VB6 CSV search visualbasic - arrays

I have a .csv file that has 100 rows and 8 columns. Each row looks like something below
I need to evaluate each field. If the field = 1 (between rows 1 and 7), I have to write the 8th column value for that row to a text box, if the field = 0 write nothing for that row.
I am very confused on how to evaluate each field.

I use ADO with the Jet-Driver. It's very easy an the result of the import is a ADO.Recordset which you can easily navigate through.
Dim cnCSV As ADODB.Connection
Set cnCSV = New ADODB.Connection
cnCSV.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Chr(34) & lFilePath & Chr(34) & ";Extended Properties=" & Chr(34) & "text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited" & Chr(34) & ";"
Dim p_ImportRst As ADODB.Recordset
Set p_ImportRst = New ADODB.Recordset
lstrSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & lFileName & "]"
Set p_ImportRst = cnCSV.Execute(lstrSQL)

Here is an approach that should work. Pseudo-code-ish...
dim vData() as variant
dim nHandle as integer
dim sTextLine as string
nHandle = FreeFile
open "c:\filename.csv" for input as nHandle
Do While Not EOF(nHandle)
Line Input #nHandle, sTextLine '// Read line into variable.
' break up the line into multiple pieces
vData = split(sTextLine, ",")
' your criteria here
if vData(0) = 0 then ...
if vData(1) = ...
Close #nHandle

Use "split"
"Splits a string into separate elements based on a delimiter (such as a comma or space) and stores the resulting elements in a zero-based array"
Creates a variable size array. Use lbound and ubound to get the size of that, do for loop and add numbers together.


Subscript Out Of range when selecting an array I've created

I'm trying to create a single PDF file containing a sheet for each tab which I have listed from cell J2 in my Control sheet but I keep getting a Subscript Out Of Range error.
When I record the action I see that it creates an array of sheet names which it then selects to export, so I have a For loop which goes through the list and creates an array which adds to itself until it reaches the end of the list - the aim being to create one long string which I then select as an array.
All appears to be good (the variable PDFArray displays a string of the tab names in what appears to be the correct format) but when I get to the line 'Worksheets(Array(PDFarray)).Select' then I get the error. I've made sure the sheet names contain no undesirable characters or spaces but still no joy. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you
Sub B_PDFs()
Dim PDFarray As String, PDFName as String, sht As String
PLFile = ActiveWorkbook.Name
PDFLoc = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
PDFName = Range("A20")
PDFSheetCount = Range("J1").Offset(Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
'Loop through column J and create a string with each tab name to be exported
For x = 2 To PDFSheetCount Step 1
If x = PDFSheetCount Then
sht = """ " & "" & Cells(x, 10) & """ "
sht = """" & "" & Cells(x, 10) & """" & ", "
End If
PDFarray = PDFarray & sht
Next x
'Create PDF from the array above
Worksheets(Array(PDFarray)).Select - this is where I get the error Subscript Out Of Range
Selection.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PFDLoc & PDFName, Quality:= _
xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False,
End Sub
I don't understand why MS makes NOT requiring variable declaration the default. Select Tools/Options/Editor and check Require Variable Declaration. This will place Option Explicit at the start of any new module. To correct this module, enter it manually at the beginning.
Doing so would have enabled you to find and correct a typo in your code.
You should also be avoiding Select, Selection and Activate. They rarely serve any purpose at all, and can cause multiple problems because they lull into avoiding explicit declarations of which workbook, worksheet, etc. you need. See How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA
However in using the ExportAsFixedFormat method to export selected worksheets, it seems Selection and ActiveSheet are required for it to work.
Array(str_variable) returns an array with a single entry that contains the entire string variable. It does not interpret the string variable so as to split it into separate elements.
So, rewriting your code somewhat (I will leave it to you to clean up the PDF document):
Option Explicit
Sub B_PDFs()
Dim PDFarray As Variant, PDFName As String, PLFile As String, PDFLoc As String
Dim wsControl As Worksheet
Dim WB As Workbook
'Consider wheter you want to use ThisWorkbook or a specific workbook
Set WB = ThisWorkbook
With WB
Set wsControl = .Worksheets("Control")
PLFile = .Name
PDFLoc = .Path & "\"
End With
With wsControl
PDFName = .Range("A20")
'create PDFarray
'This will be a 1-based 2D array starting at J1
'If you need to start at J2, alter the initial cell
PDFarray = .Range(.Cells(1, 10), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 10).End(xlUp))
End With
'convert to a 1D array
PDFarray = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(PDFarray)
'Note the use of `Select` and `ActiveSheet` when using this `ExportAsFixedFormat` method
'Create PDF from the array above
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=PDFLoc & PDFName, Quality:= _
xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
End Sub
What #RonRosenfeld has suggested is correct about select and selection. The expression you are building is string whereas, Excel expects it to be real array.
So in principle an approach like below shall work for you which will create an array for processing and can be used as you want to utilise.
Dim shtNames As Variant
Dim pdfArray
shtNames = Range("J2:J" & Range("J1").Offset(Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row).Value
pdfArray = Application.Transpose(shtNames)

