How to convert Unicode escaped characters to utf8? - c

I saw the other questions about the subject but all of them were missing important details:
I want to convert \u00252F\u00252F\u05de\u05e8\u05db\u05d6 to utf8. I understand that you look through the stream for \u followed by four hex which you convert to bytes. The problems are as follows:
I heard that sometimes you look for 4 bytes after and sometimes 6 bytes after, is this correct? If so, then how do you determine which it is? E.g. is \u00252F 4 or 6 bytes?
In the case of \u0025 this maps to one byte instead of two (0x25), why? Is the four hex supposed to represent utf16 which i am supposed to convert to utf8?
How do I know whether the text is supposed to be the literal characters \u0025 or the unicode sequence? Does that mean that all backslashes must be escaped in the stream?
Lastly, am I being stupid in doing this by hand when I can use iconv to do this for me?

If you have the iconv interfaces at your disposal, you can simply convert the \u0123\uABCD etc. sequences to an array of bytes 01 23 AB CD ..., replacing any unescaped ASCII characters with a 00 byte followed by the ASCII byte, then run the array through iconv with a conversion descriptor obtained by iconv_open("UTF-8", "UTF-16-BE").
Of course you can also do it much more efficiently working directly with the input yourself, but that requires reading and understanding the Unicode specification of UTF-16 and UTF-8.

In some conventions (like C++11 string literals), you parse a specific number of hex digits, like four after \u and eight after \U. That may or may not be the convention with the input you provided, but it seems a reasonable guess. Other styles, like C++'s \x you parse as many hex digits as you can find after the \x, which means that you have to jump through some hoops if you do want to put a literal hex digit immediately after one of these escaped characters.
Once you have all the values, you need to know what encoding they're in (e.g., UTF-16 or UTF-32) and what encoding you want (e.g., UTF-8). You then use a function to create a new string in the new encoding. You can write such a function (if you know enough about both encoding formats), or you can use a library. Some operating systems may provide such a function, but you might want to use a third-party library for portability.


Convert a `char *` to UTF-8 in C, or when using xmlwriter?

I'm using libxml/xmlwriter to generate an XML file within a program.
const char *s = someCharactersFromSomewhere();
xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute (writer, _xml ("value"), _xml (s));
In general I don't have much control over the contents of s, so I can't guarantee that it will be well-formatted in UTF-8. Mostly it is, but if not, the XML which is generated will be malformed.
What I'd like to find is a way to convert s to valid UTF-8, with any invalid character sequences in s replaced with escapes or removed.
Alternatively, if there is an alternative to xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute, or some option I can pass in when initializing the XML writer, such that it guarantees that it will always write valid UTF-8, that would be even better.
One more thing to mention is that the solution must work with both Linux and OSX. Ideally writing as little of my own code as possible! :P
In case the string is encoded in ASCII, then it will always be valid UTF-8 string.
This is because UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII encoding.
See the second paragraph on Wikipedia here.
Windows primarily works with UTF-16, this means you will have to convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8 before you pass the string to the XML library.
If you have 8-bit ascii input then you can simply junk any character code > 127.
If you have some dodgy UTF-8 it is quite easy to parse, but the widechar symbol number that you generate might be out of the unicode range. You can use mbrlen() to individually validate each character.
I am describing this using unsigned chars. If you must use signed chars, then >128 means <0.
At its simplest:
Until the null byte
1 If the next byte is 0, then end the loop
2 If the next byte is < 128 then it is ascii, so keep it
3 If the next byte is >=128 < 128+64 it is invalid - discard it
4 If the next byte is >= 128+64 then it is probably a proper UTF-8 lead byte
call size_t mbrlen(const char *s, size_t n, mbstate_t *ps);
to see how many bytes to keep
if mbrlen says the code is bad (either the lead byte or the trail bytes),
skip 1 byte. Rule 3 will skip the rest.
Even simpler logic just calls mbrlen repeatedly, as it can accept the low ascii range.
You can assume that all the "furniture" of the file (eg xml <>/ symbols, spaces, quotes and newlines) won't be altered by this edit, as they are all valid 7-bit ascii codes.
char is a single byte character, while UTF codepoints range from 0 to 0x10FFFFF, so how do you represent a UTF character in only one byte?
First of all you need a wchar_t character. Those are used with wprintf(3) versions of the normal printf(3) routines. If you dig a little on this, you'll see that mapping your UTF codepoints into valid UTF-8 encoding is straigtforward, based on your setlocale(3) settings. Look at those manual pages referenced, and you'll get an idea of the task you are facing.
There's full support for wide character sets in the C standard... but you have to use it through the internationalization libraries and locales availables.

using regular expression with unicode string in C

I'm currently using regular expression on unicode strings but I just need to match ASCII characters thus effectively ignore all unicode characters and until now functions in regex.h work fine (I'm on linux so the encoding is utf8). But can someone confirm if its really ok to do so? Or do I need a regex library on Unicode (like ICU?)
UTF-8 is a variable length encoding; some characters are 1 byte, some 2, others 3 or 4. You know now many bytes to read by the prefix of each character. 0 for 1 byte, 110 for 2 bytes, 1110 for 3 bytes, 11110 for 4 bytes.
If you try to read a UTF-8 string as ASCII, or any other fixed-width encoding, things will go very wrong... unless that UTF-8 string contains nothing but 1 byte characters in which case it matches ASCII.
However since no bytes in UTF-8 contain a null byte, and none of the extra bytes can be confused with ASCII, and if you really are only matching ASCII, you might be able to get away with it... but I wouldn't recommend it because there are such better regex options than POSIX, they're easy to use, and why leave a hidden encoding bomb in your code for some sucker to deal with later? (Note: that sucker may be you)
Instead, use a Unicode aware regex library like Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). PCRE is Unicode aware by passing the PCRE2_UTF flag to pcre2_compile. PCRE regex syntax is more powerful and more widely understood than POSIX regexes, and PCRE has more features. And PCRE comes with Gnome Lib which itself provides a feast of very handy C functions.
You need to be careful about your patterns and about the text your going to match.
As an example, given the expression a.b:
"axb" matches
"aèb" does NOT match
The reason is that è is two bytes long when UTF-8 encoded but . would only match the first one.
So as long as you only match sequences of ASCII characters you're safe. If you mix ASCII and non ASCII characters, you're in trouble.
You can try to match a single UTF-8 encoded "character" with something like:
but this assumes that the text is encoded correctly (and, frankly, I never tried it).

Using sprintf with unicode characters

I wanted to print out depictions of playing cards using Unicode.
Code snippet:
void printCard(int card){
char strCard[10];
sprintf(strCard, "\U0001F0A%x", (card%13)+1);
printf("%s\n", cardStr);
Since the \U requires 8 hex characters after it I get the following from compiling:
error: incomplete universal character name \U0001F0A
I could create a bunch of if/else statements and print out the card that way but I was hoping for a way that wouldn't make me explicitly write out every card's Unicode encoding.
Universal character names (like \U0001F0A1) are resolved by the compiler. If you use one in a format string, printf will see the UTF-8 representation of the character; it has no idea how to handle backslash escapes. (The same is true of \n and \x2C; those are single characters resolved by the compiler.) So you certainly cannot compute the UCN at runtime.
The most readable solution would be to use an array of strings to hold the 13 different card symbols.
That will avoid hard-wiring knowledge about Unicode and UTF-8 encoding into the program. If you knew that the active locale was a UTF-8 locale, you could compute the codepoints as a wchar_t and the use wide-character-to-multibyte standard library functions to produce the UTF-8 version. But I'm not at all convinced that it would be worthwhile.
A quick and dirty UTF-8 solution:
void printCard(int card) {
printf("\xF0\x9F\x82%c\n", 0xA1 + card % 13);
The UTF-8 representation of \U0001F0A1 is F0 9F 82 A1. The above code will correctly handle all 13 cards, if your terminal supports UTF-8 and non-BMP code points, like iTerm2 on OS/X.
Alternative solutions involving wide-char conversion to multibyte character sets are complicated to use and would not work on platforms where wchar_t is limited to 16 bits.

