I am trying to implement a basic event loop with pselect, so I have blocked some signals, saved the signal mask and used it with pselect so that the signals will only be delivered during that call.
If a signal is sent outside of the pselect call, it is blocked until pselect as it should, however it does not interrupt the pselect call. If a signal is sent while pselect is blocking, it will be handled AND pselect will be interrupted. This behaviour is only present in OSX, in linux it seems to function correctly.
Here is a code example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
int shouldQuit = 0;
void signalHandler(int signal)
printf("Handled signal %d\n", signal);
shouldQuit = 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
sigset_t originalSignals;
sigset_t blockedSignals;
sigaddset(&blockedSignals, SIGINT);
if(sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blockedSignals, &originalSignals) != 0)
perror("Failed to block signals");
return -1;
struct sigaction signalAction;
memset(&signalAction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
signalAction.sa_mask = blockedSignals;
signalAction.sa_handler = signalHandler;
if(sigaction(SIGINT, &signalAction, NULL) == -1)
perror("Could not set signal handler");
return -1;
fd_set set;
printf("Starting pselect\n");
int result = pselect(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL, &originalSignals);
printf("Done pselect\n");
if(result == -1)
if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EINTR)
perror("pselect failed");
printf("Start Sleeping\n");
printf("Done Sleeping\n");
return 0;
The program waits until you input something on stdin, then sleeps for 5 seconds. To create the problem, "a" is typed to create data on stdin. Then, while the program is sleeping, an INT signal is sent with Crtl-C.
On Linux:
Starting pselect
Done pselect
Start Sleeping
^CDone Sleeping
Starting pselect
Handled signal 2
Done pselect
Starting pselect
Done pselect
Start Sleeping
^CDone Sleeping
Starting pselect
Handled signal 2
^CHandled signal 2
Done pselect
Confirmed that it acts that way on OSX, and if you look at the source for pselect (http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/Libc/Libc-320.1.3/gen/FreeBSD/pselect.c), you'll see why.
After sigprocmask() restores the signal mask, the kernel delivers the signal to the process, and your handler gets invoked. The problem here is, that the signal can be delivered before select() gets invoked, so select() won't return with an error.
There's some more discussion about the issue at http://lwn.net/Articles/176911/ - linux used to use a similar userspace implementation that had the same problem.
If you want to make that pattern safe on all platforms, you'll have to either use something like libev or libevent and let them handle the messiness, or use sigprocmask() and select() yourself.
sigset_t omask;
if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &originalSignals, &omask) < 0) {
/* Must re-check the flag here with signals re-enabled */
if (shouldQuit)
printf("Starting select\n");
int result = select(STDIN_FILENO + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL);
int save_errno = errno;
if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &omask, NULL) < 0) {
/* Recheck again after the signal is blocked */
if (shouldQuit)
printf("Done pselect\n");
if(result == -1)
errno = save_errno;
if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EINTR)
perror("pselect failed");
There are a couple of other things you should do with your code:
declare your 'shouldQuit' variable as volatile sig_atomic_t
volatile sig_atomic_t shouldQuit = 0;
always save errno before calling any other function (such as printf()), since that function may cause errno to be overwritten with another value. Thats why the code above aves errno immediately after the select() call.
Really, I strongly recommend using an existing event loop handling library like libev or libevent - I do, even though I can write my own, because it is so easy to get wrong.
I'm a newbie in c development. Recently, I noticed a problem when I was learning multi-threaded development, when I set a signal in the main thread of Action and when I try to block the signal action set by the main thread in the child thread, I find that it does not work.
Here is a brief description of the code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
void *thread_start(void *_arg) {
sigset_t mask;
sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR2);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
printf("child-thread executed\n");
while (true) {
return NULL;
void sig_handler(int _sig) {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
pthread_t t_id;
int s = pthread_create(&t_id, NULL, thread_start, NULL);
if (s != 0) {
char *msg = strerror(s);
printf("%s\n", msg);
printf("main-thread executed, create [%lu]\n", t_id);
signal(SIGUSR2, sig_handler);
while (true) {
The signal mask is a per-thread property, a thread will inherit whatever the parent has at time of thread creation but, after that, it controls its own copy.
In other words, blocking a signal in a thread only affects the delivery of signals for that thread, not for any other.
In any case, even if it were shared (it's not), you would have a potential race condition since you start the child thread before setting up the signal in the main thread. Hence it would be indeterminate as to whether the order was "parent sets up signal, then child blocks" or vice versa. But, as stated, that's irrelevant due to the thread-specific nature of the signal mask.
If you want a thread to control the signal mask of another thread, you will need to use some form of inter-thread communication to let the other thread do it itself.