VBA sorting 2 dimensional array (text values in alphabetical order) - optimization

To receive an array with data sorted alphabetically in Excel, I always use something like this:
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("data")
LastRow = .Cells.Find(what:="*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
.Range("a2:b" & LastRow).Sort key1:=.Range("a1"), order1:=xlAscending
vData = .Range("a2:b" & LastRow)
End With
I can have up to 3 sorting criteria, an infinite number if I run sort multiple times with different sort parameters.
The problem is that it takes time. The worst is when I receive an array as a result of operations within the code and I must first paste the array into worksheet, then sort. With a few hundred thousands of rows, it will take a few seconds.
I used my modifications of QuickSort algorithms to sort numbers, but I imagine that sorting text alphabetically would require 'StrComp', which from my experience is relatively time consuming.
Have you seen or do you think it possible to create a VBA 2 dimensional array alphabetical sorting algorithm (can even be 1 criteria column), which will perform faster than Range.Sort (or pasting huge array + sort)? If yes, how would the strings be compared?
You can try using methods from the ADODB library and simply do a SELECT query on your data where you ORDER BY the text columns in the data which negates the need to write a custom sorting function.
Using this approach will allow you to scale to any number of text columns without worrying how the custom function will deal with multiple columns of text data.
Sample data and output:
Sample code for above - please follow the comments.
Option Explicit
Sub SortDataBy2TextColumnsWithADO()
Dim rngInput As Range
Dim rngOutput As Range
Dim strWbName As String
Dim strConnection As String
Dim objConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim strRangeReference As String
Dim strSql As String
Dim objRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset
Dim varSortedData As Variant
Dim wsf As WorksheetFunction
' set input range - includes header
Set rngInput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C19")
' set output range - just the first cell
Set rngOutput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E1")
' copy the headers over
rngOutput.Resize(1, 3).Value = rngInput.Rows(1).Value
' connection string for ACE OLEDB provider
strWbName = ThisWorkbook.FullName
strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & strWbName & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"";"
' make the connection to current workbook (better saved the workbook first)
Set objConnection = New ADODB.Connection
objConnection.Open strConnection
' get range reference as a string suitable for sql query
strRangeReference = "[" & rngInput.Parent.Name & "$" & rngInput.Address(False, False) & "]"
' get the data ordered by text columns (1 and 2) and values (3)
strSql = "select * from " & strRangeReference & " order by 1, 2, 3"
' populate the recordset
Set objRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
objRecordSet.Open strSql, objConnection
' get the sorted data to the variant
varSortedData = objRecordSet.GetRows
' need to transpose the sorted data
varSortedData = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(varSortedData)
' output the transposed sorted data to target range
rngOutput.Offset(1, 0).Resize(UBound(varSortedData, 1), UBound(varSortedData, 2)).Value = varSortedData
' clean up
Set objRecordSet = Nothing
Set objConnection = Nothing
End Sub
Note the following:
I got errors on an unsaved workbook - so probably better than you have saved the workbook at least once
The sorted data needs to be transposed for the output range - see here and here

