Silverlight: convert UIElement to SVG - silverlight

I am looking for the best way of converting a UIElement(FrameworkElement) to vector format (vector analog for WritableBitmap).
The easiest way that comes to mind is manually create special SVG converter for some of UIElement implementations and try to get full vector image.
Generally it will be used for converting Canvases with Shapes.
Any ideas how to do this best way?

Check out
It has a link to and download the other xsl files by following the includes, like


Writing text on a WriteableBitmap

I have searched around and found that most of the answers convert a WriteableBitmap to a System.Drawing.Bitmap. I am currently thinking of using WriteableBitmapEx's Blitz() function to overlay a bitmap with text onto the existing bitmap, but I don't really find functions that return WriteableBitmap.
Is there a easy way to draw text?
I managed to use the WriteableBitmapEx DrawString() method to achieve this directly.
Unfortunately it is not inside the Nuget Packages so it has to be compiled from the source of another project:

How to render a VisualElement to a Vector Based Image?

I am working on a Chart Control,
I need to implement the Chart Snapshot feature for capturing a vector based image in high quality of Curves and Texts, in any requested size.
Can anyone suggest me any solution or a pointer to resolve this problem.
Any kind of help in deeply appreciated.
If you have to save your image in a vector format you can using tracing. Potrace is an open source bitmap-to-vector tracer library (but considers that bitmap tracing is imperfect). Also considers that wpf is linked closely with XAML, a vector graphics markup languages, so you may want convert raster graphics to XAML (though Charles Petzold you can't embed a bitmap in a XAML file)
If you need to draw a vector image you can use the Shape element that provides a base class for shape elements, such as Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle; and add the shape as Panel child. If you are dealing with thousands of shape I suggest to use the DrawingVisual class, a visual object that can be used to render vector graphics on the screen, and its RenderOpen method.
To zoom you have to work with transformations, in particular ScaleTrasnform and apply the transformation to your panel or to your shapes.
Hope this help.
You can take a look at XamlToy but I have not already try it.

Working with bitmap in WPF

Is there any sane way to work with bitmaps in WPF? I'd like similar functionality as System.Drawing.Bitmap: be able to load image from file and get and set the color of particular pixels.
I know about WriteableBitmap, but I don't want to work with Arrays of gods-know-what (I couldn't find that on MSDN), or pointers. I just want to read or write pixel, it shouldn't be that hard!
I also know that I can use Interop to work with System.Drawing.Bitmap in WPF, but that's not nice either.
Here's something on how to do get pixel info from a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.
Although, if you'd prefer to work with a System.Drawing.Bitmap you might want to add a reference to System.Drawing.dll and use it instead.
Here's a somewhat-related forum post on image manipulation in WPF.

Get path geometry from image

If i have a logo, let's say done as a jpg or even a png. Any suggestion for how I can use that to define a path geometry? It would be really good if any suggestions could be provided for how i can do it in blend.
Yes - I just tackled this problem for an LOB application two days ago.
I can't offer advice for Blend (though I've read that it can be done in Expression Designer). However, the best free tool I've found for this is called InkScape (
It's opensource, and while it's intended primarily for editing SVG vector-based images, it has two key features that are useful to us WPFers:
It can vectorize (i.e. "trace") raster images like bitmaps and jpegs, albeit not as well as one would hope, and
It can export the vector image as XAML
You'll invariably find that you get better results from loading vector formats (like SVG, EMF, WMF, etc) and saving to XAML, than if you try to convert a bitmap/jpeg... simply because the process of vectorizing a raster image is error prone at best. So if you want to bring a company logo into XAML, try to get hold of the source files used to create the logo (perhaps done in Illustrator?) and import that into InkScape.
If this post is helpful, please be kind and give it a one-up.
Jasema is a terrific tool right for the job.
Also, don't be shy to use Blend - it is somewhat more difficult to use (drawing shapes using pen) but it gets easier pretty fast. Switch on gridlines and optionally snap to them for good results.
What both Jasema and Blend are lacking, is the ability to easily create shapes with a central symmetry (like stars), so I took parts from Jasema and created my own tool (named Radius) that works a bit like a combination of a ruler and compass.
I have a good idea but you're png, bmp, jpg or other non vector file is must be very simple because we need best scan results and only use inkscape.
Step: Drag and drop your file workspace on Inkscape, download free.
Tip: If your image is color white, Top menu item File->Document Properties-> heck Checkerboard Background and if you want uncheck Page border show.
Step: Top menu item Path-> Trace Bitmap-> Mode check what you want property, i usually use color property and if your file is png check Remove Background then click OK, then wait again Ok button is Enable and close window.
Step: Now you have a two layer, top layer vektor file and bottom layer your file. Select vector file and top menu item Edit-> XML Editor-> select svg path and look side column, d name propery in your data path value.
But this method may not always work or may not give the desired results and draw your own shapes with the scape so you can get the path data from the XML editor.
Example, my first tests this like:
and after working on it some more:
I've solved my problem (export an image as XAML) using Microsoft Expression Design 4 (Free Version). I've downloaded from the link
As input, I had Adobe Ilustrator files.
Adobe Illustrator / CorelDraw is perhaps the best tool out there for these operations that I have used.
Personally, I prefer illustrator for on-screen media. These tracings can be exported into several formats such as EPS, SVG, AI, or even XAML (with this plugin)
Best of Luck !!!!
I have recently been struggling with this myself. I had a set of icons done in data and needed to update them to look nicer.
I tried everything, manually typing them out. drawing in svg, converting svg to xaml.
in the end i found a list of open source icons from google material icons.
I then used this to convert from the svg files to data
It works well but not for the icons i drew myself.
I decided to place all the icons data i convert into an app i built myself that will give you the data and a preview of the icon. feel free to use and contribute. I will keep updating as much as i can.
Convert your image from png to svg in online converter, then drop file into this site and you will see pathData of your image like below shown in my image.

Convert an image to XAML?

Does anyone know of any way to convert a simple gif to xaml? E.G. A tool that would look at an image and create elipses, rectangles and paths based upon a gif / jpg / bitmap?
Inkscape can trace bitmaps, and can save directly to XAML. And, it happens to be free. I've used it to trace a lot of bitmaps and it's worked really well for me.
Illustrator has a trace tool which will do this
a cheaper option might be
it will export a svg that you should be able to convert to xaml
A combination of Vector Magic followed by ViewerSVG produces the best quality results for me.
With this online converter you can convert an image to SVG Format. then download Converted File and open it in a text File Editor then you can easily copy path data
