Bean doesnt save state of lists gae - google-app-engine

Items of lists should add from one list to another when you press command button. For the first time, it works fine, items move, but for the second time the new ones replace previously added, String fields works fine. When it runs locally it works fine, but uploded to cloude not.
public class SmsBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List<SelectItem> listOfDevices=new LinkedList<SelectItem>();
private List<SelectItem> listOfSelectedDevices=new LinkedList<SelectItem>();
private List<Device> toAdd=new LinkedList<Device>();
private List<Device> toDelete=new LinkedList<Device>();
public SmsBean(){
List<Entity> entities = Datastore.getTotalDevices();
for(Entity et :entities){
Device device=new Device((String)et.getProperty(DEVICE_DEVICE_NAME_PROPERTY),(String)et.getProperty(DEVICE_MAIL_PROPERTY),(String)et.getProperty(DEVICE_REG_ID_PROPERTY));
listOfDevices.add(new SelectItem(device));
public void addDevices(){
int temp=0;
for(Device dev:toAdd){
for(int j=0;j<listOfDevices.size();j++){
public void deleteDevices(){
int temp=0;
for(Device dev:toDelete){
for(int j=0;j<listOfSelectedDevices.size();j++){
<h:panelGrid columns="4" style="height:100%">
<p:selectManyMenu style="height:230px;width:150px;"
id="selectedDevices" value="#{smsBean.toDelete}"
<f:selectItems value="#{smsBean.listOfSelectedDevices}" />
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{smsBean.deleteDevices}"
icon="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-e" process="#form"
update="devices" title="Icon Only" />
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{smsBean.addDevices}"
process="#form" update="selectedDevices"
icon="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-w" title="Icon Only" />
<p:selectManyMenu id="devices" value="#{smsBean.toAdd}"
converter="deviceConverter" style="height:230px;width:150px;">
<f:selectItems value="#{smsBean.listOfDevices}" />


I'm trying to perform a search on my recycler adapter when onQueryTextChange gives error to make filter as static in adapter

This is my activity_course_details.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<requestFocus />
<!--Recycler view for displaying
our data from Firestore-->
android:layout_marginTop="50dp" />
<!--Progress bar for showing loading screen-->
android:layout_centerInParent="true" />
public class CourseDetails extends AppCompatActivity implements
// creating variables for our recycler view,
// array list, adapter, firebase firestore
// and our progress bar.
private RecyclerView courseRV;
private ArrayList<Courses> coursesArrayList;
private CourseRVAdapter courseRVAdapter;
private FirebaseFirestore db;
ProgressBar loadingPB;
SearchView editsearch;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
editsearch = (SearchView) findViewById(;
editsearch.setOnQueryTextListener((SearchView.OnQueryTextListener) this);
// initializing our variables.
courseRV = findViewById(;
loadingPB = findViewById(;
// initializing our variable for firebase
// firestore and getting its instance.
db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
// creating our new array list
coursesArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
courseRV.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
// adding our array list to our recycler view adapter class.
courseRVAdapter = new CourseRVAdapter(coursesArrayList, this);
// setting adapter to our recycler view.
// below line is use to get the data from Firebase Firestore.
// previously we were saving data on a reference of Courses
// now we will be getting the data from the same reference.
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) {
// after getting the data we are calling on success method
// and inside this method we are checking if the received
// query snapshot is empty or not.
if (!queryDocumentSnapshots.isEmpty()) {
// if the snapshot is not empty we are
// hiding our progress bar and adding
// our data in a list.
List<DocumentSnapshot> list = queryDocumentSnapshots.getDocuments();
for (DocumentSnapshot d : list) {
// after getting this list we are passing
// that list to our object class.
