Mobinuke not loading CSS files - mobile

I'm working on a mobile project for a site based originially off DNN 4.8.2. Since mobinuke 2 is no longer available for purchase I've had to upgrade the site to 5.4.5 in order to work with mobinuke 3. We completed the mobile skin only to realize that DNN 5 has some major performance problems. As a result we upgraded the whole site up to 6.1.2 (which should still be compatible with mobinuke 3).
The problem that we're having now is that mobinuke is no longer loading any of the CSS files. Not the CSS file in the mobinuke skin folder, nor any of the module.css files. Obviously I can work around this and manually load all the CSS files that I need. But as the module should be working and loading these files, I'm curious to know if anyone else has had this problem and if they have found any solutions besides manually loading the CSS files.


How do I migrate an older theme contribution to Qooxdoo 6.0?

I've recently been asked whether it was possible for me to convert my older theme contributions to the new Qooxdoo packaging system. So I installed Qooxdoo 6.0 and got a first test app running - not without problems because the instructions in the official docs are a bit buggy (e.g "npx qx" is an unknown command with my Ubuntu 18.04). I also read about the packaging system and what to do to install one of the existing packages from the Qooxdoo repository.
Then I followed the steps described in section "Create a new package". This procedure resulted in a folder structure which looked familiar at first sight, but a closer look made me wonder: There are two resource folders now, one is under "source" (as I would have expected) and the other one is under "source/class/[mypackage]". I also noticed that there is a "demo" folder in "source/class/[mypackage]", which used to be a top-level folder in previous Qooxdoo versions.
I then copied the theming files of my contribution to "source/class/theme", the demo app files to "source/class/[mypackage]/demo" and the demo resources to "source/class/[mypackage]/resource". After compiling the project I managed to run the demo app, but only without the expected resources (no icons, no fonts, no background images). The theming as such appears to be applied properly, but I keep getting plenty of error messages telling me "404 (Not found)" and "Image could not be loaded".
What am I doing wrong?
I guess you are running into a bug with our template for packages ... please open an issue
As for how to do it. Have a look at an actual theme package for 6.0 there you can see the required structure.
Also, for this kind of question, interactive help is probably best. Visit the qooxdoo chat on

Webpack builds react app with possibility to load vendor libs from node_modules on runtime

We have a lot of React applications in our portal, there area lot of cases that there a a lot of them on same page but because of the size of those bundles the load time is very slow.
All application are using the classic combo react, redux, ramda...
So there is a lot of duplicity in each bundle, I am looking for a way to have those shared resources aside and cached by browser.
Is there a way to setup webpack build to dynamically load those common libraries from some url instead of bundling hem to the final bundle?
I use webpack 4, I have already tried SplitChunksPlugin, that is generating vendor chunk fine but it looks like that generated vendor chunk can be used just for one particular app
Thanks for help
After the research I find out that there is a dll plugin that is doing exactly what I wanted:

Semantic UI React icons no longer bundled?

I'm using create-react-app and Semantic UI React to create a web part for SharePoint. (2016 on-prem. Started as 2013, so I wasn't able to use SPFx, so it's just regular old React.)
I created the solution as a Farm solution, so I could map the Layouts folder, and the CRA build output (.js and .css files) is getting deployed to the Layouts folder. I've also mapped the 16 hive folder on the dev server as a drive on my development machine, so part of my development process has been, after running npm run build, to copy the bundles directly over to the server so I can check on my changes/progress etc., without going through the usual SharePoint deployment process.
I have only ever copied the .js and .css files, and the icons used to work.
Now however, the icons are not showing up any more, and it looks like the code is trying to load icons.[hash].woff2, icons.[hash].woff and icons.[hash].ttf from the build/static/media folder in the CRA app.
Specifically, I'm seeing 404s for
https://servername/static/media/icons.[hash].woff2 etc.
Now, I would prefer to get the icons bundled in with the regular .css (and/or .js) files, so I don't have to worry about the media folder. However, I don't really have a problem with having to deploy the icon files in a media folder as well, but I would need the React build to know the correct place to look for them which would not be in
it would be more like
So how can I either
get the icons bundled in the .css/.js files
indicate to CRA/Webpack the place where those files will actually end up, so the app is looking for them in the right place?
Bypassed the problem by switching from bundling the Semantic UI CSS to pulling it from the official CDN, which makes it pull the icons from a CDN somewhere, so I don't have to deal with them.

angular ui-ace production build not working in a jhipster project

I have a created a jhipster project
"jhipsterVersion": "4.3.0",
I am using this library for a text editor in my project.
Everything works super awesome in the dev mode. But when I deploy on prod "ace" cant find its dependent js files.
I am not sure how to configure angular ace to get those files on production
THIS IS NOT A JHIPSTER ISSUE, but I am tagging it, hoping someone faced the same issue.
Thanks in Advance
angular-ace bower.json file exposes only ui-ace.js file in its main property: but instructions say you must include 3 files.
As JHipster prod build uses bower.json to know which file to inject in index.html, it results in your prod index.html having only ui-ace.js.
Ideally, you should report this to angular-ace author but as this project has not been changed for last 3 years, it's safer to fix it on your side. In fact, it'll be safer to use another project considering all the issues and pull request pending.
To fix it you must edit your app bower.json file and add a section for angular-ace to overrides main property and reference the 3 files. There is an example in your project bower.json for bootstrap:

Preloading ExtJs classes in ExtJs 5 application

I generated ExtJs5 application skeleton using sencha utility. I don't use generated app.js during development, instead I am working from application home directory using autogenerated index.html.
It works pretty slow because browser loads ~500 JavaScript files and stylesheets before it starts loading my own classes & styles.
Is there a way to preload all ExtJs resources in several files? In prev. versions of ExtJs there was ext-all.js file. But in the recent ExtJs version this file does not actually contain all classes but rather references to them for later loading.
There is still full ext-all[-debug].js but not in Ext unzipped root but in build subdirectory.