As I wrote in a comment, any USR1 signal sent to the process will be delivered using the main thread. It's output will not tell you exactly what happened, so it is not really a good way to test threads and signal masks. Additionally, it uses printf() in a signal handler, which may or may not work: printf() is not an async-signal safe function, so it must not be used in a signal handler.
Here is a better example:
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* This function writes a message directly to standard error,
without using the stderr stream. This is async-signal safe.
Returns 0 if success, errno error code if an error occurs.
errno is kept unchanged. */
static int write_stderr(const char *msg)
const char *end = msg;
const int saved_errno = errno;
int retval = 0;
ssize_t n;
/* If msg is non-NULL, find the string-terminating '\0'. */
if (msg)
while (*end)
/* Write the message to standard error. */
while (msg < end) {
n = write(STDERR_FILENO, msg, (size_t)(end - msg));
if (n > 0) {
msg += n;
} else
if (n != 0) {
/* Bug, should not occur */
retval = EIO;
} else
if (errno != EINTR) {
retval = errno;
/* Paranoid check that exactly the message was written */
if (!retval)
if (msg != end)
retval = EIO;
errno = saved_errno;
return retval;
static volatile sig_atomic_t done = 0;
pthread_t main_thread;
pthread_t other_thread;
static void signal_handler(int signum)
const pthread_t id = pthread_self();
const char *thread = (id == main_thread) ? "Main thread" :
(id == other_thread) ? "Other thread" : "Unknown thread";
const char *event = (signum == SIGHUP) ? "HUP" :
(signum == SIGUSR1) ? "USR1" :
(signum == SIGINT) ? "INT" :
(signum == SIGTERM) ? "TERM" : "Unknown signal";
if (signum == SIGTERM || signum == SIGINT)
done = 1;
write_stderr(": ");
static int install_handler(int signum)
struct sigaction act;
memset(&act, 0, sizeof act);
act.sa_handler = signal_handler;
act.sa_flags = 0;
if (sigaction(signum, &act, NULL) == -1)
return -1;
return 0;
void *other(void *unused __attribute__((unused)))
sigset_t mask;
sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
while (!done)
return NULL;
int main(void)
pthread_attr_t attrs;
sigset_t mask;
int result;
main_thread = pthread_self();
other_thread = pthread_self(); /* Just to initialize it to a sane value */
/* Install HUP, USR1, INT, and TERM signal handlers. */
if (install_handler(SIGHUP) ||
install_handler(SIGUSR1) ||
install_handler(SIGINT) ||
install_handler(SIGTERM)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot install signal handlers: %s.\n", strerror(errno));
/* Create the other thread. */
pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attrs, 2*PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
result = pthread_create(&other_thread, &attrs, other, NULL);
if (result) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create a thread: %s.\n", strerror(result));
/* This thread blocks SIGUSR1. */
sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);
/* Ready to handle signals. */
printf("Send a HUP, USR1, or TERM signal to process %d.\n", (int)getpid());
while (!done)
pthread_join(other_thread, NULL);
Save it as e.g. example.c, and compile and run using
gcc -Wall -O2 example.c -pthread -o exprog
It will block the USR1 signal in the main thread, and HUP and TERM in the other thread. It will also catch the INT signal (Ctrl+C), which is not blocked in either thread. When you send it the INT or TERM signal, the program will exit.
If you send the program the USR1 signal, you'll see that it will always be delivered using the other thread.
If you send the program a HUP signal, you'll see that it will always be delivered using the main thread.
If you send the program a TERM signal, it too will be delivered using the main thread, but it will also cause the program to exit (nicely).
If you send the program an INT signal, it will be delivered using one of the threads. It depends on several factors whether you'll always see it being delivered using the same thread or not, but at least in theory, it can be delivered using either thread. This signal too will cause the program to exit (nicely).
I have 2 programs: 1) Father 2) Child.
When Father receives SIGINT (CTRL-C) signal his handler sends a SIGTERM to his child. The problem is that often (not always, don't know why) it shows this error in loop after SIGINT:
Invalid Argument
Goal of the father is to create a child and then just being alive to be ready to handle SIGINT.
#include "library.h"
static void handler();
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int value, que_id;
char str_que_id[10], **child_arg;
pid_t child_pid;
sigaction int_sa;
//Create message queue
que_id = msgget(IPC_PRIVATE, ALL_PERM | IPC_CREAT);
}while(que_id == -1);
snprintf(str_que_id, sizeof(str_que_id), "%d", que_id);
//Set arguments for child
child_arg = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3);
child[0] = "child";
child[1] = str_que_id;
child[2] = NULL;
//Set handler for SIGINT
int_sa.sa_handler = &handler;
int_sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sigaddset(&int_sa.sa_mask, SIGALRM);
sigaction(SIGINT, &int_sa, NULL);
//Fork new child
if(value = fork() == 0){
child_pid = getpid();
errno = 0;
execve("./child", child_arg, NULL);
//Keep alive father
return 0;
static void handler(){
if(kill(child_pid, SIGTERM) != -1)
waitpid(child_pid, NULL, WNOHANG);
while(msgctl(que_id, IPC_RMID, NULL) == -1);
Goal of the child (only for now in my project) is just to wait a new message incoming from the message queue. Since there won't be any message, it will always be blocked.
