Reserving an address of a variable array in c - c

I have what seems to be a simple problem, and I am sure that I have solved it before, but I am having trouble finding the answer again so hopefulley there is someone out there who can point me in the right direction
I have an area of memory that i would like to "reserve" for a specific variable in my code.
I know I can do this by editing the linker script, and removing my block of data from the rom section, to ensure that program code is not written the specific address - but rather than editing the script I remember doing this in c code a long time ago. I did it using a pragma or something similiar and from memory it looked something like this (the code is not right, but this is vaguely what i remember!)
"#pragma _address #0x00040000
char mydata[1024]; "
Which would reserve 1024 bytes of data at the address 0x00040000.
Does anyone know the correct format for the above code?
For context - I am writing embedded C applications, using flash based microprocessors. The area is flash and I would like to store flash configuration data (generated by my program) there. To use the flash I need to align my data in the correct block, so i need to specify the address. What I would like to do is reserve an area of flash that wont be filled with my program code, so that I can fill it with my configuration data.
Thanks for your help!

The #pragma directive has implementation-defined keywords, so your answer depends on your compiler. Recommend consulting your compiler's manual.


Why do MCU compilers for chips like AVR or ESP (used widely by Arduino) keep all strings in SRAM heap by default? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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There is a common technique used in Arduino world, where you can use PROGMEM macros in order to keep strings and other similar data in flash memory instead of SRAM to keep lower RAM usage, while sacrificing some performance -
Basically, instead of storing these in SRAM, there is just some reference to a FLASH address where the string is stored and loaded from on the fly, in order to save RAM.
But I can't understand why do MCU compilers put all strings including local strings from functions into heap memory and keep them there all the time in the first place. Also I don't understand how compiler can "store anything in RAM instead of flash" - RAM is volatile, so compiler can hardly "store" anything in there as it's cleared on every reset. These strings still must be present in program image stored on FLASH, so why does it copy them from FLASH to RAM on each launch of the MCU? I was thinking that maybe whole program image must be loaded into RAM for execution, but then that doesn't make sense as these chips use harvard architecture and program is executed from FLASH already (and most of these chips have much bigger FLASH than RAM anyway, so whole image would never fit into RAM).
While I understand how to use workarounds that prevent this behaviour, I can't understand why this behaviour exists in the first place. Can someone shed some light on it? Why are all strings loaded into HEAP on start of the program by default? Is that for performance reasons?
The AVR architecture is different from many other common architectures in that the the code and data exist in completely different memory spaces (though the program memory can be accessed as data, as shown in PROGMEM documentation page to which you linked). This is one type of modified Harvard architecture.
Most other architectures that you're likely to use present themselves to the user as having code and data exist in the same memory space. While this is often also done with a modified Harvard architecture, they present themselves to the user as a von Neumann architecture, having a unified code and data memory space.
On AVR, to make initialized global or static data available to use as any other in-memory data, part of the program startup code copies the initialization data from program memory into RAM. This is generally done to program segments with names like .data or .rodata, depending on whether or not the variables in question are const.
Note that, contrary to what you say in your question, this data is not copied to the heap, it's stored in some portion of RAM chosen during program linking.
Using PROGMEM and the associated functions, you can directly access the data stored in the flash memory of the AVR device. This constant data is placed in a segment that won't be copied to RAM on startup, like, and so doesn't have space in RAM reserved for it.
The case with the Xtensa architecture, used by the ESP8266 and some members of the ESP32 family, is completely different. Contrary to what you state in your question, I don't believe that static or global objects which are const are copied into RAM by default, only those which can be modified (the .data segment would be copied as initialization to RAM, while the .rodata segment would not be).

