I am slowly learning how to program generic functions in C and get into trouble now and so often. I am making a program that makes a union of two arrays, in this implementation two int arrays. The first problem, which also leads to the second one, is that the compareints (function) does not access one of the passed arguments (void *): I can't figure out why? I been staring at the screen for to long time now...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//makes union of two generic arrays and eliminates duplicates if there are some...
void **
unite(int (*comp)(void *f, void *s), void **first, void **second, int f_size, int s_size, int bytes, int *x)
int i;
void **arr=malloc(bytes*(f_size+s_size));
for(i=0; i<f_size+s_size; i++)
/* first bigger */
if(((*comp)(*first, *second))>0)
/* second bigger */
else if(((*comp)(*first, *second))<0)
/* equal => just one copy */
return arr;
compareints(void *first, void *second)
if(*((int *)first)>*((int *)second)) //can't access the memoryloc in second...
return 1;
else if(*((int *)first)<*((int *)second))
return -1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
int arr[10]={1, 2, 4, 12, 22, 29, 33, 77, 98};
int arr2[5]={3, 5, 7, 8, 9};
void **first=malloc(sizeof(int *)*10);
void **second=malloc(sizeof(int *)*5);
//make pointers to static arrays in dynamic arrays
int f_ind, s_ind;
for(f_ind=0; f_ind<10; f_ind++)
for(s_ind=0; s_ind<5; s_ind++)
int i;
//make union of the two arrays and print out the result
void **ret=unite(&compareints, first, second, 10, 5, sizeof(int), &i);
for(int k=0; k<i; k++)
printf("%d ", *((int *)ret[k]));
return 0;
Why can't function access generic parameter ?
Simple answer to this question is function can access but further manipulation on void * is not possible.
Elements are accessed using pointer arithmetic (which needs size of individual element) since the pointer which is void * pointing to the address you passed but doesn't know about the size of each field in that array or memory location. so accessing or dereferencing will lead you to Undefined Behaviour.
If you want to access each element of that type inside the function then , pass the size of individual element to that function and on that basis make pointer to that same type , then access using new pointer of that type.
For more read this
I tried an approach thanks to #WhozCraigs post about the index going out of bounds. So I made some small mods and now the program does what it intends to.
void **
unite(int (*comp)(void *f, void *s), void **first, void **second, int f_size, int s_size, int bytes, int *x)
int i;
int f_ind=0, s_ind=0;
void **arr=malloc(bytes*(f_size+s_size));
for(i=0; i<f_size+s_size; i++)
/* first bigger */
if(((*comp)(*first, *second))>0)
/* second bigger */
else if(((*comp)(*first, *second))<0)
/* equal => just one copy */
if(f_ind<f_size && s_ind==s_size)
else if(f_ind==f_size && s_ind<s_size)
return arr;
I just start to learn pointers to structures and I'm confused.I have to create a type of data ARRAY (which is associated with an array which contains integers.) like a structure which contains: numbers of array's elements and the array's elements stored in a part of memory(heap), dynamically allocated.
So I wrote:
typedef struct ARRAY
int nrElem; // number of elements
int *v[100];
Now I need to create 2 functions, one for reading an array from keyboard and the second one to display it using the structure I declared.
I tried but I get stuck.
void arrayDisplay(ARRAY *ps)
int i;
void readArray(ARRAY *ps)
int i;
How to continue?
Instead of an array of pointers int *v[100]; you need an array of ints int v[100]; in your data structure.
See code below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct ARRAY
int nrElem; // number of elements
int v[100];
void arrayDisplay(ARRAY *ps)
int i;
printf("%d\n", ps->v[i]);
void readArray(ARRAY *ps)
int i;
printf("%d: ", i);
int main()
a.nrElem = 5;
return 0;
If you really want to use an array of int pointers you need to allocate the array first. And a different level of redirection for printf and scanf. But I'm not sure why you want to allocate memory for an integer array like this.
typedef struct ARRAY
int nrElem; // number of elements
int *v[100];
void arrayDisplay(ARRAY *ps)
int i;
printf("%d\n", *ps->v[i]);
void readArray(ARRAY *ps)
int i;
printf("%d: ", i);
int main()
int i;
a.nrElem = 5;
for(i=0;i<a.nrElem;++i) {
a.v[i] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(a.v[i]));
return 0;
I'm writing a program that can modify rows and cols from a function of a function. I don't understand how to do pointer of a pointer.
void changeNum(int*setRows, int *setCol)
void changeNum2(int*setRows, int *setCol)
int main() {
int* col=10;
printf("%d %d",row,col);
return 0;
int* col=10;
This is wrong. Assigning hardcoded address. You don't want this
int row=10;
int col=10;
How to get the address of the row and col?
