uploading file from Access 2010 - file

I have a Access 2010 frontend database + MySQL as backend. So far it is working fine. I would like to upload document and decided to save on the server rather than on the Database. My first question is, how do I upload file from access frontend to the remote server/location?
I was thinking, maybe store the data on the database and use some kind of triggers or script which reads the blob file from database and saves on the server as well as fills the file path into another column.
is there any easier way to upload files from access frontend to a remote server? I am using MySQL server as backend.
thank you in advance

SFTP with Putty
This might help you - it's a great example using Putty on the Windows machine to communicate over SFTP with the Linux server using VBA: SFTP upload with VBA
You would need to install putty on each Windows machine that uses Access and ensure that the appropriate rights are in place on the Linux server.
Custom Add-In
You could use .NET to create an add-in for access to transfer the file to the server over sockets, but this would require you to write a server-side application to listen for requests. You would have complete freedom over how you implement it at the cost of added complexity for yourself as the developer.
You would need to:
Create an add-in using Visual Studio (or other .NET IDE)
Add this into your Access application and use the API you've built.
Create a server-side application to listen to it (this could be a simple Python application)
SMTP Approach
If you want to be creative you could email the file to your own mock SMTP server using Access' CDO functionality: Sending emails with Access
Again, you would have to create a handler application to handle the SMTP protocol, but I'm sure there are some great examples out there.
HTTP Approach
You could even encode the file and send it over HTTP to a simple PHP server in a simple POST request: Example web request with Access You would need to encode the file to base64 or something or file a way of handling file uploads.
As you can see, the easiest approach by far is using Putty, but there are some interesting custom approaches you could take.
I'd say using either SMTP or HTTP would be suitable but that depends how easily you could set up the server-side handler. There may be existing SMTP emulators out there that you could use to handle receiving and managing files.

this might help someone.
I have used Chilkat FTP activeX component and its working fine. Chilkat provides prewritten code just copied from his website and everything is fine. Although I could not find how to show the transferring progress.


Use Symfony to authenticate users for external service

I've been googling the entire afternoon and I'm still not able to figure out what's the best solution to implement the following:
We have build a webapp in AngularJS that consumes interacts with REST API build using Symfony. The app allows users to register, login and do stuff. Now, these users need to upload very big files (>60GB) into their personal folders. A separate VM have been setup for this purpose (data server), located in the same VLAN as the frontend, backend and the MySQL db serving the data. The data upload will be done using either HTTP (using JQuery File Upload plugin) or an FTP client.
I'd like the users to authenticate into the data server (both via FTP or HTTP) using the credentials they already have for the app. For the FTP case, I'll use PureFTP as FTP server, which validates user/pass directly from the MySQL. As far as I know, this is the most convenient solution, but criticism is accepted.
For the HTTP upload, we could proceed in a similar way: POST user/pass, validate against DB and return true/false. Since all the communication will happen within the VLAN, security issues are less problematic. Nonetheless, I believe much more sophisticated solutions have already been developed.
My first thought was to build an OAuth server on Symfony and then authenticate the uploader (and future services) with their respective clients. Is this a right approach or is this a too complicated solution?
Alternatively, a service in the dataserver could validate user's credentials sent by the client against the REST API, receive a JWT and generate a new session for that particular client to list and update files on a particular folder. I'm not sure how to build this middleware though, do I need another Symfony instance or a simple PHP script will do the trick?
Please do not hesitate to share any thought you have on this. Any point of view will be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot

Edit server-side file using GWT

I'm new to GWT. I need to read a text file from the server, display its content in a TextArea widget, allow the user to modify it, and save the updated file back to the server. Can anyone please tell me, is it possible, and what should be the right way to do this?
It is possible.
You can make a service to access the file (read and write) and the GWT client will easily call the service methods and update the user interface (TextArea).
Read here for more details.
Also you can start right away by making a new GWT project in Eclipse and choose to generate sample code. It will generate a simple service and simple GWT page that calls the service. You can add your methods to this service to try it out as a proof of concept.
If you are using Google App Engine server, there's no way to write file to server because of restriction.
To write file to server, you will need to create your own server, create a service (use Java or another server-side language) then use one of these methods to communicate with your server.
If you still want to use GAE server (on appspot.com domain), you can use another method to store your data like Datastore or Google Cloud Storage, see this article for more information.

Advice on which non .Net technology to use for file transfer over the internet

My newest task is going to be to implement automatic update of a licence:
The program detects that the licence is expired or about to expire and offers the user to automatically upate this. So far so good. Now what is needed:
The program sends the user's credentials to a win 2008 server over the internet.
The server checks the credentials and if they are OK generates a licence file that is sent back.
How to implement these steps if I cannot use .Net technology?
What not instead of transferring a file, think of it like invoking a web service (or web page) on the server and that returning the content of the license file?
In the VB application you then receive the page response and save that to a local file.
This alternative is used in LicenseSpot for online activation. You can check the API documentation for a general idea.

How to automatically export data from silverlight to local disk

I am running unit testing in silverlight.
I have the test data and I need to export it to local disk without user interaction.
I have thinked to export a file but it seems that it requires user interaction.
I thought I could try a local process that listens for silverlight data on a connection, which saves the data automatically, but didnt find if it is possible and how.
Can anyone help me on how to automatically export data from silverlight to local disk?
Checkout the answer on this SO question. It shows how to access the local file system, however it does require user interaction.
I would just add a page to the web app that is hosting the silverlight plugin that allows you to store the data locally. You can the post your data and have your backend (asp.net I suppose) store the data locally. If you already use WCF to comunicate with your backend, you can use that instead.
I have solved with a local server, it provide http web server, policy server and a socket listener.
The server run and:
- listen as http server for silverlight page requests.
- listen on a local port for silverlight test results encoded as xml
- listen on another port as a policy server, because silverlight need it to connect on a socket
Next the server starts internet explorer pointing to his own web server, at unit test page,
When the tests are finished I get the test result data structure in silverlight, open the connection to the local server (validated by the policy server) and send to it the result encoded in a string.
The server have full access to local file system, so it can silently produce output.

How to send e-mail from Silverlight without ASP.NET server?

My task is simple, send an e-mail from a Silverlight app, but it has to work in most webservers so, Linux, Apache. Cannot use Windows Servers.
Is my best bet to create a simple PHP script to do the heavy lifting and make request to that using SL?
Even with a ASP.NET you would need to write code server side to accept a request from SL to send an email. Ok so Visual Studio would make creating that much easier but essentially either with PHP, ASP, ASP.NET or whatever you need a service to for SL to send its request to send an email.
I know very little about Apache but PHP would be one way to do it, although I'm sure there would be other ways to create a web service that SL could consume.
