XAML Unable to Read Values From Resx file - wpf

I have an composite application which has a Shell window and has some modules, each module is loaded on to the shell using MEF (Microsfot Prism). Shell Itself has a resource file default(Resource.resx) and for other languages(like Resource.ar-SA.resx) too to support Localilzation.
For Xaml : I had used x:Static Resource.KeyName
In c# Code : I had used GetString(keyName, culture) to get the required string.
To support Localization, I have added a line of code which gets the current culture of the system and loads the required Resx File.
For Setting the Current Culture.
Resource.Culture =
new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);
in App.Xaml.cs
All these work Completely fine.
Similarly, each module which is loaded using MEF has Resource files as mentioned above. But in case of Modules, resource Key defined in the Xaml for a specific language file is not working. Its always getting the values from the Default (Resource.Resx) file. But any key used in the code using ResourceManager class works fine.

I ended up keeping all my resources in an "Infrastructure" project so all the resources are loaded from one place, it just made it simpler.
My xaml bindings look like this
Get the refrence to your resx class.
now get the text
Content="{x:Static resources:Resources.Activity_Regarding}"
You might be doing this already but I cant see. You would want to make sure the namespace matches for the resx you want to use. So your modules namespace.


Fix XamlObjectWriterException, Cannot create unknown type in F#, FsXaml, WPF app?

I am getting this error in a WPF app that is built with F#, FsXaml, and Elmish.WPF.
Cannot create unknown type '{http://schemas.componentone.com/winfx/2006/xaml}C1ProgressIndicator'.
at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter.WriteStartObject(XamlType xamlType)
at FsXaml.InjectXaml.from(String file, Boolean loadFromResource, Object root)
A Views project contains XAML and includes a reference to C1.WPF.4.dll.
The XAML declares an instance of a control from C1.WPF.4.dll.
However, there is no F# code that uses any types from C1.WPF.4.dll.
Consequently, Views.dll does not contain a reference to C1.WPF.4.dll, as confirmed by IL Spy.
Consequently, when I build App.exe, C1.WPF.4.dll is not included in the output folder.
Consequently, I get a run-time error.
While I could include a reference to C1.WPF.4.dll in my App project, I would rather not.
Is there a better way to do this?
To get this to work:
In your XAML file, replace the XAML namespace with a CLR namespace. For example, instead of xmlns:c1="http://schemas.componentone.com/winfx/2006/xaml" use something like xmlns:c1="clr-namespace:C1.WPF;assembly=C1.WPF.4".
This is required because when App.exe is running, it may not have loaded the controls library yet. It is in the controls library that an attribute creates the mapping from XAML namespace to CLR namespace. By explicitly stating the CLR namespace and assembly, the XamlReader can find the class to instantiate.
Create a dummy instance in the Views code. The dummy instance is an instance of something from the controls library. This creates the dependency in Views.dll on the controls library.
// force the compiler to add a reference to C1.WPF.4.dll
let private forceC1DllReference = C1.WPF.Anchor.TopLeft
type MainWindowView = XAML< "MainWindow.xaml" >
This second one feels like a hack. I wonder if there is a better way to say, "Please add a reference to this DLL even if I'm not using types from it."

Set resource URI of .xaml component

I have a .xaml UserControl named MyUserControl.xaml and I want to set its resource URI.
Per default, WPF generates a URI that includes a resource name, which is equal to the resource it belongs to such as
for the .xaml named MyUserControl.xaml
How can I have a UserControl MyUserControl.xaml and make WPF generate an individual resource identifies such as
"/MyNamespace;component/myusercontrol_A.xaml" or
"/MyNamespace;component/myusercontrol_B.xaml" ?
The reason why I want to do that is described here.
In the image below you can see the resource identifier I am talking about:
and therein:
Note, that that question is the origin of this question and might help to understand its background.
After a week suffering and laboring with this issue, I finally found both the reason for the problem and its solution.
The problem lies within the auto-generated *.g.i.cs file, which is called by the InitializeComponent() method of a UserControl, as seen by the following:
This file generates a string (a Resource Locator) that expresses the path to that xaml-component, as seen by the following:
Now, if you have multiple versions of the same assembly and both versions include the same xaml-file, WPF does not know what xaml-file to instantiate, because the Resource Locator only references the name of the assembly but not its version.
This results in a TargetInvocationException, saying that
{"The component 'MyNamespace.MyUserControl' does not have a resource identified by the URI '/MyAssembly;comoponent/myusercontrol.xaml'"}
as follows:
The simple (but most definitely not obvious) solution for this is to add the version of the assembly to this Resource Locator. This can be achieved by modifying the build-file of the project by adding the <AssemblyVersion>-tag as follows:
Credits for this go to:
this blog
this SO thread

