Cakephp get longest unmodified entries - cakephp

I have a model A that
$hasMany = array('B' => array('order' => 'B.created DESC'),
'C' => array('order' => 'C.created ASC')
So now i want to fetch the 5 most desolated entries of A(B,C) from my database that did not get modified the longest time(including B and C 'modified'-field).
How do i do that?
/EDIT: To explain it in other words:
Assume i have a model User that has information like name, adress, email etc.
A User also has many model Post on his page. And he has many model Other on his page too.
So we have a relationship of 1:n in User:Post and User:Other
Now i want to fetch those 5 User of my User, whose highest 'modified' value (User.modified, Post.modified or Other.modified) is one of they five lowest of all Users.
In other words: The 5 User who did not update their profile for the longest time.

I foresee some data inconsistencies in the future with this technique. I would do it this way.
Add field to user table called lastactivity
In AppController.php add beforeSave function
public function beforeSave() {
$save_data = $this->data;
if(isset($save_data['User']['modified']) || isset($save_data['Post']['modified'] || isset($save_data['Other']['modified']))){
$data = array();
$data['User']['id'] = $this->Auth->user('id');
$data['User']['lastactivity'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");


updating data without model with classRegistry

I have a table called user_tasks. I do not have a model for that table and in my totally unrelated controller I have a need to update a single field in the user_tasks table.
This is what I have tried so far
$user = ClassRegistry::init('user_tasks');
$conditions = "user_id = ". $user_id;
$userRows = $user->find('first', array('conditions'=>$conditions));
'task' => $level
However it does not like $user->save(); and my table never gets updated. What can I do to make it work.
In my try / catch block,
I get this
{"errorInfo":["HY000",1364,"Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value"],"queryString":"INSERT INTO `mytable`.`user_tasks` (`subscription`, `modified`, `created`) VALUES ('Latest', '2015-04-09 15:08:51', '2015-04-09 15:08:51')"}
ok I figured it out. I have to send user id as well
$user = ClassRegistry::init('user_tasks');
$conditions = "user_id = ". $user_id;
$userRows = $user->find('first', array('conditions'=>$conditions));
'task' => $level,
'user_id' => $user_id
The above will create a new record. If you are updating a record then just pass a primary key. And if you are passing the primary key, then you do not need user_id etc. You just need the fields in the set that need to be updated.

cakePHP: Look for a row inside database by using other fields other than primary key?

I'm going to check if a row exists in my DB which one of its field matches a custom value.
e.g. consider table licences which contains fields: (id,serial,validity).
I'm going to check two conditions in my controller:
licence with serial 'xyz' is presents in db
licence with serial 'xyz' have validity field value 'valid'
How should i complete $option for this code:
public function validity($serial = null) {
$this->autoRender = false; // We don't render a view in this example
$options = ?????;
$license = $this->License->find('first', $options);
if ($license){
// it is valid and present
$data = array('validity' => 'valid');
//not present actions
$data = array('validity' => 'invalid');
The options argument has a lot of parameters you can use like conditions, order and fields. In your case you need conditions
$options=array('conditions'=>array('License.serial'=>'xyz', 'License.validity'='valid'));
(by default it is AND between conditions)

Update except row of null in CakePHP

I have problem,when I tried to update except row of null in CakePHP.
Model -> Spot
column -> name,address
id / name / address
1 / Shibuya Bakery / Shibuya street 123
For example,there is database like the one above.
Then CakePHP got a name-value(Shibuya Cake Shop) from Android,and address-value is null.
Therefore I wanna update just name-column.
id = 1(post from Android)
public function update()
if( isset($this->request->data["id"]) )
$id = intval($this->request->data["id"]);
$fields = array( '' => $id );
$data = array( '' => "'".$this->request->data["name"]."'",
"Spot.address" => "'".$this->request->data["address"]."'");
$this->Spot->updateAll( $data,$fields );
If you just want to update just one field, just use saveField.
$this->Spot->id = $this->request->data['id'];
$this->Spot->saveField('name', $this->request->data['name']);
Don't use updateAll, as that is meant for updating multiple records, though technically you could add conditions to prevent it from doing so. You're also passing incorrect arguments into updateAll. (See for the correct way.) If you want to update multiple fields at once on a single record, use save:
public function update()
if( isset($this->request->data["id"]) )
$fields = array('name');
if(!empty($this->request->data['address'])) array_push($fields, 'address');
$this->Spot->save($this->request->data, true, $fields);
Read more on saving:

Custom component won't return value

OK, this is the situation. In my beforeSave function I want to manipulate some $this->request->data entries.
This is my component:
App::uses('Component', 'Controller');
class GetStationComponent extends Component {
public function getStationId ($station) {
$stationInstance = ClassRegistry::init('Station');
$conditions = array('OR' => array(
array('Station.code LIKE' => $station),
array('Station.naam LIKE' => $station),
array('Station.naam_overig LIKE' => $station)
$result = $stationInstance->find('list', array('conditions'=>$conditions));
$value = array_values($result);
$value = $value[0];
return $value;
And this is my beforeSave function in my Controller:
public function beforeSave($options = array()) {
if (!empty($this->request->data['Experience']['vertrekstation']) && !empty($this->request->data['Experience']['aankomststation'])) {
$this->request->data['Experience']['vertrekstation'] = $this->GetStation->getStationId($this->request->data['Experience']['vertrekstation']);
$this->request->data['Experience']['aankomststation'] = $this->GetStation->getStationId($this->request->data['Experience']['aankomststation']);
return true;
It should return an ID of the stations name. But in the Database the name itself is stored (which is filled in by the user) instead of the ID. What do I need to change in my Component (I guess...) to return the right values?
(P.S. The query itself in the component returns an ID, because at first I'd put the 'beforeSave' directly into my function which saves the data, but then my validation error said that it wasn't a right value. Which is correct...)
To complement the other answers; to get just the value of a single field, use Model::field()
return $stationInstance->field('id', $conditions);
It is best to add a sort order to this statement to make sure that the results will always be returned in the same order:
return $stationInstance->field('id', $conditions, 'code ASC');
Since you only perform a single query on the Model, and don't do anything afterwards, you don't even need the intermediate $stationInstance variable. Your code can be further simplified to:
return ClassRegistry::init('Station')->field('id', $conditions, 'code ASC');
Some observations
Because of the 'fuzzy' matching on the name of the station, the first result may not always be the station intended by the user it's best to offer an 'autocomplete' functionality in your front-end and have the user pick the correct station (e.g. To prevent picking Den Haag when the user meant Den Haag HS)
If the station does not fully matches a station, you should present a warning that the station wasn't found
You didn't surround your search-terms with % for the LIKE queries. If you intend to search for 'name "contains", you should use '%' . $station . '%'. For "starts with" use $station . '%'
As #mark suggested; beforeSave() is a callback of the Model and should be located there.
Also; beforeSave() is triggered after validation has taken place, so it will probably be too late. beforeValidate() is the best callback for this
If the Experience model is already attached to the Station model, you don't need to use a component, because you can directly access the Station model. It's best to put the search-method inside the Station model;
Moving it all to the right(*) location
*) Other options are always possible, this is just a possible approach
Add the 'search' method to the Station-model;
public function getStationIdByName($name)
$name = trim($name);
if (empty($name)) {
return null;
$name = '%' . $name . '%';
$conditions = array(
'OR' => array(
array($this->alias . '.code LIKE' => $name),
array($this->alias . '.naam LIKE' => $name),
array($this->alias . '.naam_overig LIKE' => $name),
return $this->field('id', $conditions, 'code ASC');
..and use it in the Experience Model
public function beforeValidate(array $options = array())
if (
&& !empty($this->data[$this->alias]['aankomststation'])
) {
// Directly access the Station-model from within the Experience Model
= $this->Station->getStationIdByName($this->data[$this->alias]['vertrekstation']);
= $this->Station->getStationIdByName($this->data[$this->alias]['aankomststation']);
// Call parent-callback after setting the values
return parent::beforeValidate($options);
[UPDATE] Using the Conventions, prevent unwanted behavior
After writing the previous example, I noticed there are some flaws in your current setup;
If vertrekstation and aankomststation should hold the 'foreign key' of the station (the station-id) they are not named according to the CakePHP Model and Database Conventions
Because of 1) By putting this code inside the beforeValidate(), it will also be triggered when updating an existing record. Because you're using the aankomststation and vertrekstation field both to hold the name of the station (inside the Form) and the id (inside the database), the Model will attempt to look-up the station-id via the id when updating. NOTE that inside the form you'll still be using vertrekstation and aankomstation as field-name. These field names are not present in your database, and therefore will not be able to directly update data inside your database, that's where the beforeValidate() callback is used for
Because the Experience model needs two relations to the Station model (once as departure station ('vertrekstation'), once for arrival station ('aankomststation')), you will need an alias for the Station-model. See: Multiple relations to the same model
class Experience extends AppModel {
* Station will be associated to the 'Experience' Model TWICE
* For clarity, using an 'alias' for both associations
* The associated Models will be accessible via;
* $this->DepartureStation
* $this->ArrivalStation
* To stick to the CakePHP conventions, name the foreign keys
* accordingly
public $belongsTo = array(
'DepartureStation' => array(
'className' => 'Station',
'foreignKey' => 'departure_station_id',
'ArrivalStation' => array(
'className' => 'Station',
'foreignKey' => 'arrival_station_id',
public function beforeValidate(array $options = array())
// vertrekstation and aankomststation hold the 'names' of the
// stations and will only be present if the form has been submitted
if (
&& !empty($this->data[$this->alias]['aankomststation'])
) {
// Directly access the Station-model from within the Experience Model
// using the *aliases*
= $this->DepartureStation->getStationIdByName($this->data[$this->alias]['vertrekstation']);
= $this->ArrivalStation->getStationIdByName($this->data[$this->alias]['aankomststation']);
// Invalidate the vertrekstation and aankomststation fields if lookup failed
if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['departure_station_id'])) {
// Unable to find a station. Mark the Form-field invalid
$this->invalidate('vertrekstation', __('A station with this name was not found'));
if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['arrival_station_id'])) {
// Unable to find a station. Mark the Form-field invalid
$this->invalidate('aankomststation', __('A station with this name was not found'));
// Call parent-callback after setting the values
return parent::beforeValidate($options);
The find('list') option of Cake returns an array like
array( 1 => 'name1',
3 => 'name2',
where the index is the id and the value is the display field you set on the model.
So, when you do $value = array_values($result);, you're extracting the values of the array (meaning, the display fields). I'm assuming you're not using the id as the displayField, so that's why it's returning the names and not the id.
I'm not sure why you're using find('list') instead of find('first') or other alternative, but if you don't want to modify that for whatever reason, the fix that should return the first id obtained by the search is
reset($result); //possibly not needed, but just in case
$value = key($result );
First you must understand how Cake works
There is no $this->request in your models. Its part of the controller.
In your model your passed data will be in $this->data directly.
public function beforeSave($options = array()) {
parent::beforeSave($options); // you also forgot the parent call
if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias]['vertrekstation']) && ...)) {
$this->data[$this->alias]['vertrekstation'] = ...;
return true;
Your find call also looks pretty screwed up. I dont know what you want to do.
But I strongly advice you to use debug() etc to find out what is returned and correct your code accordingly.
You probably need find(first) if you are only interesting in a single value.

cakephp - has many through not saving

I have the following has many through relationship
Alert AlertsElement Search
id id id
name alert_id link
Here are my models
class Alert extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Alert';
var $hasMany = array('AlertsElement');
class AlertsElement extends AppModel {
var $name = 'AlertsElement';
var $belongsTo = array('Alert','Search');
class Search extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Search';
var $hasMany = array('AlertsElement');
Here is my test code I am using to do a save -
$d = array();
$d['Alert']['id'] = 1976;
$d['Search']['id'] = 107;
$d['AlertsElement']['ordering'] = 2;
I get this error -
Cannot use a scalar value as an array [CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 1696]
and a row entry in alertselement with the order but the foreign keys set to 0
Any ideas ?
Thanks, Alex
In order to save a hasMany relationship with saveAll, the hasMany-associated model data (in this case, $d['AlertsElement']) needs to be an indexed array of associative arrays, thus:
$d = array(
'Alert' => array(
'id' => 1976
'AlertsElements' => array(
0 => array(
'ordering' => 2
Note that the associative array, consisting of the 'ordering' key and its value, has been shifted down into an indexed array. This is the required format for saving hasMany-associated data in a single saveAll operation, because this format expands gracefully whether you want to save one or ten associated records.
Refer to the Cake manual on saving related model data for more info.
I got here looking for a solution to this question. Not to contradict Daniel, the book says that when you use a hasMany through relationship (which is what Alex is using), you can save all three records with a single saveAll call, but you do it from the joining table's model like this:
$data = array(
[Student] => Array
[first_name] => Joe
[last_name] => Bloggs
[Course] => Array
[name] => Cake
[CourseMembership] => Array
[days_attended] => 5
[grade] => A
Unless I've misread the book, that example should create the Student, Course, and joining CourseMembership records. That said, I have yet to be able to get it to work as documented. I'm passing in an id for the Course as I'm using an existing Course, but it doesn't create the Student or the CourseMembership record.
Any more feedback appreciated.
