ADO - Can I edit results of a complex query with multiple join statements? - sql-server

I'm working on a data conversion utility which can push data from one master database out to a number of different databases. The utility its self will have no knowledge of how data is kept in the destination (table structure), but I would like to provide writing a SQL statement to return data from the destination using a complex SQL query with multiple join statements. As long as the data is in a standardized format that the utility can recognize (field names) in an ADO query.
What I would like to do is then modify the live data in this ADO Query. However, since there are multiple join statements, I'm not sure if it's possible to do this. I know at least with BDE (I've never used BDE), it was very strict and you had to return all fields (*) and such. ADO I know is more flexible, but I don't know quite how flexible in this case.
Is it supposed to be possible to modify data in a TADOQuery in this manner, when the results include fields from different tables? And even if so, suppose I want to append a new record to the end (TADOQuery.Append). Would it append to two different tables?
The actual primary table I'm selecting from has a complimentary table which is joined by the same primary key field, one is a "Small" table (brief info) and the other is a "Detail" table (more info for each record in Small table). So, a typical statement would include something like this:
select ts.record_uid, ts.SomeField, td.SomeOtherField from table_small ts
join table_detail td on td.record_uid = ts.record_uid
There are also a number of other joins to records in other tables, but I'm not worried about appending to those ones. I'm only worried about appending to the "Small" and "Detail" tables - at the same time.
Is such a thing possible in an ADO Query? I'm willing to tweak and modify the SQL statement in any way necessary to make this possible. I have a bad feeling though that it's not possible.
SQL Server 2000 through 2008 R2
Delphi XE2

Editing these Fields which have no influence on the joins is usually no problem.
Appending is ... you can limit the Append to one of the Tables by
procedure TForm.ADSBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet);
TCustomADODataSet(DataSet).Properties['Unique Table'].Value := 'table_small';
but without an Requery you won't get much further.
The better way will be setting Values by Procedure e.g. in BeforePost, Requery and Abort.
If your View would be persistent you would be able to use INSTEAD OF Triggers

I encountered the same problem on FireBird, and from experience I can tell you that it can be made(up to a small complexity) by using CachedUpdates . A very good resource is this one - This article has the answers to all your questions.

I have abandoned the original idea of live ADO query updates, as it has become more complex than I can wrap my head around. The scope of the data push project has changed, and therefore this is no longer an issue for me, however still an interesting subject to know.
The new structure of the application consists of attaching multiple "Field Links" on various fields from the original set of data. Each of these links references the original field name and a SQL Statement which is to be executed when that field is being imported. Multiple field links can be on one single field, therefore can execute multiple statements, placing the value in various tables, etc. The end goal was an app which I can easily and repeatedly export a common dataset from an original source to any outside source with different data structures, without having to recompile the app.
However the concept of cached updates was not appealing to me, simply for the fact pointed out in the link in RBA's answer that data can be changed in the database in the mean-time. So I will instead integrate my own method of customizable data pushes.


Find functions using temp tables where NVARCHAR limit does not match its referenced table definition

Problem: Junior SQL dev here, working with a SQL Server database where we have many functions that use temp tables to pull data from various tables to populate Crystal reports etc. We had an issue where a user action in our client caused a string to overflow the defined NVARCHAR(100) character limit of the column. As a quick fix, one of our seniors decided on a schema change to set the column definition to NVARCHAR(255), instead of fixing the issue of the the string getting too long. Now, we have lots of these table based functions that are using temp tables referencing the column in question but the temp table variable is defined as 100 instead of 255.
Question: Is there an easy way to find and update all of these functions? Some functions might not reference the table/column in question at all, but some heavily rely on this data to feed reports etc. I know I can right click a table and select "View Dependencies" in SQL Server Management Studio, but this seems very tedious to have to go through all of them and then update our master schema before deploying it to all customers.
I thought about a find and replace if there is a way to script or export the functions but I fear a problem I will run into is one variable in one function might be declared as TransItemDescription NVARCHAR(100) and one might be TransItemDesc NVARCHAR (100). I've heard of people avoiding temp tables maybe because of these issues so maybe there is just bad database design here?
Thus far I've been going through them one at a time using "View Dependencies" in SSMS.
I think the best solution would be to script out the whole database into a single script from SSMS. Then use Notepad++ (or equivalent) to either find:
All occurrences of NVARCHAR(100)
All occurrences of the variable name, e.g. TransItemDescription, TransItemDesc.
Once you have found all occurrences then make a list of all of the functions to be fixed. Then you would still need to do a manual fix to all functions, but once complete the issue should be totally resolved.