Excel VBA - Run SQL Query using Workfsheet Cell Range

I am creating a simple spreadsheet which takes an array of IDs from worksheet "input", queries an Oracle database asking for only the records which match the IDs in the array and outputs the results to worksheet "output".
So far, my VBA will work if my array only contains a single ID (by specifying a single cell range), and everything completes with the desired output from the Oracle database appearing in worksheet "output". Good times.
The problem I am having now is that I want to specify a range of IDs (anything up to around 5000) in worksheet "input" to include in my array and pass that array to the Oracle database to return data for each ID it finds (I am not expecting all IDs to exist). Whenever I try this I seem to get "Error 13 Type Mismatch" errors... Bad times.
My VBA code is:
Dim OracleConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim MosaicRecordSet As ADODB.RecordSet
Dim SQLQuery As String
Dim DBConnect As String
Dim count As String
Dim strbody As String
Dim Exclude As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Rec As RecordSet
Dim InputIDs As Variant
Set OracleConnection = New ADODB.Connection
DBConnect = "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=MOSREP;User ID=***;Password=***;"
OracleConnection.Open DBConnect
' Clear Output Sheet Down
' Set Input Range
Sheets("Input").Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "0"
InputIDs = Sheets("Input").Range("A2:A10").Value
' SQL Query
"from DM_PERSONS DMP " & _
"join DM_ADDRESSES DMA " & _
"where DMP.PERSON_ID in (" & InputIDs & ")"
Set MosaicRecordSet = OracleConnection.Execute(SQLQuery)
Sheets("Output").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset MosaicRecordSet
' Change DOB Format
Sheets("Output").Columns("C:C").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
' Set Left Alignment
Sheets("Output").Columns("A:Z").HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft
Set MosaicRecordSet = Nothing
Set OracleConnection = Nothing
Can anyone shed light on what I am missing? I have attempted to resolve the Type Mismatch issue by setting the 'numberformat' on the column in worksheet "input" to "0" but that didn't help. I also thought that I might have to have a loop to iterate through each record, but I haven't got to that stage yet because of this Type Mismatch thing...
Thank you everyone for your help in advance!
The ID's need to be comma delimited
InputIDs = getIDs( Sheets("Input").Range("A2:A10") )
Function getIDs(rng As Range)
Dim c As Range
Dim s As String
For Each c In rng
s = s & c.Value & ","
getIDs = Left(s, Len(s) - 1)
End Function

VBA function calls VBA sub to print array to worksheet

Currently I have a user-defined function which runs several routines involving the generation of matrices. To check these matrices have been produced correctly I want to put them on a worksheet. The user defined function works fine and I have added the below into it at the place where I want to find out what is in the array:
Call CheckArray(TestArray)
Where 'TestArray' in the above varies depending on the array I want to look at.
The 'CheckArray' subroutine is as follows:
Sub CheckArray(MyArray As Variant)
MatrixRows = UBound(MyArray, 1)
MatrixCols = UBound(MyArray, 2)
MsgBox MyArray(11, 2)
MsgBox "Matrix size = " & MatrixRows & " rows x " & MatrixCols & " columns"
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Check array").[A1].Resize(MatrixRows, MatrixCols) = MyArray
End Sub
Note that I placed the two MsgBox commands in there to check the sub was called correctly and that it was working, which it is. Moreover, it returned the value in the specific location I requested and it also stated the size of the particular matrix I was looking at, so the data does seem to be getting read correctly - the issue is with subsequently writing that from the new sub.
When I include that final line it does not print my array to the worksheet and it also stops the user-defined function from working correctly. Does anyone know why this isn't working?
Can user-defined functions call subs which print to a worksheet or not? Is there a way to fix this?
To summarise:
As I am using a user-defined function which is entered in a cell in a worksheet I cannot export data to anywhere but that cell. However, I can view the arrays in the Immediate Window.
In MS Excel 2010 the Immediate Window can be found in the VBA editor (Alt+F11) and then click on View -> Immediate Window (Ctrl+G).
To export my array to the Immediate Window I should enter this into my code after the array I want to view:
Call WriteArrayToImmediateWindow(MyArray)
Where 'MyArray' is the name of my array, whatever that is.
This will then call the 'WriteArrayToImmediateWindow' sub, which is:
Sub WriteArrayToImmediateWindow(arrSubA As Variant)
Dim rowString As String
Dim iSubA As Long
Dim jSubA As Long
rowString = ""
Debug.Print "The array is: "
For iSubA = 1 To UBound(arrSubA, 1)
rowString = arrSubA(iSubA, 1)
For jSubA = 2 To UBound(arrSubA, 2)
rowString = rowString & "," & arrSubA(iSubA, jSubA)
Next jSubA
Debug.Print rowString
Next iSubA
End Sub
Credit for the above goes to User3706920: How to print two dimensional array in Immediate window in VBA?
I decided that viewing the arrays in the Immediate Window wasn't always useful and I needed to view the data comma-separated in Excel. If you want to do the same follow the below instructions:
To export the array to a text file you should enter this into your code after the array you want to view:
Call WriteToFile(MyArray)
Where 'MyArray' is again the name of the array you want to review. The 'WriteToFile macro is as follows:
Sub WriteToFile(arrSubA As Variant)
'To export array to a text file
Dim FSO As Object
Dim ofs As Object
Dim Output As Variant
Dim rowString As String
Dim iSubA As Long
Dim jSubA As Long
rowString = ""
'Create file
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oFile As Object
Set oFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\" & Environ$("username") & "\Desktop\Array.txt")
For iSubA = 1 To UBound(arrSubA, 1)
rowString = arrSubA(iSubA, 1)
For jSubA = 2 To UBound(arrSubA, 2)
rowString = rowString & "," & arrSubA(iSubA, jSubA)
Next jSubA
If Len(Dir("C:\Users\" & Environ$("username") & "\Desktop\Array.txt")) > 0 Then
Set ofs = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Users\" & Environ$("username") & "\Desktop\Array.txt", 8, True)
End If
ofs.WriteLine rowString
Next iSubA
End Sub
To quickly view the output array in Excel without any commas I would recommend assigning the below macro to a button:
Sub OpenArrayFile()
'To open array text file in Excel
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="C:\Users\" & Environ$("username") & "\Desktop\Array.txt", Origin:= _
xlMSDOS, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote _
, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True _
, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(1, 1), _
End Sub
Hopefully this is useful to others too!

