Missing Files in Drupal 7 on OpenShift - drupal-7

I have a drupal installation running on OpenShift. I have been installing all modules and themes using git (commandline). However, I attempted to install the modules directly and the installation worked.
The problem that I now face is that when I attempt a pull request all I get is the modules and themes I had installed using the commandine and not the ones that I installed 'directly'.
Any one with a heads up on this?

OpenShift runs your code form a checkout of the git repository located at ~/app-root/repo within your gear. When you upload files using Drupal (instead of the git repository), the modules and themes are installed in this checked out directory and are not tracked in git.
I you are using a scaled application, I would recommend that copy the modules/themes and check them into git instead of the Drupal install method.
For now, to retrieve all your files you can try the rhc export command.

Thanks to #kraman above I got a hint of what to do.
I ran rhc snapshot save -a appname and got all the files. At least I know where to start off from since I can access the files.
A word of caution though for drupal users on openshift, just use git or sftp for pushing files and save yourself the headache.


How to Host a React App with 3D .gltf files?

I want to ask on how can I host my react app. It is a 3d product configurator.
I tried to host it on AWS Amplify but the 3d models doesnt load
If you want to host an application on aws amplify you have to create a build version of your app (assuming that it works already without any start issues meaning that you have a functional react app created with the command npx create-react-app).
Usually your react app runs on local host and it's basically like a test/development version of your app. When you take it into aws it really wants a build version of your app. The build command will generate everything you need for this. Navigate to your react application folder and
Run the command
npm run build
This will create a folder that you can send to aws amplify.
When you go to the aws amplify site it'll ask you if you would like to build a website or host a website.
Select host and then it'll ask if you would like to push it from a repository like github. For now lets just skip it and keep the deployment as simple as possible. Deploy without git for now.
Next, we want to click on drag and drop so that you can manually select the file build folder that your npm run build command generated.
Look for the build folder that was generated and drag that folder into the aws area. You don't actually have to click the 'choose files button'. Sometimes the box glitches and won't let you drag anything outside of the box. So what you can do is just open up your directories and manually find that build file in your folders. Drag it from there to the aws zone at the bottom of the screen.
Give your AWS app a name and env name.
From there you can deploy. Once you deploy it'll give you a site address. Also before you make your build, be sure that all of the packages you need are installed. I had an issue where my axiom commands were not working because I had not installed it prior to pushing my build.
So if your project depends on a certain npm package to run your .gltf files make sure that it is installed on your application. You should see it inside the node modules folder (in your apps local directory not the aws one).
I think AWS uses the node modules folder to generate everything your project needs (But I am not 100% sure of this). But it didn't work prior to me installing the package and pushing the build folder again to aws via drag and drop.
There are better ways to do this but this is what worked for me! Hope this helps to at least get your site up and running. Also hope it helps with any package issues that might have been happening with your 3d models. This is about as far as I can take you. Good luck!

Embedding react application's build into Drupal

Primarily, I'm trying to integrate a react application (Created and build separately) with Drupal.
Unable to install private package from Bitbucket using npm install git#bitbucket.org:user/shared-package.git in Drupal app, because no package.json found.
Implementation Details
Development Environment
To achieve this in development environment I run npm run build which produces the following content in dist directory.
Not going in the details of what are the roles of other files but to make the things work, I just need to copy bundle.js file and paste it inside a directory under app/web/themes/custom/abc_themes/js/.
This is okay for development environment to copy a folder from one project and paste it into another. However, for production environment it' not viable.
Production Environment
In production we thought to create a private package on Bitbucket, where through Bitbucket pipelines on every commit we trigger a build and push that build 's result into a separate repo (i.e. private package).
Here is the content that is pushed to the so-called private package. Since it's the entire react application (not a library) therefore when it builds it creates compiled js and doesn't contain packgae.json.
Now if I try to install this package throught npm install
npm ERR! Could not install from "bitbucket.org:user/shared-package.git" as it does not contain a package.json file.
That is obvious but to solve this I can't convert my project into a library. Because even if I convert it to a library, Drupal needs a build js file at the specified directory to work.
Want to know if there is a way I could install that private package (that doesn't have package.json) into Drupal application.
OR any other way around to achieve the same.
NOTE: I know one solution could be to host the build file at some CDN and pull it from there. But problem is, the Drupal app might be running behind a corporate network and users won't be able to access the internet openly. Therefore, we want to make the react app a part of build process, so once Drupal is served, react application would be a part of it already. No loading at runtime.

