Merge multiple Access database into one big database - database

I have multiple ~50MB Access 2000-2003 databases (MDB files) that only contain tables with data. The data-databases are located on a server in my enterprise that can take ~1-2 second to respond (and about 10 seconds to actually open the 50 MDB file manually while browsing in the file explorer). I have other databases that only contain forms. Most of those forms-database (still MDB files) are actually copied from the server to the client (after some testing, the execution looks smoother) before execution with a batch file. Most of those forms-databases use table-links to fetch the data from the data-databases.
Now, my question is: is there any advantage/disadvantage to merge all data-databases from my ~50MB databases to make one big database (let's say 500MB)? Will it be slower? It would actually help to clean up my code if I wouln't have to connect to all those different databases and I don't think 500MB is a lot, but I don't pretend to be really used to Access by any mean and that's why I'm asking. If Access needs to read the whole MDB file to get the data from a specific table, then it would be slower. It wouldn't be really that surprising from Microsoft, but I've been pleased so far with MS Access database performances.
There will never be more than ~50 people connected to the database at the same time (most likely, this number won't in fact be more than 10, but I prefer being a little bit conservative here just to be sure).

The db engine does not read the entire MDB file to get information from a specific table. It must read information from the system tables (hidden tables whose names start with MSys) to determine where the data you need is stored. Furthermore, if you're using a query to retrieve information from the table, and the db engine can use an index to determine which rows satisfy the query's WHERE clause, it may read only those rows from the table.
However, you have issues with your network's performance. When those lead to dropped connections, you risk corrupting the MDB. That is why Access is not well suited for use in wide area networks or with wireless connections. And even on a wired LAN, you can suffer such problems when the network is flaky.
So while reducing the amount of data you pull across the network is a good thing, it is not the best remedy for Access on a flaky network. Instead you should migrate the data to a client-server db so it can be kept safe in spite of dropped connections.

You are walking on thin ice here.
Access will handle your scenario, but is not really meant to allow so many concurrent connections.
Merging everything in a big database (500mb) is not a wise move.
Have you tried to open it from a network location?
As far as I can suggest, I will use a backend SqlServer Express to merge all the tables in a single real client-server database.
The changes required by client mdb front-end should not be very pervasive.


Microsoft Access database - queries run on server or client?

I have a Microsoft Access .accdb database on a company server. If someone opens the database over the network, and runs a query, where does the query run? Does it:
run on the server (as it should, and as I thought it did), and only the results are passed over to the client through the slow network connection
or run on the client, which means the full 1.5 GB database is loaded over the network to the client's machine, where the query runs, and produces the result
If it is the latter (which would be truly horrible and baffling), is there a way around this? The weak link is always the network, can I have queries run at the server somehow?
(Reason for asking is the database is unbelievably slow when used over network.)
The query is processed on the client, but that does not mean that the entire 1.5 GB database needs to be pulled over the network before a particular query can be processed. Even a given table will not necessarily be retrieved in its entirety if the query can use indexes to determine the relevant rows in that table.
For more information, see the answers to the related questions:
ODBC access over network to *.mdb
C# program querying an Access database in a network folder takes longer than querying a local copy
It is the latter, the 1.5 GB database is loaded over the network
The "server" in your case is a server only in the sense that it serves the file, it is not a database engine.
You're in a bad spot:
The good thing about access is that it's easy to create forms and reports and things by people who are not developers. The bad is everything else about it. Particularly 2 things:
People wind up using it for small projects that grow and grow and grow, and wind up in your shoes.
It sucks for multiple users, and it really sucks over a network when it gets big
I always convert them to a web-based app with SQL server or something, but I'm a developer. That costs money to do, but that's what happens when you use a tool that does not scale.