Courses c = d.toObject(Courses.class);
// and we will pass this object class
// inside our arraylist which we have
// created for recycler view.
// after adding the data to recycler view.
// we are calling recycler view notifuDataSetChanged
// method to notify that data has been changed in recycler view.
} else {
// if the snapshot is empty we are displaying a toast message.
Toast.makeText(CourseDetails.this, "No data found in Database", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
// if we do not get any data or any error we are displaying
// a toast message that we do not get any data
Toast.makeText(CourseDetails.this, "Fail to get the data.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
return false;
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
String text = newText;
return false;
public class CourseRVAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<CourseRVAdapter.ViewHolder> {
// creating variables for our ArrayList and context
private ArrayList<Courses> coursesArrayList = null;
private Context context;
private ArrayList<Courses> arrayList;
// creating constructor for our adapter class
public CourseRVAdapter(ArrayList<Courses> coursesArrayList, Context context) {
this.coursesArrayList = coursesArrayList;
this.context = context;
this.arrayList = new ArrayList<Courses>();
public CourseRVAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(#NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
// passing our layout file for displaying our card item
return new ViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.course_item, parent, false));
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull CourseRVAdapter.ViewHolder holder, int position) {
// setting data to our text views from our modal class.
Courses courses = coursesArrayList.get(position);
public int getItemCount() {
// returning the size of our array list.
return coursesArrayList.size();
class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
// creating variables for our text views.
private final TextView courseNameTV;
private final TextView courseDurationTV;
private final TextView courseDescTV;
public ViewHolder(#NonNull View itemView) {
// initializing our text views.
courseNameTV = itemView.findViewById(;
courseDurationTV = itemView.findViewById(;
courseDescTV = itemView.findViewById(;
public long getItemId(int position) {
return position;
// Filter Class
public void filter(String charText) {
charText = charText.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
if (charText.length() == 0) {
} else {
for (Courses wp : arrayList) {
if (wp.getCourseName().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains(charText)) {
public class Courses {
// variables for storing our data.
private String courseName, courseDescription, courseDuration;
public Courses() {
// empty constructor
// required for Firebase.
// Constructor for all variables.
public Courses(String courseName, String courseDescription, String courseDuration) {
this.courseName = courseName;
this.courseDescription = courseDescription;
this.courseDuration = courseDuration;
// getter methods for all variables.
public String getCourseName() {
return courseName;
public void setCourseName(String courseName) {
this.courseName = courseName;
public String getCourseDescription() {
return courseDescription;
// setter method for all variables.
public void setCourseDescription(String courseDescription) {
this.courseDescription = courseDescription;
public String getCourseDuration() {
return courseDuration;
public void setCourseDuration(String courseDuration) {
this.courseDuration = courseDuration;
i dont want to make this classs as static it give me error to uch so icant to amke search option in my android application i cant resolve this issue please help to resolve this issue.
i getting error in CourseRVAdapter.filter(text);
this to make filter as static this filter is make in CoursesRVAdapter public void filter(String charText) {------}
is the classs so what can do for making search option in recyclerview adapter list in android.
and please if you getting any suggesion for me please give me
i appreciating all of the things that you will says to me
thank you so much

