Angularjs and Meteor "Session" reactivity, is there a way? - angularjs

I'm trying to work with Meteor and Angularjs. I'm using Meteor_angularjs package, which works OK with Collections.
Now I'm trying to use Session and my reactive data store:
TestCtrl = [
$scope.value = Session.get('someValue');
This does not work.
QUESTION: Any suggestions on how to tie down Meteor's Session and Angular?
As far as I understand, I can write directive that will be polling Session every so ofter, however I don't think that's a good choice.
I've tried the following:
TestCtrl = [
$scope.config = Session.get('testsConfig');
if (!$scope.$$phase){
and it sort of works, however I get the following error:
Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11
Error: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable.
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:41)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30)
at derez (http://localhost:3000/test:95:30) angular.js:5526
$get angular.js:5526
$get angular.js:4660
$get.Scope.$digest angular.js:7674
(anonymous function) controllers.js:46
Meteor.autorun.rerun deps-utils.js:78 deps.js:19
Meteor.autorun.rerun deps-utils.js:78
_.extend.flush deps.js:63
_.each._.forEach underscore.js:79
_.extend.flush deps.js:61
_.each._.forEach underscore.js:79
_.extend.flush deps.js:60
I've tried the service like this (might be wrong usage), still nothing. Now it doesn't update at all on Session value's changes.
app.factory('ssn', function(){ return{
get: function(val){
return Session.get(val);
TestCtrl = [
function($scope, ssn){
$scope.config = ssn.get('testsConfig');
UPDATE 3: Angular has $apply() for
to execute an expression in angular from outside of the angular framework. (For example from browser DOM events, setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries)
At the same time Meteor has Meteor.render() for
Most of the time, though, you won't call these functions directly — you'll just use your favorite templating package, such as Handlebars or Jade. The render and renderList functions are intended for people that are implementing new templating systems.
However, it seems like I just cannot put 2 and 2 together. :(

this as an old question with old answers but I see people referring to it so here is the updated answer.
First - there is a new library for angular-meteor that handles those cases for you.
And this library gives you two possible solutions:
If you want to bind a Session variable to a scope variable, use the $meteorSession service.
What it does is that every time the scope variable will change, it will change to Session variable (and trigger an autorun if it's placed inside one).
and every time the Session variable will change, the scope variable will change as well (and change the view that it's placed upon).
If you are using the Session variable just to get a variable reactive (meaning trigger an autorun), you should use getReactively . this just returns the already existing scope variable but trigger an autorun every time it changes. a good example of this can be found it our tutorial.
Note: In anyway, when you use Tracker.autorun inside Angular, you need to connect it to a scope. this can be easily done if you replace Tracker.autorun with the $meteorUtils autorun function

Hi here is an option (might not be the best but it works I think)
var self = this;
self.objects = {};
self.get = function(name){
self.objects[name] = {"value" : Session.get(name)};
Meteor.autorun(function() {
var i = Session.get(name);
if(self.objects[name].value != i){
if (!$rootScope.$$phase){
self.objects[name].value = i;
return self.objects[name];
self.set = function(name,value){
self.objects[name].value = value;
return self;
Call it in the $scope like this
$scope.test = Session.get("test");
In the view as {{test.value}}. Sorry for the late answer .
Happy new year!

angular.module('yourmod', [])
.controller('TestCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
var c = Deps.autorun(function (comp) {
//... put reactive stuf on scope.....
if(!comp.firstRun) {
// only do not do aply at first run becaulse then apply is already running.
// and to realy make it nice...
$scope.on('$destroy', function () {c.stop()});


How $watch changes of a variable in a service from component's controller?