&row and &col.
How to pass it to function?
Call it, changeNum(&row,&col);
void changeNum(int*setRows, int *setCol)
How to pass pointer to pointer?
void changeNum(int*setRows, int *setCol)
chnageNum2(&setRows, &setCol);
ChangeNum2 how it would change value?
void chnageNum2(int **setRows, int **setCol){
**setRows = 110;
**setCol = 110;
Can we do the same change using changeNum() only?
Yes we can do that.
void changeNum(int*setRows, int *setCol)
*setRows = 110;
*setCol = 110;
Definitely check this. Grab a book. It will help a lot.
The complete code will be
void changeNum(int*setRows, int *setCol)
void changeNum2(int**setRows, int **setCol)
int main(void) {
int row=10;
int col=10;
printf("%d %d",row,col);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
void changeNum(int*, int*);
void changeNum2(int*, int*);
void changeNum(int* setRows, int *setCol) {
void changeNum2(int* setRows, int *setCol) {
int main() {
int row=10;
int col=10;
changeNum(&row, &col);
printf("%d %d\n", row, col);
return 0;
It takes sometime to grasp that every C function parameter is passed by value. So you can safely pass setRows pointer to the second function simply by its value.
Also, it's necessary to declare previously the function changeNum2, I've included the declaration without parameter names to clarify it's possible.
I strongly recommend reading this book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_C_Programming_Language, specially chapter 5 (Pointers and arrays).
You can find a PDF copy easily. It's where I finally learned this concept.
I'm trying to write a generic printing arrays function in C and somehow it doesn't work well with a String array.
Here's the main:
#define LEN 20
typedef struct {
char name[LEN]; // worker's name
int salary; // worker's salary
char **childArr; // array of children names
int numChildren; // number of children
} Worker;
void printArray(void* arr, int size, int typeSize, void (*print)(void*));
void printString(void* s);
void printWorker(void* worker);
void main() {
// arrays of children's names
char *chBamba[] = { "Bambale1", "Bamb2", "Bamb3", "Bambook4", "Bambookle5" };
char *chBisli[] = { "Bislile1", "Bischick2", "Bislile3", "Bis4"};
int nBamba = sizeof(chBamba) / sizeof(*chBamba);
int nBisli = sizeof(chBisli) / sizeof(*chBisli);
// array of workers
Worker a[] = { {"Printf", 10, NULL, 0}, {"Bisli", 20, chBisli, nBisli},
{"TapooChips", 3, chBamba, nBamba}, {"Bamba", 19, chBamba, nBamba} };
printArray(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(Worker), sizeof(Worker), printWorker);
And the functions:
void printArray(void* arr, int size, int typeSize, void (*print)(void*)) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
print((char*)arr+i *typeSize);
void printString(void* s) {
char* str = (char*)s;
printf("[ %s ]", *str);
void printWorker(void* worker) {
Worker* w = (Worker*)worker;
printf("%s\t %d...(%d) ", w->name, w->salary, w->numChildren);
if (w->numChildren != 0)
printArray(w->childArr, w->numChildren, LEN, printString);
After printing the data of the second worker and going to the "children" array, the code breaks...
any idea why? and how can i fix it?
after editing this: printArray(w->childArr,w->numChildren,sizeof(w->childArr[0]),printString);
and this: printf("[ %s ]",str);
i now have the following print:
This line here:
You pass LEN as the size of the element in the array, which is probably way bigger than the size of an array element. This makes the loop in printArray go outside the array boundaries, where any access is undefined behavior.
