Loading and running a small script on a microcontroller with limited functionality? - c

I am doing a project with a fairly powerful 32-bit microcontroller, the STM32F4 (with 192K RAM and 1024K Flash). I am using C. The system I wish to create consists of this controller (I'll call it the 'host') and a small module (the 'client').
The client simply contains a memory bank and an LED controller that both use the same data line (I2C) to connect to the host. The host can read from the memory and send commands to control the LED outputs on the client.
I want to be able to write code directly on the client's memory. Then at runtime, the host will pull the code from the client and run it - and the code will be limited to doing two things:
Manipulating variables in an arbitrary way
Sending commands to the LED driver based on these variables.
I want these limitations so that anyone can write code for a client without being able to do something malicious to the host. I am looking for a way to run a scripting language interpreter on the microcontroller for this purpose. The code on the client would then be text-format and it would be interpreted on the host.
I have looked into eLua but it looks like it would require me to implement all of my C code on the host as Lua libraries, which I would like to avoid. Does anyone know of a solution where I can just interface to the I2C library and run simple scripts without too much pain?
If not, is there something out there that I can build on to build this simple interpreter myself?
I can provide any clarification if needed.

You have two variants runs on a single engine: bytecode interpreter.
Today I found this intro video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjaAToVkoTw
Very simple tutorial on making VM from scratch.
And two variants:
cross/target scheme: run compiler you write yourself (flex/bison as
a first candidate) on a host (Windows/Linux/...), and transfer readily to
use bytecode image to Cortex-M target, or
self-hosted compiler runs on target Cortex-M: (a) in native code or (b)
written itself in a bytecode
As a most simple variant, you can implement FORTH system -- its parser need the only lexer, you can write in an hour from scratch, or generate by flex. And you can find a lot of FORTHs some of them works on (1) method: host compiler, and target bytecode interpreter connected via UART.


finite state machine compiler for C to simulate network protocols

I was looking for a good state machine compiler so as to test some custom networking protocols. I looked at a few tools already such as Yakindu, Ragel(compiler), SCXML(language) but I was not sure if any of them could be used for networking protocols.
SCXML(language) looks good but I could not find any compilers specifically for C (scxmlcc is for C++). Does anyone know a compiler for C based on SCXML?
Yakindu tool looks promising, but I am not sure if network protocols like BGP/OSPF could be tested. Can anyone please give any pointers on this?
Ragel also looks good, but again I am not sure if complex network protocol clients can be generated using this compiler.
The reason I mentioned network protocols specifically is that I also want to be able to perform custom routines such as packet_create/packet_send (with custom packet sizes) etc as part of 'actions' after an 'event' occurs.
Do I need to always generate code from the state graph or Is there a way to directly interact with the states?
I am very new to FSMs, any help/advice/suggestion/links will be greatly appreciated.
The default Yakindu SCT C code generator generates plain C code that is agnostic of the concrete execution environment. This means you get a piece of standard C code that you can integrate into you own application manually. This manual integration means mapping events, operations, and variables between your application and the state machine. Additionally you have to trigger the state machine execution properly.
You can find some information on that in the user guide. You could also customize the code generators in order to match your needs but that makes only sense if the integration into the application always look the same and you want to integrate more than one or two state machines.
So if you provide some more information about the application side API that i could provide some hints how to integrate with the state machine.
We just finished our SCXML -> ANSI C transformation. Currently, it does everything but invocations. Here is a sample of generated ANSI C code, with user-supplied callbacks and the general scaffolding here. Performance measurements for a single microstep on a late 2015 MacBook Pro#3.1GHz are here.
Note that the scaffolding is in C++98 as we had to connect to a data-model implementation to pass the SCXML IRP tests. Generated source is ANSI C though. If you want to transform a SCXML state-chart you can use uscxml-transform as:
$ uscxml-transform -tc -i FILE_OR_URL -o GENERATED_HERE
For example, to print the generated C code for test144 from the SCXML IRP suite on STDOUT:
$ uscxml-transform -tc -i https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tklab-tud/uscxml/master/test/w3c/ecma/test144.scxml
Generated ANSI-C code passes all SCXML IRP tests but those for invocations and custom I/O processors.
LOKI is a new application designed to provide an easy way for programmers and system admistrators to interact with BGP networks. Use it to test your OSPF/BGP connections as well