#include "library.h"
typedef struct _Msgbuf {
long mtype;
char[10] message;
} Msgbuf;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
int que_id;
//Recovery of message queue id
que_id = atoi(argv[1]);
//Set handler for SIGTERM
signal(SIGTERM, handler);
//Dynamic allocation of message
received = calloc(1, sizeof(Msgbuf));
errno = 0;
//This will block child because there won't be any message incoming
msgrcv(que_id, received, sizeof(Msgbuf) - sizeof(long), getpid(), 0);
}while(errno && errno != EINTR);
static void handler(){
I know from the man pages on msgrcv():
The calling process catches a signal. In this case the system call fails with errno set to EINTR. (msgrcv() is never automatically restarted after being interrupted by a signal handler, regardless of the setting of the SA_RESTART flag when establishing a signal handler.)
So why does it go to loop printing that error? It should exit in the handler instead it seems that after the handler comes back and (since the free(received) ) it doesn't find the buffer of the message setting errno to EINVAL .
(Almost) always errno only carries a sane value if and only if a function call failed.
This is the case for msgrcv().
From msgrcv()'s documentation:
Upon successful completion, msgrcv() shall return a value equal to the number of bytes actually placed into the buffer mtext. Otherwise, no message shall be received, msgrcv() shall return -1, and errno shall be set to indicate the error.
So only use errno if msgrcv() returned -1, else errno's value is undefined and it might very well contain garbage or not ...
The code below does not make sense ...
msgrcv(que_id, received, sizeof(Msgbuf) - sizeof(long), getpid(), 0);
} while(errno && errno != EINTR);
... and should look like:
if (-1 == msgrcv(que_id, received, sizeof(Msgbuf) - sizeof(long), getpid(), 0))
/* Only here errno had a well defined value. */
perror("msgrcv() failed"); /* perror() translates errno into a human readable text prefixed by its argument and logs it to the stderr. */
errno = 0;
} while (errno && errno != EINTR);
This BTW
errno = 0;
execve("./child", child_arg, NULL);
only works as the members of the exec*() family of functions only return on error. So when the while's condition is tested then execve() had failed, though errno had been set. Here also the initial errnr = 0; setting is useless.
There are a number of problems with your program. It invokes undefined behaviour by calling exit, free, and msgctl from within the signal handlers. The table in the Signal Actions section of The Open Group Base Specifications lists the functions that are safe to call from within a signal handler. In most cases, you simply want to toggle a "running" flag from within the handler and have your main loop run until it is told to exit. Something like the following simple example:
#include <signal.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* this will be set when the signal is received */
static sig_atomic_t running = 1;
sig_handler(int signo, siginfo_t *si, void *context)
running = 0;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rc;
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sa.sa_sigaction = &sig_handler;
rc = sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
if (rc < 0) {
printf("Waiting for SIGINT\n");
while (running) {
printf("... sleeping for 10 seconds\n");
printf("Signal received\n");
return 0;
I put together a more complex session on repl.it as well.
The other problem is that you assume that errno retains a zero value across function calls. This is likely the case but the only thing that you should assume about errno is that it will be assigned a value when a library function returns a failure code -- e.g., read returns -1 and sets errno to something that indicates the error. The conventional way to call a C runtime library function is to check the return value and consult errno when appropriate:
int bytes_read;
unsigned char buf[128];
bytes_read = read(some_fd, &buf[0], sizeof(buf));
if (bytes_read < 0) {
printf("read failed: %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
Your application is probably looping because the parent is misbehaving and not waiting on the child or something similar (see above about undefined behavior). If the message queue is removed before the child exits, then the msgrcv call is going to fail and set errno to EINVAL. You should check if msgrcv is failing before you check errno. The child should also be terminating the loop when it encounters a msgrcv failure with errno equal to EINVAL since that is a terminal condition -- the anonymous message queue can never be recreated after it ceases to exist.
Learning about signals, and I was wondering about the subtle differences between the process signal mask, a blocked signal set, a signal handler, and a blocked signal.
