Designing a database for an e-commerce store - database

Hi I am trying to design a database for an e-commerce website but I can't seem to find a way to do this right, this is what I have so far:
The problem appears at the products.I have 66 types of products most of them having different fields.I have to id's but both of them don't seem very practical:
At first I thought I to make a table for each product type, but that would result in 66 tables which is not very easy to maintain. I already started to do that I created the Product_Notebook and Product_NotebookBag tables. And then I stopped and thought about it a bit and this solution is not very good.
After thinking about it a bit more I came up with option B which is storing the data into a separate field called description. For example:
"Color : Red & Compatibility : 15.6 & CPU : Intel"
In this approach I could take the string and manipulate it after retrieving it from the database.
I know this approach is also not a very good idea, that's why I am asking for a more practical approach.

See my answer to this question here on Stack Overflow. For your situation I recommend using Entity Attribute Value (EAV).
As I explain in the linked answer, EAV is to be avoided almost all of the time for many good reasons. However, tracking product attributes for an online catalog is one application where the problems with EAV are minimal and the benefits are extensive.

Simply create a ProductProperties table and put all the possible fields there. (You can actually just add more fields to your Products table)
Then, when you list your products, just use the fields you need.
Surely, there are many fields in common as well.
By the way, if you're thinking of storing the data in array (option B?) you'll regret it later. You won't be able to easily sort your table that way.
Also, that option will make it hard to find a particular item by a specific characteristic.


How to reuse a model to relate with multiple models

I've worked on big projects before, but I'm trying to improve my best practices, and one thing that I'm stuck on is not to create many models.
This might seem a little bit confusing, so let me put an example:
Let's suppose I have a Post model, and an Answer model, the answer one relates to the Post in a One-Many relationship.
Then, I want to add a Comment model, both to Post and Answer.
I could add two Foreign Key nullable columns on the Comment, to show which model it belongs.
But I could also create PostComment and AnswerComment models, removing the nullable column, but creating more kind of boilerplate.
Which practice is the best?
It depends.
I'm assuming the design is primarily to support a transactional application (OLTP), and not reporting (OLAP). I'm also assuming that model = table.
There's nothing inherently wrong with having multiple tables, as long as the design makes sense (can be easily supported), can be extended / modified with relative ease (maintained), does not lead to poorly performing queries (e.g. if there's a mismatch between the database schema and how calling applications want to consume its data.
If data is the same, it should probably go into the same table; e.g. if you're dealing with birds then don't have tblHawk, tblParrot, etc - but you you had all animals then sure you'd probably want to seperate them out somehow - tblBird, tblFish, tblMammal, etc - because the data would be too different & too hard to model effectively.
You have answers and posts - I assume these are different enough that having separate tables makes sense? If so, what about comments to them? If comments are essentially the same regardless of post/answer then one table, as you described, is probably a good idea.
Also consider the application: if you have separate post/answer comment tables there's more code to be developed and maintained - but it's separate, so more code but possibly more flexible with less complexity. Using one table will have the opposite affect. Neither is wrong, but one approach is probably better than the other depending on your situation.

CakePHP virtual HABTM table/relation, something like fixture

first of all I'd like to tell you that you're terrific audience.
I'm making an application where I have model Foo with table Foos. And I'd like to give Foo another parameter, HABTM parameter, lets say Bar. But I'd rather don't create table for Bar. Because Bar will have like 5 positions on start and in 5 years it will grow to maybe 7 positions or not at all. So I don't see a need to create another table and make CakePHP look into that table with another SELECT. Anyone have an idea this can be achieved ?
One solution I think is making an fixture for Bars table and adding only Bars_Foos table for real (it won't be big anyway). But I can't find a way to use test fixtures in normal Controller
Second solution is to save a JSON or serialized array in Foo one field and move logic to model, but I don't know if it is best solution. Something like virtual field.
Real life example:
So I have like Bikes. And every Bike have its main_type. Which is for now {"MTB","Road","Trekking","City","Downhill"}. I know that in long time this list would not grow much. Maybe 2 or 5 positions in few years. Still it will relatively short.
(For those who say that there maybe a hundred of specialized bike types. I have another parameter column specialized_type)
It needs to be a HABTM relation, but main_types table will be very small, so Id like to avoid creating it and find a way for simpler solution.
It bothers MySQL for such small amount of data
It complicates MySQL queries
I have to make additional model for MainType
I have more models to unbind when I don't need most of data and would like use recursive
Insert here anything you'd like...
Judging from your real life example, I'd say you're on the wrong track. The queries won't be complicated, CakePHP uses additional queries for HABTM relations, it would be just one additional query which shouldn't be very costly, also it's very easy to sparse it out by using the containable behaviour. And if you really need to use recursive only (for whatever reason), then it's just one single additional model to unbind, that doesn't seem like overkill to me.
This might not be what you wanted to hear, but I really think a proper database solution is better than trying to hack in "virtual data". Also note that fixtures as used in tests, only define data which is written to the database on the fly when running the test, so that would be definitely more costly than using data that already exists in the database.
Maybe you'll get a small performance boost for selects that do not query the main type when using an additional column to store the data, but you'll definitely lose all the flexibility that the RDBMS has to offer, including faster selects using proper indexing, affecting multiple records by updating a single related value, etc. That doesn't sound like a good trade-off to me. Think about it, how would you select all Downhill Tracking bikes when this information is stored as a string in a single column? You would probably end up using ugly LIKE selects.
Now wait, there's a SET data type in MySQL hat can hold multiple values. Right, and it looks easier and less complex. Right, but in the background it isn't, while using a complex looking join-query can be pretty fast using proper indexing, the query for the SET type will have to scan every single row since the data stored in the column cannot be indexed appropriately in order to make more specific selects.
In the end it probably depends on your data, so I'd suggest testing both methods in your specific environment and see how they compare under workload.