adding code to an existing firmware [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on Cortex-M3.
I want to add a function (or ISR) to an existing firmware image without updating the whole program.
Can I compile and build a function without main and write into the flash?
If I know the address where this function is written, Can I call this function using a function pointer?
We have code in single thread and no OS. The underlying problem is how will we create an environment to install and use an application in this case.
If you compile your code using "Position Independent Code", then your function can be relocated anywhere in ROM (Flash) or RAM.
Writing code that is relocated in memory is still not trivial and you should be sure to understand the ARM architecture and at least not be scared of the ARM machine instruction set. The trick is to first understand how this happens at the instruction level, then try to do the same thing with C. There are complications, of course. Before main runs, there is behind-the-scenes work in the initialization procedures, which set up zero and non-zero initialized variables. It depends on your compiler on how this actually proceeds. It is useful to run a dummy program, and step through all the execution BEFORE you get to main.
See this related question: Trying to load position independent code on cortex-m3
Yes you can.
There are 3 files that you will need to understand before you can be sure that you know how to solve this:
The SAM3N4C Startup Code
The DeviceVectors definition
The SAM3N4C Linker Memory Region Definitions
The SAM3N4C Linker Script
I've given you the links to the SAM3N4C chip because I'm familiar with it. The code can be made to suit your chip that you're using.
To make it work for what you are asking you will need a vector table that has a pointer to your function. You will need to place this vector table at a known address and you will use it to get your function pointer. Your function will be placed in the memory immediately following this vector table.
Brief explanation:
It seems that you're still unfamiliar with how things work on a Cortex-M3 so I'll try and explain a little.
main is not special. It is just a function and it isn't even the first thing that executes. The first function that runs on a Cortex-M3 is your Reset Vector interrupt service routine. This function then sets up all of your memory and then calls main (see The SAM3N4C Startup Code).
On a Cortex-M3 there is a pointer to this special function at a known offset from the start of your memory (0x00000004) and that is what your hardware uses to boot/start. The Reset_Handler() function from The SAM3N4C Startup Code is placed at that address. This is done in the DeviceVectors exception_table struct that you can see being initialized in the code given in The SAM3N4C Startup Code. This struct contains all the function pointers and for the reset vector to be located at an offset of 0x00000004 from the start of memory, the exception_table needs to be placed at a the very start of memory. This is done by using the __attribute__ ((section(".vectors"))) flag to place the exception_table in the .vectors section (see The GNU attribute syntax). This is then used in The SAM3N4C Linker Script, which includes the memory region definitions given in The SAM3N4C Linker Memory Region Definitions, to place it at the very beginning of memory (using the KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*)) line, which is put into memory first).
I recommend investigating your existing linker scripts for how they work because they will give you a clue as to how you can do this. Reading more about the GNU linker will help you with this.
Also, the solution you are after would, in my opinion, replicate this behavior but you would use a smaller 'vector table' since you only need one function...

