How to use SQL Server Database Project - sql-server

I am running SQL Server 2012 and VS 2010 with SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) installed. My dev DB uses stored procs, functions, CLR objects, etc. It has a snapshot of prod data of about 500GB.
I created SQL Server Database Project and then imported the database. This created all tables, views, procs and functions files under schema names. Great stuff -- now I can do a version control just like in other VS projects, create deployments, etc. So far, so good.
But, I am confused as to what my development process should be for changing/adding procs/tables under SQL Server Database Project. It appears that any changes I make are applied to some LocalDb/Projects database and NOT to my dev database.
Am I suppose to author all my objects in that LocalDb, then Build and deploy to my dev database via Publish? I am worried about my existing tables in the dev DB since if the publish process drops and recreates tables, I will loose my prod data snapshot.
What is the right development process to follow in SQL Server Database Project?

Think of the source database (in your case, your database project) as being the "to be" state after deployment. When a deployment is initiated, the executable (SqlPackage.exe) compares the source with the target and generates a difference/delta script to make the target look like the source. This is why we no longer have to specify CREATE or ALTER; the tool figures it out. To answer your question about ongoing development, you can develop either way. You can develop in the project files and publish them to a common Dev database (say, if you're on a team), or you can develop in the database with tools like SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and synchronize with the project files with a schema compare (I use the latter technique because I like SSMS).
For deployment, you'll have to have SSDT installed on the machine from which you execute the deployment (SSDT ships with SQL Server 2012 and later; I don't know about SQL Server 2008). You can create scripts to simplify deployment. You'll essentially call SqlPackage.exe (it lives in x:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\DAC\bin) with an action and a source. I use Publish Profiles as well to take care of most command properties. So an example deployment might look like this:
SqlPackage.exe /Action:Publish /SourceFile:MyDatabase.dacpac /Profile:MyProfile.publish.xml
For more information:
SQL Server Data Tools Documentation
SqlPackage.exe Documentation

Make changes inside the VS DB project.
Deploy changes to localDB to test
Publish the database to your production server. I prefer to use Schema Compare to do this manually, but you can also publish the project via the right click --> publish menu (which will also create a publishing profile), or using command line arguments. The publish process won't drop and create tables (unless you tell it to drop & recreate the entire db).
Alternatively, in the project settings you can change the connection string to point to your production server (as pointed out in the comment). However, I recommend against this, as it will then attempt to publish to the production server every time you run a local build (F5).


How to create a pre-packaged deployment script for a database project?

I have a DB project in Visual Studio and I need to deploy it to a remote system as a pre-packaged script (or similar) as a new database.
The Publish option will generate a .publish SQL script but only if you supply a connection first, and the script includes machine-local information e.g. logging paths.
I want something I can copy onto the DB-server machine running SSMS and it will create the DB. What is the proper way to do this, I see I also have DAC and DLL files emitted during build.
What is the proper way to do this?
Connect to a server that doesn't have any version of your database, and publish. Publish calculates an incremental deployment, so it needs to see the current state of the target SQL Server.

Publish stored procedure from SQL Server Project selectively depending on the server

I have an SQL Server Project as a part of my solution in Visual Studio. It requires that I include some stored procedures that access a different database on the same server. This database is not under our control, nor is it accessible locally to the developers, or in our dev Server. And we cannot import that database because its a few TB in size. The functionality represented by this stored procedures does not need to be called in our dev environment, and only has testable data in the staging and production environments where the other database is accessible.
When we attempt to publish the project to our dev servers, or locally, the publish script generated by VS fails at run time because SQL Server can't generate a stored procedure if it can't resolve the references to the missing database.
I am looking for a way to setup the publishing so that it is selective based on the ##servername variable (ideally, but I am open to other realistic scenarios, such as a way to tell the SQL Server not to try to resolve those references)
P.S. I hadnt thought of mentioning it until #larnu's comment, but an additional thorn here is that our dev environment is hosted as an Azure Web app and using an Azure SQL Database server. Even if I created a Mock database for the missing reference, Azure SQL will not allow my stored procedures to see them.

How to work in SQL Server as a team?

Me and my team are developing a SQL Server database. We want to work on different PCs, but with the same database. Is it possible that we can synchronise our work on each PC, or share our database while working somehow?
If possible how can Team Foundation server be used for that?
You can use SQL Server Database Tools (SSDT) to represent your database as a series of scripts. These scripts can then be added to source control. Git is by far the most popular source control system there is and Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services have great Git support.
Each developer will use Visual Studio (or VS Code) on their own machine to do their database work. When the developer wants to share their changes, they commit them to source control. Other developers can then update their local version of the code with the new changes. SSDT adds support for bringing your database and database project in sync.
Now that your code is in source control you can go a step further and add things like continuous integration builds and automated deployments with VSTS Build and Release Management. That way you can automatically test database changes and even run unit and integration tests before deploying to test and production environments.
The following Channel9 video gives an introduction to these tools: Database Continuous Integration and Deployment with Visual Studio SQL Server Data Tools in < 10 minutes
If you only care about schema changes (and not data changes), you can use visual studio's SQL Server projects, and a source control system, to help manage this. You can then use the Schema Compare tool to compare your project to the server, the server to your project, or server to server.
There are some tools from the likes of Redgate, etc, that allow this process to be automated. I've not used those, but they may be another option.

How do visual studio 2013 data compare tool for Windows Azure?

Related : Visual Studio 2013 (Professional Edition)
I am trying to create Data Migration Script to deploy the changes on Staging Server.
This works locally fine. But When I try to run the generated Script on Azure Database, I get TextPtr is not supported on Azure platform. I studied more about it & found that the newer editions of SQL Server (sply for Windows Azure (SQL 2014 may be)) has dropped some keywords/functionalities the list can be found here.
The Sql Database Project only provides the Schema Compare, but Data Compare is avilables in tools Section (where we can not set Target Project Type property).
I wonder how can I deploy/Migrate the changes made in one environment to another in such a Situation. Currently I had to overwrite the existing Database on Azure platform.
But this is not Identical also, for first time this could work but not for later, as there could be some changes made to the Staging or other environments.
I had a similar problem, when trying to migrate between a test and staging environment in Azure. As a quick fix, I got around the problem by just doing a "copy" of the dev database via the Azure dashboard.

Deploy SQL Server Schema Changes using SQLCMD

I'm using Visual Studio Team System 2008's Database tools to develop my databases. On my local dev machine, when I want to deploy schema changes to the SQL Server instance on my machine, I just use the Data --> Schema Compare feature of VS2008.
But with live databases I can't do this because I can't connect to the database directly from my machine and the server haven't got VS2008 installed.
So I was thinking about the SQLCMD tool. Isn't that what VS2008 uses "under the hood"?
I want to use as part of an automatic deployment strategy. I want to be able to publish SQL scripts generated by VS2008 to the server and have an application run scripts on the live database to update the schema.
I'm trying to achieve automatic change script generation by taking the deploy script VS2008 Database Edition generates and comparing it against a live database. Only I want to do it through code, no tool or anything. It must be able to run from a Windows Service on the server.
SqlCmd would work. If you also want automatic versioning support you should check out Tarantino.Net, a database management tool that keeps track of which sql-files have already been run.
