wxPython: get data in variables from Google Spreadsheet and also from user, work with all variables, return results to user - google-app-engine

I hope I didn't miss any topic that could answer my problem. I'm here now because I'm terribly frustrated and tired with the following task:
- I have a Spreasheet with Drive.Google with lots of data in it
- I would like to create an application with wxPython that would pull data from this spreeadsheet (in the most easy way possible)
- Would also like to get multiple data from a user who will access this application through a nice interface (panel aka window)
- The multiple data introduced by the user should be able to work with the data pulled out from the Spreasheet. For example to see if the data introduced by the user is in the Spreadsheet or not and also some other operations with the next data introduced by the user.
- Finally and most importantly show the results to the user (later I would also like to add some functions to save somehow the results)
I hope I managed to express clearly what I would like to do. Now I'm new to Google API's, Python adn wxPython, but I have experience with C++ , php, html .
I've spent 2 weeks now with discovering Drive.Google and learning Python and wxPython. I did follow all tuturials on these, made my notes, read tones of stackoverflow questions-answers, wiki.wxpython.org etc. I learn every single day and I can do now many things separately but to have all functions like I described above I just couldn't work out how to do. At least please orient me in the direction. Awfel lot of times I spend hours doing examples and getting nowhere. I have Python, wxPython extention, GoogleAppEngine Launcher and even pyCharm demo. Please be kind. This is my first question ever.
here's the mess I made so far combining relevant examples:
import wx
import gdata.docs
import gdata.docs.service
import gdata.spreadsheet.service
import re, os
class Form(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Form, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def createControls(self):
self.logger = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_READONLY)
self.saveButton = wx.Button(self, label="Elvegzes")
self.nameLabel = wx.StaticText(self, label="type Name1:")
self.nameTextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, value="type here")
self.name2Label = wx.StaticText(self, label="type Name2:")
self.name2TextCtrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, value="type here")
def bindEvents(self):
for control, event, handler in \
[(self.saveButton, wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onSave),
(self.nameTextCtrl, wx.EVT_TEXT, self.onNameEntered),
(self.nameTextCtrl, wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onNameChanged)]:
control.Bind(event, handler)
def doLayout(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def spreadsht(self):
gd_client = gdata.spreadsheet.service.SpreadsheetsService()
gd_client.email = 'my email address'
gd_client.password = 'my password to it'
gd_client.source = 'payne.org-example-1'
q = gdata.spreadsheet.service.DocumentQuery()
q['title'] = 'stationcenter'
q['title-exact'] = 'true'
feed = gd_client.GetSpreadsheetsFeed(query=q)
spreadsheet_id = feed.entry[0].id.text.rsplit('/',1)[1]
feed = gd_client.GetWorksheetsFeed(spreadsheet_id)
worksheet_id = feed.entry[0].id.text.rsplit('/',1)[1]
al1 = raw_input('Name1: ')
print al1
al2 = raw_input('Name2: ')
print al2
rows = gd_client.GetListFeed(spreadsheet_id, worksheet_id).entry
for row in rows:
for key in row.custom:
if al1 == row.custom[key].text:
print ' %s: %s' % (key, row.custom[key].text)
def onColorchanged(self, event):
self.__log('User wants color: %s'%self.colors[event.GetInt()])
def onReferrerEntered(self, event):
self.__log('User entered referrer: %s'%event.GetString())
def onSave(self,event):
self.__log('User clicked on button with id %d'%event.GetId())
def onNameEntered(self, event):
self.__log('User entered name: %s'%event.GetString())
def onNameChanged(self, event):
self.__log('User typed character: %d'%event.GetKeyCode())
def onInsuranceChanged(self, event):
self.__log('User wants insurance: %s'%bool(event.Checked()))
# Helper method(s):
def __log(self, message):
''' Private method to append a string to the logger text
control. '''
class FormWithSizer(Form):
def doLayout(self):
''' Layout the controls by means of sizers. '''
boxSizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.HORIZONTAL)
gridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(rows=5, cols=2, vgap=10, hgap=10)
# Prepare some reusable arguments for calling sizer.Add():
expandOption = dict(flag=wx.EXPAND)
noOptions = dict()
emptySpace = ((0, 0), noOptions)
# Add the controls to the sizers:
for control, options in \
[(self.nameLabel, noOptions),
(self.nameTextCtrl, expandOption),
(self.allomas2Label, noOptions),
(self.allomas2TextCtrl, expandOption),
(self.saveButton, dict(flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER))]:
gridSizer.Add(control, **options)
for control, options in \
[(gridSizer, dict(border=5, flag=wx.ALL)),
(self.logger, dict(border=5, flag=wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND,
boxSizer.Add(control, **options)
class FrameWithForms(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FrameWithForms, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
notebook = wx.Notebook(self)
form2 = FormWithSizer(notebook)
notebook.AddPage(form2, 'CALTH')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = wx.App(0)
frame = FrameWithForms(None, title='Relevant title˝')
THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

First, make sure you can download the data you want with just Python. Then create a wxPython GUI with a single button. In that button's handler, have it call the script that can download the data you want.
If that causes your GUI to become unresponsive, then you'll need to use a thread to do the downloading. I recommend the following articles if that's the case:
Okay, so now you have the data downloading appropriately. Now you add a grid widget or a listctrl / object list view widget. Pick one of those. I prefer object list view, which you can read about here. Then in your button handler you can call your downloader script or thread and when that's done, you can load the widget with that data. If you're using a thread, then the thread will have to call the next step (i.e. the widget loading bit).
Now you should have your data displayed. All that's left is making it look pretty and maybe putting the downloading part into a menu item.


Wagtail - Add data to streamfield CharBlock on save()

I'm trying to automatically fill in a specific charblock on a streamfield I have created on save and I can get it to change but not save because when the page refreshes the new data is not there.
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('update_fields'):
if self.auto_update:
for product in self.product_details.raw_data:
product_name = product['value']['product_name']
product_url = product['value']['product_url']
# I'm trying to set the field data here
product['value']['product_snippet_url'] = 'Test'
# when I print, I see the 'Test' value in the dict
# Do stuff on publish()
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
# Streamfield Block
class ProductNameAndUrlBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
product_name = blocks.CharBlock(required=True, help_text='Add product name')
product_url = blocks.URLBlock(required=True, help_text='Add Product URL')
product_snippet_url = blocks.CharBlock(required=False, help_text='Link to snippet')
The above code is for testing purposes, my end goal is to insert the url of the related snippet there and then use JS to turn it into a button so when someone clicks on it, it links to the snippet page.
Writing back to the stream's raw_data property will not reliably save the data. raw_data is a "backup" copy of the data as retrieved from the database, in a simplified format - for example, a PageChooserBlock value is stored there as a plain ID rather than a Page object. Once data is read or written through the stream's standard methods (e.g. looping over for block in self.product_details or writing self.product_details[0] = ...), the raw_data entry is treated as stale and not looked at again.
The correct approach is to read and write the stream itself as a list, rather than going through raw_data:
for product in self.product_details:
product_name = product.value['product_name']
product_url = product.value['product_url']
# I'm trying to set the field data here
product.value['product_snippet_url'] = 'Test'

How do you run behave (with python code) steps implementation with gherkin scenarios data input?

I start python and TDD, I would like to know how to run behave steps with python and scenarios table for the two scenarios below:
The program ask a user to enter data (humididity level and temperature) and it prints those data.
For the first scenario, user fill out data and the program prints those data (normal case). I just want to check if there is data input
For the second scenario, if user fill out "text" the program return a syntax error.I would like to check the data type in #then steps
The problem is that when I run steps with behave command it asks me to enter data but I want the program uses data table in gherkin scenarios. Can you help please?
gherkin scenario below:
Feature: As a user I want fill out humidex data to visualize it
Scenario: user fill out humidex data correctly
Given a user
When user fill out humidexdata
|50% |28C° |
Then user visualize
|50% |28C° |
Scenario: user fill out humidex data with text
Given a user
When user fill out humidexdata
|humidity |temperature|
|lorem ipsum|lorem ipsum|
Then user visualize a syntax error "data syntax is wrong retry"
step implementations with behave:
from behave import *
from fillouthumidexdata import *
#given(u'a user')
def step_impl(context):
context.user = User()
#when(u'user fill out humidexdata')
def step_impl(context):
#then(u'user visualize')
def step_impl(context):
python code:
class User():
def __init__(self):
self.humidity = []
self.temperature =[]
def fillout_humidexData(self):
print("Enter humidity level (%)")
print("Enter temperature (C°)")
def visualize_humidexData(self):
I am not sure why you need actually separate User class as all of that can be done in simple steps, but following this approach I would change first a bit the User class at least to:
class User():
def __init__(self):
self.humidity = 0
self.temperature = 0
def fillout_humidexData(self, humidity, temperature):
self.humidity = humidity
self.temperature = temperature
def visualize_humidexData(self):
print(f'humidity: {self.humidity}')
print(f'temperature: {self.temperature}')
And then use the following steps:
from behave import step, given, when, then
from fillouthumidexdata import *
#given(u'a user')
def step_impl(context):
context.user = User()
#when(u'user fill out humidexdata')
def step_impl(context):
humidity, temperature = context.table.rows[0]
context.user.fillout_humidexData(humidity, temperature)
#then(u'user visualize')
def step_impl(context):
rows[0] should give you values from first row in your setup table(2 values from 2 columns).
I think this should work, but I am not sure if this is what you want.