Unicode Character 'SPEAKER WITH THREE SOUND WAVES' (U+1F50A) in c source code

I want to print Unicode Character 'SPEAKER WITH THREE SOUND WAVES' (U+1F50A) Encodings "\uD83D\uDD0A" in C source code but get this output:
error: \uDD0A is not a valid universal character
error: \uD83D is not a valid universal character
\u notation (with four hexadecimal digits) is referring to UCS-2 encoding, i.e. you can encode only characters from the BMP (Basic multilingual plane, basically U+00000 through U+0FFFF).
U+1F50A is beyond the BMP, and thus cannot be encoded in 16 bits. UTF-16 uses surrogate pairs for such characters beyond the BMP (values in the 0xD800 - 0xDFFF range, which are not used in UCS-2), but they are explicitly forbidden in \u notation.
You need \U notation (with eight hexadecimal digits) for that.
Also note that the conversion from either \u or \U notation to whatever actually ends up in the string is locale-dependent, so what might work on one platform might not work on another... if you want to be really portable and ensure e.g. UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding in the string, you need to:
do the encoding manually via hexadecimal \x... or octal \...;
use third-party libraries with proper Unicode support (ICU).
While we're at it (and because many people are unaware of this), the above points straight at why Microsoft's 16bit version of wchar_t is broken when you want Unicode: It stems from a time when there was only the BMP, and 16bit UCS-2 was plenty enough. Since it is no longer sufficient to encode all defined Unicode characters, you can use it to hold UTF-16 code values, but wchar_t -- and by extension, std::wstring as well as L"" string literals -- isn't really wide as the name implies, but multibyte at best.
Good that C++ introduced explicit char16_t and char32_t, plus the locale-independent u"", U"" and u8"" string literals. Too bad MSVC doesn't yet support them AFAIK.

Detect UTF-16 file content

Is it possible to know if a file has Unicode (16-byte per char) or 8-bit ASCII content?
You may be able to read a byte-order-mark, if the file has this present.
UTF-16 characters are all at least 16-bits, with some being 32-bits with the right prefix (0xE000 to 0xFFFF). So simply scanning each char to see if less than 128 won't work. For example, the two bytes 0x20 0x20 would encode in ASCII and UTF-8 for two spaces, but encode in UTF-16 for a single character 0x2020 (dagger). If the text is known to be English with the occasional non-ASCII character, then most every other byte will be zero. But without some apriori knowledge about the text and/or it's encoding, there is no reliable way distinguish a general ASCII string from a general UTF-16 string.
Ditto to what Brian Agnew said about reading the byte order mark, a special two bytes that might appear at the beginning of the file.
You can also know if it is ASCII by scanning every byte in the file and seeing if they are all less than 128. If they are all less than 128, then it's just an ASCII file. If some of them are more than 128, there is some other encoding in there.
First off, ASCII is 7-bit, so if any byte has its high bit set you know the file isn't ASCII.
The various "common" character sets such as ISO-8859-x, Windows-1252, etc, are 8-bit, so if every other byte is 0, you know that you're dealing with Unicode that only uses the ISO-8859 characters.
You'll run into problems where you're trying to distinguish between Unicode and some encoding such as UTF-8. In this case, almost every byte will have a value, so you can't make an easy decision. You can, as Pascal says do some sort of statistical analysis of the content: Arabic and Ancient Greek probably won't be in the same file. However, this is probably more work than it's worth.
Edit in response to OP's comment:
I think that it will be sufficient to check for the presence of 0-value bytes (ASCII NUL) within your content, and make the choice based on that. The reason being that JavaScript keywords are ASCII, and ASCII is a subset of Unicode. Therefore any Unicode representation of those keywords will consist of one byte containing the ASCII character (low byte), and another containing 0 (the high byte).
My one caveat is that you carefully read the documentation to ensure that their use of the word "Unicode" is correct (I looked at this page to understand the function, did not look any further).
If the file for which you have to solve this problem is long enough each time, and you have some idea what it's supposed to be (say, English text in unicode or English text in ASCII), you can do a simple frequency analysis on the chars and see if the distribution looks like that of ASCII or of unicode.
Unicode is an alphabet, not a encoding. You probably meant UTF-16. There is lot of libraries around (python-chardet comes to mind instantly) to autodetect encoding of text, though they all use heuristics.
To programmatically discern the type of a file -- including, but not limited to the encoding -- the best bet is to use libmagic. BSD-licensed it is part of just about every Unix-system you are about to encounter, but for a lesser ones you can bundle it with your application.
Detecting the mime-type from C, for example, is as simple as:
Magic = magic_open(MAGIC_MIME|MAGIC_ERROR);
mimetype = magic_buffer(Magic, buf, bufsize);
Other languages have their own modules wrapping this library.
Back to your question, here is what I get from file(1) (the command-line interface to libmagic(3)):
% file /tmp/*rdp
/tmp/meow.rdp: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF, CR line terminators
For your specific use-case, it's very easy to tell. Just scan the file, if you find any NULL ("\0"), it must be UTF-16. JavaScript got to have ASCII chars and they are represented by a leading 0 in UTF-16.