The questions involve (on Debian):
sigsetops(3) related functions
Each process has it's own signal mask (a long which contains the signals being blocked). And a signal set can be obtained by calling sigprocmask(2) with a NULL argument for the *set variable, will result in the old process mask to be put into *oldset, unchanged:
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
void show_signals(const sigset_t exmask)
int exsignals[43];
exsignals[0] = SIGABRT;
exsignals[1] = SIGALRM;
exsignals[2] = SIGBUS;
exsignals[3] = SIGCHLD;
exsignals[4] = SIGCONT;
#ifdef SIGEMT
exsignals[5] = SIGEMT;
exsignals[5] = -1;
exsignals[6] = SIGFPE;
exsignals[7] = SIGFREEZE;
exsignals[7] = -1;
exsignals[8] = SIGHUP;
exsignals[9] = SIGILL;
#ifdef SIGINFO
exsignals[10] = SIGINFO;
exsignals[10] = -1;
exsignals[11] = SIGINT;
exsignals[12] = SIGIO;
exsignals[13] = SIGIOT;
#ifdef SIGJVM1
exsignals[14] = SIGJVM1;
exsignals[14] = -1;
#ifdef SIGJVM2
exsignals[15] = SIGJVM2;
exsignals[15] = -1;
exsignals[16] = SIGKILL;
#ifdef SIGLOST
exsignals[17] = SIGLOST;
exsignals[17] = -1;
#ifdef SIGLWP
exsignals[18] = SIGLWP;
exsignals[18] = -1;
exsignals[19] = SIGPIPE;
exsignals[20] = SIGPOLL;
exsignals[21] = SIGPROF;
exsignals[22] = SIGPWR;
exsignals[23] = SIGQUIT;
exsignals[24] = SIGSEGV;
exsignals[25] = SIGSTKFLT;
exsignals[26] = SIGSTOP;
exsignals[27] = SIGSYS;
exsignals[28] = SIGTERM;
#ifdef SIGTHAW
exsignals[29] = SIGTHAW;
exsignals[29] = -1;
#ifdef SIGTHR
exsignals[30] = SIGTHR;
exsignals[30] = -1;
exsignals[31] = SIGTRAP;
exsignals[32] = SIGTSTP;
exsignals[33] = SIGTTIN;
exsignals[34] = SIGTTOU;
exsignals[35] = SIGURG;
exsignals[36] = SIGUSR1;
exsignals[37] = SIGUSR2;
exsignals[38] = SIGVTALRM;
exsignals[39] = SIGWAITING;
exsignals[39] = -1;
exsignals[40] = SIGWINCH;
exsignals[41] = SIGXCPU;
exsignals[42] = SIGXFSZ;
#ifdef SIGXRES
exsignals[43] = SIGXRES;
exsignals[43] = -1;
int exsignals_n = 0;
for (;exsignals_n < 43; exsignals_n++) {
if (exsignals[exsignals_n] == -1) continue;
static char *exsignal_name;
exsignal_name = strsignal(exsignals[exsignals_n]);
switch(sigismember(&exmask, exsignals[exsignals_n]))
case 0: break;
case 1: printf("YES %s\n", exsignal_name); break;
case -1: printf("could not obtain signal\n"); break;
default: printf("UNEXPECTED for %s return\n", exsignal_name); break;
const sigset_t getmask(void)
static sigset_t retmask;
if ((sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, &retmask)) == -1)
printf("could not obtain process signal mask\n");
return retmask;
At the beginning of my program, I realize that the process signal mask, has not blocked any signals. I then place a signal handler into the program.
static void sig_abrt(int signo)
printf("Caught SIGABRT\n");
int main(void)
signal(SIGABRT, sig_abrt);
return 0;
So now there is a signal handler for SIGABRT, but if I were to call sigprocmask(2) again, as above, SIGABRT will not be in the process signal mask. I tried checking with sigismember(3), but the process signal mask will only be modified once I have called sigaddset(3) or another function which modifies the signal mask.
If I block SIGABRT with sigaddset(3), will the signal handler sig_abrt not receive the call when the SIGABRT is delivered? Does it mean that the signal mask affects which signals are delivered? What is the difference?
Also, is there a way to block a signal in a process without using the sigsetops(3) and sigprocmask(2) functions?
Each process has it's [sic] own signal mask (a long which contains the signals being blocked)
Well, no. The signal mask is actually thread-specific. (In a multithreaded program, you must use pthread_sigmask() to manipulate the signal mask for the current thread; in a single-threaded program, you can use sigprocmask().)
Also, it's not "a long". It is of type sigset_t, which might be an array, structure, or union type. In any case, one should consider it simply as an unordered bit set, one bit per signal.
So now there is a signal handler for SIGABRT, but SIGABRT will not be in the process signal mask.
Correct. Whether or not you have assigned a signal handler or not, does not affect the signal mask at all.
If I block SIGABRT with sigaddset(3), will the signal handler sig_abrt not receive the call when the SIGABRT is delivered? Does it mean that the signal mask affects which signals are delivered? What is the difference?
