No arc in expression blend 5? - expression-blend-5

Is it just me or are there no arc shapes in expression blend 5? Why would they remove this shape, I found it super useful in a lot of projects. Do i maybe have to download a library?

Seems like there is a library on nuget that has this if anyone else is looking


Using Expression Design to produce vector icons for WPF

I was toying with the idea of switching over to using XAML based icons instead of PNG-based icons, in a Visual Studio-based WPF project.
I can create reasonable and decent icons with Expression Design. but I don't get how the workflow from Expression Design to Visual Studio is supposed to work. I can export to a temporary file in WPF resource dictionary format, and then cut and paste into an actual resource dictionary in my project. I suppose. But that's getting really tedious.
How are you SUPPOSED to do this? (Export from Expression Design into a visual studio project).
fwiw, Expression Blend seems unusable for creating icons. It just doesn't play well with canvases. And Expression Design does have horrifying shortcomings and limitations. But I'd rather use a tool that's built to generate ARTWORK, rather than UI.
Is there a way to do this, and use use PACK URI's, since the project is currently heavily pack-uri based.
I think the piece I'm missing is there doesn't seem to be a standardized XAML format for image files.
Any tips appreciated.
Using Blend to create icons was always problem. I don't know how to make it simple but i could suggest a third party application for icons.. you can get it free here... It was Syncfusion's Metro studio where you get thousands of icons and you can export as well as png and xaml path... Its it a pre designed icons you can make use of it..

Where has Microsoft's WPF/Silverlight Charting gone in .NET 4.0?

Forgive me for being a little naive perhaps, but it seems that System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting has vanished from VS2010, and blend 4. I'm trying to make a bar graph with a line overlayed, but can't even get started because I can't find the appropriate controls.
I know I could use an external graphing package, but I'd like to try the inbuilt controls first.
You mention Blend so I assume that you are refering to the WPF/Silverlight chart controls.
The System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting namespace is part of the WPF Toolkit. You will have to download this toolkit and reference it from your project.
The question has been clarified to indicate it is about WPF controls. The answer below refers to the Winforms and chart controls. I'm leaving it here in case other people find it useful.
The original MS Chart controls were never part of the framework. They are an separate project.
You can download them here.
There is also more info on their project page.
There is an addon to the IDE, (here), but it's for VS2008, I don't know if it will work with 2010. I would assume they are going to update it at some point, but there doesn't seem to be any information on when that will happen.
I stand corrected, .Net 4.0 apparently now has built in chart controls. You shouldn't need to install anything. You'll need to make sure you are targeting framework 4.0.

How do I stop myself from redesigning my Silverlight screens? Is there a theme that looks like Sketchflow?

Whilst working in Silverlight I am always fighting the urge to work on the screen design rather than coding the behaviour (which is what I should be doing). My cunning plan is to find a theme that looks something like MS SketchFlow or Balsamiq which will remind me of the draft nature of the screens whilst being somewhat prettier than the default look & feel of Silverlight.
Does anyone know of such a theme? Alternatively can anyone give advise on how they overcame there design addiction :)
Hmm... Work in Visual Studio rather than Blend?
Alternatively, those Sketchflow controls are just that, normal controls that are styled. If you create one of the demo sketchflow projects in blend you can just grab the style file, I think it's "SketchStyles.xaml" and reuse that where you need it.
(I used the 'KioskSketch' sample app btw)

How would I write an HLSL bevel shader for Silverlight?

I know that Silverlight doesn't directly support the WPF bitmap effects, but I also know that Silverlight 3 supports HLSL shaders. Would it be relatively simple to write a bevel effect, ilke the one in WPF, and if so, can somebody recommend a good resource to learn how to do it?
Check out this thread:
Vote below for adding muilti-pass shaders which would make this possible.

How can I obtain a sketch or hand-drawn look in Silverlight for various controls?

I am looking to create a Silverlight application that employs a control style similar to what one might see when using Balsamiq Mockups or SketchFlow.
I am not sure how this look is best achieved in Silverlight. My initial thought is that clever use of a pixel shader effect on the desired control might just do the trick, however, my searches for a similar solution have failed.
What might be the best approach for drawing controls with a hand-drawn look in Silverlight?
Can this be done with a custom pixel shader?
Note: I am using Silverlight 3, but would not be opposed to using Silverlight 4 Beta if it provided a more elegant solution to the problem.
This guy has a HandDrawnBorder style in the source he provides on his website. An example of using his styles is shown here. It does say that this is for the Beta2 of WPF but that the source should compile and be usable in later releases.
EDIT: Looks like the download is broken. Might have to do some hunting...
Check out UX Musings Rough theme.
There's also a nice set of sketch style icons I found on Icon Finder.