Storing binary files in sql server

I'm writing an mvc/sql server application that needs to associate documents (word, pdf, excel, etc) with records in the database (supporting sql server 2005). The consensus is it's best to keep the files in the file system and only save a path/reference to the file in the database. However, in my scenario, an audit trail is extremely important. We already have a framework in place to record audit information whenever a change is made in the system so it would be nice to use the database to store documents as well. If the documents were stored in their own table with a FK to the related record would performance become an issue? I'm aware of the potential problems with backups/restores but would db performance start to degrade at some point if the document tables became very large? If it makes any difference I would never expect this system to need to service anywhere near 100 concurrent requests, maybe tens of requests.
Storing the files as blob in database will increase the size of the db and will definitely affect the backups which you know and is true.
There are many things of consideration whether the db and code server are same.
Because it happens to be code server requests and gets data from db server and then from code server to client.
If the file sizes are too large I would say go for the file system and save file paths in db.
Else you can keep the files as blog in db, it will definitely be more secure, as well as safe from virus, etc.

SQL Server Table > MS Access Local Copy?

I'm looking for a little advice.
I have some SQL Server tables I need to move to local Access databases for some local production tasks - once per "job" setup, w/400 jobs this qtr, across a dozen users...
A little background:
I am currently using a DSN-less approach to avoid distribution issues
I can create temporary LINKS to the remote tables and run "make table" queries to populate the local tables, then drop the remote tables. Works as expected.
Performance here in US is decent - 10-15 seconds for ~40K records. Our India teams are seeing >5-10 minutes for the same datasets. Their internet connection is decent, not great and a variable I cannot control.
I am wondering if MS Access is adding some overhead here than can be avoided by a more direct approach: i.e., letting the server do all/most of the heavy lifting vs Access?
I've tinkered with various combinations, with no clear improvement or success:
Parameterized stored procedures from Access
SQL Passthru queries from Access
Any suggestions, or an overall approach to suggest? How about moving data as XML?
Note: I have Access 7, 10, 13 users.
It's not entirely clear but if the MSAccess database performing the dump is local and the SQL Server database is remote, across the internet, you are bound to bump into the physical limitations of the connection.
ODBC drivers are not meant to be used for data access beyond a LAN, there is too much latency.
When Access queries data, is doesn't open a stream, it fetches blocks of it, wait for the data wot be downloaded, then request another batch. This is OK on a LAN but quickly degrades over long distances, especially when you consider that communication between the US and India has probably around 200ms latency and you can't do much about it as it adds up very quickly if the communication protocol is chatty, all this on top of the connection's bandwidth that is very likely way below what you would get on a LAN.
The better solution would be to perform the dump locally and then transmit the resulting Access file after it has been compacted and maybe zipped (using 7z for instance for better compression). This would most likely result in very small files that would be easy to move around in a few seconds.
The process could easily be automated. The easiest is maybe to automatically perform this dump every day and making it available on an FTP server or an internal website ready for download.
You can also make it available on demand, maybe trough an app running on a server and made available through RemoteApp using RDP services on a Windows 2008 server or simply though a website, or a shell.
You could also have a simple windows service on your SQL Server that listens to requests for a remote client installed on the local machines everywhere, that would process the dump and sent it to the client which would then unpack it and replace the previously downloaded database.
Plenty of solutions for this, even though they would probably require some amount of work to automate reliably.
One final note: if you automate the data dump from SQL Server to Access, avoid using Access in an automated way. It's hard to debug and quite easy to break. Use an export tool instead that doesn't rely on having Access installed.
Renaud and all, thanks for taking time to provide your responses. As you note, performance across the internet is the bottleneck. The fetching of blocks (vs a continguous DL) of data is exactly what I was hoping to avoid via an alternate approach.
Or workflow is evolving to better leverage both sides of the clock where User1 in US completes their day's efforts in the local DB and then sends JUST their updates back to the server (based on timestamps). User2 in India, also has a local copy of the same DB, grabs just the updated records off the server at the start of his day. So, pretty efficient for day-to-day stuff.
The primary issue is the initial DL of the local DB tables from the server (huge multi-year DB) for the current "job" - should happen just once at the start of the effort (~1 wk long process) This is the piece that takes 5-10 minutes for India to accomplish.
We currently do move the DB back and forth via FTP - DAILY. It is used as a SINGLE shared DB and is a bit LARGE due to temp tables. I was hoping my new timestamped-based push-pull of just the changes daily would have been an overall plus. Seems to be, but the initial DL hurdle remains.