Working checkboxes in JavaFX table (CheckBoxTableCell)

(This is similar to a homework question.)
I recently made an example UI in Scenebuilder for something I later had to program with Java Swing. That more or less worked. Now it is my task, not for the actual development of the program, but for learning something in my job training, to make a similar UI with Scenebuilder, but this time an actually working one. The specifications are:
It's a window with a table in it.
At least two of the columns have radio boxes in them that look like checkboxes or checkboxes that act like radio boxes (because the company has weird standards).
It uses FXML files made with Scenebuilder for the layout.
Making the check boxes act as radio boxes should be easy, if I could just enable the editing. I found a lot of examples that do almost what I want, but are still all not really applicable to my situation. Here are some of them:
I started with this video and almost exactly copied the code to first have a working example. Then I adjusted it to my needs until I only had the check boxes to do (first working prototype had Booleans instead).
Then I took part of the full code of this answer to add the check boxes. That worked, but they don't react to clicks.
This, this and this seems to only apply to text fields, not checkboxes.
I then used the two lambda expressions from the second code block in this answer (actually I used the variant in the first answer and manually resolved some errors until suddenly Eclipse automatically converted it to lambda expressions). I also added the public ObservableValue<Boolean> getCompleted() method, Eclipse suggested some magic and then I had what you can see in the corresponding code below (without the console print).
I also added a listener to the boolean property, like this site (archive) apparently does (I think), but that doesn't seem like it helped much.
Here is a picture of how the dialog looks now, I still can't use the check boxes:
My question: How can I make it so that the check boxes react to clicks? React can mean outputting something on the console, I don't need a given code that makes it automatically disable the other checkbox, I want to figure that part out myself.
My code:
package controller;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.fxml.Initializable;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.control.cell.CheckBoxTableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory;
import view.Table;
public class MainController implements Initializable{
#FXML TableView<Table> tableID;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,String> iFirstName;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,String> iLastName;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,Boolean> iMalebox;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,Boolean> iFemalebox;
#Override public void initialize(URL location,ResourceBundle resources){
iFirstName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Table,String>("rFirstName"));
iLastName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Table,String>("rLastName"));
iMalebox.setCellFactory(p->new CheckBoxTableCell<>());
// iMalebox.setCellValueFactory(p->p.getValue().getCompleted());
// iMalebox.setCellFactory(p->new CheckBoxTableCell<>());
iFemalebox.setCellFactory(p->new CheckBoxTableCell<>());
// iMalebox.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Table,Boolean>("rMalebox"));
// iFemalebox.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Table,Boolean>("rFemalebox"));
tableID.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(new Table("Horst","Meier",true,false),new Table("Anna","Becker",false,true),new Table("Karl","Schmidt",true,false)));
package controller;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class MainView extends Application{
#Override public void start(Stage primaryStage){
// FXMLLoader.load(MainView.class.getResource("MainController.fxml"));
AnchorPane page=(AnchorPane)FXMLLoader.load(MainView.class.getResource("MainController.fxml"));
Scene scene=new Scene(page);
primaryStage.setTitle("Window Title");;
}catch(Exception e){
public static void main(String[] args){
<?import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.TableView?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?>
<AnchorPane prefHeight="600.0" prefWidth="800.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="controller.MainController">
<TableView fx:id="tableID" prefHeight="494.0" prefWidth="798.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0">
<TableColumn fx:id="iFirstName" prefWidth="75.0" text="First name" />
<TableColumn fx:id="iLastName" prefWidth="75.0" text="Last name" />
<TableColumn fx:id="iMalebox" prefWidth="75.0" text="Male" />
<TableColumn fx:id="iFemalebox" prefWidth="75.0" text="Female" />
package view;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
public class Table{
private SimpleStringProperty rFirstName;
private SimpleStringProperty rLastName;
private SimpleBooleanProperty rMalebox;
private SimpleBooleanProperty rFemalebox;
public Table(String sFirstName,String sLastName,Boolean sMalebox,Boolean sFemalebox){
rFirstName=new SimpleStringProperty(sFirstName);
rLastName=new SimpleStringProperty(sLastName);
rMalebox=new SimpleBooleanProperty(sMalebox);
rFemalebox=new SimpleBooleanProperty(sFemalebox);
public String getRFirstName(){
return rFirstName.get();
public void setRFirstName(String v){
public String getRLastName(){
return rLastName.get();
public void setRLastName(String v){