Database storage design of large amounts of heterogeneous data

Here is something I've wondered for quite some time, and have not seen a real (good) solution for yet. It's a problem I imagine many games having, and that I can't easily think of how to solve (well). Ideas are welcome, but since this is not a concrete problem, don't bother asking for more details - just make them up! (and explain what you made up).
Ok, so, many games have the concept of (inventory) items, and often, there are hundreds of different kinds of items, all with often very varying data structures - some items are very simple ("a rock"), others can have insane complexity or data behind them ("a book", "a programmed computer chip", "a container with more items"), etc.
Now, programming something like that is easy - just have everything implement an interface, or maybe extend an abstract root item. Since objects in the programming world don't have to look the same on the inside as on the outside, there is really no issue with how much and what kind of private fields any type of item has.
But when it comes to database serialization (binary serialization is of course no problem), you are facing a dilemma: how would you represent that in, say, a typical SQL database ?
Some attempts at a solution that I have seen, none of which I find satisfying:
Binary serialization of the items, the database just holds an ID and a blob.
Pro's: takes like 10 seconds to implement.
Con's: Basically sacrifices every database feature, hard to maintain, near impossible to refactor.
A table per item type.
Pro's: Clean, flexible.
Con's: With a wide variety come hundreds of tables, and every search for an item has to query them all since SQL doesn't have the concept of table/type 'reference'.
One table with a lot of fields that aren't used by every item.
Pro's: takes like 10 seconds to implement, still searchable.
Con's: Waste of space, performance, confusing from the database to tell what fields are in use.
A few tables with a few 'base profiles' for storage where similar items get thrown together and use the same fields for different data.
Pro's: I've got nothing.
Con's: Waste of space, performance, confusing from the database to tell what fields are in use.
What ideas do you have? Have you seen another design that works better or worse?
It depends if you need to sort, filter, count, or analyze those attribute.
If you use EAV, then you will screw yourself nicely. Try doing reports on an EAV schema.
The best option is to use Table Inheritance:
id pk
id pk fk PRODUCT
id pk fk PRODUCT
att 5
For attributes that you don't need to search/sort/analyze, then use a blob or xml
I have two alternatives for you:
One table for the base type and supplemental tables for each “class” of specialized types.
In this schema, properties common to all “objects” are stored in one table, so you have a unique record for every object in the game. For special types like books, containers, usable items, etc, you have another table for each unique set of properties or relationships those items need. Every special type will therefore be represented by two records: the base object record and the supplemental record in a particular special type table.
PROS: You can use column-based features of your database like custom domains, checks, and xml processing; you can have simpler triggers on certain types; your queries differ exactly at the point of diverging concerns.
CONS: You need two inserts for many objects.
Use a “kind” enum field and a JSONB-like field for the special type data.
This is kind of like your #1 or #3, except with some database help. Postgres added JSONB, giving you an improvement over the old EAV pattern. Other databases have a similar complex field type. In this strategy you roll your own mini schema that you stash in the JSONB field. The kind field declares what you expect to find in that JSONB field.
PROS: You can extract special type data in your queries; can add check constraints and have a simple schema to deal with; you can benefit from indexing even though your data is heterogenous; your queries and inserts are simple.
CONS: Your data types within JSONB-like fields are pretty limited and you have to roll your own validation.
Yes, it is a pain to design database formats like this. I'm designing a notification system and reached the same problem. My notification system is however less complex than yours - the data it holds is at most ids and usernames. My current solution is a mix of 1 and 3 - I serialize data that is different from every notification, and use a column for the 2 usernames (some may have 2 or 1). I shy away from method 2 because I hate that design, but it's probably just me.
However, if you can afford it, I would suggest thinking outside the realm of RDBMS - it sounds like Non-RDBMS (especially key/value storage ones) may be a better fit to store these data, especially if item 1 and item 2 differ from each item a lot.
I'm sure this has been asked here a million times before, but in addition to the options which you have discussed in your question, you can look at EAV schema which is very flexible, but which has its own sets of cons.
Another alternative is database systems which are not relational. There are object databases as well as various key/value stores and document databases.
Typically all these things break down to some extent when you need to query against the flexible attributes. This is kind of an intrinsic problem, however. Conceptually, what does it really mean to query things accurately which are unstructured?
First of all, do you actually need the concurrency, scalability and ACID transactions of a real database? Unless you are building a MMO, your game structures will likely fit in memory anyway, so you can search and otherwise manipulate them there directly. In a scenario like this, the "database" is just a store for serialized objects, and you can replace it with the file system.
If you conclude that you do (need a database), then the key is in figuring out what "atomicity" means from the perspective of the data management.
For example, if a game item has a bunch of attributes, but none of these attributes are manipulated individually at the database level (even though they could well be at the application level), then it can be considered as "atomic" from the data management perspective. OTOH, if the item needs to be searched on some of these attributes, then you'll need a good way to index them in the database, which typically means they'll have to be separate fields.
Once you have identified attributes that should be "visible" versus the attributes that should be "invisible" from the database perspective, serialize the latter to BLOBs (or whatever), then forget about them and concentrate on structuring the former.
That's where the fun starts and you'll probably need to use "all of the above" strategy for reasonable results.
BTW, some databases support "deep" indexes that can go into heterogeneous data structures. For example, take a look at Oracle's XMLIndex, though I doubt you'll use Oracle for a game.
You seem to be trying to solve this for a gaming context, so maybe you could consider a component-based approach.
I have to say that I personally haven't tried this yet, but I've been looking into it for a while and it seems to me something similar could be applied.
The idea would be that all the entities in your game would basically be a bag of components. These components can be Position, Energy or for your inventory case, Collectable, for example. Then, for this Collectable component you can add custom fields such as category, numItems, etc.
When you're going to render the inventory, you can simply query your entity system for items that have the Collectable component.
How can you save this into a DB? You can define the components independently in their own table and then for the entities (each in their own table as well) you would add a "Components" column which would hold an array of IDs referencing these components. These IDs would effectively be like foreign keys, though I'm aware that this is not exactly how you can model things in relational databases, but you get the idea.
Then, when you load the entities and their components at runtime, based on the component being loaded you can set the corresponding flag in their bag of components so that you know which components this entity has, and they'll then become queryable.
Here's an interesting read about component-based entity systems.

