Ext not defined on RowModel's select event - extjs

I have a form bound to a grid where a user can either create a new user or select a row in the grid and edit a user. Selecting a row in a grid should change some button visibility. Anyway my main obstacle is that Ext seems not to be fully loaded on the row select event. The error I get in firebug is:
TypeError: Ext.getCmp(...) is undefined
Here is a snippet of code from my MVC controller:
init: function() {
'userlist': {
selectionchange: this.gridSelectionChange,
viewready: this.onViewReady,
select: this.onRowSelect
'useredit button[action=update]': {
click: this.updateUser
'useredit button[action=create]': {
click: this.createUser
onRowSelect: function(model, record, index, opts) {
// Switch to the Edit/Save button
Is there some other method/event for accomplishing this? I've tried in both selectionchange and select events and I have also tried using the Ext.Component.Query and it just seems that Ext is not yet available in these events. I'd appreciate any assistance including informing me of a better practice to accomplish the same thing.

Ext.getCmp takes an id as its parameter. Your third call to it has id=..., the "id=" part is confusing getCmp, so it's returning undefined.
If you change the last call to just the id, you should be ok:

If you have a reference to your view, you can try this:


No deselect event for tagfield?

Can somebody explain why there's only beforedeselect event but not "deselect" or "afterdeselect"?
Is there a way to get around this limitation? I need to execute code everytime an item is deselected.
TagField extends from Combobox.
Inside the Ext.form.field.ComboBox listeners are added to the selectionModel.
These include only beforeselect and beforedeselect, but not select.
The beforedeselect is fired inside the onBeforeDeselect method.
If you want to add it you have to override onBindStore and createPicker.
The selectionModel is extended from Ext.selection.DataViewModel. You can find all events there.
Example (just wrote it down you have to complete it):
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.form.field.ComboBox', {
override: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
onBindStore: function() {
const me = this,
picker = me.picker;
if (picker) {
scope: me,
deselect: me.onDeselect,
afterdeselect: me.onAfterDeselect
onDeselect: Ext.emptyFn,
onAfterDeselect: Ext.emptyFn

How to disable Delete icon in Extjs grid

I have a sample code from extjs, the action is part of multi column of an column where I have edit, delete, duplicate. I want to disable the delete icon based on another field value. I have an another column called IS_USED which returns true/false. The delete button should be disable if IS_USED is true.
I tried to write the handler within action but is not working.
I am new in extjs, any help or workaround is appreciable.
action: {
iconCls: 'x-icon-cross-on',
text: terms.del,
url: url.destroy,
useAjax: true,
confirm: terms.confirm,
handler: function(grid, record, action, domEl, response) {
if ( !response.success) {
test.ui.Msg.flash(response.message, test.ui.Msg.ERR);
} else {
The best practice is just bind the "disabled" property to the button directly based on the record value.
first, set viewModel:true to the grid.
xtype: 'grid',
//add this below
//....others props like columns, with,etc....
and the last, in your button add this:
action: {
iconCls: 'x-icon-cross-on',
//add this
disabled:"{record.IS_USED}" //the logic is placed here
//.....other props....
You can also bind any other bindable properties as like hidden, text, etc by using this trick.
Hope this can help you.

Extjs Grid ApplyState not reflecting the changes | Hide issue

When we have multiple parent-child grid and want to re config the grid after load call like this:
listeners: {
'afterrender': function (grid) {
var state =grid.getState();
state.columns[1].hidden= true;
This behaviour is even still reproducable on ExtJS 6.5.1.
For Example
Here's an override I've been using to fix the hidden columns issue. I am using 6.6 so not sure if this will work in 4.4, though. Also, you may not need to suspend/resume layouts but not sure on that either.
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.Grid', {
override: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
applyState: function () {
Ext.each(this.getColumns(), function (column) {
if (column.hidden) {
Well it's still an issue with applyState. When grid is having multiple hidden columns and we use applyState function it crash our grid. So we have skip the hidden property part although it's working smooth for width change , filters etc.
listeners: {
'afterrender': function (grid) {
var state =grid.getState();
state.columns[1].hidden= false;
grid.columns[3].hidden = true;
if you manually set hidden property of column it'll hide it.

