Best practices to store and access resource files in java web application - file

I have a bunch of text, xml and other files (i.e. resources) that I need to access using servlets in java web app. For example, there is an xml file, a part of which is returned with a servlet by a user query. I am using Tomcat. What is the best practice to store these files and access them from java code?
1) What are the default folders where should I put them, do I need to put them into Web archive or into one of the Jars?
2) How to access the files from java code? How can I set the path to them so it will work in any environment?
P.S. I've read a number of posts related to this topic, most of which recommend to store resources in jars and access them using java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream(String). It seems strange because classes and data should be separated.

It's perfectly fine to load static resources using the classloader. That's what ResourceBundle does to load the internationalized properties files for example.
Put them in WEB-INF/classes along with your class files, or in a jar inside WEB-INF/lib, and load them with the ClassLoader as indicated by the answers you already read.
That doesn't forbid you to place these files in a separate directory from the Java source files in your project. The build process should just make sure to put them in the appropriate location for runtime. The Maven and Gradle convention is to put the source files under src/main/java and the resource files under src/main/resources.


Reading data organised in folders with Codename one

I've got data generated by a desktop application. These data are organized in a 2-levels folders system : each folder is a physical representation of one object, with an image file, a property file and different text files. There is no way I can change this structure.
I'm willing to show these data with a mobile application. I started something with Intel XDK, but I feel more comfortable with java. So I'm building a POC with Codename One. The final goal is to get these data on the mobile device with a DropBox integration. But for now (in dev phase), I'm going to manually download the data in a user folder on the device.
In netbeans, I put a sample of these data in the src/ folder, but when I try to read them, I've got an error telling me that nested directories are not allowed:
ERROR: resources cannont be nested in directories in Codename One! Invalid resource: /00002/
Any suggestion on how I can move on with the development, using with static folders ?
Resource files must be placed in the root of the src directory to be packaged and can't be deeper. The reasoning is that we don't generate a JAR but rather a native package where hierarchies are pretty different.
If you need this exact structure just extract them into the FileSystemStorage on the first activation then you can use the hierarchy that's available there.

Dart: Accessing a resource out side the project|web/ directory

I have a web-app(browser based) which needs to access a folder full of icons that resides outside the web folder.
This folder MUST be outside the web folder, and would ideally exist outside the project folder all together
however, when specifying the path to the folder neither "../" or making use of a symlink will work
when the page attempts to load the image I always get
"[web] GET /Project|web/icons/img.png => Could not find asset Project|web/icons/img.png."
however I set the image source to "../icons/img.png"
how can i get dart to access this file properly
PS: I attempted a symlink to another part of the filesystem (where the images would be kept ideally) however this did not work either.
The web server integrated into DartEditor or pub serve only serves directories that are added as folders to the files view. When you add the folder to DartEditor you should be able to access the files. This is just for development.
You have also to find a solution for when you deploy your server app. It would be a hazardous security issue when you could access files outside the project directory. Where should the server draw the line? If this would be possible your entire server would be accessible to the world.
Like #Robert asked, I also have a hard time imaging why the files must not be in the project folder.
If you want to reuse the icons/images between different projects you could create a resource package that contains only those images and add them as a dependency to your project.
If you want a better answer you need to provide more information about your requirements.
If you wrote your own server (by using the HttpServer class) it may be possible to use the VirtualDirectory to server your external files.
Looking at look the dartiverse_search example may give you some ideas.
You could put them in the lib directory and refer to them via /packages/Project/...
Or in another package, in which case they would be in a different place in the file system. But as other people have said, your requirement seems odd.

Reading Properties of all Files existing in one of the folders on Application Server and print on a JSP

I have to read the Name and Creation Date/Last Modified Date of all the files that may exist on /product/xyz folder, existing on JBoss Application Server and print the same on JSP.
This folder is being loaded with the fresh files when server is booted. The framework used is Struts 1.2.
Any hints or examples around how to read these information and print on JSP? Thanks!
I understand that it is much easy to read the files from a folder which might be part of my workspace folder. But, this is a different scenario.
Here, the JSP file will be deployed on JBoss application server, in some ABC folder, as part of some EARs. On the same application server, there is some other XYZ location, which will be loaded with the fresh files, when server is booted. I want to read the files existing in that XYZ folder. I Hope the scenario is more clear now.
The code doesn't change whether I try to access the files from my Work Space folders (Rather, which are to be part of EARs) or I may access from the Server File System (Outside the EARs).
The issue could be there in Path Mentioned or the Permission (Read/Write) to the Folder from which the files are being read.

Using update-able FlowDocument XAML files as my WPF help system

I'm putting together a simple help system for my WPF app using XAML FlowDcouments (just .xaml files, no code-behind). I've simply added them to my project with Build Action = Resource, and I can load and display them as required.
Now, I'm trying to make it a bit more flexible, in that after the installation of the app, I want the user to be able to download additional (or newer versions of the existing) FlowDocument XAML help files. Given this, I'm now wondering where the best place to store these files is. A few questions/ideas:
Can I leave them as resource files, and overwrite or add new files as required? I can't find a example of how to add/edit resources at runtime on SO/Google. Is it even possible?
If not, is there a recommended location to store these files? They should be available to all users, so they can't go into the User's directory - they would have to go in the program directory. Does the program directory have write-access (I remember having issues with that before)?
Any other ideas?
The resource files are embedded into the executable and therefore you cannot change them.
As for a common place to put your downloaded help files, you cannot store them in "Program Files" since you would need admin privileges to write there.
I suggest you put them into SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData (see, which is defined as "The directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data that is used by all users."

How to vary a config by host-header

I need multiple sites to all point to a common application, varying by host-header.
While the code / content for each each site is identicial each site does need a unique config, for things like connection strings.
What would be the best approach to set this up?
(The site is actually a Silverlight / WCF application, although I don't think that should matter.)
Either use msi installation package and allow set up all these values in installation wizard or use new web.config transformation syntax introduced in .NET 4.0 (you will have separate config and build target for each host header).
Edit - I didn't understand your question first:
You will have to install the application multiple times. You can't have single site with multiple different configs. But you don't have to copy libraries multiple times - you can use links (mklink.exe). It means you will have one central directory holding your shared content like bin directory and you will have separate directory for each site. Each of sites' directories will contain its own web.config and some content placed to root of your site + links to central directory. You will create create separate application for each site in IIS and map single host header to each application.
Other possiblity is handling this in your code and having everything in single web.config but IMO it is pretty bad and dangerous solution.