Is this a "correct" database design?

I'm working with the new version of a third party application. In this version, the database structure is changed, they say "to improve performance".
The old version of the DB had a general structure like this:
so we had a main table with fields for the basic properties and a separate table to manage custom properties added by user.
The new version of the DB insted has a structure like this:
So, now when the user add a custom property, a new column is added to the current ENTITY_PROPERTY table until the max number of columns (managed by application) is reached, then a new table is created.
So, my question is: Is this a correct way to design a DB structure? Is this the only way to "increase performances"? The old structure required many join or sub-select, but this structute don't seems to me very smart (or even correct)...
I have seen this done before on the assumed (often unproven) "expense" of joining - it is basically turning a row-heavy data table into a column-heavy table. They ran into their own limitation, as you imply, by creating new tables when they run out of columns.
I completely disagree with it.
Personally, I would stick with the old structure and re-evaluate the performance issues. That isn't to say the old way is the correct way, it is just marginally better than the "improvement" in my opinion, and removes the need to do large scale re-engineering of database tables and DAL code.
These tables strike me as largely static... caching would be an even better performance improvement without mutilating the database and one I would look at doing first. Do the "expensive" fetch once and stick it in memory somewhere, then forget about your troubles (note, I am making light of the need to manage the Cache, but static data is one of the easiest to manage).
Or, wait for the day you run into the maximum number of tables per database :-)
Others have suggested completely different stores. This is a perfectly viable possibility and if I didn't have an existing database structure I would be considering it too. That said, I see no reason why this structure can't fit into an RDBMS. I have seen it done on almost all large scale apps I have worked on. Interestingly enough, they all went down a similar route and all were mostly "successful" implementations.
No, it's not. It's terrible.
until the max number of column (handled by application) is reached,
then a new table is created.
This sentence says it all. Under no circumstance should an application dynamically create tables. The "old" approach isn't ideal either, but since you have the requirement to let users add custom properties, it has to be like this.
Consider this:
You lose all type-safety as you have to store all values in the column "PROPERTY_VALUE"
Depending on your users, you could have them change the schema beforehand and then let them run some kind of database update batch job, so at least all the properties would be declared in the right datatype. Also, you could lose the entity_id/key thing.
Check out this: This certainly reeks of it
Maybe a RDBMS isn't the right thing for your app. Consider using a key/value based store like MongoDB or another NoSQL database. (
From what I know of databases (but I'm certainly not the most experienced), it seems quite a bad idea to do that in your database. If you already know how many max custom properties a user might have, I'd say you'd better set the table number of columns to that value.
Then again, I'm not an expert, but making new columns on the fly isn't the kind of operations databases like. It's gonna bring you more trouble than anything.
If I were you, I'd either fix the number of custom properties, or stick with the old system.
I believe creating a new table for each entity to store properties is a bad design as you could end up bulking the database with tables. The only pro to applying the second method would be that you are not traversing through all of the redundant rows that do not apply to the Entity selected. However using indexes on your database on the original ENTITY_PROPERTIES table could help greatly with performance.
I would personally stick with your initial design, apply indexes and let the database engine determine the best methods for selecting the data rather than separating each entity property into a new table.
There is no "correct" way to design a database - I'm not aware of a universally recognized set of standards other than the famous "normal form" theory; many database designs ignore this standard for performance reasons.
There are ways of evaluating database designs though - performance, maintainability, intelligibility, etc. Quite often, you have to trade these against each other; that's what your change seems to be doing - trading maintainability and intelligibility against performance.
