Deployable DB Interface - database

I have a database that I need to distribute to users (it's a directory of contact details) probably on CDs.
Users have varying platforms (OS and device wise - I'm willing to target desktops hence CDs).
I was thinking of some kind of deployable webapp that would provide a nice interface and a sqlite database. Does some kind of db interface exist with a highly customisable ui? Or does someone have a better way of doing this?

How big is the database? One simplistic option would be to generate a "contacts" webpage and burn this to the CD. Users can then search this from their browser or perhaps you could do it for them using javascript.
If you really need a DB then you're looking at an embedded database of some sort, however, since you've suggested sqlite I suspect you know this already and are looking at user interface options.
You have not specified a technology, so I'll just list several frameworks designed to develop database backed webapps:
Grails (Groovy/Java)
Rails (Ruby)
Django (Python)
All the above operate in a development mode that uses an embedded database (H2 or Sqlite). Your only challenge will be to ensure their runtime environments are properly configured, or shipped on the CD as well.
In conclusion, I pretty certain this has been done before. Have you also considered just shipping an installer for your webapp, rather than worry about the complexities of getting something to run from CD? For example you might wish to support more than one platform: Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.
Someone has thought of doing this:


How to embed ArangoDB in a desktop application

I would like to embed a graph database in my application (shipping for windows, linux & MAC). I narrowed the search down to ArangoDB & OrientDB. I was able to get embedded OrientDB to work but I'd still like to try ArangoDB to make an informed decision. Documentation for OrientDB embedded version is pretty clear while I can't find anything for ArangoDB. ArangoDB is written in C++ so I also have to figure out how to make it be portable across platforms and how to install it with my application. The usage of ArangoDB (or OrientDB) should be transparent to the users of our application. Thanks!
Update: I forgot to mention, our application is in C++. We were looking for instructions that can help us build ArangoDB binary with our existing modules. We then can figure out how to load the binaries and talk to them.
It's possible to install an instance of ArangoDB with your application installation.
It installs into it's own directory, and its key assets are:
ArangoDB Binaries
ArangoDB Data files
ArangoDB Log files
ArangoDB Foxx Applications (optional)
ArangoDB can run as a service, and it is configured via a file called arangod.conf.
This file centrally controls settings like the ports it runs on, the IP addresses it listens to, the database engine to use, SSL and security settings, and much more.
Taking Windows as an example, you can do a silent installation of ArangoDB, and then use tools like PowerShell or DOS batch files to stop/start the ArangoDB service, copy in an arangod.conf file with your required configuration settings, etc.
It's even possible to generate an SSL certificate and apply it to the ArangoDB instance so that you can have SSL connectivity to the database if required.
Additionally you can utilise the ArangoShell via scripts which allows you to create databases, restore default data from a backup, create ArangoDB users, assign rights.
It sounds like you need to get more comfortable with ArangoDB as a product, and then start to mess around with installing, uninstalling, configuring, and backing up/restoring databases.
I've also evaluated ArangoDB versus OrientDB, and I picked ArangoDB because it runs faster, has many more updates, and their driver packs are well written.
When it comes to embedded databases, you really need a multi-model database, and being able to store standard documents as well as graph data in one database engine, is invaluable.
Additionally, have a really good look at the Foxx MicroService architecture of ArangoDB. It allows you to host business logic behind REST API's and Job Queues running right in the ArangoDB database. This means your application doesn't even need raw table access to the database, rather it can access your data via a REST API and your internal schema is hidden from users, and your business logic stops them doing silly things and wrecking the database.
By having a REST API data layer between your application and the database, it gives you more flexibility on how people consume your data, giving you more options about opening it up in a safe way, knowing your application logic will keep your data safe.
If you chose to use Foxx, there is a cool new tool ArangoDB has released called foxx-cli which lets you script the installation and configuration of Foxx MicroServices in your database. This is a super powerful tool as it's possible to fully install and configure an ArangoDB server, database, and internal settings via installation scripts.
Take time to learn ArangoDB, as with all skills it takes time to really get to know it. I'm still learning something every day and I've only been using it for 2 years :)
If you're using NodeJS (which I have to assume as you don't mention what programming language you're using) as your platform you can use Electron ( and use the ArangoJS ( Driver, if an ORM is necessary I'd recommend using ( which has built-in support for ArangoDB, although the documentation being to a poor standard, it should be suffice with some programming knowledge.
OFT: Electron lets you create cross platform Desktop applications in pure HTML, JS and CSS. You can also use Cordova if you're targeting the mobile platform.
You could also use Foxx to perform some of your application logic (this is down to your personal preference) or also create an API platform (with for example Restify).
Most of database systems are written in C++ but that does not mean can only access them via C++, additional drivers are provided for the popular languages. If you use a specific language then update the question so we can help further.
You might also want to read this: as to why ArangoDB would be a better choice for you.
Due to my limited experience in C++ I can only provide some references which I've saved earlier, but I'm sure they'll be of use to you.
For C++ the driver you should be using is:
An example of the usage of the driver:
A simple example / tutorial on how to use graphing in ArangoDB:
A free course by Arango on Graphing:
Hope they help!

Crossplatform local database

I have inherited a piece of software(written in python) from a previous employee at the company I work at. The software can either be "installed"(dragged in to documents and then ran) or can be portable. They like the software but now they want to be able to use it on Mac's as well as PC's. Most of it is browser based so it should be fine.
However the database is Postgres portable. Is there anyway that Mac can run this postgres portable database? I am assuming that the contents of the data files will be similar it would just be the application that starts the engine that would be different.
If that doesn't work is there any alternatives? Clients wont allow the data to be online as that would be the best way.
another possible soltution maybe SQLLite but I am not sure what (if any) limitations are in using that.