If all your threads block SIGABRT, it will not be delivered until either the signal is unblocked (removed from the signal mask). If the signal is consumed using sigwait(), sigwaitinfo(), or sigtimedwait(), the signal handler will not be invoked at all.
A short summary:
Signals can be directed to a process group (kill() with pid == 0 or pid == -pgid), a specific process (pid), or a specific thread in a specific process (pthread_kill() within the same process, tgkill system call in Linux in general).
If a signal is directed to a process group, each process in that group receives "a copy" of the signal.
The signal mask defines whether signals are blocked, or delivered immediately.
In each process, each signal
can have a signal handler, or
be ignored (SIG_IGN "handler"), or
have the default disposition (ignored (Ign), terminates the process with (Core) or without (Term) a core dump; or it can stop (Stop) or continue (Cont) the execution of the target thread or process). See man 7 signal for details.
If some, but not all threads, block a signal, and the signal is not targeted to a specific thread, the kernel directs the signal to one of the threads that are not blocking the signal (at random).
There are two ways of catching a signal:
Using a signal handler. The signal gets delivered to a signal handler only when the signal is not blocked. If the signal is blocked, the delivery of the signal is pending until not blocked (or caught by the other option below).
sigwait(), sigwaitinfo(), or sigtimedwait(). These functions check if any signals are pending, and if so, "catch" it. The set of signals they check is defined by a function parameter of sigset_t type.
When the kernel sends/forwards a signal to a process, it first checks if the process has a thread that is not blocking that signal. If there is such a thread, it delivers it via that thread. (If the signal has a signal handler, that signal handler gets invoked in that thread; otherwise, the effect is dictated by the signal disposition.)
If the signal is blocked, the kernel leaves it pending for the process.
If the process calls sigwait(), sigwaitinfo(), or sigtimedwait() with the pending signal in the specified signals set, it receives the information on that signal, and the signal is caught. (It will no longer be pending, and it will not cause a signal handler to be invoked; it is "consumed".)
If the process changes its signal mask, so that the pending signal becomes unblocked, it is delivered by the kernel (just as if it was sent at that point in time).
Also, is there a way to block a signal in a process without using the sigsetops(3) and sigprocmask(2) functions?
No. (You can implement your own sigsetops() and a syscall wrapper for sigprocmask(), but that's about it.)
Here is an example program, example.c, you can use for exploring signal handlers, catching signals, and the signal mask, in a single-threaded process:
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* Async-signal safe write-to-standard error function.
Keeps errno unchanged. Do not use stderr otherwise!
static int wrerrpp(const char *ptr, const char *end)
const int saved_errno = errno;
ssize_t chars;
while (ptr < end) {
chars = write(STDERR_FILENO, ptr, (size_t)(end - ptr));
if (chars > 0)
ptr += chars;
if (chars != -1) {
errno = saved_errno;
return EIO;
} else
if (errno != EINTR) {
const int retval = errno;
errno = saved_errno;
return retval;
errno = saved_errno;
return 0;
/* Write the supplied string to standard error.
Async-signal safe. Keeps errno unchanged.
Do not mix with stderr!
static int wrerr(const char *ptr)
if (!ptr)
return 0;
else {
const char *end = ptr;
/* strlen() is not async-signal safe, so
find the end of the string the hard way. */
while (*end)
return wrerrpp(ptr, end);
/* Write the supplied long to standard error.
Async-signal safe. Keeps errno unchanged.
Do not mix with stderr!
static int wrerrnum(const long value)
unsigned long u = (value < 0) ? (unsigned long)-value : (unsigned long)value;
char buf[40];
char *ptr = buf + sizeof buf;
char *const end = buf + sizeof buf;
do {
*(--ptr) = '0' + (u % 10uL);
u /= 10uL;
} while (u > 0uL);
if (value < 0)
*(--ptr) = '-';
return wrerrpp(ptr, end);
/* Async-signal safe variant of strsignal().
Only covers a small subset of all signals.
Returns NULL if the signal name is not known. */
static const char *signal_name(const int signum)
switch (signum) {
case SIGHUP: return "HUP";
case SIGINT: return "INT";
case SIGQUIT: return "QUIT";
case SIGKILL: return "KILL";
case SIGSEGV: return "SEGV";
case SIGTERM: return "TERM";
case SIGUSR1: return "USR1";
case SIGUSR2: return "USR2";
case SIGCHLD: return "CHLD";
case SIGCONT: return "CONT";
case SIGSTOP: return "STOP";
default: return NULL;
/* Signal handler that reports its delivery immediately,
but does nothing else.
