use the use warnings pragma or the -w flag.
The desperate behaviour bit doesn't look too good to me, but I may be misinterpreting its meaning.
The Learning Perl book (5th edition, page 162) has this to say:
When you need to work with a loop block that's not the innermost one, use a label.
Notice that the label names the entire block; it's not marking a target point in the code. [This isn't goto after all.]
Does that help clear things up? Probably not... :-)
Labeled loop jumps in Perl are GOTOs as much as C's break and continue are.
I would answer it like this, and I'm not sure if this is sufficiently different from what others have said:
Because you can only only move inside of the current scope, or to a parent scope, they're much less dangerous than what is typically implied by goto, observe:
if (1) {
goto BAR;
die 'bar'
This should work obviously, but this won't (can't move in this direction).
if (0) {
die 'bar'
goto BAR;
Many use cases of labels differ from goto in that they're just more explicit variants of core flow control. To make a statement that they're categorically worse would be to imply that:
LOOP: while (1) {
next LOOP if /foo;
is somehow worse than
while (1) {
next if /foo/;
which is simply illogical if you exclude style. But, speaking of style, the latter variant is much easier to read - and it does stop you from having to look up for the properly named label. The reader knows more with next (that you're restarting the loop in the current scope), and that is better.
Let's look at another example
while (1) {
while (1) {
FOO: while (1) {
BAR: while (1) {
next FOO;
In the latter example here next FOO, skips stuff -- you might desire this, but it is bad idea. It implies that the programmer has read a parent scope to completion which is an assumption probably better avoided. In summary, label isn't as bad as goto and sometimes they can simplify code; but, in most cases they should be avoided. I usually rewrite loops without labels when I encounter them on CPAN.
gotos are bad because they create hard to understand code--particularly, what is often called "Spaghetti Code". What's hard to understand about next Line...??
You can call it a loop "name", and it really is something to help emphasize loop boundaries. You're not jumping into an arbitrary point in relation to the loop; you're going back to the top of a loop.
Sadly enough, if it is a group or house standard, there might be nothing to convince the group that it's not a goto. I had a manager who absolutely insisted that a ternary operator made things hard to read, and preferred I use if-blocks for everything. I had a pretty good argument anything can be done in the clauses of an if-else, but that a ternary made it explicit that you were looking for a particular value. No sale.
This kind of jump is a disciplined used of a goto-like statement. So it's certainly less harmful than undisciplined use of goto. (As kasperjj wrote, "Dijkstras intent was never that anything resembling goto is to be considered harmful.")
IMO, this Perl kind of jump is even better design than C's "break" and "continue", because it makes clear what loop we break or continue, and it makes it more solid in the face of code changes. (Besides, it also allows to break or continue an outer loop.)
There are pundits who don't like break/continue and the like, but at some point there is a tradeoff to make between rules of thumb and readability, and a well-chosen break/continue or even goto may become more readable than "politically correct" code.
break/last and continue/next ARE gotos. I don't understand why anyone would go to such lengths to avoid a keyword yet use a different keyword that does the same thing...
4.4.4. Loop Control
We mentioned that you can put a LABEL on a loop to give it a name. The loop's LABEL identifies the loop for the loop-control operators next, last, and redo. The LABEL names the loop as a whole, not just the top of the loop. Hence, a loop-control operator referring to the loop doesn't actually "go to" the loop label itself. As far as the computer is concerned, the label could just as easily have been placed at the end of the loop. But people like things labeled at the top, for some reason.
Programming Perl

What are your tips for keeping track and avoiding bugs in loops?

I just found ... AGAIN ... a real time wastage bug as follows
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
{ //...Lots of code
for (int j = 0; i < length; j++)
//...Lots of code
Did you notice straight ahead the inner i which SHOULD BE j ? Neither did I. So from now on I am going to use:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < length; i1++)
What are your tips for inner and outer while and for loops ?
Edit: Thanks for the valuable responses. Herewith short summary of the proposed tips:
use meaningful variables names for index variables ( instead i use SomeObjCollectionLength )
place the contents of the inner loop into a separate method and call that method from the outer loop
not manageable amount of lines of code between the outer and inner loop is a strong signal for code smell
avoid copy pasting and rushing , write the index vars with care
You might want to check the summary by LBushkin for the following
use foreach and iterators whenever possible
initialize the variables just before entering the loops
Make each loop perform only one function. Avoid mixing responsibilities in a single loop
When possible, make your loops short enough to view all at once
Don't use i & j (or any other single letter variable) as index names. Use proper names and you will not get into this type of problems.