Programmatically selecting grid row does not fire itemclick event in ExtJS4

I am building an ExtJS4 Web Application and I have a "page" where I have a Grid whose records come from a database. After loading the store of the grid, I want the first item to be selected.
This is what I've tried so far:
callback: function() {
if(store.count() > 0){
The store loads the database records properly as they're shown in my grid. The first row is also highlighted as if it was clicked. However, my listener/controller for the itemclick event isn't firing as opposed to when I manually click the row.
I've also tried grid.getView().select(0); as well as grid.getSelectionModel().selectFirstRow(); but apparently, both those aren't functions.
My grid row appears to be selected by the itemclick function isn't being called at all.
You should use 'selectionchange' listener in 'Ext.selection.Model' instead of 'itemclick' in grid class. This listener will be fired in both cases when rows are clicked in grid and rows are selected programmatically.
Probably the code will be like this:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.Model', {
listeners: {
selectionchange: function( this, selected, eOpts ) {
// Write your listener here or fire another event in view controller
store: ...

Need to set class/id values on buttons in Extjs MessageBox

Our testing team require IDs or class values to be set on the HTML elements in our message popup boxes. This is for their automated tests.
I can pass in a class value for the dialog panel by passing in a cls value like so:
title:'Reset Grid Layout',
msg: 'Are you sure that you want to reset the grid layout?',
buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
fn: function (response) {
if (response == 'yes') {
icon: Ext.window.MessageBox.QUESTION
Now we also need it on the buttons, and also on the text being displayed. Is there some way of getting a cls value onto the buttons?
I was thinking it may be possible to expand the button parameter into something like :
buttons : [{name:'but1', cls:'asdf'}, {name:'but2', cls:'asdf2'}]
But google is not giving me back anything useful.
If your testing team uses Selenium for their automated test, adding ids/classes in every component could be difficult for both of you.
Overriding components in Ext is a good solution, but I don't recommend this because it will affect all your components. Unless you know what you're doing.
I suggest, extend Ext.window.MessageBox and generate classes for your buttons based on your parent cls.
// Put this somewhere like /custom/messagebox.js
Ext.define('App.MyMessageBox', {
extend: 'Ext.window.MessageBox'
,initConfig: function(config) {
,makeButton: function(btnIdx) {
var me = this;
var btnId = me.buttonIds[btnIdx];
return new Ext.button.Button({
handler: me.btnCallback
,cls: me.cls + '-' + btnId
,itemId: btnId
,scope: me
,text: me.buttonText[btnId]
,minWidth: 75
To use:
App.Box = new App.MyMessageBox({
title:'Reset Grid Layout'
,msg: 'Are you sure that you want to reset the grid layout?'
,buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO
,icon: Ext.window.MessageBox.QUESTION
Your buttons will have reset-grid-layout-yes and reset-grid-layout-no class.
You can do the same with other components you have. Check out the Fiddle. https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/7qb
You should refer to the API
cls : String A CSS class string to apply to the button's main element.
Overrides: Ext.AbstractComponent.cls
You can also use the filter on right side (not the one in the right top corner). Just type cls and you will see all properties, methods and events containing cls (note that you see by default just public members, use the menu on the right of this searchfield to extend this)
If you just need it for testing purpose I would recommend to override the responsible method. This should work (untested!)
buttonClasses: [
'okCls', 'yesCls', 'noCls', 'cancelCls'
makeButton: function(btnIdx) {
var btnId = this.buttonIds[btnIdx];
var btnCls = this.buttonClasses[btnIdx];
return new Ext.button.Button({
handler: this.btnCallback,
cls: btnCls,
itemId: btnId,
scope: this,
text: this.buttonText[btnId],
minWidth: 75