static void report_signal(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *ctx)
const char *sname = signal_name(signum);
wrerr("report_signal(): Received signal ");
if (sname)
if (info->si_pid) {
wrerr(" from process ");
} else
wrerr(" from kernel or terminal.\n");
/* Install report_signal() handler.
static int install_report_signal(const int signum)
struct sigaction act;
memset(&act, 0, sizeof act);
act.sa_sigaction = report_signal;
act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
if (sigaction(signum, &act, NULL) == -1)
return errno;
return 0;
int main(void)
sigset_t mask;
siginfo_t info;
const char *name;
int signum;
if (install_report_signal(SIGINT) ||
install_report_signal(SIGCONT)) {
const char *errmsg = strerror(errno);
wrerr("Cannot install signal handlers: ");
sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR1);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGUSR2);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM);
sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL);
printf("Process %ld is ready to receive signals! Run\n", (long)getpid());
printf("\tkill -USR1 %ld\n", (long)getpid());
printf("\tkill -USR2 %ld\n", (long)getpid());
printf("\tkill -HUP %ld\n", (long)getpid());
printf("\tkill -TERM %ld\n", (long)getpid());
printf("in another terminal; press Ctrl+C in this terminal; or press Ctrl+Z and run\n");
printf("in this terminal.\n");
/* Almost same as blocked mask, just without SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2. */
sigaddset(&mask, SIGHUP);
sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM);
do {
do {
signum = sigwaitinfo(&mask, &info);
} while (signum == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (signum == -1) {
const char *errmsg = strerror(errno);
wrerr("sigwaitinfo(): ");
name = signal_name(signum);
if (name)
printf("main(): Received signal %s from ", name);
printf("main(): Received signal %d from ", signum);
if (info.si_pid == 0)
printf("kernel or terminal.\n");
printf("process %ld.\n", (long)info.si_pid);
} while (signum != SIGTERM);
Compile it using for example
gcc -Wall -O2 example.c -o example
I suggest you prepare two terminals. In one terminal, run the compiled program, using
and observe its output. It will be something like
Process 843 is ready to receive signals! Run
kill -USR1 843
kill -USR2 843
kill -HUP 843
kill -TERM 843
in another terminal; press Ctrl+C in this terminal; or press Ctrl+Z and run
in this terminal.
The KILL and STOP signals cannot be caught. KILL will always kill the process, and STOP will always stop ("pause") the process.
If you press Ctrl+C in that terminal, the kernel will send an INT signal to the process. (This will be delivered via the report_signal() signal handler.)
If you press Ctrl+Z in that terminal, the kernel will send a STOP signal to the process. The shell detects this, pushing ./example under job control, and lets you input new shell commands. The fg command brings ./example back to foreground, with the shell sending it the CONT signal, so that ./example will continue execution.
USR1 and USR2 signals are blocked, so they are never delivered to the report_signal() signal handler.
HUP and TERM signals are also blocked, but they are received by the main thread via sigwaitinfo().
The program exits, when it receives a TERM signal.
I am learning how to use pselect. I took an example code which worked fine and modified it to call the same code from a thread which is spawned from main and it does not work (pselect remains blocked forever)
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* Flag that tells the daemon to exit. */
static volatile int exit_request = 0;
/* Signal handler. */
static void hdl (int sig)
exit_request = 1;
printf("sig=%d\n", sig);
/* Accept client on listening socket lfd and close the connection
* immediatelly. */
static void handle_client (int lfd)
int sock = accept (lfd, NULL, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
perror ("accept");
exit (1);
puts ("accepted client");
close (sock);
void *mythread(void *arg __attribute__ ((unused)))
int lfd;
struct sockaddr_in myaddr;
int yes = 1;
sigset_t mask;
sigset_t orig_mask;
struct sigaction act;
memset (&act, 0, sizeof(act));
act.sa_handler = hdl;
/* This server should shut down on SIGUSR1. */
if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, 0)) {
perror ("sigaction");
return NULL;
sigemptyset (&mask);
sigaddset (&mask, SIGUSR1);
if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &orig_mask) < 0) {
perror ("pthread_sigmask");
return NULL;
lfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (lfd < 0) {
perror ("socket");
return NULL;
if (setsockopt(lfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
&yes, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
perror ("setsockopt");
return NULL;
memset (&myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr));
myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
myaddr.sin_port = htons (10000);
if (bind(lfd, (struct sockaddr *)&myaddr, sizeof(myaddr)) < 0) {
perror ("bind");
return NULL;
if (listen(lfd, 5) < 0) {
perror ("listen");
return NULL;
while (!exit_request) {
fd_set fds;
int res;
/* BANG! we can get SIGUSR1 at this point, but it will be
* delivered while we are in pselect(), because now
* we block SIGUSR1.
