How to build database reports using multiple remote databases - database

Does anyone have experience building database reports - doesn't matter which database - i just want design ideas - for a system that is made up of many separate, but identical databases?
I cannot "combine" all databases into one. They must be separate.
But the structure is identical across all databases...
I need to build a web interface that will allow a user to get a "global" report that will query all databases and build one combined report.
Do you have any comments on how the model would look like? or anything you think i need to beware of?

I don't have first hand experience with cross database reports, my experience comes from a product the company i work for sells which can create reports from multiple databases, from your description i believe you require something of the "combine" tables kind, in this case i recommend you to detect the tables used in the query, and unify them in a single temporary intermediary database, for example Access, SQL Server CE or SQLite and then run the query against this temporary database or table.

If your databases are Microsoft SQL Server, then using SQL Server Reporting Services seems like a good solution. The software for the report generation / display is bundled along with the database software.
It gives you a web interface, where you can configure 'data sources' from any number of remote databases, and combine data from these sources into reports. It is user friendly and you can do all the report design / configuration through the web interface without having to write any code.
some references :
Building report using SQL Server stored procedure


How to connect the Data Modeler with SQL Server 2008?

I want to document a SQL Server 2008 database. I have been asked for the Diagram and the specifications of the tables, fields, data type, etc. (Data Dictionary).
The problem is that I can not find a program that suits my requirements. The Erwin Data Modeler has a reverse engineering tool, but it is not useful because it does not allow me to specify only the tables that I want to diagram, at the very same request the schemas (But it is in this program that I am asked to do the diagramming) . SQL Server Management Studio is not an option because it is the same that manages the Databases (it implies modifying the DB in some way) and it is not very flexible with the choice of tables.
So I resorted to Data Modeler works perfectly with an Oracle database, you can make diagrams, generate scripts (the latter helped me to pass diagrams to Erwin), and even generate documentation of objects, etc. But I have not been able to connect it to SQL Server 2008 to do the same thing I did with Oracle. I downloaded the jtds-1.2.jar to make the connection but I do not know exactly how to do it.
In summary I need a program that allows me to choose the tables to which I want to diagram (These are things that are achieved with the Data Modeler) and then be able to open them in the Erwin (With the script that generates the latter) which is the target program. And also the field documentation, although this is a secondary issue to the question.
It would be helpful if you know of any other method, program or procedure.
download from sourceforge jTDS v1.3 or 1.3.1
get the JAR out of the zip
add it to your sqldev folder
open preferences in the tool, and go to third party drivers, under database page i think, and then when you get to connection dialog, there will be a SQL Server and Sybase connection type
i talk about this in more detail here
You can connect to a SQL 2008 db and RE the databases into one or more data models, and then generate data dictionary reports and DDL scripts. And a lot more..get v4.2 if you want to generate HTML reports that include the diagrams themselves.

Migrating data between two SQL Server 2014 DBs

I have two SQL Server 2014 DBs with different schemas. These DBs served two distinct web application operating in the same area of interest, hence I have similar tables in these two DBs. What is the easiest way to migrate data between them? I was thinking about a Transact-SQL script. Is there a tool that could solve this task more easily?
If the migration is relatively simple or if you want to reduce the number of tools involved you can stick with a tsql script. If you want to run it on a schedule you can execute it with SQL agent as TSQL or wrap it in a stored procedure and call that from the agent. If there are different servers involved you can create a linked server.
If you like a visual tool or if the process is very complex and you do not want to write tsql scripts then SSIS is a great tool that is specialized in taking data from disparate sources, applying transformations / conversions and importing. Some people also like to use SSIS for simple tasks because of the visual design surface.
Without more details it is hard to say the best route. If I had two DB's that were very similar I would consider merging the designs to accommodate both business lines / customers and add flexibility to allow more businiess lines / customers into the same design in the future

Way to obscure SQL Server database schema?