random function not working properly

I am having trouble with an asp page that contains a random function to display a random number of random records. The way I have the code now, as shown below, nothing appears on the page even though there are several records that match the criteria.
Out of 500 records I have in my database, about 70 match the criteria, but form some reason, they never seem to fall within the plist variable, to be used in the query.
When I change the max number to a lower number, say 10, I get an error message that the EOF has been found or no more records are available. Using debugging code, I couldnt find anything out of the ordinary, just the fact that from all the 100 records input into the plist, none of them match the records from the main criteria.
I am posting the entire code here. Maybe someone can catch what may be causing to not work properly.
Sub GetRandomDomains
dim conn, maxrecords, count, webname
dim randomrs, sql
'If (conn.State = adStateClosed) Then
OpenDB conn
'End If
KeywordColumnGetRandomKeywords conn, maxrecords, sql
If sql="" then
set conn=nothing
Response.Write(" NOT AVAILABLE")
exit sub
end if
set randomrs=conn.execute(sql)
Response.Write("<ul id='catnav'>")
do While Not randomrs.EOF and count<maxrecords
If isnull(randomrs("sitename")) Then
End if
Response.Write "<li> " & webname &"</li>"
CloseSet randomrs
CloseDB conn
end sub
Sub KeywordColumnGetRandomKeywords (conn,maxrecords,sql)
dim i, id, index, plist, rs, sqlstr, sortstr
Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sqlstr="SELECT domainid FROM domains"
Debugwrite sqlstr, "sqlstr for random domains"
rs.Open sqlstr,conn,3,3
If rs.eof then
CloseSet rs
Response.Write(" EMPTY")
exit sub
end if
Debugwrite rs("domainid"), "rs for random domains"
Dim arrData ' Array to Store Data
Dim arrSequence ' Array to Hold Random Sequence
Dim iArrayLooper ' Integer for Looping
Dim iarraysize ' Size of Data Array
If xdbasetype="Local" Then
iarraysize=cint(GetRecordcount (conn))
end if
Debugwrite GetRecordcount(conn), "getrecordcount for random domains array"
Debugwrite(IsArray(iarraysize)), "random domains count array"
'if (cint(GetRecordcount(conn)))= 0 or isnull(cint(GetRecordcount(conn))) then
'Exit Sub
'End if
redim arrdata(cint(iarraysize))
for i = 0 to iarraysize-1
Set rs = Nothing
If iarraysize<maxrecords then
end if
' Get an array of numbers 0 to array size randomly sequenced.
arrSequence = Resequencearray(iArraySize)
for i = 0 to maxrecords-1
if plist<>"" then
plist=plist & ","
end if
plist=plist & id
sql="select domainid, domain, sitename,sitematch,altmatch from domains"
sql = sql & " WHERE restricted=0 and(sitematch like '%" & xsitematch & "%' or altmatch like '%" & xaltmatch & "%')"
sql = sql & " and domainid In (" & plist & ") "
Debugwrite sql, "first sql for random domains"
end sub
Function ResequenceArray(iArraySize)
Dim arrTemp()
Dim I
Dim iLowerBound, iUpperBound
Dim iRndNumber
Dim iTemp
' Set array size
ReDim arrTemp(iArraySize - 1)
iLowerBound = LBound(arrTemp)
iUpperBound = UBound(arrTemp)
For I = iLowerBound To iUpperBound
arrTemp(I) = I
' Loop through the array once, swapping each value
' with another in a random location within the array.
For I = iLowerBound to iUpperBound
iRndNumber = Int(Rnd * (iUpperBound - iLowerBound + 1))
' Swap Ith element with iRndNumberth element
iTemp = arrTemp(I)
arrTemp(I) = arrTemp(iRndNumber)
arrTemp(iRndNumber) = iTemp
Next 'I
' Return our array
ResequenceArray = arrTemp
End Function
' get record count for mysql
Function GetrecordCount(conn)
dim sqlstr, rs, rcount