Storing Serialized Information In SQL Server using F#

I am currently working on a project in F# that takes in data from Excel spreadsheets, determines if it is compatible with an existing table in SQL Server, and then adds the relevant rows to the existing table.
Some of the data I am working with is more specific than the types provided by T-SQL. That is, T-SQL has a type "date", but I need to distinguish between sets of dates that are at the beginning of each month or the end of each month. This same logic applies to many other types as well. If I have types:
they will both be converted to the T-SQL type "date" before being added to the table, therefore erasing some of the more specific information.
In order to solve this problem, I am keeping a log of the serialized types in F#, along with which column number in the SQL Server table they apply to. My question is: is there any way to store this log somewhere internally in SQL Server so that I can access it and compare the serialized types of the incoming data to the serialized types of the data that already exists in the table before making new inserts?
Keeping metadata outside of the DB and maintaining them manually makes your DB "expensive" to manage plus increases the risk of errors that you might not even detect until something bad happens.
If you have control over the table schema, there are at least a couple of simple options. For example, you can add a column that stores the type info. For something simple with just a couple of possible values as you described, just add a new column to store the actual type value. Update the F# code to de-serialize the source into separate DATE and type (BEGINNING/END) values which are then inserted to the table. Simple, easy to maintain and easily consumed.
You could also create a user defined type for each date subtype but that can be confusing to another DBA/dev plus makes it more complicated when retrieving data from your application. This is generally not a good approach.
Yes, you can do that if you want to.

Sql server Code Reuse

I have a table with about 30 fields. I current have several stored procedures which access either a (aggregated) view of this table or the table itself. For many of these SPs I would like to assure that the returned records have all the same fields with the same column names. Is there a way to do this where I don't have to change 20 stored procs if I do need to change the output.
My way around it thus far is to provide clients with lists of ID which they then call SP's that return the data however this seems to be slow compared with getting the data in one shot. I have also considered using the formatting stored procs with a cursor from inside the search stored procs but was unsure if that would really buy me a whole lot.
The typical way to define a standardised and consistent data access method across multiple stored procedures in SQL Server to use Views.
Now your problem description seems to suggest that you are already using Views in order to manage your data access. If you are indeed unable to use Views for a specific reason, perhaps you can clarify the nature of your problem further for us.

