cakephp and class 'PDO' - cakephp

I have done with my first project in Cakephp, and i have uploaded the files to but get error with class 'PDO', i think this error because those extensions:
so i have to ask my hosting company to enable this extensions , my question is :
1- is the extensions are safe or not ?
2- just the extensions i have to enable or there are another thing i have to do to make Cakephp work on my server ?
3- is something i have to do with my project before upload the files .

I think you can find all answers at


upload and download files by user in opencms 9

I am trying to create upload and download the files option by user from front-end created in OPENCMS 9. Could you please suggest/help me to get the solution as how to approach or any predefined modules available for the same.
I have already serached for the same and got some module "Synyx NetbeansOpenCmsUpload Module" but couldn't able to download this. Please suggest.
Take a look to the jLAN Function of OpenCms:

Watson document conversion not working for my downloaded pdf files

i tried following the steps mentioned "" and is able to load the app which works well with sample pdf file.
But when i try using my pdf file it throws error "Missing required parameters:
either params.file or params.document_id must be specified"
Also in the above mentioned git hub link the step 7 is not clear, it mentions run node setup.js but i am not able to find out that file.
has anybody faced this kind of issue.Kindly reply.
Thanks for pointing out the confusing step 7 in the document-conversion-nodejs repo. That's not a valid step and I've submitted a pull request to remove it.
You should be able to change the sample files with your own, if this is what you are trying to do. I would need to see some of your code to maybe figure out what is going on with it.
There is an alternative repository [watson-developer-cloud/node-sdk] that you also can use to create your NodeJS application. It also has an example (examples/document_conversion.v1.js) on how to run the service.
Besides entering your service credentials, all you need to do is place the document you want to convert in the "resources" folder and point to it in this line:
fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/resources/YOUR_DOCUMENT')
The tutorial and the API documentation could also be of help.

Error after installing CakePhp in Production setup

guys could somebody please help me out? I have just installed cakephp in my localhost
then I'm already getting errors.
Please check this out for reference screenshot of entire page
There may be a table exist namely 'reservations' in your database for which code is not exist.
Sp please create ReservationController.php in Controller folder as well as its Model in 'Model' Folder.
If you want to access any methods of the RestrictionController you have to create view files accordingly.

Does the Cakephp Media plugin work with Cakephp 2.0?

Does the Cakephp Media plugin work with Cakephp 2.0 ?
I have just downloaded the Media plugin and I don't know whether it works or not with Cakephp 2.0
You could try this fork on cake2 :
Which Cakephp Media plugin are you referring to? If it is this one: then the answer would be no as stated in the readme. If you are referring to a different one, then please add the link.
Here is a behavior that may be what you are looking for:

cakephp bake console acting weird?

I'm pretty new to CakePHP and i'm running through both the Cake Book and the Apress Book CakePHP from novice to professional, but i can't seem to understand what's going on on my bake console.
I've got it installed and seems to work fine. But when i type in cake bake it shows me this
Welcome to CakePHP v2.0.0 Console
App: htdocs
Path: W:\xampp\htdocs\
What is the path to the project you want to bake?
[W:\xampp\htdocs\myapp] >
instead of what the books say it should be
App : app
Path: /path-to/project/app
Interactive Bake Shell
[D]atabase Configuration
[T]est case
What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)
if i follow the questions on my cake console, it asks me the path to the directory layout i wish to copy, and then seems to override everything i have with that skel one.
on the other hand, if i follow the book's steps and type cake bake view or cake bake model it seems to understand that i'm talking about projects named view and model and tell me there's no database configuration for those projects, etc. So, if i type the project path first, i don't get to choose what to do. But if i leave it out, it has no way of knowing. See where this is going?
I'm using the regular Windows cmd.exe, not cygwin as i've seen some people recommending, and can provide more detail if needed. There's probably an easy solution for this, so I appreciate your help!
you are in the wrong path.
If you want to bake internal stuff (models, controllers, views, ...) etc
you need to navigate to the app folder and execute cake there
(or define your app path with -app)
details and hot tip for windows:
