Proccessing "JACK audio" data with C? - c

My question is slightly abstract but with good grounds. I have successfully ran a JACK script written in C that loops the microphone audio data to the speaker, However I would like to know how to alter the stream of audio my self during playback, perhaps one thing I'd like to try is filter the high(or low) frequencies (CUT them completely off). From my understanding audio comes through as an analog signal and converted to a digital value (within a certain range).
I'm guessing I'm forced to go about this one of two ways, I think one way is to process each value and check if it below the frequency (or above the frequency) I don't want and then alter the value to 0(or the previous value from the last loop cycle to prevent blank spots in the audio during playback). The second way i'm guessing is that JACK presents the buffer with a full array of values that are assigned by frequency spectrum. How do I go about doing this? (In the future I want to do other things with the raw data but I think this is a great start to get familiar with raw audio processing)
Here is my simplified code:
You can see that I tried printing the in value as its supposed to be a "float" I thought I might be able to filter frequencies from there but I'm not sure as I don't get anything printed in the console when i run this code it just loops back the mic to speaker but with out any printing to the console.....
NOTES: I have already successfully compiled and tested programs that used the Gstreamer, ALSA, NAudio, irrKang, and the Phonon libraries, they don't allow me to have the cross compatibility i need between OSs and the raw audio data I require for my project, all i ask is to please think twice before lazily report for me to use "other libraries" only for the sake of it being "easier" but I have already tried them and they all fail me.

You haven't really asked a question that can be answered here on SO, so I'll point you to some outside resources.
Here is a tutorial for designing EQs based on the popular RBJ filters:
Most of it is written in C-like psuedocode and will walk you through step-by-step.

Here is the correct answer (You'll notice a printf() function in the proccess(){} call back function) the for loop prints out the the current frames in the buffer(Frequency domain but the for() loop is printing over time so its the time-domain as well -- its both frequency and time)


Implementing a simple code in Microsemis Soft Console

I would like to get into the field of FPGAs a bit. I currently have a PolarFire Everest Dev Board and would like to try something small on it for testing purposes. My current level is very low, i.e. complete beginner. My first working project was a counter that counts binary to 15 and outputs it via the LEDs of the board. Now I wanted to play with RISC-V. Unfortunately I can't find anything on the internet that meets my expectations and almost nothing is "beginner friendly". My current goal is actually just to implement something on the level of a Hello World program in C via the SoftConsole. Unfortunately I have no idea how to go about it. Can anyone help me or recommend a good entry on the internet? Most of the stuff is either unusable, requires licenses I can't get, or is simply no longer available (which happens to me quite often with PDFs from Microsemi).
Since I don't really know what I could do with it to start with, I don't have any code yet that I would like to include. The plan would actually be to create something where I also get feedback via the board that something has been done. Later when I have more understanding SRAMs should be managed with it.

Constantly print volume of raw PCM audio stream to terminal as a number from 0 to 1?

Currently, I am trying to read the volume / gain of a raw 16 bit PCM audio stream. Basically, I'd like to be able to pipe a stream into an executable and print a number in a range from 0 (no sound) to 1 (at volume limit / 0db from clipping) followed by a new line. This should continue only when manually cancelled or when the audio source exits. It does not need to be very acurate, nor do the values require being smoothed heavily (like an RMS value; although a bit of smoothing would probably be better than none at all). The problem is that I understand very little of how to work with raw PCM, and when I found the math, I realized that I currently do not posses the skills required to do something like this. So my question would be: Could someone who's more familiar with the matter provide me with a working example code that could do the behaviour described above, idealy with an explaination of what exactly is done?
The language isn't too important, although something fast like Rust, C, C++, etc. would be preferred.