Is there any way to obscure the schema of a database on SQL Server?
If I have SQL Server Express installed on a client site, is there a way to obscure the schema and data so that someone else cannot come along and learn the schema in order to extract data out of it and into another product?
The best way to obscure your database schema is to not let it leave your servers.
Even if you encrypt the schema you still will have to provide the key somewhere, and if the client is determined to get it, they'll spend time and money to do so.
So you're better off either offering your product as service or making your client loyal by doing good job.
AFAIK, "no".
The best way to "lock down" your database is:
1) Install with appropriate roles and users (ideally, SQL roles and SQL users you create)
2) Explicitly restrict object permissions in SQL Server
3) Code your application to use SQL Server stored procedures (instead of raw T-SQL) as much as possible
4) Encrypt your stored procedures
Here's a good link on "SQL Server Best Practices" that might be of interest. It discusses security issues and a (relatively) new feature, "User Schema Separation":
This is a tricky one and may not even be 100% possible. However, there are a few tricks to setting it up:
Install a new named instance of SQL server with a custom SA account (both name and password). There is an installation method for SQL server call "Unattended Installation" which allows you to specify all the installation parameters for SQL server in an ini file and then run the install silently. Check out the documentation here: Unattended Installation of SQL Server 2008 r2
Create your database, tables, procedures, etc. with your magic SQL install script (use encrypted stored procs if you want, but they too are crackable)
Add/Verify the schema permissions for the custom SA account and Drop all schema permissions for all Administrator roles. The goal here is that no roles have any schema permissions to your database and only your custom SA user has permission (not assigned by role, but directly to the user).
There are several commercial applications that I know of that don't even tell you they are installing an instance of MS SQL express. They too will create their own named instance with a named SA account. I can't say I like that as a customer (as SQL takes a hit on the CPU and I don't want "secret" instances running on my workstation). But so long as you disclose this to your customers upfront, they may understand.
**Keep in mind a skilled DBA may have the knowledge to mess with system tables and what not to manually grant access to your database. These techniques really are just "obfuscation" and won't be 100% bullet proof.
As a side note: With the plethora of available 3rd party datalayers and webservice technologies, I think many companies are finding their database schema alone isn't so proprietary or valuable anymore. There was a time when the database schema alone could have represented hundreds of hours of coding. But today tools like EntityFramework, NHibernate, Linq-to-SQL, XPO, etc all create your database schema for you based on your software class definitions and in code attributes. So just seeing a DB table isn't really very valuable. Plus you might write a bunch of business logic, statistical analysis or other helper methods in your software that aren't in your database schema. In my opinion, this is where today's "value add" is found, in the business logic, analysis and reporting functionality of your software - not in the raw datatables.
This is also why another poster recommended obfuscating stored procedures, because these could be many times the work of the database schema itself if you have some nice analysis and reporting procedures written up. Its also what customer's would most likely want to customize for their own reporting needs. You may be inclined to have a policy that custom reporting can only be done by your company (hey, even the big guys like SAP are sticky with who can modify what).
There is a way, it's convoluted and ugly but it works.
You have a master table that acts as a lookup table for your other tables. This master table would look sort of like this:
id, guid, entityname, parent_id
then all of your table names and column names get renamed to be guids. after that you put an entry in the lookup table for each of them. When you want to select data you have to do so by pulling the guid's out of the lookup table by their entitynames which then give you the obscured table and column names.
There is a major software vendor out there that does something very similar to this, so it has been done before.

Multiple database connectivity

We have 4 products and each supports below 4 datasources.
SQL server 2005
Now We are building Administration product which will interact will all the products and hence their databases.We have some requirements where we have to access tables from different datasources in a single query.We initially thought of using Oracle transparent gateway to create DB links and then access tables in different datasources. But this requires oracle to be installed for one of the products. This restrictions cannot be brought in our environment(For example among 4 products 2 may have SQL server installation and other two may have DB2 installation). Which is the best way to connect to all datasources with out any restriction. One more thing, we are using java to connect to these databases. Thanks in advance.
You don't say what kind of framework your client software uses. But if it uses Java, dotnet, or PERL, you will be able to use that framework's data access modules to connect to the various table servers. You can connect to all of them from a single client process easily enough.
You db access won't be perfectly transparent. You'll need some aspects of your program to be Oracle- or SQL-Server- specific, for example. On the other hand, if you do this right, it won't be hard to add MySQL and PostgreSQL support if your customers need it.
You'll have a fairly steep QA burden -- you'll need to test with at least one and two instances of all four table servers connected simultaneously to make sure everything works.
But this kind of product usually has high value, so you should be able to justify the QA effort.