FD_ZERO (&fds);
FD_SET (lfd, &fds);
res = pselect (lfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL, &orig_mask);
if (res < 0 && errno != EINTR) {
perror ("select");
return NULL;
else if (exit_request) {
puts ("exited");
else if (res == 0)
if (FD_ISSET(lfd, &fds)) {
handle_client (lfd);
return NULL;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
void * res;
pthread_t mythr_h;
pthread_create(&mythr_h, (pthread_attr_t *)NULL, mythread, NULL);
pthread_join(mythr_h, &res);
return 0;
strong text
After sending SIGUSR1 to this program I see that it remains blocked in the pselect call. When the code in mythread function is moved back into main and not spawning any thread from main, it works perfectly.
After sending SIGUSR1 to this program I see that it remains blocked in
the pselect call. When the code in mythread function is moved back
into main and not spawning any thread from main, it works perfectly.
That's to be expected -- there is no guarantee that a signal will be delivered to the "right" thread, since there is no well-defined notion of what the "right" thread would be.
Signals and multithreading don't mix particularly well, but if you want to do it, I suggest getting rid of the exit_request flag (note: the volatile keyword isn't sufficient to work reliably in multithreaded scenarios anyway), and instead create a connected pair of file descriptors (by calling either the pipe() function or the socketpair() function). All your signal handler function (hdl()) needs to do is write a byte into one of the two file descriptors. Have your thread include the other file descriptor in its read-socket-set (fds) so that when the byte is written that will cause pselect() to return and then your subsequent call to FD_ISSET(theSecondFileDescriptorOfThePair, &fds) will return true, which is how your thread will know it's time to exit now.
The signal is delivered to the main thread, other than the thread blocking on the pselect() call. If there are multiple threads that have the signal unblocked, the signal can be delivered to any one of the threads.
Since you didn't specify your platform, first I'm quoting from the POSIX standard (System Interfaces volume, 2.4.1 Signal Generation and Delivery).
Signals generated for the process shall be delivered to exactly one of those threads within the process which is in a call to a sigwait() function selecting that signal or has not blocked delivery of the signal.
You can also see similar statements in Linux manpage signal(7).
A process-directed signal may be delivered to any
one of the threads that does not currently have the signal blocked.
If more than one of the threads has the signal unblocked, then the
kernel chooses an arbitrary thread to which to deliver the signal.
And FreeBSD manpage sigaction(2).
For signals directed at the process, if the
signal is not currently blocked by all threads then it is delivered to
one thread that does not have it blocked (the selection of which is
So what you can do is to block SIGUSR1 for all the threads in the process except for the one that calls pselect(). Luckily when a new thread is created, it inherits the signal mask from its creator.
From the same POSIX section above,
The signal mask for a thread shall be initialized from that of its parent or creating thread....
Linux pthread_sigmask(3),
A new thread inherits a copy of its creator's signal mask.
FreeBSD sigaction(2),
The signal mask for a thread is initialized from that of its parent (normally empty).
You can make the following changes to your code. In main(), before creating any threads, block SIGUSR1. In the thread, pass a signal mask that has SIGUSR1 unblocked into pselect().
--- old.c Mon Mar 21 22:48:52 2016
+++ new.c Mon Mar 21 22:53:54 2016
## -56,14 +56,14 ##
return NULL;
- sigemptyset (&mask);
- sigaddset (&mask, SIGUSR1);
- if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &orig_mask) < 0) {
+ sigemptyset(&orig_mask);
+ if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, &orig_mask) < 0) {
perror ("pthread_sigmask");
return NULL;
+ sigdelset(&orig_mask, SIGUSR1);
lfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (lfd < 0) {
perror ("socket");
## -126,6 +126,15 ##
void * res;
pthread_t mythr_h;
+ sigset_t mask;
+ sigemptyset (&mask);
+ sigaddset (&mask, SIGUSR1);
+ if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL) != 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
pthread_create(&mythr_h, (pthread_attr_t *)NULL, mythread, NULL);
pthread_join(mythr_h, &res);
return 0;
Last thing is off topic. printf() is not an async-signal-safe function, so should not be called in the signal handler.
I have a thread that sits in a blocking recv() loop and I want to terminate (assume this can't be changed to select() or any other asynchronous approach).
I also have a signal handler that catches SIGINT and theoretically it should make recv() return with error and errno set to EINTR.
But it doesn't, which I assume has something to do with the fact that the application is multi-threaded. There is also another thread, which is meanwhile waiting on a pthread_join() call.
What's happening here?
OK, now I explicitly deliver the signal to all blocking recv() threads via pthread_kill() from the main thread (which results in the same global SIGINT signal handler installed, though multiple invocations are benign). But recv() call is still not unblocked.
I've written a code sample that reproduces the problem.
Main thread connects a socket to a misbehaving remote host that won't let the connection go.