Your array contains pointers to strings. You need to pass sizeof(char*). Or, in a more D.R.Y manner:
printArray(w->childArr, w->numChildren, sizeof w->childArr[0], printString);
Your printString function does the wrong type conversion. You must remember that printArray passes a pointer to the current element into the callback. Since your iterate over an array of char*, it will pass a char**. With that in mind:
void printString(void *vpStr) {
char **pStr = vpStr;
printf("[ %s ]", *pstr);
Just for reference, the method you are using is how this is traditionally done in C. But in modern C you can write such generic functions in a better way: type safe and without the need for function pointers:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define print_array(data, n) \
_Generic((*data), \
int: print_int, \
char: print_char)(data,n) \
void print_int (const int* data, size_t n)
for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("%d ", data[i]);
void print_char (const char* data, size_t n)
for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
printf("%c ", data[i]);
int main (void)
int int_array [3] = {1, 2, 3};
const char* char_array = "hello world";
print_array(int_array, 3);
print_array(char_array, strlen(char_array));
Having trouble getting my head around implementing the qsort() built into C to sort an array of structs by a stored int value (hitCount).
My struct:
typedef struct words {
const char *word;
int hitCount;
} words;
I'm trying to use the example given by Microsoft (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/73853).
So I've got at the top:
typedef int (*compfn)(const void*, const void*);
and the comparision method:
int compare (words *a, words *b) {
if (a->hitCount > b->hitCount) {
return -1;
} else if (a->hitCount < b->hitCount) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
then within another method I call qsort with my array name and other details replacing the Microsoft example:
qsort((void *) &output, outputLength, sizeof(words), (compfn)compare);
This gives a segmentation fault.
I don't fully understand how to use qsort so I assume where I've adapted it from Microsoft's example I've done it incorrectly.
I hope I've included the mistake and can get some enlightenment as to what I should be doing in order for this to work correctly.
Many Thanks!
You have to pass the array not the address of the array to qsort.
qsort( output, ... );
Also your compare function must return an int and accept two const void* arguments.
Casting your function int compare (words *a, words *b) to a different( yet correct ) type which is then called by qsort() will cause undefined behaviour.
The compare function must be:
int compare (const void *a, const void *b)...
Then you cast a and b to correct types:
((words*)a)->hitCount < ((words*)b)->hitCount
I suspect that outputLength is computed incorrectly. A complete working example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct words {
const char *word;
int hitCount;
} words;
int compare(const void * left, const void * right) {
const words * a = (const words *) left;
const words * b = (const words *) right;
if (a->hitCount > b->hitCount) {
return -1;
} else if (a->hitCount < b->hitCount) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int main() {
struct words output[] = {
{ "hello", 314 },
{ "world", 42 },
{ "answer", 42 }
int outputLength = sizeof(output) / sizeof(output[0]);
int i;
output[0].word = "hello";
output[0].hitCount = 314;
output[1].word = "world";
output[1].hitCount = 42;
qsort(output, outputLength, sizeof(words), compare);
for (i = 0; i < outputLength; ++i) {
printf("%d %s\n", output[i].hitCount, output[i].word);
return 0;
The prototype of the standard library function qsort is
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
Note the signature of the compare function. You cannot typecast a pointer to a function of different signature and make it work correctly. Therefore, typecasting your compare function will not work. It must have the same signature as declared in the prototype of qsort. Change your compare function to -
int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
int c = ((words *) a)->hitCount;
int d = ((words *) b)->hitCount;
if(c > d) return -1;
if(c < d) return 1;
return 0;
The first argument base of qsort is the base address of the buffer which contains the elements to be sorted. Also, any pointer type is assignment compatible to a void * variable and as such you don't need to cast the base address. Therefore, you should call the qsort function as -
qsort(output, outputLength, sizeof output[0], compare);
Got it working with:
int compare (const void *a, const void *b) {
if (((words *)a)->hitCount > ((words *)b)->hitCount) {
return -1;
} else if (((words *)a)->hitCount < ((words *)b)->hitCount) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
and call to sort:
qsort(output, outputLength, sizeof(words), compare);
Thanks to everyone's help but majority credit to "self".
This is giving me a segfault at the memset and I have no idea why, I am going to a specific index of a 2D array, this should give me a char pointer and allow me to use memeset.
void test(char** test)
int i;
int main()
char thing[20][20];
int i;
return 0;
Your parameter declaration is incorrect, it should be:
void test(char test[20][20])
void test(char test[][20])