Saving values from a (Float) ArrayList into a Bundle - arrays

I'm writing a game using Surfaceview and have a question relating to saving Data into a Bundle.
Initially, I had an arraylist which stored the Y co-ordinates (in the form of Integers) of sprites that will move only up and down. Declared as:
static ArrayList<Integer> ycoordinates = new ArrayList<Integer>();
I saved them to a Bundle using the following:
myBundle.putIntegerArrayList("myycoordinates", ycoordinates);
And restored them using this:
This all worked perfectly. However, I've had to change the whole coordinates system so it's based on Delta time to allow my sprites to move at a uniform speed across different screens. This is, again, working perfectly.
However, as a result of this change, I now have to store these values as floats rather than integers.
So, I am declaring as:
static ArrayList<Float> ycoordinates = new ArrayList<Float>();
So that's the background, now my question is, how do I store and restore values from a Float Arraylist? There doesn't seem to be a "putFloatArrayList" or "getFloatArrayList".
(I've used an Arraylist rather than an Array as the number of sprites needs to be dynamic).
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks

I've written a couple of simple methods to convert between List and float[]. You can use the Bundle putFloatArray() and getFloatArray on the float[].
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args){
List<Float> in = new ArrayList<Float>();
List<Float>out = toList(toArray(in));
public static float[] toArray(List<Float> in){
float[] result = new float[in.size()];
for(int i=0; i<result.length; i++){
result[i] = in.get(i);
return result;
public static List<Float> toList(float[] in){
List<Float> result = new ArrayList<Float>(in.length);
for(float f : in){
return result;


How do I call this list from another class in C#?

I am still new to the whole C# thing but I found this code posted from grovesNL about 5 years ago which I believe will work.
namespace DataAccessClass
public class FileReader
static void Main(string[] args)
List<DailyValues> values = File.ReadAllLines("C:\\Users\\Josh\\Sample.csv")
.Select(v => DailyValues.FromCsv(v))
public class DailyValues
DateTime Date;
decimal Open;
decimal High;
decimal Low;
decimal Close;
decimal Volume;
decimal AdjClose;
public static DailyValues FromCsv(string csvLine)
string[] values = csvLine.Split(',');
DailyValues dailyValues = new DailyValues();
dailyValues.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(values[0]);
dailyValues.Open = Convert.ToDecimal(values[1]);
dailyValues.High = Convert.ToDecimal(values[2]);
dailyValues.Low = Convert.ToDecimal(values[3]);
dailyValues.Close = Convert.ToDecimal(values[4]);
dailyValues.Volume = Convert.ToDecimal(values[5]);
dailyValues.AdjClose = Convert.ToDecimal(values[6]);
return dailyValues;
I am trying to read a csv file skipping the header and get it into a list that is accessible from another class. So my Architecture is DataAccessClass that has a class called FileReader and a class called Values. My task is to read this csv file into class FileReader and then to create an object list to hold it in the class Values. When I go to the Values class to call it I can't figure it out. This is how I am trying to call it. It is saying DailyValues.FromCsv(string) is a method that is not valid.
public List<string> GetList()
return DataAccessClass.DailyValues.FromCsv.dailyValues;
I want to be able to access this list further up the stack.
Your expression DataAccessClass.DailyValues.FromCsv.dailyValues is the culprit.
DataAccessClass.DailyValues.FromCsv is valid, and references the static method named FromCsv in the class DataAccessClass.DailyValues. But then going on by adding .dailyValues is incorrect. It is a method, nothing to peek into and extract stuff using ..
You could (if that was the intention) call the function, and directly work with the result:
DataAccessClass.DailyValues.FromCsv(some_csv_string) is an expression of type DailyValues. There you could then access - as an example - 'High' with:
DailyValues dv;
dv = DataAccessClass.DailyValues.FromCsv(some_csv_string);
But for that to work, High would have to have the visibility of public.

Positioning Array Content (Sprites)

I have Pictures with Numbers on it (I mean Sprites).
I got them on an Empty GameObject, I mean [SerializeField] and added through the script (C# Ofcourse), So the Objects are not really there they are being Generated when the Game begins.
So as you can see in the Code that I can set Row and Columns Amount and with Offset also distances in X and Y Axis. But I cannot re-position it. It seems that the first one being generated is locked to the middle of the project (the first one up-Left)So I tried to move the gizmo of the empty gameobject but the sprites are still on the spot even if I use the Inspector Instead. It seems that it would need to be positioned it in the script, But How?
Please give me enough Examples witch will work with Unity?
What I tried is to position it in Unity as I already mentioned with moving the Gizmo of the Gameobject and also in the Inspector It really seems that it can only be done on the script (I might be wrong but I tried everything).
public class Controll : MonoBehaviour
public const int gridRows = 6;
public const int gridCols = 6;
public const float offsetX = 0.65f;
public const float offsetY = 0.97f;
[SerializeField] private GameObject[] cardBack;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
for (int i = 0; i < gridRows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < gridCols; j++)
Instantiate(cardBack[i], new Vector3(offsetY*j, offsetX* i *-1 , -0.1f), Quaternion.identity);
You are instantiating all objects into the Scene root level. They are in no way related to the GameObject which was originally responsible for the instantiation.
If you rather want them to be positioned relative to the spawning GameObject then use
var position = transform.position + new Vector3(offsetY * j, offsetX * i * -1, -0.1f);
Instantiate(cardBack[i], position, Quaternion.Identity, transform);
in order to instantiate them as child objects of the GameObject this Controll script is attched to.
Now if you translate, rotate or scale that parent object all instantiated objects are transformed along with it.