sqlstr="select count(domainid) FROM domains WHERE restricted=0 and (domaingroup='" & xdomaingroup & "' or altmatch like '%" & xaltmatch & "%')"
Debugwrite sqlstr, "sqlstr for random domains"
set rs=conn.execute(sqlstr)
if rs.eof then
end if
CloseSet rs
Debugwrite rcount, "getrecordcount for random domains"
End function
Okay. There may be a far more simple way of approaching this. Here's a piece of code that gets the data as an array - far simpler and we have much more control over what's in it...
'Constants relating to the following routines...
const C_NO_DATA = "NO_DATA" 'Used when no data is returned to a consuming routine
const C_ERROR = "ERROR" 'Used when an error is generated
' Returns a table of data based on the supplied SQL statement and connection string.
' sqlString (string) - The SQL string to be sent.
' connString (string) - The database connection string.
' dataSet = GetDataSet(sqlString, connString)
' This function generates a table of information in a 2 dimensional array. The first dimension represents the columns
' and the second the rows. If an error occurs while the routine is executing the array and the base index (0,0) is set
' to C_ERROR, (0,1) to the VBScript error index, and (0,2) to the VBScript error description.
function GetDataSet(sqlString, connString)
dim returnVal, rsData
on error resume next
'Define and open the recordset object...
set rsData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsData.Open sqlString, connString, 0, 1, 1
'Initialise an empty value for the containing array...
redim returnVal(0,0)
returnVal(0,0) = C_NO_DATA
'Deal with any errors...
if not rsData.EOF and not rsData.BOF then
'Store the data...
returnVal = rsData.GetRows()
'Tidy up...
set rsData = nothing
select case err.number
case 3021 'No data returned
'Do nothing as the initial value will still exist (C_NO_DATA)
case 0 'No error
'Do nothing as data has been returned
case else
redim returnVal(4,0)
returnVal(0,0) = C_ERROR
returnVal(1,0) = err.number
returnVal(2,0) = err.description
returnVal(3,0) = sqlString
returnVal(4,0) = connString
end select
end if
on error goto 0
'Return the array...
GetDataSet = returnVal
end function
Okay, so we read the data we're after into an array. Note that I don't know where your xaltmatch and xsitematch variables come from so you'll need to supply these at some point...
Dim ds, sql
sql = _
"SELECT " & _
"domainid, " & _
"domain, " & _
"sitename, " & _
"sitematch, " & _
"altmatch " & _
"FROM " & _
"domains " & _
"WHERE " & _
"restricted=0 AND " & _
"(sitematch LIKE '%" & xsitematch & "%' OR " & _
"altmatch LIKE'%" & xaltmatch & "%') AND " & _
"domainid IN (" & plist & ") "
ds = GetDataSet(sql, conn)
The ds variable now contains an array of elements pulled from the database. All we need to do now is loop through the required number of times...
dim row, rows, used, randoms, col, cols, rc, cc
rows = UBound(ds, 2) 'Get the upper bound of the second array dimension
cols = UBound(ds, 1) 'Get the number of columns for writing to the page
randoms = 70 'Total number of randoms we need
used = ","
for rc = 1 to randoms
'Just in case we don't want to repeat the same row...
row = int(rnd(1)*rows) 'Zero based - we don't need to add 1
until instr(used, "," & row & ",")) = 0
'Add our random row to the list...
used = used & row & ","
'Write our output to the page...
for cc = 0 to cols
response.write(ds(cc, row))
next 'cc
next 'rc
The GetDataSet code is part of my stock functions, so I know that works, but I will hold my hand up and say that I haven't tested the rest of it.
Have a bash with this one, Luis, and let me know how you get on.