PyQT and QTreeView: Need to ask for childrens when user clicks on an item

I need to create a QTreeView based on requests.
So, when the user open the application, it should make a request to get the root item for the tree. Once the user clicks on that item, it should ask for the children, and so on.
I couldn't find any working example with requests as I want and I don't even know if this is possible.
It's quite simple really.
Firstly, connect the tree's expanded signal to a handler, and populate the tree with the root's top-level items.
When the signal is fired, it will pass the index of the expanded item to the handler. The handler can then use this to check whether the item has any children using, say, the model's hasChildren method.
If the item already has children, do nothing; otherwise, populate it with whatever top-level items are appropriate for that item.
Below is a script demonstrates how to build a tree dynamically.
For simplicity, the demo uses a QTreeWidget, thus avoiding the need for a separate model. Additional data is stored within the tree by using QTreeWidgetItem.setData.
Note that the sip import at the top is only needed for compatibilty between Python 2 and 3 (see here for details). If you're using Python 2, it's not needed.
import sip
sip.setapi('QVariant', 1)
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class Window(QtGui.QTreeWidget):
def __init__(self):
def depth(self, item):
depth = 0
while item is not None:
item = item.parent()
depth += 1
return depth
def requestData(self):
for title in 'One Two Three Four Five'.split():
yield title, 'additional data'
def addItems(self, parent):
depth = self.depth(parent)
for title, data in self.requestData():
item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parent, [title])
item.setData(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole, data)
if depth < 3:
def handleExpanded(self, item):
if item is not None and not item.childCount():
def handleClicked(self, item, column):
print(item.data(column, QtCore.Qt.UserRole).toPyObject())
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()

Django - Are model save() methods lazy?

Are model save() methods lazy in django?
For instance, at what line in the following code sample will django hit the database?
my_model = MyModel()
my_model.name = 'Jeff Atwood'
# Some code that is independent of my_model...
model_id = model_instance.id
print (model_id)
It does not make much sense to have a lazy save, does it? Django's QuerySets are lazy, the model's save method is not.
From the django source:
django/db/models/base.py, lines 424–437:
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None):
Saves the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to
control the saving process.
The 'force_insert' and 'force_update' parameters can be used to insist
that the "save" must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for
non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.
if force_insert and force_update:
raise ValueError("Cannot force both insert and updating in \
model saving.")
self.save_base(using=using, force_insert=force_insert,
save.alters_data = True
Then, save_base does the heavy lifting (same file, lines 439–545):
And in django/db/transaction.py, lines 167–178, you'll find:
def commit_unless_managed(using=None):
Commits changes if the system is not in managed transaction mode.
P.S. All line numbers apply to django version (1, 3, 0, 'alpha', 0).

What is the best way to do AppEngine Model Memcaching?