C code that checksums itself *in ram*

I'm trying to get a ram-resident image to checksum itself, which is proving easier said than done.
The code is first compiled on a cross development platform, generating an .elf output. A utility is used to strip out the binary image, and that image is burned to flash on the target platform, along with the image size. When the target is started, it copies the binary to the correct region of ram, and jumps to it. The utility also computes a checksum of all the words in the elf that are destined for ram, and that too is burned into the flash. So my image theoretically could checksum its own ram resident image using the a-priori start address and the size saved in flash, and compare to the sum saved in flash.
That's the theory anyway. The problem is that once the image begins executing, there is change in the .data section as variables are modified. By the time the sum is done, the image that has been summed is no longer the image for which the utility calculated the sum.
I've eliminated change due to variables defined by my application, by moving the checksum routine ahead of all other initializations in the app (which makes sense b/c why run any of it if an integrity check fails, right?), but the killer is the C run time itself. It appears that there are some items relating to malloc and pointer casting and other things that are altered before main() is even entered.
Is the entire idea of self-checksumming C code lame? If there was a way to force app and CRT .data into different sections, I could avoid the CRT thrash, but one might argue that if the goal is to integrity check the image before executing (most of) it, that initialized CRT data should be part of that. Is there a way to make code checksum itself in RAM like this at all?
FWIW, I seem stuck with a requirement for this. Personally I'd have thought that the way to go is to checksum the binary in the flash, before transfer to ram, and trust the loader and the ram. Paranoia has to end somewhere right?
Misc details: tool chain is GNU, image contains .text, .rodata and .data as one contiguously loaded chunk. There is no OS, this is bare metal embedded. Primary loader essentially memcpy's my binary into ram, at a predetermined address. No relocations occur. VM is not used. Checksum only needs testing once at init only.
Found that by doing this..
__attribute__((constructor)) void sumItUp(void) {
// sum it up
// leave result where it can be found
.. that I can get the sum done before almost everything except the initialization of the malloc/sbrk vars by the CRT init, and some vars owned by "impure.o" and "locale.o". Now, the malloc/sbrk value is something I know from the project linker script. If impure.o and locale.o could be mitigated, might be in business.
Since I can control the entry point (by what's stated in flash for the primary loader), it seems the best angle of attack now is to use a piece of custom assembler code to set up stack and sdata pointers, call the checksum routine, and then branch into the "normal" _start code.
If the checksum is done EARLY enough, you could use ONLY stack variables, and not write to any data-section variables - that is, make EVERYTHING you need to perform the checksumming [and all preceding steps to get to that point] ONLY use local variables for storing things in [you can read global data of course].
I'm fairly convinced that the right way is to trust the flash & loader to load what is in the flash. If you want to checksum the code, sure, go and do that [assuming it's not being modified by the loader of course - for example runtime loading of shared libraries or relocation of the executable itself, such as random virtual address spaces and such]. But the data loaded from flash can't be relied upon once execution starts properly.
If there is a requirement from someone else that you should do this, then please explain to them that this is not feasible to implement, and that "the requirement, as it stands" is "broken".
I'd suggest approaching this like an executable packer, like upx.
There are several things in the other answers and in your question that, for lack of a better term, make me nervous.
I would not trust the loader or anything in flash that wasn't forced on me.
There is source code floating around on the net that was used to secure one of, I think, HTCs recent phones. Look around on and see if you can find it and use it for an example.
I would push back on this requirement. Cellphone manufacturers spend a lot of time on keeping their images locked down and, eventually, all of them are beaten. This seems like a vicious circle.
Can you use the linker script to place impure.o and locale.o before or after everything else, allowing you to checksum everything but those and the malloc/sbrk stuff? I'm guessing malloc and sbrk are called in the bootloader that loads your application, so the thrash caused by those cannot be eliminated?
It's not an answer to just tell you to fight this requirement, but I agree that this seems to be over-thought. I'm sure you can't go into any amount of detail, but I'm assuming the spec authors are concerned about malicious users/hackers, rather than regular memory corruption due to cosmic rays, etc. In this case, if a malicious user/hacker can change what's loaded into RAM, they can just change your checksumming routine (which is itself running from RAM, correct?) to always return a happy status, no matter how well the checksum routine they aren't running anymore is designed.
Even if they are concerned about regular memory corruption, this checksum routine would only catch that if the error occurred during the original copy to memory, which is actually the least likely time such an error would occur, simply because the system hasn't been running long enough to have a high probability of a corruption event.
In general, what you want to do is impossible, since on many (most?) platforms the program loader may "relocate" some program address constants.
Can you update the loader to perform the checksum test on the flash resident binary image, before it is copied to ram?

How to use external memory on a microcontroller

In the past, I've worked a lot with 8 bit AVR's and MSP430's where both the RAM and flash were stored on the chip directly. When you compile and download your program, it sort of "just works" and you don't need to worry about where and how variables are actually stored.
Now I'm starting a project where I'd like to be able to add some external memory to a microcontroller (a TI Stellaris LM3S9D92 if that matters) but I'm not entirely sure how you get your code to use the external RAM. I can see how you configure the external bus pretty much like any other peripheral but what confuses me is how the processor keeps track of when to talk to the external memory and when to talk to the internal one.
From what I can tell, the external RAM is mapped to the same address space as the internal SRAM (internal starts at 0x20000000 and external starts at 0x60000000). Does that mean if I wrote something like this:
int* x= 0x20000000;
int* y= 0x60000000;
Would x and y would point to the first 4 bytes (assuming 32 bit ints) of internal and external RAM respectively? If so, what if I did something like this:
int x[999999999999]; //some super big array that uses all the internal ram
int y[999999999999]; //this would have to be in external ram or it wouldn't fit
I imagine that I'd need to tell something about the boundaries of where each type of memory is or do I have it all wrong and the hardware figures it out on its own? Do linker scripts deal with this? I know they have something to do with memory mapping but I don't know what exactly. After reading about how to set up an ARM cross compiler I get the feeling that something like winavr (avr-gcc) was doing a lot of stuff like this for me behind the scenes so I wouldn't have to deal with it.
Sorry for rambling a bit but I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me if I'm on the right track with this stuff.
For any future readers I found this after another few hours of googling Combined with answers here it helped me a lot.
Generally that is exactly how it works. You have to properly setup the hardware and/or the hardware may already have things hardcoded at fixed addresses.
You could ask the same question, how does the hardware know that when I write a byte to address 0x21000010 (I just made that up) that that is the uart transmit holding register and that write means I want to send a byte out the uart? The answer because it is hardcoded in the logic that way. Or the logic might have an offset, the uart might be able to move it might be at some other control register contents plus 0x10. change that control register (which itself has some hardcoded address) from 0x21000000, to 0x90000000 and then write to 0x90000010 and another byte goes out the uart.
I would have to look at that particular part, but if it does support external memory, then in theory that is all you have to do know what addresses in the processors address space are mapped to that external memory and reads and writes will cause external memory accesses.
Intel based computers, PC's, tend to like one big flat address space, use the lspci command on your Linux box (if you have one) or some other command if windows or a mac, and you will find that your video card has been given a chunk of address space. If you get through the protection of the cpu/operating system and were to write to an address in that space it will go right out the processor through the pcie controllers and into the video card, either causing havoc or maybe just changing the color of a pixel. You have already dealt with this with your avr and msp430s. Some addresses in the address space are flash, and some are ram, there is some logic outside the cpu core that looks at the cpu cores address bus and makes decisions on where to send that access. So far that flash bank and ram bank and logic are all self contained within the boundaries of the chip, this is not too far of a stretch beyond that the logic responds to an address, and from that creates an external memory cycle, when it is done or the result comes back on a read it completes the internal memory cycle and you go on to the next thing.
Does that make any sense or am I making it worse?
You can use the reserved word register to suggest to the compiler that it put that variable into an internal memory location:
register int iInside;
Use caution; the compiler knows how many bytes of register storage are available, and when all available space is gone it won't matter.
Use register variables only for things that are going to be used very, very frequently, such as counters.