All signals blocked.
Read thread thread is started.
Main unblocks and installs handler for SIGINT.
Read thread unblocks and installs handler for SIGUSR1.
Main thread's signal handler sends a SIGUSR1 to the read thread.
Interestingly, if I replace recv() with sleep() it is interrupted just fine.
Alternatively you can just open a UDP socket instead of using a server.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
static void
err(const char *msg)
static void
sigset_t ss;
if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &ss, NULL))
static void
unblock(int signum)
sigset_t ss;
sigaddset(&ss, signum);
if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &ss, NULL))
sigusr1(int signum)
printf("%lu: SIGUSR1\n", pthread_self());
read_thread(void *arg)
int sock, r;
char buf[100];
signal(SIGUSR1, &sigusr1);
sock = *(int*)arg;
printf("Thread (self=%lu, sock=%d)\n", pthread_self(), sock);
r = 1;
while (r > 0)
r = recv(sock, buf, sizeof buf, 0);
printf("recv=%d\n", r);
if (r < 0)
return NULL;
int sock;
pthread_t t;
sigint(int signum)
int r;
printf("%lu: SIGINT\n", pthread_self());
printf("Killing %lu\n", t);
r = pthread_kill(t, SIGUSR1);
if (r)
printf("%s\n", strerror(r));
pthread_attr_t attr;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
printf("main thread: %lu\n", pthread_self());
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof addr);
if (socket < 0)
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(8888);
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &addr.sin_addr) <= 0)
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof addr))
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
if (pthread_create(&t, &attr, &read_thread, &sock))
signal(SIGINT, &sigint);
if (sleep(1000))
if (pthread_join(t, NULL))
if (close(sock))
return 0;
import socket
import time
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
c = []
while True:
(conn, addr) = s.accept()
Normally signals do not interrupt system calls with EINTR. Historically there were two possible signal delivery behaviors: the BSD behavior (syscalls are automatically restarted when interrupted by a signal) and the Unix System V behavior (syscalls return -1 with errno set to EINTR when interrupted by a signal). Linux (the kernel) adopted the latter, but the GNU C library developers (correctly) deemed the BSD behavior to be much more sane, and so on modern Linux systems, calling signal (which is a library function) results in the BSD behavior.
POSIX allows either behavior, so it's advisable to always use sigaction where you can choose to set the SA_RESTART flag or omit it depending on the behavior you want. See the documentation for sigaction here:
In a multi-threaded application, normal signals can be delivered to any thread arbitrarily. Use pthread_kill to send the signal to the specific thread of interest.
Does signal handler invoked in same thread which waits in recv()?
You may need to explicitly mask SIGINT in all other threads via pthread_sigmask()
As alluded to in the post by <R..>, it is indeed possible to change the signal activities.
I often create my own "signal" function that makes use of sigaction. Here's what I use
typedef void Sigfunc(int);
static Sigfunc*
_signal(int signum, Sigfunc* func)
struct sigaction act, oact;
act.sa_handler = func;
act.sa_flags = 0;
if (signum != SIGALRM)
act.sa_flags |= SA_NODEFER; //SA_RESTART;
if (sigaction(signum, &act, &oact) < 0)
return (SIG_ERR);
return oact.sa_handler;
The attribute in question above is the 'or'ing of the sa_flags field. This is from the man page for 'sigaction': SA_RESTART provides the BSD-like behavior of allowing system calls to be restartable across signals. SA_NODEFER means allow the signal to be received from within its own signal handler.
When the signal calls are replaced with "_signal", the thread is interrupted. The output prints out "interrupted system call" and recv returned a -1 when SIGUSR1 was sent. The program stopped altogether with the same output when SIGINT was sent, but the abort was called at the end.
I did not write the server portion of the code, I just changed the socket type to "DGRAM, UDP" to allow the client to start.
You can set a timeout on Linux recv: Linux: is there a read or recv from socket with timeout?
When you get a signal, call done on the class doing the receive.
void* signalThread( void* ptr )
CapturePkts* cap=(CapturePkts*)ptr;
sigset_t sigSet=cap->getSigSet();
int sig=-1;
sigwait(&sigSet,&sig); //signalThread: signal capture thread enabled;
cout << "signal=" << sig << " caught,ending process" << endl;
return 0;
class CapturePkts
CapturePkts() : _done(false) {}
sigset_t getSigSet() { return _sigSet; }
void setDone() {_done=true;}
bool receive( uint8_t *buffer, int32_t bufSz, int32_t &nbytes)
bool ret=true;
while( ! _done ) {
nbytes = ::recv( _sockid, buffer, bufSz, 0 );
if(nbytes < 1 ) {
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
nbytes=0; //wait for next read event
return ret;
sigset_t _sigSet;
bool _done;