So, the best way to find out if that was a good trade off is to see if the performance gains have materialized. The best way to find that out is to create the proposed schema, load it with a representative dataset, and write queries you will need to run in production.
I'm guessing that the new design will not be perceivably faster for queries like "find STANDARD_PROPERTY_1 from entity where STANDARD_PROPERTY_1 = 'banana'.
I'm guessing it will not be perceivably faster when retrieving all properties for a given entity; in fact it might be slightly slower, because instead of a single join to ENTITY_PROPERTIES, the new design requires joins to several tables. You will be returning "sparse" results - presumably, not all entities will have values in the property_n columns in all ENTITY_PROPERTIES_n tables.
Where the new design may be significantly faster is when you need a compound where clause on custom properties. For instance, finding an entity where custom property 1 is true, custom property 2 is banana, and custom property 3 is not in ('kylie', 'pussycat dolls', 'giraffe') is e`(probably) faster when you can specify columns in the ENTITY_PROPERTIES_n tables instead of rows in the ENTITY_PROPERTIES table. Probably.
As for maintainability - yuck. Your database access code now needs to be far smarter, knowing which table holds which property, and how many columns are too many. The likelihood of entertaining bugs is high - there are more moving parts, and I can't think of any obvious unit tests to make sure that the database access logic is working.
Intelligibility is another concern - this solution is not in most developers' toolbox, it's not an industry-standard pattern. The old solution is pretty widely known - commonly referred to as "entity-attribute-value". This becomes a major issue on long-lived projects where you can't guarantee that the original development team will hang around.

Database Design

This is a general database question, not related to any particular database or programming language.
I've done some database work before, but it's generally just been whatever works. This time I want to plan for the future.
I have one table that stores a list of spare parts. Name, Part Number, Location etc. I also need to store which device(s) they are applicable too.
One way to do is to create a column for each device in my spare parts table. This is how it's being done in the current database. One concern is if in the future I want to add a new device I have to create a new column, but it makes the programming easier.
My idea is to create a separate Applicability table. It would store the Part ID and Device ID, if a part is applicable to more than one device it would have more than one row.
My questions are whether this is a valid way to do it, would it provide an advantage over the original way, and is there any better ways to do it?
Thanks for any answers.
I agree with Rex M's answer, this is a standard approach. One thing you could do on the PartsApplicability table is remove the ID column, and make the PartID/DeviceID a composite primary key. This will ensure that your Part cannot be associated to the same Device more than once, and vice-versa.
You're describing the standard setup of a many-to-many relationship in an RDBMS, using an intermediate join table. Definitely the way to go if that's how your model will end up working.
Using a separate table to hold many-to-many relationships is the right way to go.
Some of the benefits for join tables are
Parts may be applicable to any device and creating new devices or parts will not lead to modifications to the database schema
You don't have to save nulls or other sentinental values for each part-device mapping that doesn't exists i.e. things will be cleaner
Your tables remain narrow which makes them easier to understand
You seem to be on your way to discover the database normal forms. The 3rd normal form or BNF should be a good goal to have although sometimes it's a good idea to break the rules.
Your second design is a very good design, and similar to what I've done (at work and on my own projects) many times in terms of describing relationships between things. Lookup tables and their equivalent are often far simpler to use than trying to stuff everything in one table.
Would also agree on making the programming easier. Ultimately, you'll find that learning more makes programming far easier than trying to push things into what you already know even when they really don't fit. Knowing how to properly join tables and the like will make your programming with databases far easier than continually modifying columns would be.