ALSA API using in Matlab - buffer issue

being part of a lab course, I have to update the simulation about Pulse Coded Modulation. Initially, the simulation was written in 1998 using the OSS (open sound system) and was never updated thereafter. I have rewritten the entire code and ported it to ALSA.
The code itself is a bit long, that's why I haven't put it here but am providing a link.
Now to my issue: Whenever I want to play a vector of random length containing many samples, I start hearing weird periodic random noises. I have a feeling it's due to a buffer underrun. For a better understanding, I have recorded the output.
I believe it has to do something with the parameters I've set. Even though I tried out many cases, I didn't come to a solution.
Just take a look at the period size, buffer size, periods and the sbplay(..) function. PS.: My HW is set such that buffer size = period size * periods
I hope you can help me somehow! Thanks in advance
Output WAV
BTW.: ALSA: buffer underrun on snd_pcm_writei call
didn't help me much...
Why don't you try the audioplayer/audiorecorder functions in MATLAB. They use ALSO on Linux. If you want greater control over the latency try the dsp.AudioPlayer/AudioRecorder system objects.

LabVIEW 2009 holding onto data when I don't want it to

I'm new to LabVIEW but have been building a signal analyser code that takes the required data and prints it out to text files after the data has been taken. The problem I'm having is that when it makes a new file it holds on to the data from the previous run and prints that too which is not what I want. I've attached the LabVIEW vi (ver.2009), and any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Also if someone knows a better way of RMS-ing the data after each iteration than my mess of shift registers I'd be happy to see it.
frequency analyser (fixed).vi
To answer your main question: the part of the code that builds the string (for loop with a shift register) stores the previous data each time you re-run the vi. What you need is to initialise the shift register with an empty string :
Also a couple of notes/suggestions:
You could avoid using shift registers in this case. Divide the DAQ part of the code into say 3 parts: acquire data in the first for loop (store into array), modify the array (you could then perhaps use the build-in RMS vi), visualise on the UI
Build the code in smaller chunks, use subVi's
Keep the code small, nice and tidy (check coding standards), add comments - this will really help you later
Since you asked for advice on the RMS functionality you used I took a more detailed look of your code. And I may be harse, but it doesn't make sense (point by point):
You ask the end user for a number of runs, and then you subtract one. Why? I guess it's because the read data before the for loop. (remove that one).
The Frequency RMS function you use has support for avaraging, and has no limit of the number of averages. Specify the following configuration:
This will add RMS avaraging to you output data, and you can loose all your own calculation with shift registers.
The following code is just plain wrong:
You only shift the data, without actually changing the data. By incrementing the starting frequency you shift the FFT. So a signal that was detected at 55 Hz, no is plotted at 56 Hz. To your end user this is misleading.
One thing you need to be aware of in your code is that you don't have continious sampling. Each iteration of you for loop your data acquisition is started and stopped. You can verify this by plotting the t0's of the waveform that is captured. You'll notice they don't start at a constant interval.
A better aproach is to use the task created by the Express VI in the first iteration:
However you should then change the acquisition mode to 'continious samples':
Do not forget to close the task in the last iteration:
Instead of the shift register, you should work with an array which you empty before each run.

Vector printing in Silverlight 5: Is it viable for commercial applications?

We've been looking into client-side printing in Silverlight 5, and we're trying to figure out if it's viable for our application. The question mark is PostScript compatibility. I understand that if the target printer (or its driver) doesn't support PS, then Silverlight will fall back to bitmap printing, but I also understand that bitmap printing is pretty slow. So the question of whether we use it or not largely hinges on the question of PostScript ubiquity.
My question is this: how common are PS and PS-compatible drivers? Are they totally ubiquitous and everywhere, or should we anticipate many customers who have to fall back to the slower bitmap method of printing? And if many/most customers have to fall back to bitmap printing, then is vector printing really viable in SL5 for commercial use?
So, I'm going to go ahead and answer my own question, since I found out.
We tried printing a two-page document that contained one image, two horizontal lines, and a whole bunch of text. First it was printed using a PostScript-compatible printer driver, and it printed the two pages perfectly in normal printing time (i.e., not unduly long or anything).
We then tried printing with a non-PostScript-compatible printer driver (thus forcing Silverlight to print using bitmap printing. It took 4 minutes, generated a 360mb spool file, and printed out two utterly blank pages.
Now it's entirely possible that we were witnessing a freak bug in the printer driver. However, we came to the conclusion that it's not a chance we were prepared to take, and thus we deemed Silverlight 5 Vector Printing unusable.
