Aligning components with each other in WPF - wpf

A WPF application consists of a uniform grid of arbitrary size. Each cell in the grid contains a canvas. Each canvas is a target for a drag and drop operation.
When I drag another canvas and drop it onto a canvas inside the grid I want the top left corners of the dragged canvas(source) and the target canvas to align, essentially placing the source on top of the target. The behaviour I'm looking for is a snap-to-grid effect.
Currently when I use element.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty) the result in NaN. The problem is to determine the position of the corner for a canvas inside the grid, but relative to the entire window. I would prefer to use the grid, as it automatically resize as the window resize.
Is it possible to get the actual position of a canvas inside a grid even when the grid size changed or alternatively specify a canvas to be aligned to another canvas inside the grid?

This problem was solved by drawing each canvas onto another canvas by specifying the top and left properties of the canvas, I had to scratch the grid. I specified the position of every canvas by using
Canvas.SetLeft(Me, position.X)
Canvas.SetTop(Me, position.Y)
where Me is an instance of the canvas.
It is now easy to get the top and left properties of every canvas. The only problem now is I have to implement the resizing of every canvas manually.


WPF set image position on grid (not row and column)

Is there any way in WPF to set X and Y coordinates of an image relative to it's parent grid?
Not using the setRow or setColumn, but X and Y.
This is not what the Grid control is for, that's what Canvas does. What you can do is add a Canvas control that spans all rows and columns of the grid, and then use the Canvas.X and Canvas.Y attributes to set the position.
Try Margin property to create space around element.
Margin can be set in formats "Left, Top, Right, Bottom" (e.g. Margin="10,20,10,20") or "LeftAndRight,TopAndBottom" (e.g. Margin="10,20", equal to previous example) or just one value for all sides (e.g. Margin="10"). X and Y will be Left and Top.
Panels (Grid, StackPanel, etc) respect Margin settings.
XAML designer in Visual Studio uses Margin,Width and Height to locate elements in a fixed positions, when drag and drop controls from Toolbox ("nails" them to one place, not very nice for adaptive desing).
Using Margin,Width and Height together is similar to using Location and Size to position WinForms controls

Panning the display area in WPF

The application will have a menu strip on top and the rest will display lines and shapes. I want to be able to drag and pan the main display area by clicking it and dragging it in any direction.
I am currently drawing items using pixel values (for example a line drawn from (1042,54)to(1240,104). But I think a monitor with a smaller resolution will not be able to display that object. That is why I want to be able to pan the display area.
The lines and shapes are currently being drawn on a gird that I placed inside the window.
If you place the canvas inside a ScrollViewer then if the canvas is larger than the application window it will be displayed with scroll bars.
You can then address points on the canvas with values relative to the canvas rather than the screen.

Panel with percentage coordinates

I would like use a panel whose children have coordinates specified as percentage of total panel's width/height. Moreover, I should be able to animate the coordinate property, for example to make a button move from 10% to 50% panel's width.
I've made 2 attempts:
Use a Grid and specify size as stars - this was not enough, because AFAIK by default WPF cannot animate distance properties specified by stars. I've found somewhere a custom class that enabled me to do so, it even worked, hovewer I consider that solution overly complicated an I am looking for something simpler.
Use a Canvas with fixed width and height and put it inside a Viewbox - this is a simple solution, but when resizing the Viewbox the whole content of Canvas is resized too. I want the content to have fixed size.
Is there a simple solution or should I implement my own panel (or maybe extend one of the existing ones, i.e. Canvas)?
I would:
subclass Canvas, perhaps calling it RelativeCanvas or RatioCanvas
add two attached properties: XRatio and YRatio
override ArrangeOverride and loop over all children. For each child, use their XRatio and YRatio along with the ActualWidth and ActualHeight of the RelativeCanvas to calculate and apply values for their Canvas.Left and Canvas.Top attached properties
You would use it as follows:
<!-- the top-left of this button will be center of panel -->
<Button local:RelativeCanvas.XRatio="50" local:RelativeCanvas.YRatio="50"/>
One thing you might like to add after you get that working is control over alignment. For example, I might to align the center of a control to the specified ratio, not its top-left corner.
There's one here: WPF Proportional Panel

WPF/C#: Images rotating from a listview?

I just want ask for your comments/suggestions on how to create a customized listview (if that's a good implementation) in WPF that displays images coming from a table from a database (more like a playlist) that rotates similar to a film (moving horizontally - on loop)
Any ideas?
If you have a list of Images, you can create an Image control for each one, put each Image control in a horizontal StackPanel, put the StackPanel inside a Canvas (of whatever size of the "film"), and animate the Left property of the Canvas to have the images roll.
Of course, if you need that the images wrap (the first one after the last one), you could forget about the StackPanel and move each Image separately.

WPF: How can i scale to fit the content?

It gets basicaly to this:
I have a canvas container (x:name="Container" - to reffer later to), with some other controls(e.g. I have a Button 30x60 in size) and I want to scale the Container to fit the button, without having to resize anything. (just using scaleTransform)
If I set a slider binded to the Container Scale, I can slide it to fit the button, but the value is 1.1343 and I want to be able somehow to compute this value programatically, because all the controls inside Container are of different sizes, and resizable in adition.
The question is: is there a way to scale the Container so that a Control from the container is displayed on the entire Container surface? Also the position will have to be adjusted, so that the scrolling vierew of the Container should be positioned over the control, but that is done already.
Thank you in advance,
Use Grid as the container. Any control placed inside of the Grid will directly fill the whole Grid, and its size (the width and height) will match the size of the Grid.
It seems when you add a user control using a grid as a container, the usercontrol, which comprises a set of labels and an array of buttons will not align to the top but arranged somewhere in the middle.