Databases Software for Rapid Queries

I'm writing a Comet application that has to keep track of each open connection to the server. I want to write an entry to the database for each connection, and I will have to search the database for the proper connections every time the application receives new data (often), which is why I don't want to start off on the wrong foot by choosing slow database software. Any suggestions for a database that favors rapid, small pieces of data (rather than occasional large pieces of data)?
I suggest rather using a server platform that allows the creation of persistent servers, that keep all such info in the memory. Thus all database access will be limited to writing (if you want to actually save any information permanently), which usually is signifficantly less in typical Comet-apps (such as chats/games).
Databases are not made to keep such data. Accessing a database directly always means composing query strings, often sending them to a db server (sometimes even over the network), db lookup, serialization of the results, sending back, deserialization and traversing the fetched results. There is no way this can be even nearly as fast as just retrieving a value from memory.
If you really want to stick with PHP, then I suggest you have a look at memcached and similar caching servers.
SQL Server 2008 has a FileStream data type that can be used for rapid, small pieces of data. McLaren Electronic Systems uses it to capture and analyze telemetry/sensor data from Formula One race cars.
MySQL (for webapps)

Copying data from a local database to a remote one

I'm writing a system at the moment that needs to copy data from a clients locally hosted SQL database to a hosted server database. Most of the data in the local database is copied to the live one, though optimisations are made to reduce the amount of actual data required to be sent.
What is the best way of sending this data from one database to the other? At the moment I can see a few possibly options, none of them yet stand out as being the prime candidate.
Replication, though this is not ideal, and we cannot expect it to be supported in the version of SQL we use on the hosted environment.
Linked server, copying data direct - a slow and somewhat insecure method
Webservices to transmit the data
Exporting the data we require as XML and transferring to the server to be imported in bulk.
The data copied goes into copies of the tables, without identity fields, so data can be inserted/updated without any violations in that respect. This data transfer does not have to be done at the database level, it can be done from .net or other facilities.
More information
The frequency of the updates will vary completely on how often records are updated. But the basic idea is that if a record is changed then the user can publish it to the live database. Alternatively we'll record the changes and send them across in a batch on a configurable frequency.
The amount of records we're talking are around 4000 rows per table for the core tables (product catalog) at the moment, but this is completely variable dependent on the client we deploy this to as each would have their own product catalog, ranging from 100's to 1000's of products. To clarify, each client is on a separate local/hosted database combination, they are not combined into one system.
As well as the individual publishing of items, we would also require a complete re-sync of data to be done on demand.
Another aspect of the system is that some of the data being copied from the local server is stored in a secondary database, so we're effectively merging the data from two databases into the one live database.
Well, I'm biased. I have to admit. I'd like to hypnotize you into shelling out for SQL Compare to do this. I've been faced with exactly this sort of problem in all its open-ended frightfulness. I got a copy of SQL Compare and never looked back. SQL Compare is actually a silly name for a piece of software that synchronizes databases It will also do it from the command line once you have got a working project together with all the right knobs and buttons. Of course, you can only do this for reasonably small databases, but it really is a tool I wouldn't want to be seen in public without.
My only concern with your requirements is where you are collecting product catalogs from a number of clients. If they are all in separate tables, then all is fine, whereas if they are all in the same table, then this would make things more complicated.
How much data are you talking about? how many 'client' dbs are there? and how often does it need to happen? The answers to those questions will make a big difference on the path you should take.
There is an almost infinite number of solutions for this problem. In order to narrow it down, you'd have to tell us a bit about your requirements and priorities.
Bulk operations would probably cover a wide range of scenarios, and you should add that to the top of your list.
I would recommend using Data Transformation Services (DTS) for this. You could create a DTS package for appending and one for re-creating the data.
It is possible to invoke DTS package operations from your code so you may want to create a wrapper to control the packages that you can call from your application.
In the end I opted for a set of triggers to capture data modifications to a change log table. There is then an application that polls this table and generates XML files for submission to a webservice running at the remote location.