public Boolean getRMalebox(){
return rMalebox.get();
public void setRMalebox(Boolean v){
public Boolean getRFemalebox(){
return rFemalebox.get();
public void setRFemalebox(Boolean v){
public ObservableValue<Boolean> getCompleted(){
return new ObservableValue<Boolean>(){
#Override public void removeListener(InvalidationListener arg0){}
#Override public void addListener(InvalidationListener arg0){}
#Override public void removeListener(ChangeListener<? super Boolean> listener){}
#Override public Boolean getValue(){
return null;
#Override public void addListener(ChangeListener<? super Boolean> listener){
I found a solution. Since I changed so much (I worked on getting this stupid thing to work for almost 20 hours after asking that question), it's not really useful to enumerate all the changes I did. But here is at least a working example.
There are very few lines responsible for making the "male" and "female" boxes trigger each other's opposites (which is specific to my task), everything else is just for getting actually properly working CheckBoxTableCells. One would think that that is a really common case and there should be standard methods for that, like for "print text into the console" or "read file", but apparently not, apparently everything has to be complicated in programming with UIs.
Anyway, rant aside, here is the working code:
package controller;
import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.fxml.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.stage.*;
public class MainView extends Application{
#Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException{
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene((AnchorPane)FXMLLoader.load(MainView.class.getResource("MainController.fxml"))));;
public static void main(String[] args){
package controller;
import java.util.*;
import javafx.beans.value.*;
import javafx.collections.*;
import javafx.fxml.*;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.*;
import javafx.scene.control.cell.*;
import javafx.util.*;
import view.*;
public class MainController implements Initializable{
#FXML TableView<Table> tableID;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,String> iFirstName;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,String> iLastName;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,Boolean> iMalebox;
#FXML TableColumn<Table,Boolean> iFemalebox;
#Override public void initialize(URL location,ResourceBundle resources){
iFirstName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Table,String>("rFirstName"));
iLastName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Table,String>("rLastName"));
iMalebox.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Table,Boolean>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>(){
#Override public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(CellDataFeatures<Table,Boolean> cellData){
return cellData.getValue().maleCheckedProperty(true);
iMalebox.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<Table,Boolean>,TableCell<Table,Boolean>>(){
#Override public TableCell<Table,Boolean> call(TableColumn<Table,Boolean> param){
return new CheckBoxTableCell<>();
iFemalebox.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Table,Boolean>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>(){
#Override public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(CellDataFeatures<Table,Boolean> cellData){
return cellData.getValue().femaleCheckedProperty(true);
iFemalebox.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<Table,Boolean>,TableCell<Table,Boolean>>(){
#Override public TableCell<Table,Boolean> call(TableColumn<Table,Boolean> param){
return new CheckBoxTableCell<>();
tableID.setItems(FXCollections.observableArrayList(new Table("Horst","Meier",true),new Table("Anna","Becker",false),new Table("Karl","Schmidt",true)));
package view;
public class Table{
private String rFirstName;
private String rLastName;
public Table(String sFirstName,String sLastName,Boolean sMale){
private SimpleBooleanProperty maleChecked=new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
private SimpleBooleanProperty femaleChecked=new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
public SimpleBooleanProperty maleCheckedProperty(boolean recursion){
if(recursion) femaleCheckedProperty(false).set(!maleChecked.get());
return maleChecked;
public SimpleBooleanProperty femaleCheckedProperty(boolean recursion){
if(recursion) maleCheckedProperty(false).set(!femaleChecked.get());
return femaleChecked;
public String getRFirstName(){
return rFirstName;
public String getRLastName(){
return rLastName;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.TableView?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?>
<AnchorPane prefHeight="98.0" prefWidth="218.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="controller.MainController">
<TableView fx:id="tableID" editable="true" prefHeight="494.0" prefWidth="798.0" AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0">
<TableColumn fx:id="iFirstName" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" minWidth="-1.0" prefWidth="63.0" text="First name" />
<TableColumn fx:id="iLastName" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" minWidth="-1.0" prefWidth="63.0" text="Last name" />
<TableColumn fx:id="iMalebox" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" minWidth="-1.0" prefWidth="45.0" text="Male"/>
<TableColumn fx:id="iFemalebox" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" minWidth="-1.0" prefWidth="45.0" text="Female"/>