How to store an array to Firebase via Unity SDK

I am trying to store an Int32[] Array and bool[] Array to Firebase but it isn't working for me. I have searched on various places, but couldn't find a solution. Can anyone tell me, how one can store an array to Firebase Real-time DB from Unity.
I am using System.Reflection to get all the public static fields of the class UserPrefs.
Here is the code, I am trying to do this job...
System.Type type = typeof(UserPrefs);
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields();
foreach (var field in fields) {
if (user != null)
Debug.LogError("There is no user LoggedIn to write...");
Above code saves all values other than arrays. Error given on arrays is following:
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination
(System.Object object)
Any help will be much appreciated...
You need a class like this.
public class MyClass
public int[] intArray = new int[10];
Then you can write that object to the Firebase like this.
public void WriteArrays()
MyClass temp = new MyClass();
for (int i = 0; i < temp.intArray.Length; i++)
temp.intArray[i] = i;
databaseReference is a reference to your root.
Same way you can do this for your bool[] also.
For a more general solution you can copy the JsonHelper class which was suggested here.
Example usage:
string jsonArray = JsonHelper.ToJsonArray(mySerializeableList);
var nodeToUpdate = this.dbReference.Child("wantedNode");

Unity3D - how to use arrays with custom inspector code?

I seem to be stuck in a catch 22 situation with the OnInspectorGUI method of Unity's UnityEditor class. I want to name array elements in the inspector for easy editing, currently I'm using, as per the documentation:
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
J_Character charScript = (J_Character)target;
charScript.aBaseStats[0] = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Base Health", charScript.aBaseStats[0]);
In my J_Character script I initialise the aBaseStats array like so:
public float[] aBaseStats = new float[35];
The problem is that whenever I try to do anything in the editor (and thus OnInspectorGUI is called) I get an index out of range error pointing to the line
charScript.aBaseStats[0] = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Base Health", charScript.aBaseStats[0]);
I'm guessing this is because my array is initialized on game start while the editor code is running all the time while developing.
How can I get round this situation?
Many thanks.
You have to initialize aBaseStats in an function that runs only once.
The code below is BAD:
public float[] aBaseStats = new float[35];
void Start(){
The code below is GOOD:
public float[] aBaseStats;
void Start(){
aBaseStats = new float[35];
Initialize it in an Editor callback function that runs once.
I don't know a Start callback function that will run before the OnInspectorGUI function(). The hack below should work.
public float[] aBaseStats;
bool initialized = false;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if (!initialized)
initialized = true;
aBaseStats = new float[35];
J_Character charScript = (J_Character)target;
charScript.aBaseStats[0] = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Base Health",aBaseStats[0]);
As an addition to the answer by Programmer I would like to point you to the following:
This seems to be exactly what you are looking for in terms of functionality. (it runs the method even when playmode is not active)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform target;
void Update() {
if (target)

Accessing a variable in another scene

Is it possible to change a variable in another scene in unity. I have a script right now that has the user pick 5 heroes and those 5 heroes get saved to a array, but in order for the game to run how i want it, that array will be in another scene and I'm not sure how to go about saving the five heroes data to an array in another scene. I can do it all in one scene but 2 scenes would be more efficient. Here's my code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class HeroChooser : MonoBehaviour {
public static GameObject Archer;
GameObject Berserker;
GameObject Rouge;
GameObject Warrior;
GameObject Mage;
GameObject MainCamera;
public int counter = 0;
public bool archerOn = false;
public bool berserkerOn = false;
public bool rougeOn = false;
public bool mageOn = false;
public bool warriorOn = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void OnGUI(){
if(archerOn == false){
if (GUI.Button (new Rect(50,0,50,50), "Archer")){
Archer = GameObject.Find("Archer");
MainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
HeroArraySaver heroArraySaver = MainCamera.GetComponent<HeroArraySaver>();
heroArraySaver.array[counter] = Archer;
archerOn = true;
Its saying that: Static member HeroArraySaver.array cannot be accessed with an instance reference, qualify it with a type name instead im not sure how to go about fixing it.
A simple way would be to create an empty GameObject and attach a script/MonoBehaviour to that which holds your data. To make it persist you would have to call DontDestroyOnLoad() on that GameObject. This will ensure your GameObject will hang around when moving to a different scene.
So something like:
GameObject myPersistentDataObject = new GameObject("myPersistentDataObject");
MyDataClass data_class = myPersistentDataObject.AddComponent<MyDataClass>();
//set your data to whatever you need to maintain
And in your Awake of your MyDataClass you'd do something like
void Awake()
Then in your other scene you can simply find your GameObject again and retrieve its data from the attached component.
Assuming you have integer IDs for the heroes, simply store them in a static variable:
public class GlobalData {
public static int[] heroIds;
Static variables can be accessed from any scene and will persist as long as your game runs. The same technique works for strings or enums.
