Multiple models and uploading files - file

At first - I'm new to the Yii Framework. I did some research on my own but I couldn't find a precise solution to my issue.
Assume there are two related models - Product and Image. A single Product may have multiple Images assigned. What is the best approach at creating the create / update forms that would be able to manage this kind of scheme?
The Image model consists of various fields, along with a path to the image file, so it's not just a "container" for the path itself. What's more - I need to have a thumbnail generated for every uploaded image and its path stored within the same model.
What I need to achieve is pretty much similar to the admin inline functionality known from Django - there should be a section in the Product create / update form which would allow users to add / modify / delete Images.
I tried the multimodelform extension but I couldn't get file uploading to work. What's the best way of getting it done and not having to build the whole file-upload-enabled-multiple-model-form structure manually?

The detailed solution depends on if you are using CActiveForm or CHtml form. Since you have 2 related models I assume you are using CActiveForm and will point out some thing you need to keep in mind.
For this example i am gonna assume some definitions
Product with fields id, name
Product with ONE to MANY relation to 'images' on ProductImage
ProductImage with fields id, productId, path
I also assume there gonna be 1 upload / edit, but multi delete
Here's the view:
$form = $this->beginWidget(
'id' => 'upload-form',
'enableAjaxValidation' => false,
'htmlOptions' => array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'),
echo $form->labelEx($product, 'name');
echo $form->fileField($product, 'name');
echo $form->error($product, 'name');
echo $form->checkBoxList($product, 'path', $product->images);
echo $form->labelEx($productImage, 'path');
echo $form->fileField($productImage, 'path');
echo $form->error($productImage, 'path');
And your action
public function actionUpdate($productId) {
$product = Product::model()->findByPk($productId)->with('images');
$productImage = new ProductImage();
foreach($product->images as $im) {
if(in_array($im->path, $_POST['Item']['Image']))
// redirect to success page
$this->render('update', array(
Now note that this solution is not tested so there will be bugs, but it should give you an idea on how to write your own form.


Wordpress addon to add data to a database and then call the data

I know this question is probably going to get downvoted and I will probably get into trouble but I am hoping someone may be able to help me with my situation.
On my site I use json to download data from an external source, and then I style it beautifully.
Within the json data is an individual ID for each data set.
What I want to accomplish is to have a database where I can insert the ID and a url link.
I have created the table within the wordpress database via phpMyAdmin, but I want to create a page within the admin section where I can simply add the data in.
For displaying the json data I use a php insert addon, within that php clip i want to do a piece of code that checks the database for the id within my custom database and displays the link.
I will be honest I don't know where to start on this, even if its just a link to a source that shows me how to create an admin page and submit data to the database within wordpress dashboard.
I really appreciate any help given and like I say I know I should try harder, but when ever I do a search all I get is 100's of references to add an admin to the database manually.
Edit I just realized I never put any table information in my question.
The table name within wordpress is called: wp_home_tickets
within that are 3 fields: id (auto increasement), gameid (numeric) and ticketlink (text)
For adding a custom settings page in your admin, use the Settings API
Here is a nice tutorial using it
To fetch data from your custom table, use the wpdb class More specifically, you can use wpdb::get_results if you will have multiple rows sharing the same id
Or wpdb::get_row if you will ever only have one
Hope this helps you out!
For anyone wishing to see how it was done, here is how I did it.
I created a file in my theme called db_admin_menu.php and added the following to it:
function ticket_admin_menu() {
global $team_page;
add_menu_page( __( 'Tickets', 'sports-bench' ), __( 'Tickets', 'sports-bench' ), 'edit_posts', 'add_data', 'ticket_page_handler', 'dashicons-groups', 6 ) ;
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'ticket_admin_menu' );
function ticket_page_handler() {
$table_name = 'wp_home_tickets';
global $wpdb;
echo '<form method="POST" action="?page=add_data">
<label>Team ID: </label><input type="text" name="gameid" /><br />
<label>Ticket Link: </label><input type="text" name="ticketlink" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
$default = array(
'gameid' => '',
'ticketlink' => '',
$item = shortcode_atts( $default, $_REQUEST );
$gameid = $item['gameid'];
if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT * FROM wp_home_tickets WHERE gameid = $gameid ")) { echo 'Ticket already exists for this game.'; goto skip; }
if (!empty($_POST)) { $wpdb->insert( $table_name, $item ); }
I then put this code in my script that fetches and displays the json:
$matchid = $match['id'];
$ticket_url = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ticketlink FROM wp_home_tickets WHERE gameid = '$matchid' ");
if ($ticket_url) { echo 'Get Tickets'; }
I hope someone does find it of use, i did have to use a wordpress plugin called `Insert PHP Code Snippet' by xyzscripts to be able to snippet the php to a shortcode, but that is not the purpose of this post.
Thanks again for your help.