Populating a TableView with data from Database JavaFX

I'm trying to populate my TableView in JavaFX with data from my database.
I've been trying a lot of different methods to try and get something working. I've been changing a lot of things but ultimately I haven't gotten anywhere. I think it has something to do with the way I'm loading my FXML file.
My database has 3 columns, so I'm not sure if I have to define everything from the database in my Artist class and that's why it's giving me errors.
I built my GUI with SceneBuilder so I'll attach my FXML file.
My main class
package application;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.stage.StageStyle;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
public class Main extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws IOException {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(Main.class
Group rootGroup = loader.load();
final artistSelectionController controller = loader.getController();
Scene scene = new Scene(rootGroup,600,400);
StageStyle stageStyle = StageStyle.TRANSPARENT;
public static void main(String[] args) {
My Controller Class
public class artistSelectionController{
private Rectangle rect;
private ImageView logo;
private HBox buttons;
private Button newArtist;
private Button closeScreen;
private Stage stage;
private double dragAnchorX;
private double dragAnchorY;
private PreparedStatement preparedStatement;
public void setStage(Stage stage){
this.stage = stage;
public void closeScreenHandler(ActionEvent e){
public void mousePressedHandler(MouseEvent me) {
dragAnchorX = me.getScreenX() - stage.getX();
dragAnchorY = me.getScreenY() - stage.getY();
public void mouseDraggedHandler(MouseEvent me) {
stage.setX(me.getScreenX() - dragAnchorX);
stage.setY(me.getScreenY() - dragAnchorY);
private static TableView<Artist> artistTable;
private TableColumn<Artist, String> artistName;
private DBConnect objDbClass;
private Connection con;
private Logger logger;
void initialize(){
// assert artistTable != null : "fx:id=\"tableview\" was not injected: check your FXML file 'UserMaster.fxml'.";
new PropertyValueFactory<Artist,String>("Artist"));
objDbClass = new DBConnect();
con = objDbClass.getConnection();
catch(ClassNotFoundException ce){
catch(SQLException ce){
private ObservableList<Artist> data;
public void buildData(){
data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
String SQL = "Select Name from ARTIST";
ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery(SQL);
Artist cm = new Artist();"name"));
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Error on Building Data");
package application;
public class Artist {
public SimpleStringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty();
public SimpleStringProperty genre = new SimpleStringProperty();
public String getName() {
return name.get();
public String getGenre() {
return genre.get();
My Database Connector
import java.sql.*;
public class DBConnect{
public Connection getConnection() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{
return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/myStudio","root","root");
And finally my FXML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.image.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.paint.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.shape.*?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>
<Group fx:id="rootGroup" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="application/artistSelectionController">
<Rectangle fx:id="rect" arcHeight="50.0" arcWidth="50.0" height="376.0" layoutX="13.0" layoutY="13.0" stroke="BLACK" strokeType="INSIDE" width="577.0">
<LinearGradient cycleMethod="REPEAT" endX="1.0" endY="1.0" startY="1.0">
<Stop color="#1b2f36" />
<Stop color="#1b2f36" offset="0.007662835249042145" />
<Stop color="#15596e" offset="1.0" />
<ImageView fx:id="logo" fitHeight="411.0" fitWidth="606.0" layoutX="13.0" layoutY="13.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true">
<Image url="#../../../../Downloads/myStudio.png" />
<TableView fx:id="artistTable" layoutX="316.0" layoutY="143.0" prefHeight="223.0" prefWidth="241.0">
<TableColumn fx:id="artistName" editable="false" prefWidth="240.0" resizable="false" text="Artists" />
<HBox fx:id="buttons" layoutX="65.0" layoutY="339.0" prefHeight="100.0" prefWidth="200.0" spacing="20.0">
<Button fx:id="newArtist" mnemonicParsing="false" prefWidth="75.0" text="New Artist" />
<Button fx:id="closeScreen" mnemonicParsing="false" prefWidth="75.0" text="Close" />
There seem to be many errors in your code.
First, you have made artistTable static. Don't do this - it makes no sense at all, and static fields won't be injected by the FXMLLoader. This is why you are getting the null pointer exception.
Second, the value you pass to the PropertyValueFactory ("Artist") does not match the name of any property in your model class Artist. (I.e. there is no ArtistProperty() method and no getArtist() method).
You probably want
new PropertyValueFactory<Artist,String>("name"));
which will tie the value for the column to the getName() method. See the PropertyValueFactory documentation for a description of how it works.
(You should probably define your POJO according to the JavaFX Property pattern described here. However just having a get...() method will work.)