Is there a way to know where global and static variables reside inside the data segment (.data + .bss)?

I want to dump all global and static variables to a file and load them back on the next program invocation. A solution I thought of is to dump the .data segment to a file. But .data segment on a 32bit machine spans over 2^32 address space (4GB). In which part of this address space the variables reside? How do I know which part of the .data segment I should dump?
And when loading the dumped file, I guess that since the variables are referenced by offset in the data segment, it will be safe to just memcpy the whole dump to the alleged starting point of the "variables area". Please correct me if I am wrong.
A good start is this question.
Your problem is how to find the beginning and the end of the data segment. I am not sure how to do this, but I could give you a couple of ideas.
If all your data are relatively self-contained, (they are declared within the same module, not in separate modules,) you might be able to declare them within some kind of structure, so the beginning will be the address of the structure, and the end will be some variable that you will declare right after the structure. If I remember well, MASM had a "RECORD" directive or something like that which you could use to group variables together.
Alternatively, you may be able to declare two additional modules, one with a variable called "beginning" and another with a variable called "end", and make sure that the first gets linked before anything else, and the second gets linked after everything else. This way, these variables might actually end up marking the beginning and the end of the data segment. But I am not sure about this, I am just giving you a pointer.
One thing to remember is that your data will inevitably contain pointers, so saving and loading all your data will only work if the OS under which you are running can guarantee that your program will always be loaded in the same address. If not, forget it. But if you can have this guarantee, then yes, loading the data should work. You should not even need a memcpy, just set the buffer for the read operation to be the beginning of the data segment.
The state of an entire program can be very complicated, and will not only involve variables but values in registers. You'll almost certainly be better off keeping track of what data you want to store and then storing it to a file yourself. This can be relatively painless with the right setup and encapsulation. Then when you resume the application, read in the program state and resume.
Assuming you are using gnu tools (gcc, binutils) if you look at the linker scripts the embedded folks use like the gba developers and microcontroller developers using roms (yagarto or devkit-arm for example). In the linker script they surround the segments of interest with variables that they can use elsewhere in their code. For rom based software for example you specify the data segment with a ram AT rom or rom AT ram in the linker script meaning link as if the data segment is in ram at this address space, but also link the data itself into rom at this address space, the boot code then copies the .data segment from the rom to the ram using these variables. I dont see why you couldnt do the same thing to have the compiler/linker tools tell you where stuff is then runtime use those variables to grab the data from memory and save it somewhere to hybernate or shut down and then restore that data from wherever. The variables you use to perform the restore of course should not be part of the .data segment or you trash the variables you are using to restore the segment.
In response to your header question, on Windows, the location and size of the data and bss segments can be obtained from the in-memory PE header. How that is laid out and how to parse it is documented in this specification:
I do not believe that there is a guarantee that with every execution you will have the sam sequence of variables, hence the offsets may point to the wrong content.