Currently my application caches models in memcache like this:
memcache.set("somekey", aModel)
But Nicks' post at http://blog.notdot.net/2009/9/Efficient-model-memcaching suggests that first converting it to protobuffers is a lot more efficient. But after running some tests I found out it's indeed smaller in size, but actually slower (~10%).
Do others have the same experience or am I doing something wrong?
Test results: http://1.latest.sofatest.appspot.com/?times=1000
import pickle
import time
import uuid
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext import db
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util
from google.appengine.datastore import entity_pb
from google.appengine.api import memcache
class Person(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
times = 10000
class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
m = Person(name='Koen Bok')
t1 = time.time()
for i in xrange(int(self.request.get('times', 1))):
key = uuid.uuid4().hex
memcache.set(key, m)
r = memcache.get(key)
self.response.out.write('Pickle took: %.2f' % (time.time() - t1))
t1 = time.time()
for i in xrange(int(self.request.get('times', 1))):
key = uuid.uuid4().hex
memcache.set(key, db.model_to_protobuf(m).Encode())
r = db.model_from_protobuf(entity_pb.EntityProto(memcache.get(key)))
self.response.out.write('Proto took: %.2f' % (time.time() - t1))
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The Memcache call still pickles the object with or without using protobuf. Pickle is faster with a protobuf object since it has a very simple model
Plain pickle objects are larger than protobuf+pickle objects, hence they save time on Memcache, but there is more processor time in doing the protobuf conversion
Therefore in general either method works out about the same...but
The reason you should use protobuf is it can handle changes between versions of the models, whereas Pickle will error. This problem will bite you one day, so best to handle it sooner
Both pickle and protobufs are slow in App Engine since they're implemented in pure Python. I've found that writing my own, simple serialization code using methods like str.join tends to be faster since most of the work is done in C. But that only works for simple datatypes.
One way to do it more quickly is to turn your model into a dictionary and use the native eval / repr function as your (de)serializers -- with caution of course, as always with the evil eval, but it should be safe here given that there is no external step.
Below an example of a class Fake_entity implementing exactly that.
You first create your dictionary through fake = Fake_entity(entity) then you can simply store your data via memcache.set(key, fake.serialize()). The serialize() is a simple call to the native dictionary method of repr, with some additions if you need (e.g. add an identifier at the beginning of the string).
To fetch it back, simply use fake = Fake_entity(memcache.get(key)). The Fake_entity object is a simple dictionary whose keys are also accessible as attributes. You can access your entity properties normally, except referenceProperties give keys instead of fetching the object (which is actually quite useful). You can also get() the actual entity with fake.get(), or more interestigly, change it and then save with fake.put().
It does not work with lists (if you fetch multiple entities from a query), but could be easily be adjusted with join/split functions using an identifier like '### FAKE MODEL ENTITY ###' as the separator. Use with db.Model only, would need small adjustments for Expando.
class Fake_entity(dict):
def __init__(self, record):
# simple case: a string, we eval it to rebuild our fake entity
if isinstance(record, basestring):
import datetime # <----- put all relevant eval imports here
from google.appengine.api import datastore_types
self.update( eval(record) ) # careful with external sources, eval is evil
return None
# serious case: we build the instance from the actual entity
for prop_name, prop_ref in record.__class__.properties().items():
self[prop_name] = prop_ref.get_value_for_datastore(record) # to avoid fetching entities
self['_cls'] = record.__class__.__module__ + '.' + record.__class__.__name__
self['key'] = str(record.key())
except Exception: # the key may not exist if the entity has not been stored
def __getattr__(self, k):
return self[k]
def __setattr__(self, k, v):
self[k] = v
def key(self):
from google.appengine.ext import db
return db.Key(self['key'])
def get(self):
from google.appengine.ext import db
return db.get(self['key'])
def put(self):
_cls = self.pop('_cls') # gets and removes the class name form the passed arguments
# import xxxxxxx ---> put your model imports here if necessary
Cls = eval(_cls) # make sure that your models declarations are in the scope here
real_entity = Cls(**self) # creates the entity
real_entity.put() # self explanatory
self['_cls'] = _cls # puts back the class name afterwards
return real_entity
def serialize(self):
return '### FAKE MODEL ENTITY ###\n' + repr(self)
# or simply repr, but I use the initial identifier to test and eval directly when getting from memcache
I would welcome speed tests on this, I would assume this is quite faster than the other approaches. Plus, you do not have any risks if your models have changed somehow in the meantime.
Below an example of what the serialized fake entity looks like. Take a particular look at datetime (created) as well as reference properties (subdomain) :
{'status': u'admin', 'session_expiry': None, 'first_name': u'Louis', 'last_name': u'Le Sieur', 'modified_by': None, 'password_hash': u'a9993e364706816aba3e25717000000000000000', 'language': u'fr', 'created': datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 18, 21, 50, 11, 750000), 'modified': None, 'created_by': None, 'email': u'chou#glou.bou', 'key': 'agdqZXJlZ2xlcgwLEgVMb2dpbhjmAQw', 'session_ref': None, '_cls': 'models.Login', 'groups': [], 'email___password_hash': u'chou#glou.bou+a9993e364706816aba3e25717000000000000000', 'subdomain': datastore_types.Key.from_path(u'Subdomain', 229L, _app=u'jeregle'), 'permitted': [], 'permissions': []}
Personally I also use static variables (faster than memcache) to cache my entities in the short term, and fetch the datastore when the server has changed or its memory has been flushed for some reason (which happens quite often in fact).