Run executable on MINI2440 with NO OS

I have Fedora installed on my PC and I have a Friendly ARM Mini2440 board. I have successfully installed Linux kernel and everything is working. Now I have some image processing program, which I want to run on the board without OS. The only process running on board should be my program. And in that program how can I access the on board camera to take image from, and serial port to send output to the PC.
You're talking about what is often called a bare-metal environment. Google can help you, for example here. In a bare-metal environment you have to have a good understanding of your hardware because you have to take care of a lot of things that the OS normally handles.
I've been working (off and on) on bare-metal support for my ELLCC cross development tool-chain. I have the ARM implementation pretty far along but there is still quite a bit of work to do. I have written about some of my experiences on my blog.
First off, you have to get your program started. You'll need to write some start-up code, usually in assembly, to handle the initialization of the processor as it comes out of reset (or is powered on). The start-up code then typically passes control to code written in C that ultimately directly or indirectly calls your main() function. Getting to main() is a huge step in your bare-metal adventure!
Next, you need to decide how to support your hardware's I/O devices which in your case include the camera and serial port. How much of the standard C (or C++) library does your image processing require? You might need to add some support for functions like printf() or malloc() that normally need some kind of OS support. A simple "hello world" would be a good thing to try next.
ELLCC has examples of various levels of ARM bare-metal in the examples directory. They range from a simple main() up to and including MMU and TCP/IP support. The source for all of it can be browsed here.
I started writing this before I left for work this morning and didn't have time to finish. Both dwelch and Clifford had good suggestions. A bootloader might make your job a lot simpler and documentation on your hardware is crucial.
First you must realise that without an OS, you are responsible for bringing the board up from reset including configuring the PLL and SDRAM, and also for the driver code for every device on the board you wish to use. To do that required adequate documentation of the board and it devices.
It is possible that you can use the existing bootloader to configure the core and SDRAM, but that may not meet your requirement for the only process running on the board should be your image processing program.
Additionally you will need some means of loading and bootstrapping; again the existing Linux bootstrapper may suit.
It is by no means straightforward and cannot really be described in detail here.

Dynamically Configure FPGA From Host Program

I was wondering if anyone knows an efficient way to program the FPGA(PL) for a Xilinx Zynq-7 series or related devices,from a host C program (not on the SoC, but from the host PC). Is there an Xilinx API I can use/include in my program. As the only way I can think of doing it at the moment is invoking command line programming via Impact.
Basically I want to put the SDK "Program FPGA" functionality in my host C program where the user selects a prebuilt .bit file (and .elf file if possible) to program the FPGA/(SoC). This is just for a test of concept, later I would like to put this dynamic configuration onto one of the ARM CPU's.
Many Thanks
At the very least you'll need an intermediate MPU/MCU that can read from USB, as at startup most FPGAs aren't capable of much at all. I'm guessing this'll make it hard to find a MPU/library pair to do so, because there are so many options, each of which would be pretty application-specific. You're better off starting with programming them off an ARM chip, since you'll need some CPU with the FPGA in any case.
This seems somewhat useful.

How does one load external code with a custom bootloader?

I'm writing my own operating system, and so far I'm only really able to write it in assembly, because I don't really understand how I would set it up with multiple files/languages. I've written bootloaders with executable code in them before, but what I don't understand is how to make the bootloader aware of other files outside of itself. How would I be able to write a bootloader in assembly and then tell it to load, say, a kernel written in C in a different file? Do I have to bundle the .o files from the compilation of the kernel into the fdd image and tell the bootloader to load/execute them or is it more complicated than that?
Since it looks like you're trying to get the hang of system bring up it might be worthwhile to take a look at some "smaller" embedded systems to get a feel for what goes on once power is applied/chip comes out of reset. Take a look at U-Boot here: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot
It is a very popular bootloader especially for embedded systems and can launch a variety of OS's. The mainline supports a ton of different configurations as well. I think it is relatively straight forward to follow what happens during power up if you are comfortable with C.
To answer your question more specifically for instance with U-Boot you can either build parameters into the u-boot image as to where you are going to load your code, it can read where you image file is stored from a configuration file on powerup, u-boot can load a configuration automatically from your network somewhere, you can even tell u-boot where and what to load from its command line interface. Take a look and see if you have any further questions.

Serial Port Communications

I am trying to create a GUI for a c code written in LINUX.
This code basically connects two systems, opens the serial port, writes data from one system to the other via the port.how do I go about this?
The development tools present with me are Qt designer version 3.3.5 and K Develop, which one should I use.and how to go about it?
In Linux, every hardware device is mapped to the file-system using standard file-system permissions.
If you're just using a simple serial port protocol under Linux, you can treat any serial port device as a file. Meaning, they can be opened, read, written and handled just using standard files.
The 'filename' for a serial port is typically /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyUSB0 depending on the type of serial port. It is often symlinked to /dev/modem on regular distributions.
I think you may be looking in the wrong place. You should probably search the web for a tutorial on C++ programming, or get a book on it (there are plenty out there). Once you're comfortable with C++ (it'll take a while if you're not already), you can start to read about writing KDE applications. There are probably some introductory things to read on the KDE website, and don't forget that Google is your friend throughout the process ;-)
By the way, Qt Designer is just a program for doing GUI layouts, while KDevelop is a full featured IDE that combines Qt Designer, a text editor, and a bunch of other stuff. You can use KDevelop for writing anything from very simple "Hello World" C++ programs up to, well, something as complex as KDevelop itself.
If you've actually got to write the serial port part (I'm not clear on this from your question), the other system calls you'll need to know about are 'ioctl' and 'termios', to set various serial port parameters.
Seems your using QT. You should try QextSerialPort which is a serial port class for QT.
The doc.trolltech.com site has a huge amount of documentation. You should go definitely take a look.
I would use the latest available Qt library for your distro, since it is a new developpment.
Regarding the serial port C code, I would keep it and call it from your C++ code. Beware of time consuming operations that can ruin the interactive feeling of your app.