I have been through all related topics on SO, namely these two:
$watch not detecting changes in service variable
$watch not detecting changes in service variable
are tackling the same issue, but i failed to make it working. Unlike in the above cases, I am using a controller from a component, hence maybe this is related to lacking binding in components, idk. Hope for some experinced assistance.
Have a service:
(function (angular) {
'use strict';
.service('ShareData', ShareData);
ShareData.$inject = [];
function ShareData() {
let vm = this;
vm.indexes = [];
vm.setIndexes = function(firstIndexParam, lastIndexParam, message) {
if (leaderIndexParam !== undefined || partnerIndexParam !== undefined) {
vm.indexes.mainIndex = firstIndexParam;
vm.indexes.secondaryIndex = lastIndexParam;
vm.indexes.message = message;
vm.getIndexes = function() {
return vm.indexes;
It is used in 3 components. Two of them are sending data into the service, the third one uses this data. Sending of data is accomplished in the following way, works:
ShareData.setIndexes(firstIndex, secondIndex, 'update_indexes');
Now here is my problem. In main parent controller i can comfortably access the data by
But my issue is that I need changes in indexes to trigger certain actions in parent controller, so I tried so do as stipulated by relevant questions here on SO:
$scope.$watch('ShareData.getIndexes()', function(newVal) {
console.log('New indexes arrived', newVal);
In main controller, I am injecting the service:
TabController.$inject = ['ShareData'];
and using it like:
let indexService = ShareData.getIndexes();
As i said, I can get the data when I am explicitly calling the function. The issue is that it needs to be triggered by the service itself.
It does not work regardless of shamanistic ceremonies a made :) Now, obviously, I am missing something. Should I somehow bind this service to the component, and if yes how is it done? Or maybe the solution is totally dysfunctional and impossible to achieve in my circumstances? An advise is appreciated!
UPDATE: I already have a functional solution with the same service working with $rootScope.$broadcast, however my aim is to get rid of it and not work with the $rootScope.
The problem is that you never actually change the value of vm.indexes - it always points to the same array. setIndexes only modifies properties of this array. That's why $watch, which by default checks for reference equality only, fails to spot the changes.
There are (at least) two ways of solving this: either make $watch check the object equality instead, by adding a third param there:
$scope.$watch('ShareData.getIndexes()', function(newVal) {
console.log('New indexes arrived', newVal);
}, true);
... or (better, in my opinion) rewrite the set function so that it'll create a new instance of indexes instead when there's a change:
vm.setIndexes = function(firstIndexParam, lastIndexParam, message) {
if (leaderIndexParam === undefined && partnerIndexParam === undefined) {
vm.indexes = vm.indexes.slice();
Object.assign(vm.indexes, {
mainIndex: firstIndexParam,
secondaryIndex: lastIndexParam,
message: message
As a sidenote, simply calling setIndexes() does not trigger the digest - and $watch listener only checks its expression when digest is triggered.

Angular: Get aware of spelling mistakes in function call with ng-click

My question is about discovering possible spelling mistakes in angular expressions, in particular spelling mistakes in the function name.
Consider the snippet bellow:
I have two buttons there, the first one with correct spelling, the second with a spelling mistake in the angular expression. Clicking the second button does nothing and gives no hints about a potential error.
My question is now: are there ways to detect erroneous calls to function that don't exist (while executing the application)?
I am not looking for some checking possibility in the build or unit test process but rather would like to see a way I could get aware of such a potential issue when running the erroneous expression in the browser when the application is executed.
angular.module("myApp", [])
.controller("TestController", function($scope){
$scope.myFunction = function() {
console.log("Hello World");
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp']);
<script src=""></script>
<section ng-controller="TestController">
<button ng-click="myFunction()">myFunction</button>
<button ng-click="myFunctio()">myFunctio</button>
I'm not familiar with a built in option in angular to do that (using binding to an "undefined" object is a legit UC as things may become "undefined" during program run) - but you may write your own "ng-click" directive which, in case not finding the function to bound to, raise an error (exception or better - console error / warning).
This is an extremely common complaint about Angular. Even when writing code for the Closure compiler, with all the type annotations and everything, these still fall right through the cracks.
You can kluge something together, I've seen things like bussing all events to a common broker and looking for the target handler in the bound scope, and so on. But it always appears to be more trouble than it's worth.
Your unit tests are where you catch this sort of thing. It's why being able to test template code via triggering events is such an important thing for an Angular developer to master. If you trigger that button click and your test fails (e.g. your spyOn the handler never gets called), check the template.
Protractor (and other end to end testing frameworks) will do that for you.
I'm not sure if this would work for function calls or not, but it would solve part of the problem of misspelling something. In Scott Allen's AngularJS Playbook course on Pluralsight, he suggests creating a decorator for the $interpolate service to see if any bindings are potentially incorrect. Here is the code for that:
(function(module) {
module.config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator("$interpolate", function ($delegate, $log) {
var serviceWrapper = function () {
var bindingFn = $delegate.apply(this, arguments);
if (angular.isFunction(bindingFn) && arguments[0]) {
return bindingWrapper(bindingFn, arguments[0].trim());
return bindingFn;
var bindingWrapper = function (bindingFn, bindingExpression) {
return function () {
var result = bindingFn.apply(this, arguments);
var trimmedResult = result.trim();
var log = trimmedResult ? $ : $log.warn;$log, bindingExpression + " = " + trimmedResult);
return result;
angular.extend(serviceWrapper, $delegate);
return serviceWrapper;

