Possible to set SQL Server Remote Query Timeout per Query for Linked Server calls? - sql-server

For linked servers, I see how it is possible to change the "remote query timeout" configuration to hint a call to a linked server should complete or rollback within the specific timeout value. This appears to work across the SQL Server engine--is it possible to change the hint within a stored procedure, so that a specific stored procedure could run longer if needs to, but all other non-hinted SPROCs would timeout quicker if they run long?
Linked Query Timeout is discussed here:
Example code to set it to timeout in 3 seconds is here:
sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 3
reconfigure with override

Not really advisable to change it within a stored procedure. remote query timeout is a global server setting when altered with sp_configure, so changing it in a stored procedure affects all remote queries for all linked servers on the server.
Additionally, executing sp_configure requires the ALTER SETTINGS server permission, which typically only sysadmin and serveradmin have. Granting these permissions to a data access account would be a security concern since they could potentially take your server down with sp_configure commands.
What I would suggest is creating a second linked server with a different name that you would use with just this one stored procedure. You can, in SSMS, configure a query timeout for each individual linked server. Adding a second linked server would enable you to query the same server with different linked server client settings. You might need to create a DNS CNAME to accomplish this if you're using plain SQL Server Linked Servers.


How do I automatically fire a (remote) stored procedure in SQL Server when connecting to a remote server?

The specific issue is that I want a SQL Server to connect to an Oracle database and the Oracle database has a Virtual Private Database configured. I need to execute a static stored procedure to enable the VPD to see data. How can I configure SQL Server to fire a stored procedure upon connecting to a remote database? I figure if I can fire a local stored procedure, I can put the remote stored procedure call inside of that. The key is, I need the SQL Server to fire this as soon as it is done connecting to the remote database and before it tries to pass any other queries to it. I'm trying to avoid making the applications do it explicitly.
SQL Server does not offer a solution to my problem.
However, you can setup the service account to have a logon trigger to execute what is needed.
Create Trigger My_User.Logon_Trigger_Name
--Do Stuff Here.
NULL; --Consume errors so you can still log on.

Linked Server Connectivity Issues?

My linked server was fine until now and i was selecting data using some join statement for filtering the but suddenly its returning following error. i cannot execute any query against my linked server.
Linked server is still available as i tried a TEST CONNECTION from server object and it was successful
Msg 65535, Level 16,State 1, Line 0
Sql Server Interface:Error Loading Server/Instance Specified
oledb provider sqlnc111 for linked server "MSNAC/MSDB5" returned an
error " A login time out expired
A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while
establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not
accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is
configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL
Server Books Online.
How to solve this issue ?
If nobody has made any configuration changes, your queries may be timing out because of a big data change. Try to, at least temporarily, set the following option:
USE Yourdatabase;
EXEC sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 0;
If it goes fine with these settings, your queries were simply timing out because of the set limit. Experiment a bit with your queries, see what is an appropriate limit to put in this properties (leaving it to infinity isn't a good idea) and reconfigure once again.
NOTE: the number is in seconds.
To read up more on this issue, check the documentation for remote query timeout.

Resource limit error in linked server

I have a problem with running a query in a linked server, I use sql sp’s for ETL process in my BI project
(For some reason I cannot use ssis).one of my queries witch has to read recently changed records and insert them in my warehouse take too long to execute and always fail with this error:
OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' reported an error for linked server ‘XXX’. Execution terminated by the provider because a resource limit was reached..
But other queries run successfully. I also run following scrip in my linked server (warehouse) to increase timeout threshold.
sp_configure 'remote login timeout', 30
reconfigure with override
sp_configure 'remote query timeout', 0
reconfigure with override
Hint: I’ve used change tracking option in source tables to track updates and inserts..
I would be really thankful if someone could help me out of this.

Unable to call stored procedure from linked server

I am facing a strange issue. I have a linked server on ServerB for ServerA
Now, when I am calling a stored procedure from ServerB like
EXEC [ServerA].[Db].[dbo].[SpName] #Param1 #param2
I am getting error that
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'SpName', database 'Db', schema 'dbo'.
But now when I am executing below query it is returning me result:
FROM [ServerA].[Db].[dbo].[tblName]
I don't know that why I am not able to execute stored procedure from ServerB. I am Db_Owner on both the server.
Screenshot of Linked server security
Linked server catalog
If a linked server query fails, the things to check are (in rough order of probability):
Try logging in locally on the linked server to test access directly. If you have no local access, obviously you won't have it through the link either.
Verify the correct credentials as used when accessing the linked server, and not another user you're not expecting. You can check this with EXEC ('SELECT USER_NAME(), SUSER_NAME()') AT [Server]; if the user name is not what you're expecting, check your linked server definition for the correct login mappings. If you can't access the server at all (any query fails), you have other problems (like Kerberos authentication issues if you're using integrated authentication).
Perform a sanity check that you're accessing the correct server with EXEC ('SELECT ##SERVERNAME') AT [Server]. The network name of a linked server can be changed using sp_setnetname, so the name you use to a access the server isn't necessarily the machine name.
If all else fails, dropping and recreating the linked server definition is always an option, but obviously this could disrupt production work.

Cannot See Stored Procedure on Linked Server

First, I know the syntax of calling a procedure on a linked server and I am familiar with the RPC and RPC Out server options at a basic level. What I am being told is that a procedure I created cannot be seen by navigating the tree of the linked server.
One caveat is I do not have access to the server where this person is working which is linked to the server on which I have the procedure - I hope that is clearly stated. At this time he is getting the "not configured for RPC" error on execution and I have told him to check the linked servers options. So ultimately, do the RPC linked server options control whether the procedure can be seen?
I've been told that other views can be seen. Also, I am confident it is not a permissions issue. The user involved has access to a role which has access to my procedure.
Thank you for your time.
In the Linked Server, Properties, Server Options there are two RPC settings.
Set them both to true.
What do you mean by do not have access?
You cannot Connect to that server?
That is how I tested this.
Connect to any server, create a Linked Server back to yours, and test.
This is true:
In the Linked Server, Properties, Server Options there are two RPC settings.
Set them both to true.
You also need to verify that the credentials used inside the linked server connection has rights on the linked server.
Grant connect, and access to the database that has the stored procedures that you need access too. You will then grant execute to the procedures you need to run.
If you have connection issues, open SSMS using the credentials you have used to create the linked server on the database server you are trying to link from and verify connectivity and database access. If you can see the objects your after, then the linkedserver connection is the problem. Try creating a new one and see if you have better luck that way.