Moving react app created with create react app to another computer

I used Create React App to create a React application on one computer. No problem. But how do I move the code to another computer (i.e. the entire folder structure) if I want to continue developing on another computer. I have node installed and I have installed Create React App on the second computer (with the -g tag, etc. But just moving the react application folders over to the second computer doesn't seem to work. That is, npm start fails. Any ideas? It must be that I have to do something to the app on the second computer with Create React App. What is it that I have to do? I want to preserve and use my code on this second computer and continue developing (moving from Windows to Mac). Thanks.
there are some ways to copy your project to another computer
use git: you can use git hub to push your react project into a repository then you can clone that repository on another computer. note: use npm install after cloning the repository on another computer as it doesn't include node modules
share a compressed file: you can compress your react app folder and transfer it to another computer extract it to use it
Use git.
you can use git to upload project, then unload project on a second computer, create a branch and continue working.
After unloading, you need to run the npm install command.
Git is your easiest solution. Upload to git hub from the current laptop. Then on the new laptop, download the file (zip) and run npm install. Once everything works locally you can publish to a new branch on github in the initial repository.

Why do I need to install node.js and git to learn AngularJS?

I am presently reading Manning's AngularJS in Action by Lukas Ruebbelke
The introductory part suggests,
Because you’re pulling files from a CDN, you’ll need to run
Angello Lite(the application name) from a web server. There are a few ways to do this, but one of the easiest ways is to use the npm package serve.
The steps for installing Angello Lite are as follows:
■ Install Node.js. You can find all of the information to do that at http://
■ Install the serve package by running npm install -g serve from the command
■ Download Angello Lite from GitHub, using the URL given above, and place it
on your local machine in a directory named angello-lite.
■ Navigate to the angello-lite directory from the command line and run serve.
■ Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application.
Does learning Angular JS require previous exposure to node and git?
If I have Apache Tomcat already configured on my local m/c, what is the procedure to start with it?
Furthermore, just to keep in sync with the author, I installed git and then cloned a dir onto my local m/c from github.
Then i install node.js and Install the serve package by runningnpm install -g servefrom the command line.
Unfortunately when i navigate to the angello-lite directory from the command line and run serve, it shows me
where angello-lite is the repository where the application resides?
Any suggestions on how to configure successfully?
I have no idea regarding node.js and git. Do i really need to learn
these to begin with AngularJS then.
No, that's not a requirement. You don't even need a web server. You can have your static HTML files locally or use some online service like plnkr. Obviously if you need to work with dynamic data then you will need a web server. At some point you might want to start making AJAX calls in order to fetch some dynamic data from your server backend.
If I have Apache Tomcat already configured on my local m/c, what is
the procedure to start with it?
Just add an HTML page to the root of your website, open your favorite browser and invoke this page.
You don't need those tools to learn Angular - you can download latest package from the AngularJS website (both for development and for production).
Node.js and Git may be necessary to pull and build packages from the NPM, run tasks and many more great features, but just to learn Angular all you need is its code.

Composer update root package

I want to make the system updates based on composer
With updating dependencies no special problems, but how to update the root package, it is not clear
I'm trying to understand the code composer and so far without success
I think a root project put into dependencies and leave only the bare minimum
or download the project archive from the github and manually remake it
Maybe someone faced with such a task
I don't think there is any way to update the main project.
This is when you've, say, installed a project with composer create-project proj/name . * or similar? Running composer update of course updates the dependencies, but nothing exists to update the project itself.
One way to do it might be as you say, and make the root project nothing but a composer.json file that lists the dependencies, and move the project to operate as a dependency. Bit of a change to the structure though, so this mightn't be possible.
You'll have to use git to do this. This is currently not possible using composer. I was faced with the same problem.
Publish your project on github (or another service)
Install git on the server
Clone the project from git (using git clone git#github.com:whatever folder-name) onto your server wherever you want your root folder located
Whenever you need to update the root project, open a git command window from the root project directory, and run git pull origin v1.0.1. This will essentially patch the project files from the tag you specify.