End User Ad-Hoc Reporting Tool: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or Microsoft Access?

Our centralized IT department has suggested two primary ad hoc query tools for our general user base of approximately 200 staff members:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 (SSMS)
Microsoft Access 2003
The backend database is a read-only Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database.
The schema is 400+ tables; allowing access to the raw data for our general staff would be a disaster.
We will be building an "abstraction layer" over the raw data for our general staff to run ad hoc queries against.
The abstraction layer will most likely contain a number of views.
A number of users have basic knowledge in Microsoft Access; none have used SSMS.
Which of the above tools (or alternative) would be best for a decidedly non-techie user base of approximately 200 people? What are the pros and cons of each?
Also, the IT department has suggested teaching people T-SQL so they may use SSMS. Is this reasonable?
How about this one? i-net Clear Reports (used to be called i-net Crystal-Clear) has a powerful ad-hoc reporting component that is made to be an easy-to-use thing for non-technical users. Your users won't have to know anything about reporting at all. They simply select the kind of report, the data et voila there is a report suiting the needs.
The data abstraction can be done easily by creating so called data-views which can be designed by e.g. your administration. There are various ways to access the ad hoc reporting GUI. We have a web GUI, a Java Applet or a standalone Java program.
The end users will not need any training since the GUI is highly intuitive.
The views can easily be build by drag and drop in addition to setting datatypes, formats and so on.
All reports (depending on security settings) can be accessed via DAV our a report repository gui.
The server supports different security settings on a per user or per group basis.
The standalone report designer is free and fully functional.
Disclosure: Yep. I work for the company who built this.
Your "abstraction layer" is the right approach to take with Access. Create an MDB with the basic views required linked into it and distribute to the users. Allow them to create new queries and reports in their own MDB as required.
Now how you are going to stop them from running a Cartesian join on tables with a million records or more I'm not quite sure.
Microsoft have a free tool for business and end users which called "Report Builder". It supports the full capabilities of SQL Server Reporting Services. The good thing it is provides a Microsoft Office look-like user interface.
You can download latest version "Report Builder 3.0" from here
And for more information about MS Report Builder check this link
Attempting to teach "non-techie" people T-SQL to query a schema with 400+ tables probably isn't going to do well, unless they are limited to querying the views only, and the views hide all the ugly complexities of various joins, grouping etc.
Our company was in a similar situation where Access was used early on, and then we switched everyone over to use T-SQL and SSMS. IMO, this is the approach you'd want to take.
Again though, the success of this will depend on the quality of your views, or better yet, reports you provide your end-users.
I would look more into something like that is designed for non developers to build reports. Not that the report writer or query builder in Access is bad, but may be too much. I think they also provide a way to centralize reports and queries where they can be shared. Multiple people are not going to be able to open a single access file and create a report (I think query building is OK.).
Most will use the drag and drop capability, but about 5-10%will come thing a need for SQL and then you can take advantage of the "teachable moment" and get them some training.
Cons for Access certainly would be cost; SSMS should be free assuming you're properly licensed for the SQL server.
Depending on the actual needs, some users might actually be better off with Crystal Reports (never thought I'd say that), or Reporting Services.
you could create a series of sql server analysis cubes and have the users conenct to those using excel so that they can use excel's pivot tables.
Being a newbie at ad hoc reporting and doing the work myself, I used ad hoc reporting. It was very straight forward, and I could do it myself versus outsourcing.
Check SQLS*Plus -
I found SQLS*Plus to be a very effective command line SQL server reporting tool - this is a free tool (for personal use) and allows me to generate reports with the titles, headers, in HTML and CSV formats, format columns in custom masks, set report length, pagesize, etc. As I understand it is very similar to very well known Oracle SQL*Plus reporting tool