Is there a service that allows testing code against multiple database products?

We're writing an open source tool that is designed to work against multiple database products (really, it's designed to work with any database that has a JDBC driver available). However, because it does DDL (not DML), we need to test against different products.
While MySQL, PostgreSQL and other open source db's are easy for us to test on (since we - the developers - all use these daily), testing those products is easy. But, finding different installations of other, commercial database products is a different story.
Does anyone know of a "database sandbox", or similar service that would allow us to test code against multiple database products without having to buy and install them?
Thanks in advance!
I don't know of such a service but it may well be worthwhile contacting some of commercial vendors as it is often in their interests to have interoperability with open source libraries. The other way to approach it would be to find a company that would like to use your tool with one of the commercial db's (because they are already tied to that vendor in-house) and ask them if you can get access or spend some time in their office. This is an approach I used when developing a Continuous Integration tool which needed to work with different commercial source control systems and it worked surprisingly well.
You may also want to get in touch with open source orgs like Codehaus or Apache as they have established open-source links with commercial vendors and may be able to give you access to the DBs you need.
You may want to use an ORM, such as Hibernate, or some other open-source ORM, as those will be tested on different databases, and you can then develop knowing that all you have to do is unit test the DAO, but not be so concerned about the different databases.

Advice on a DB that can be uploaded to a website by a smart client for collecting survey feedback

I'm hoping you can help.
I'm looking for a zero config multi-user datbase that my winforms application can easily upload to a webserver folder (together with 1 or 2 classic asp pages) and am looking for some suggestions/recommendations.
The idea is that the database will be used to collect feedback entered by people filling in the asp pages. The pages will write to the database using javascript.
The database will subsequently be downloaded again for processing once the responses are in.
In Summary:
It will mostly run in MS Windows environments.
I have a modest budget for this and do not mind paying for such a database.
No runtime licensing costs.
Should be xcopy - Once uploaded to a website folder it should be operational.
It should not have a dotnet CLR dependency.
It should support a resonable level of concurrent access. Average respondent count would be around 20-30 but one never knows.
Should be a reasonable size so that uploads/downloads to and from the site will be reasonably fast.
Would appreciate your suggestions/comments
Many thanks
To clarify - this is a desktop commercial application for feedback management in a vertical market. It uses SQL Server as the backing store.
The application currently provides feedback management from email and paper feedback. I now want to add web feedback capability. Getting users to to make their SQL servers accessible to a website is not at option at this time as I am want to make getting up and running as painless as possible.
I intend to release a web based implementation of the software in the near future but for now am looking at the above as a pragmatic way to provide web based feedback collection.
SQLite comes to mind. It meets all of your stated requirements, is open source, and has a liberal license (public domain).
I would use 'normal' database (say MySql, Postgresql, Firebird, etc.) on server. Instead of copying files to server your winforms application would create custom tables (or even custom databases). After collecting data you could just get it back to your application using plain old SQL.
why reinvent the wheel ? If you want to collect feedback and stuffs from users of your app and if they are connected to internet, it might be a better idea - and in the long term cheaper - to use a service like wufoo. We recently switched from homegrown setup to wufoo and are very pleased. Check it out.
Otherwise you might want to take a look at sqlite orfirebird. Both of them are very robust, and have ADO.NET providers. Firebird scales from a single user to full blown client server system and has no .NET dependency.
If you really don't want a DB/SQL Solution, you could try simple text files and ftp/xcopy files down and parse them into the back-office server as needed. ASP/VBScript or ASP.NET can create the files to store the basic feedback comments. Need to consider security of course!

Shared File Database Suggestion

I would like to build and deploy a database application for Windows based systems, but need to live within the following constraints:
Cannot run as a server (i.e., have open ports);
Must be able to share database files with other instances of the program (running on other machines);
Must not require a DBA for maintenance;
No additional cost for run-time license.
In addition, the following are nice to have "features":
Zero-install (e.g., no registry entries, no need to put files in \Windows\..., etc.);
"Reasonable" performance (yes, that's vague);
"Reasonable" file size limitations (at least 1GB per table/file--just in case).
I've seen this question
Embedded Database for .net that can run off a network
but it doesn't quite answer it for me.
I have seen the VistaDB site, but while it looks promising, I have no personal experience with it.
I have also looked at SQLite, and while it seems good enough for Goggle, I (again) have no personal experience with it.
I would love to use a Java based solution because it's cross-platform (even though my main target is Windows, I'd like to be flexible) and WebStart is a really nice way to distribute software, but the most commonly used DBs (Derby and hsqldb) won't support shared access.
I know that I'm not the only one who's trying/tried to do this, so I'm hoping I could get some advice.
I'd go with SQLite. There are SQLite bindings for everything, and it's very widely used as a embedded database for a large number of applications.
I use SQLite at work and one thing that you should keep in mind is that its file based and uses a file lock for managing concurrent connections. It is not a great solution when you have multiple users trying to use the database at the same time. SQLite is however a great database for one user application, its fast, has a small foot print and has a thriving community built around it.
If you've got VStudio sitting around, how about SQL Server 3.5 Compact edition? MSSQL running in-proc.