Primefaces dataTable with checkbox not work

I am using Primefaces 4.0 with jsf2.2.
When I use dataTable with checkbox, it won't send back any record whenever I select records.
It supposed to send back the record once I click the checkbox.
I remove extra stuff and make my code simple to test it:
There is a polling printing selected items every second, so that I can check is there something sent back.
And after doing this, I found there's nothing sent back.
Here's my code:
<title>System Monitor</title>
<p:poll interval="1" listener="#{indexBean.printSelect()}"/>
<p:dataTable id='data' var="proc" value="#{indexBean.procStatus}"
rowKey="#{}" selection="#{indexBean.selectedProcs}">
<f:facet name='header'>
<h:outputText value='Process Name'/>
<h:outputText styleClass="outputCell" id="pname" value='#{}'/>
<p:column selectionMode="multiple"/>
Backing Bean:
#ManagedBean(name = "indexBean")
public class indexBean implements Serializable {
private ProcStatDataModel procStatus;
private SingleProcess[] selectedProcs;
public void loadProcStat() {
List<SingleProcess> temp = new ArrayList<>();
temp.add(new SingleProcess("test1"));
temp.add(new SingleProcess("test2"));
temp.add(new SingleProcess("test3"));
procStatus = new ProcStatDataModel(temp);
public void printSelect() {
if (selectedProcs != null) {
String str = "";
for (SingleProcess sp : selectedProcs) {
str += sp.getName() + "_";
} else {
System.out.println("selectedProcs is null");
public ProcStatDataModel getProcStatus() {
return procStatus;
public SingleProcess[] getSelectedProcs() {
return selectedProcs;
public void setSelectedProcs(SingleProcess[] selectedProcs) {
this.selectedProcs = selectedProcs;
I've tried attaching rowCheckListener like this before but in vain.
Also, I tried adding f:view contentType="text/html" like this and it was not help.
It's weird because I do the same thing with the case of primefaces show case and it acts as I think. So I think this approach is OK, there should be something wrong in my code.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I made a few changes and it worked. Not sure, which one is the solution.
1) Changed all the ' to ".
2) Datatable's value="#{indexBean.procStatus}" is wrong i think. I changed it to the name of the ArrayList inside the class. So, it became value="#{indexBean.procStatus.mylist}"
3) Added an ajax listener, like the one you mentioned in the question. <p:ajax event="rowSelectCheckbox" listener="#{indexBean.check}" />.
4) Added pid to the constructor which will be our rowKey.
5) Now, the poll prints the array.
Resultin xhtml is as follows:
<title>System Monitor</title>
<p:poll interval="1" listener="#{indexBean.printSelect()}"/>
<p:dataTable id="data" var="proc" value="#{indexBean.procStatus.mylist}"
rowKey="#{}" selection="#{indexBean.selectedProcs}">
<p:ajax event="rowSelectCheckbox" listener="#{indexBean.check}" />
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Process Name"/>
<h:outputText styleClass="outputCell" id="pname" value="#{}"/>
<p:column selectionMode="multiple"/>
#ManagedBean(name = "indexBean")
public class indexBean implements Serializable {
private ProcStatDataModel procStatus;
private SingleProcess[] selectedProcs;
public void loadProcStat() {
List<SingleProcess> temp = new ArrayList<SingleProcess>();
temp.add(new SingleProcess("test1",1));
temp.add(new SingleProcess("test2",2));
temp.add(new SingleProcess("test3",3));
procStatus = new ProcStatDataModel(temp);
public void printSelect() {
if (selectedProcs != null) {
String str = "";
for (SingleProcess sp : selectedProcs) {
str += sp.getName() + "_";
} else {
System.out.println("selectedProcs is null");
public ProcStatDataModel getProcStatus() {
return procStatus;
public SingleProcess[] getSelectedProcs() {
return selectedProcs;
public void setSelectedProcs(SingleProcess[] selectedProcs) {
this.selectedProcs = selectedProcs;
public void check(SelectEvent event) {
System.out.println("in check");

Appengine query returning no matching index - Objectify

I have some entities that I wish to do an ancestor query on and filter a parameter by the ">" operator.
The entity in question inherits another object(I don't think this should matter). Below are my entity classes:
public class ValidatedObject {
public Long timeCreated=System.currentTimeMillis();
public Long timeUpdated=System.currentTimeMillis();
public Long getTimeUpdated() {
return timeUpdated;
public void setTimeUpdated(Long timeUpdated) {
this.timeUpdated = timeUpdated;
public Boolean validated=false;
public String validatedID;
private Long validatedTime;
private String creatorID;
public Long getTimeCreated() {
return timeCreated;
public void setTimeCreated(Long timeCreated) {
this.timeCreated = timeCreated;
public boolean isValidated() {
return validated;
public void setValidated(boolean validated) {
this.validated = validated;
public String getValidatedID() {
return validatedID;
public void setValidatedID(String validatedID) {
this.validatedID = validatedID;
public Long getValidatedTime() {
return validatedTime;
public void setValidatedTime(Long validatedTime) {
this.validatedTime = validatedTime;
public String getCreatorID() {
return creatorID;
public void setCreatorID(String creatorID) {
this.creatorID = creatorID;
public class PersonnelInfo extends ValidatedObject{
public String keyName;
#Parent Key<Department> department;
private Long fdID;
private String userKeyName;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String address,city,county,state;
private String cellPhone,homePhone,otherPhone;
public PersonnelInfo(){
public PersonnelInfo(String email){
public Long getTimeUpdated() {
return timeUpdated;
public void setTimeUpdated(Long time) {
My query code is as follows:
Query<PersonnelInfo> q = ofy.query(PersonnelInfo.class).ancestor(tmp).filter("timeUpdated >", lastSync);
I am getting the "no matching index found" error everytime. The query works fine without the filter. Some of the entities are missing the "timeUpdated" field because I changed the schema. There are some entities that have been created after the schema change with timeUpdated values and they are not returned. Also I can do a GQL query on the datastore viewer like this:
select * where FROM PersonnelInfo timeUpdated > 0
and I am returned entities, which makes me believe the index is created. What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be appreciated!
You need a multi-property index defined in your datastore-indexes.xml. It should be added to datastore-indexes-auto.xml when you run the query in dev mode, but the result should look like this:
<datastore-index kind="PersonnelInfo" ancestor="true">
<property name="timeUpdated" direction="asc"/>