Merging multiple Access databases into SQL Server

We have a program in which each user is given their own Access database. We'd like to merge these all together into a single SQL Server database.
The problem is that, using the SQL Server import/export wizard, the primary/foreign keys do not get updated. So for instance if one user has this table:
1 Apple
2 Banana
and another user has this:
1 Coconut
2 Cheeseburger
the resulting table looks like this:
1 Apple
2 Banana
1 Coconut
2 Cheeseburger
Similarly, anything that referenced Banana by its primary key (2) is now referencing both Banana and Cheeseburger, which will not make the vegans very happy.
Is there any way to automatically update the primary/foreign key references when importing, other than writing an extremely long and complex import-script?
If you need to keep them fully compartmentalized, you have to assign some kind of partitioning column to each table. Is there a reason you need your SQL Server to have the same referential integrity as Access? Are you just importing to SQL Server for read-only reporting? In that case, I would not bother with RI. The queries will all require a partitionid/siteid/customerid. You could enforce that for single-entity access by wrapping tables with a table-valued UDF which required the partitionid. For cross-site that doesn't work.
If you are just loading to SQL Server for reporting, I would also consider altering the data model to support reporting (i.e. a dimensional model is sometimes better than a normalized model) instead of worrying about transaction processing.
I think we need to know more about the underlying goals.
Need more information of requirements.
My basic question is 'Do you need to preserve the original record key?' e.g. 1:apple in table T of user-database A; 1:coconut in table T of user-database B. Table T is assumed to have the same structure in all database instances. Reasons I can suppose that you may want to preserve the original data: (a) you may have a requirement to the reference the original data (maybe a visual for previous reporting), and/or (b) there may be a data dependency in the application itself.
If the answer is 'no,' then you are probably interested only in preserving all of the distinct data values. Allow the SQL table to build using a new key and constrain the SQL table field such that it contains unique data. This approach seems to preserve the original table structure (but not the original key value or its 'location') and may suffice to meet your requirement.
If the answer is 'yes,' I do not see a way around creating an index that preserves a pointer to the original database and the key that was created in its table T. This approach would seem to require an application modification.
The best approach in this case is probably to split the incoming data into two tables: one to identify the database and original key, another to identify the distinct data values. For example: (database) table D has records such as 'A:1:a,' 'A:2:b,' 'B:1:c,' 'B:2:d,' 'B:15:a,' 'C:8:a'; (data) table T1 has records such as 'a:apple,' 'b:banana,' 'c:coconut,' 'd:cheeseburger' where 'A' describes the original database 'location,' 1 is the original value in location 'A,' and 'a' is a value that equates records in table D and table T1. (Otherwise you have a lot of redundant data in the one table; e.g. A:1:apple, B:15:apple, C:8:apple.) Also, T1 has a structure similar to the original T and is seems to be more directly useful in the application.
Ended up creating an SSIS project for this. SSIS is a visual programming tool made by Microsoft (and part of their "Business Integration Studio", which comes with SQL Server) designed for solving exactly these sorts of problems.
Why not let Access use its replication manager to merge the databases? This will allow you to identify the conflicts and resolve them before importing to SQL Server. I'm fairly confident it will retain the foreign key relationships. If I understand your situation correctly, and the databases are the same structure with different data, you could load the combined database to the application and verify the data before moving to SQL Server.
What version of Access are you using? Here's a link for Access 2000. Use the language to adjust search parameters to fit your version.

Is it possible to write a database view that encompasses one-to-many relationships?

So I'm not necessarily saying this is even a good idea if it were possible, since the schema of the view would be extremely volatile, but is there any way to represent a has-many relationship in a single view?
For example, let's say I have a customer that can have any number of addresses in the database. Is there any way to list out each column of each address with perhaps a number as a part of the alias (e.g., columns like Customer Id, Name, Address_Street_1, Address_Street_2, etc)?
Not really - you really are doing a dynamic pivot. It's possible to use OPENROWSET to get to a dynamically generated query, but whether that's advisable, it's hard to say without seeing more about the business case.
First make a stored proc which does the dynamic pivot like I did on the StackExchange Data Explorer.
Basically, you generate dynamic SQL which builds the column list. This can only really be done in a stored proc. Which is fine for applciation calls.
But what about if you want to re-use that in a lot of different joins or ad hoc queries?
Then, have a look at this article: "Using SQL Servers OPENROWSET to break the rules"
You can now call your stored proc by looping back into the server and then getting the results into a rowset - this can be in a view!
The late Ken Henderson has some good examples of this in his excellent book: "The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML" (you got to love the little "Covers .NET!" on the cover which captures well the zeitgeist for 2002!).
He only covers the loopback part (with views and user-defined functions), the less verbose PIVOT syntax was not available until 2005, but PIVOTs can also be generated using a CASE statement as a characteristic function.
Obviously, this technique has caveats (I can't even do this on our production server).
Yes - use:
CREATE VIEW customer_addresses AS
SELECT t.customer_id,
a1.street AS address_street_1,
a2.street AS address_street_2
LEFT JOIN ADDRESS a1 ON a1.customer_id = t.customer_id
LEFT JOIN ADDRESS a2 ON a2.customer_id = t.customer_id
If you provided more info, it'd be easier to give you a better answer. It's possible you're looking to pivot data (turn rows into columns).
Simply put, no. Not without dynamically recreating the view every time you want to use it at least, that is.
But, what you can do is predefine, say, 4 address columns in your view, then populate the first four results of your one-to-many relation into those columns. It's not quite the dynamic view you want, but it's also much more stable/usable in my opinion.