What is the correct way to define images in XAML

Currently I add an image in XAML this way :
Put the file in the project's folder, in a sub-directory named "Resources",
Set its "Build Action" property to "Resource",
Add in my XAML file : <Image Source="/Resources/myImage.png />
And it works great.
But in SO I keep seeing people writing this instead :
<Image Source="pack://application:,,,/MyApplicationNamespace;component/Resources/myImage.jpg" />
Also recently, I've found that in Project Properties -> Resources, you can add files like images, texts...
So which of these 3 possibilities should I use ?
The Image Source="/Resources/myImage.png syntax used in your XAML to refer to an image in a sub folder is actually equivalent to the following syntax pack://application:,,,/Resources/myImage.jpg and this is one of the variations used to access binary resources in XAML.
Since the first two options are the same written differently this leaves us with the third option.
When to use the resource file ?
I usually tend to use them when i have different resources assemblies that are used as satellite assemblies which are in turn used for localization to different cultures. Also they can be used when you want to access those resources and switch them at run-time.

WPF markupExtension only works if it's in the same namespace

I'm following a tutorial from here:
and everything works fine....Untill I devide my code in to different projects
So I have a class (TranslateExtension) that inherits from MarkupExtension. this allows me to add markup like this to WPF:
<TextBlock Text="{Mynamespace:Translate key1}" Margin="8" ></TextBlock>
and the textblock gets filled in with the necessary text
But when i want to put the front end in a different project I get the following exceptions:
The name "Translate" does not exist in the namespace
The type "Translate" was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been built
The tag "Translate" does not exist in XML namespace ....
I already have added a reference to the namespace on top of my XAML file and the namespace exists inside of the new project. I also have a reference from my Front end to my old project.
So everything works fine untill I extract the front end in to a different project....
IMPORTANT: If I take TranslateExtensions and Put it in the front end, with everything else in the old project, things magically work...
any ideas?
XAML namespaces starting with clr-namespace: are specific to an assembly. If you don't specify the assembly name, the current assembly is assumed.
The simplest option will be to use an assembly-qualified namespace:
For a more robust solution, you might want to look at the XmlnsDefinitionAttribute, which can be used to map multiple CLR namespaces across different assemblies to a single XML namespace URI.

XAML Resx localization not working as expected

I'm attempting to use a resx file to localize some strings I am using in a XAML file. I've looked around at other documentation on the web, and they all seem to recommend a two part process:
Add a clr-namespace to your window, like this:
Use that namespace to localize your string like this:
Content="{x:Static props:Resources.SharedSettings}"
I've done this, and also made sure that my resource classes are public, but I still get the following error from the XAML in step 2:
Cannot find the type 'Resources'.
Does anyone know what else might be causing this problem? Thanks in advance.
In order to make the Resources visible to XAML, you have to make sure that the code generation mode for the resources is set to public. In VS, you find that setting in a ComboBox near the top of the Resources designer window.
For more information on using .Net resources in XAML, you might want to refer to these blog posts: http://wpfglue.wordpress.com/category/localization/
Check if your .resx file is the default Resources.resx file inside the Properties directory of the Application assembly. If that is, there is no reason XAML couldn't find the public class Resources from the correct namespace under local assembly.
Try to specify the assembly name in Step 2 as recommended in this answer.