Testing code that uses document.body.querySelectorAll

Trying to test a directive that does the following:
var inputs = angular.element(document.body.querySelectorAll('input[ng-model]', elem));
// [code relying on found elements]
Running inside karma/jasmine/phantomjs, this fails because it seems that document returns the document that contains the test, rather than the compiled template. Is there some way to mock this functionality so it works as expected (for my use case) or some other way to query for those elements?
PS: The elements that need to be located are in no known relation to the element that the directive is applied to.
You can use $document instead of document then mock it in your tests.
See Angular js unit test mock document to learn how to mock $document.
The last update in this answer did the trick for me he basically is using the $document service, which is like a wrapper over jQuery and then you can append elements to the body directly and test them:
I'll quote his answer:
I've managed to partially mock the $document service so you can use
the actual page document and restore everything to a valid state:
beforeEach(function() {
$document = angular.element(document); // This is exactly what Angular does
var originalFind = $document.find;
$document.find = function(selector) {
if (selector === 'body') {
return$document, 'body').find('content');
} else {
return$document, selector);
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$document', $document);
afterEach(function() {
The idea is to replace the body tag with a new one that your SUT can
freely manipulate and your test can safely clear at the end of every

Accessing factories in the same Angular module

In my Angular app, I have some resource modules, each containing some cache factories.
For example,
projectRsrc.factory('getProjectCache', ['$cacheFactory', function($cacheFactory){
return $cacheFactory('getProjectCache');
I have a few of these to cache values received from the servers.
The problem is that at times I'd like to clear all the caches. So I want to put all the cacheFactories into one CacheCentralApp module and delete all the caches with a single call.
The trouble is, I don't know of any way to access other factories inside my module. So for instance, if I create a module CacheCentralApp, and in it, declare factories that provide cacheFactorys, how can I create a function in there that calls removeAll() on every cacheFactory?
I don't think it is possible to target all the factories of a certain module. I think however that another solution to your problem is to send a event that all factories has to be cleared. This will prevent that you will have to loop through all your factories and call a .clear() function on everyone.
You could send a event request with the following code:
And listen to this event in every factory with:
$scope.$on('clearAllCaches', function() {
In a separate module you might create a factory for that:
var cacheModule = angular.module('CacheCentralApp', []);
cacheModule.factory('MyCacheFactory', ['$cacheFactory', function($cacheFactory) {
var cacheKeys = [];
return {
clearAll: function() {
angular.forEach(cacheKeys, function(key) {
get: function(key) {
if(cacheKeys.indexOf(key) == -1) {
return $cacheFactory(key);
} else {
return $cacheFactory.get(key);
To create new or get existing Cache you simply call MyCacheFactory.get(cacheName). To clear all the caches ever created in the factory you call MyCacheFactory.clearAll().
Note: I am not quite sure that Array.indexOf is available in every browser, you might want to use Lo-Dash or another library to make sure your code works.

angularjs save changes after digest has finished

I think this might be quite common use-case with any angular app. I am simply watching some objects on my scope that are changed as part of several digest cycles. After digesting them (changing their values via databinding) has finished, I want to save them to databse.
A. Now, with the current solutions I see following problems:
running save in $timeout() - how to assure that save is called only
running a custom function in $scope.$evalAsync - how to find out what has been chaged
There are of course solutions to both of these prolblems, but non of those I know seem ehough elegant to me.
The question is: What is the most elegant solution to the problem?
B. In particular, what are the best practices to
make sure that save gets called only once in a digest cycle
find out that object is dirty after last digest
Here is a solution I've found working best for me - as an AMD modul. Inspired by Underscore.
* Service function that helps to avoid multiple calls
* of a function (typically save()) during angular digest process.
* $apply will be called after original function returns;
define(['app'], function (app) {
app.factory('debounce', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
return function(fn){ // debounce fn
var nthCall = 0;
return function(){ // intercepting fn
var that = this;
var argz = arguments;
var later = (function(version){
return function(){
if (version === nthCall){
return fn.apply(that, argz);
return $timeout(later,0, true);
//Use it like this:
$scope.$watch('order', function(newOrder){
$scope.orderRules.apply(newOrder); // changing properties on order
}, true);
$scope.$watch('order.valid', function(newOrder){
$; //will be called multiple times while digested by angular
$ = debounce(function(order){
// POST your order here ...$http....
// debounce() will make sure save() will be called only once
