WPF Tab_selectionChanged - wpf

I have this strange issue I am facing currently.
I have created an WPF application based on WPF page navigation. I have few button and depending on the button click the the user is navigated to respective WPF page.
In these WPF pages I have Tab controls and have used selectionchanged event handler to perform some task.
Now to the issue,
When I try to go a particular page, the selectionchanged event is also executed even before the page is loaded completely, I have tried to use the windows.loaded (based on the answer provided to my previous question - here) - I have no luck.
[I am using WPF Navigation framework]
Somehow the selectionchanged event is executing twice.
How do I stop this from happening?

I think you should check SelectionChange.AddedItems and SelectionChange.RemovedItems to find the difference between these to firings. I guess that when you select a page, SelectionChange.RemovedItems==0 while when you click on a tabItem to select it, SelectionChange.RemovedItems==1. if so just write:
if (SelectionChange.RemovedItems==0)
Edit1: Please see the first comment.
Edit 2
void tablcontrol_SelectionChange(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.RemovedItems.Count == 0)
// I guess this is the event that happens when a page is selected
// in this case just a TabItem is added to the selection
// and nothing is removed, so do nothing
// if you are here, it means that this is another selection changed event
// so Perform those tasks that you mentioned in your question


Combobox gets closed on MessageBox closure ZK

I'm using ZK CE-9.0.0.
I have a combobox which I need to open programmatically, on click of OK button of the Messagebox. Hence I have implemented a Listener for the click event of the OK button. Inside the click event, I'm opening the combobox by using the following code:
EventListener<Messagebox.ClickEvent> clickListener = new EventListener<Messagebox.ClickEvent>() {
public void onEvent(ClickEvent event) throws Exception {
Messagebox.Button[] buttons = new Messagebox.Button[] {Messagebox.Button.OK};
Messagebox.show("Hi btn", buttons, clickListener);
Now the problem that I'm facing is, the combobox opens for half a second. It then immediately gets closed automatically.
As per my understanding, it's because of the Messagebox. Once the execution of the click event is completed, the Messagebox is closed & it causes the combobox also to be closed.
Please have a look at this fiddler for better understanding. Please select the ZK version to be 9.0.0 before running it.
Can anyone help me with this please?
You are correct that the main issue comes from the button retrieving focus after the animation of the combobox.
The focus is given back to the button by the closed messagebox
Since the combobox loose focus, the combo popup is also closed.
A clean way to handle this would be to use an echo event to wait for the messagebox to be actually closed before sending the open action to the combobox.
See this fiddle:

Adding items to below gridview when dropped on top gridview

On my main page, I have a button and telerik mainRadGridView. When I click my button, I get a popup which is divided it into two regions left and right.
On left, I have a RadTreeView and on right, I have a popupRadGridView.
Initially when my popup is open, the popupRadGridView is disabled. When I drop from left to right for first time in my popup nothing is added to popupRadGridView since it is disable which is correct.
But when I drop for second time on to my disabled popupRadGridView inside my opened popup, there is an element added to my mainRadGridView on my main page which is wrong.
I cannot understand how to stop adding onto my main page. Any help is greatly appreciated.
check for the e.Options.ParticipatingVisualRoots in Drop Event of GridView - should provide you the no of active opened child windows participating in the operation.
For additional information follow this link
Telerik Silverlight
I solved my issue as below
In my mainpage codebehind. I did like below
void mainRadGridView_OnDropInfo(object sender, DragDropEventArgs e)
if(e.Options.ParticipatingVisualRoots.Count > 0)
do stuff;

Strange issue - mouse click in popup is getting captured by control underneath

I'm displaying a Popup in response to a button click (popup.IsOpen = true;). The popup contains a ComboBox, and when I click an item in the combobox, one of the things the SelectionChanged event does is to hide the popup.
The Popup appears over a DataGrid that I also have on my page, and I'm finding that the mouse-click on the combobox is also being picked up by a MouseUp event that I've got on the DataGrid. Any idea what's going on?
The MouseUp Event has a routing strategy of type Bubbling. Events that use this type of strategy get passed up the chain to parent controls. Since the Popup is a child of the DataGrid, the event will "bubble" up to the DataGrid. If you would rather the event not bubble, you can try using PreviewMouseUp, which has a Tunneling routing strategy, and will "tunnel" down the chain to child controls. Here is a decent overview of Routing Strategies.
I've hit the same issue. Oddly, it doesn't happen when the code is run in the debugger - it only happens in the release version. It really seems to be a bug in WPF. Trying to catch the click and set the event to handled doesn't work.
My workaround is to, when the popup opens, to tell the control underneath to ignore the click.

updating UI in windows phone 7

In method that is working in the background, i have two important lines :
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createPopup() just creates a popup, adds a grid as a child and shows popup.
My question is, why first shows up messageBox, then shows up Popup, which appears after all lines in this method done ? How could I make this popup to show before all lines in this method will be done ?
All the UI changes are normally queued up and will be shown at once on the screen.
And this does not include MessageBox. So it shows up immediately and prevents the execution, until user clicks on Ok. Hence eventhough your popUP is first executed, it will be shown in the UI only after the MessageBox.
For your problem, Try placing your MessageBox.Show(something) in a separate thread.
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
MessageBox.Show("some message");
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Give it a try. I am not sure whether it solves your problem or not as I dnt know the code in createPopUp() method.
Creating the pop-up, does not actually draw it on the screen until the Layout event. If you want to ensure that the pop-up has been drawn before you display the pop-up, attach an event handler to the pop-up's LayoutUpdated event and display the message box from within that event handler. Be sure to detach the event handler as well or you will see multiple message boxes.
public InitPage()
Popup popup = new Popup();
popup.LayoutUpdated += popup_LayoutUpdated;
void popup_LayoutUpdated(object sender, object e)
popup_LayoutUpdated -= popup_LayoutUpdated;

Determine if WPF WebBrowser is loading a page

I have a WPF System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser control in a Window. A user can enter information and hit a submit button into the webpage displayed by the WebBrowser. After the page posts back it uses a scripting object to communicate with my application. I need to make sure that once the submit button has been pressed, the form doesn't close or otherwise stop waiting for the web page to post back. It would be great if I could check the state of the WebBrowser or its document via a property like "IsLoading" and cancel any actions if it is loading. I didn't see anything like that so I was thinking of setting a flag on the Navigating event and unsetting it on the Navigated or LoadCompleted event, but there is a case where I click a link on the web page (tied to javascript, it doesn't go to a new page) where Navigating is fired, but Navigated and LoadCompleted never fire. Is there a way to determine the state of the browser on demand?
As per MSDN if the Navigating event gets invoked then the Navigated Event will also get fired unless you explicitly Cancel the navigation. I tried the below code-snippet it seems to be working fine. (i.e) whenever the Navigated event is getting fired following Navigating event.
void Window1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
browser = new WebBrowser();
browser.Navigate(new Uri("http://www.google.com"));
browser.Navigating += new NavigatingCancelEventHandler(browser_Navigating);
browser.Navigated += new NavigatedEventHandler(browser_Navigated);
void browser_Navigating(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Loading Webpage !!");
void browser_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Webpage Loaded !!");
If this is not what you are looking for, then provide the webpage URL in which you are facing the issue.
No, there does not appear to be a way to query the WPF browser's status on demand. I settled on my original idea of setting my own flag in the Navigating event handler and unsetting it in the Navigated event handler. It was not working reliably for me because there was a script that canceled navigation (javascript:void(0)).