Uploading multiple pictures from the same form in CakePHP 1.2

I have a one-to-many relationship where one House can have many Pictures. The models that I have are "House" and "Picture". I am using CakePHP 1.2 and I can upload one picture successfully by using this:
echo $form->input('Picture.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image')));
In my houses_controller.php file, I have this code to save the picture and corresponding association with its house:
But I need to save several pictures now. I read the documentation at and based on that information, I am trying to use this:
echo $form->input('Picture.0.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image 1'));
echo $form->input('Picture.1.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image 2'));
Then my houses_controller.php file has this:
I see that one new record is saved in my pictures table, but I was expecting to see two new entries in my table because I should have added two pictures, not only one. Any ideas about why this may not be saving two pictures for me? Thank you.
Using $this->data['Picture'] was not sufficient because the array was returning multiple elements, so I had to reference each with the corresponding index such as $this->data['Picture'][0] for the first element, $this->data['Picture'][1] for the second one, etc.
NOTE: It was not saving two records for me, even thought I was using save() twice. But that was another issue. You can read the answers at Save multiple times in Cakephp for the corresponding solution. Basically you need to use create() before you use save().

CakePHP hasMany checkbox

I have two tables: Ingredients and Customers. The relationship between them is that Customers hasMany Ingredients. By default when doing the cakebake using the console, the only way to change them is by assigning an ingredient to the customer in the Ingredients page. However, I want to have in Customers page a checkbox list of Ingredients that can be assigned. Is it possible to do this? If yes, how?
What I have done until now is that I add this code to my add.ctp:
echo $this->Form->input('Ingredient',
However, it gives me "Undefined variable: ingredients" error when I tried to open the add view.
You want and need a HABTM relationship. Different customers can access and use the same ingredients. Look at the docs here yours would be very similar to different Posts using same Tags.
If you are getting this error:
"Undefined variable: ingredients"
It sounds like you haven't declared this variable in your controller, and set it so that the view can use it. Without knowing your code, you would probably need do do something like this (please note I am guessing what your application structure looks like and have not tested this code).
// The controller action for your view
public function view() {
// Get the ID and name of all your ingredients
$ingredients = $this->Ingredient->find('all', array(
'fields' => array('id', 'name'),
'order' => 'name',
'recursive' => -1
// We will use this array to store all the HTML select options
$ingredientOptions = array();
// Loop through all the ingredients and add them to the select
// options in a format that is suitable for CakePHP to use in
// the view to build your HTML select menu.
foreach ($ingredients as $i) {
$ingredient = $i['Ingredient'];
$ingredientOptions[$ingredient['id']] = $ingredient['name'];
// Make the variable available to the view
$this->set('ingredients', $ingredientOptions);