One of the simplest and cleanest solutions is to place the contents of the inner loop into a method so it becomes:
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
private void DoSomething(int outerValue)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Do something else
For me, the 'code smell' here is 'lots of code'.
If the amount of code in the loops is particularly large, the distance between the inner and outer loops means that they're not as likely to be compared against each other for correctness.
Admittedly, looking at the start of the inner loop in isolation should bring the issue to your attention, but having the main structure in as small a section of code as possible gives your brain less to digest.
It may be possible to extract the 'lots of code' sections into separate functions/methods, in order to reduce the size of the main structure - but this may not alway be practical.
Also, I'd say that 'i1' isn't a particulary good choice of variable name, as that tends to encourage 'i2', 'i3' etc, which doesn't really lead to understandable code. Maybe replacing all of the loop variables with something more meaningful would help the clarity of the code, and reduce the chances of the original error.
My top advice (in no particular order) for writing better loop code (much of this is from the excellent book Code Complete):
Avoid multiple exit points for loops.
Use continue/break sparingly.
Refactor nested loops into separate routines, when possible.
Use meaningful variable names to make nested loops readable.
Use foreach() loops when possible, rather than for(i=...) loops.
Enter the loop from one location only. Don't jump into a loop with goto's. Ever.
Put initialization code immediately before the loop.
Keep loop initialization statements with the loop they are related to.
Avoid reusing variables between non-nested loops.
10.Limit the scope of loop-index variables to the loop itself.
Use while(true) for infinite loops, rather than for(;;)
In languages that provide block constructs (e.g. '{' and '}') use them rather than indenting to enclose the statements of a loop. Yes, even for single line loops.
Avoid empty loops.
Avoid placing housekeeping chores in the middle of a loop, place them at the beginning and/or end instead.
Make each loop perform only one function. Avoid mixing responsibilities in a single loop.
Make loop termination conditions obvious.
Don't monkey with the loop index variable of a for() loop to make it terminate.
Avoid code that depends on the loop indexer's final value.
Consider using safety counters in complex loops - they can be checked to make sure the loop doesn't execute too many, or too few times.
Use break statements, when possible, to terminate while loops.
When possible, make your loops short enough to view all at once.
That's a copy-paste mistake, avoid copy paste.
As for your solution, its not much better. The mistake can still slip between tons of code. I tend to use meaningful names even for loop temporary variables.
leverage your IDE, on VS, try to use this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z4c5cc9b(VS.80).aspx
sample: type for, then press Tab Tab successively
I came here to be smart and say "I just write it right the first time". But then I saw your example and, well, I've done that too many times myself.
When you need nested loops like that, my only solution is to be alert and thinking when you write the code.
Where possible, using iterators and for each loops are nice.
Also, I can't see how your suggested solution is going to be any better. And it doesn't look as nice either.
First of all, reduce the loop body size, i.e. move stuff to separate functions. It is generally a bad idea to have functions longer than what can fit into the screen, so loops should be even smaller.
Secondly, use meaningful variable names in cases like this. I would only use i and j in simple loops with a few lines of code. For instance, if you are going through a two-dimensional array, "col" and "row" would make much more sense, make the code easier to read ("which was which?") and easier to spot mistakes like this.
You just have to take extra care of such issues, there's no magic bullet against this. Even with "better naming" you propose you will once in a while lose track of whether this is Nth or (N+M)th level of nested loop and make an error.
If nested loop is necessary write it carefully. If it can be avoided by extracting the outer loop body into a function that would be a good guard against indices misuse.
As in this as in many things, there's some excellent advice in Steve McConnell's Code Complete. It would be well worth your time to read what he's got to say about building good looping code. I don't have my copy of the book handy here but the whole book is worth your time.
I use 'ii' and 'jj' for transient loop counters if I really need them - they are easier to search for than 'i' and 'j' and also easier to spot in examples like the above. To go one better you can actually use a real variable name. If you're looping over a string then you can call it characterIndex or something. It's more typing, but it documents itself and saves time on debugging obscure problems later.
Better still would be to avoid numerical counters and use named iterators over a collection. They make the intent clearer, in my opinion.
Finally, if possible it's nice to do away with the loop entirely: Boost::Foreach is one way of doing this in C++, although I generally prefer to use languages such as Python which natively allow direct iteration over the contents of a container without a need for incrementing an index value or iterator.
Try to use more declarative loop constructs. For instance, if you don't really need indices (those is and js) and your programming environment allows for it, you can use a foreach construct to iterate over the collection.
