CKEditor in IE7 - internet-explorer-7

In using CKEditor latest version available now. In Chrome and Firefox it is working without any issues. But in IE7 I am facing some display issues.
When I click Image button the background goes black
body p in the bottom is not looking same as shown in Chrome
Also I get JavaScript error undefined is null or not an object
Please help

Are you sure that your page isn't running in Quirks mode (that the source is correct)? I don't see this issues e.g. on
CKEditor 4.0 doesn't have support for Quirks mode - we're working on it right now.


Lightbox2 Stopped Working on Chrome

Using straight-out-of-the-box lightbox2 (no edits, no mods). It has worked faithfully for the past couple of years since it's been in use. Suddenly noticed the other day that the image no longer fades in/out using Chrome. Image just displays on a new browser page. Works okay on Edge, but not sure about Safari as I've not yet checked that. Is this a Chrome issue? Any fixes?
I had the same problem. Tried many things.
Then I used "lightbox with jquery" javascript that's on their website:
Update: It is not necessary to combine lightbox with jquery. The issue in my case was that I was using jquery older than version 2. If you user 2.0 or above version of Jquery, lightbox will start working again.

IE 11 doesn't render masonry js properly

Latest Update:
This got fixed in the new masonry version.
Original Post:
I have an AngularJS website with Bootstrap3 style, which works fine in Chrome, Safari and Firefox, but not in IE (and I thought those days would be over).
I use the Masonry-plugin to display some tiles. The first time I open the page IE11 sticks the tiles together. I believe it is because of some problem with the padding in bootstrap. When trying to debug the application or only show variable contents on console.log everything works fine. Also after reloading the page everything is rendered as expected, it is really only on the first time the page is accessed.
I've noticed that Masonry's website and examples work with IE so I'm trying to figure out what they have different.
The above mentioned problems also occur in IE10 - I don't have any information about IE9 and we don't intend to support IE8 or before.
Update: I've noticed that the masonry website doesn't use paddings (like bootstrap does) but margins instead, and indeed when I remove paddings and add margins, it works. However the question remains - Why doesn't it work with paddings?
Update 2: I have a working test which shows the error. It is quite extensive, and can be accessed here:
It shows that the problem only occurs in IE, if the some script (probably the masonry library) is pre-loaded on a page before and afterwards used.
Here a screenshot of how it should look from Chrome:
And here a screenshot of how it looks for me in IE11:
Last Update: Yes, it's the masonry script, I've created a second intro page: which doesn't preload the masonry script and it works, now the quesion is - WHY?
After playing around with your demo a bit, I found that loading masonry.pkgd.min.js before Bootstrap and custom styles would resolve the issue for me. Something in Masonry's setup is breaking re-navigations in Internet Explorer - though I don't have specifics at this time.
Move the masonry script tag to the top of your document, above Bootstrap and your styles, and you should find that the issue is resolved.
The obvious and fast answer (as I'm not sure if the error is fixable in the masonry script in the first place) is, to remove a reference to the masonry script whenever you are not going to use it in the website.
This got fixed in the newer masonry version

Wordpress post content disappears when I click edit post

I am working on a site: When I try to edit a post, the content just disappears from the visual editor. I am running the latest version of Word Press but this happened on the previous version as well. I am using the Project Largo theme with the site.
The site was recently migrated from to a new host and has gone an overhaul into a responsive design. This first started happening when I changed the character encoding to remove odd symbols from the posts. I was successful in that by changing it to utf16. At this point only older posts that were created before the migration would disappear when I clicked edit. I have since updated to the latest version of Word Press and it happens to every post.
I've already made sure the wp-config has the correct encoding.
It happens with all themes.
Tried deactivating all plugins.
I also see this when enabling debuggin:
WordPress database error: [Table 'greatlak_wp776.wp_itsec_lockouts' doesn't exist]
SELECT lockout_host FROM wp_itsec_lockouts WHERE lockout_active=1 AND lockout_expire_gmt > '2014-04-22 19:52:36' AND lockout_host='';
WordPress database error: [Table 'greatlak_wp776.wp_itsec_lockouts' doesn't exist]
SELECT lockout_user FROM wp_itsec_lockouts WHERE lockout_active=1 AND lockout_expire_gmt > '2014-04-22 19:52:36' AND lockout_user=93;
edit: Extra Info
Wordpress has this documented on their documentation. It can be found here, of course you will be converting to utf16 instead of utf8.
Check your wp-config file's encoding, make sure it's set to utf-16
Activate a new theme, see if that still happens. If so, it was a theme issue.
Deactivate all plugins, see if it still happens. If so, reactivate 1 by 1 and see when it happens again.
Also, check your browsers console for any errors
I had to remove the Navis Media Credit plugin manually. I searched through the plugins folder using WinSCP and apparently when I was removing all the plugins using the WordPress admin panel, this one wasn't actually getting removed. This plugin was conflicting with the theme I am using and I learned this by deleting all the plugins and using one of the default WP themes.
It may be a Chrome Extension. Here is what I experienced...
In Chrome - a Wordpress site loads the Add New Post screen which appears to get overwritten - this happens after typing a few characters (not immediately) in the title or body. Updated theme, removed plugins, no change. At one stage noticed a bug in html2canvas.js but now cannot reproduce.
Tested in Firefox, works fine.
Traced to a Chrome Extension - Screen Shader - F.lux for Chrome 1.7.720 - one that removes BLUE from Chrome display (for night work). It probably does use use html2canvas. When it is deactivated, Chrome again behaves normally. Tried with another plugin "Blue Light Filter Guard" - not as well featured - but it does not trigger the bug.
May not be the same as your problem, but try in Firefox and check your Chrome Extensions.

Update: Does Sencha Touch really work with Internet Explorer 10?

I created a simple form based app using Sencha Touch 2.2.0. According to Sencha's website, Sencha Touch should work on Internet Explorer 10. When I double click on the app.html file using Safari, everything works. The same is true for Google Chrome on Windows. When I try the same with Internet Explorer, only the titles of the fieldset appear and no fields are visible. In other words, the form is unusable. I am able to go to Sencha's website and get the Kitchen sink demo working via Internet Explorer but cannot create a project myself that works.
I tried switching to a Windows theme and the form showed some fields but was still unusable.
I was wondering if there's a trick to get a basic Sencha application working with Internet Explorer. I am using Sencha Architect 2.2.2 for this project as well.
Check the console log. See if there are any errors there. IE and Chrome/Safari have different tolerance level to some "syntax" errors in JS - for example comma before the closing bracket - IE will not tolerate that.
I also remember there were some issues with simple console.log() under IE which is used widely for trace.
Try adding the following to your stylesheet:
.x-form {
background-color: black !important;

extjs gridfilter icon not showing in IE but shows in Firefox

In Gridfilters, if you are using a StringFilter field, then there is a property in StringFilter.js called :
icon: 'ux-gridfilter-text-icon',
Basically this loads a 'binocular' icon in beside the filter text box. This works fine with mozila, but with IE, the icon is not showing up.
Is this a known problem by any chance?
I am using the source at :
My ext js ver is 3.2.1
The girdfilters version seems to be v0.2.7 as per GridFilters.js
EDIT: This works in Chrome fine. Just IE is the problem
EDIT#2: Also , the other css properties like column headers etc are fine. it is with the loading of the image that there is a problem.
Thanks. it got solved.
I had taken the filters plugin (ux,resources) folders, and distributed the files in diff packages in my web application.
For some reason, that messed up things even though the references were all correct. When I started using the package as it was given, it got solved.
Not sure why though.