Using existing field name as different name

i have existing website.
and i write the new back-end (in cakephp) without changing front-end programm
the discomfort that
db table has field names as
is it possiable to do something in cakephp model file (reindentify the field names)
so i can use model in controller as
What you need to do is setup some very basic virtual fields in your news model. Something like this should suit your needs.
public $virtualFields = array(
'title' => 'news_title',
'date' => 'news_date',
'content' => 'news_content'
Also do yourself a favour by checking out the other model attributes that could help you out, you'll want to set displayType as new_title I'd imagine.
Is said by Dunhamzz, virtualFields are a good solution until you want to work with these new field-names.
Since I assume your frontend needs to use the old names from the database I would go with the afterFind-callback in your model.
Let's say you've got the model news.php:
# /app/model/news.php
function afterFind($results) {
foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
if (isset($val['News']['title'])) {
$results[$key]['News']['news_title'] = $val['News']['title']);
# unset($results[$key]['News']['title']); //use this if you don't want the "new" fields in your array
if (isset($val['News']['date'])) {
$results[$key]['News']['news_date'] = $val['News']['date']);
# unset($results[$key]['News']['date']); //use this if you don't want the "new" fields in your array
if (isset($val['News']['content'])) {
$results[$key]['News']['news_content'] = $val['News']['content']);
# unset($results[$key]['News']['content']); //use this if you don't want the "new" fields in your array
return $results;
You need to rename the database-fields to your new wanted value. You then can use these within conditions like every other field.
Only difference is, that you get back an array where all your fields have been renamed to your frontend-fields.
For more information about the available callback-methods have a look here: Callback Methods

CakePHP HABTM: Editing one item casuses HABTM row to get recreated, destroys extra data

I'm having trouble with my HABTM relationship in CakePHP.
I have two models like so: Department HABTM Location. One large company has many buildings, and each building provides a limited number of services. Each building also has its own webpage, so in addition to the HABTM relationship itself, each HABTM row also has a url field where the user can visit to find additional information about the service they're interested and how it operates at the building they're interested in.
I've set up the models like so:
class Location extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Location';
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Department' => array(
'with' => 'DepartmentsLocation',
'unique' => true
class Department extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Department';
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Location' => array(
'with' => 'DepartmentsLocation',
'unique' => true
class DepartmentsLocation extends AppModel {
var $name = 'DepartmentsLocation';
var $belongsTo = array(
// I'm pretty sure this method is unrelated. It's not being called when this error
// occurs. Its purpose is to prevent having two HABTM rows with the same location
// and department.
function beforeSave() {
// kill any existing rows with same associations
$this->log(__FILE__ . ": killing existing HABTM rows", LOG_DEBUG);
$result = $this->find('all', array("conditions" =>
array("location_id" => $this->data['DepartmentsLocation']['location_id'],
"department_id" => $this->data['DepartmentsLocation']['department_id'])));
foreach($result as $row) {
return true;
The controllers are completely uninteresting.
The problem:
If I edit the name of a Location, all of the DepartmentsLocations that were linked to that Location are re-created with empty URLs. Since the models specify that unique is true, this also causes all of the newer rows to overwrite the older rows, which essentially destroys all of the URLs.
I would like to know two things:
Can I stop this? If so, how?
And, on a less technical and more whiney note: Why does this even happen? It seems bizarre to me that editing a field through Cake should cause so much trouble, when I can easily go through phpMyAdmin, edit the Location name there, and get exactly the result I would expect. Why does CakePHP touch the HABTM data when I'm just editing a field on a row? It's not even a foreign key!
From the CookBook the 1st problem is:
By default when saving a
HasAndBelongsToMany relationship, Cake
will delete all rows on the join table
before saving new ones.
I am not quite sure why Cake is trying to save the HABTM data even though you don't have a foreign key in your data, but there is an easy solution for that. Simply destroy the association for the save call:
array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Department'))
I'm thinking of one reason why this might be happening. When you retrieve Location, you also retrieve locations_departments data. And when you do a save($this->data) it looks for models in the array and saves them.
A way to solve this is setting the recursive attribute (of a model) to -1 or 0 (try, I'm not sure, just print out the data to see what comes out). You can set it in the model: var $recursive = -1; or in the controller method (action): $this->ModelName->recursive = -1;
More about recursive:
It's really similar to what harpax suggested, just if you don't need that data, tell it to Cake, so that it won't fetch it.
Trouble is that when saving your Location, you gave the save method an array containing all the DepartmentsLocations too. Thus CakePHP destroys everything and try to recreate it.
This is a common mistake with cake since it will often pull far too many results for you.
Be sure to pass only the data that needs to be saved, or better to fetch only the datas you need.
