Handlebar compiled html not recognizing template function in backbone.js - backbone.js

The project I am on is currently using Backbone.js to create a website and is using Handlebars (http://handlebarsjs.com/) as the templating system. I am attempting to create a sub-view that gets values from a json document into a corresponding template and then return that to a parent view.
The problem I am running into is that when I use
it then doesn't recognize the template function when I try to replace the tokens using
this.template({ identifier: value })
The template code is:
<div id="reference-template">
<div class="id">{{id}}</div>
<div class="reference">{{content}}</div>
The backbone model is:
function(_, Backbone){
var reference = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function(){}
return reference;
The backbone collection code is:
function(_, Backbone, Reference){
var References = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Reference,
parse:function(response){ return response; }
return new References;
The code in the parent view which calls the reference view is:
this.ref = new ReferenceView();
this.ref.model = this.model.page_refs; //page_refs is the section in the json which has the relevant content
this.ref.render(section); //section is the specific part of the json which should be rendered in the view
And the code in the ReferenceView is:
// These are path alias that we configured in our bootstrap
function($, _, Backbone, Handlebars, Reference, References, referenceViewTemplate) {
var ReferenceView = Backbone.View.extend({
//Define the default template
template: Handlebars.Compiler(referenceViewTemplate),
el: ".overlay-references",
model: new Reference,
initialize : function() {
this.model.bind('change', this.render, this);
return this;
// Render function
render : function(section) {
//this is where it says "TypeError: this.template is not a function"
return this;
I know this is a lot to read through and I appreciate anyone taking the time to do so, please let me know if there is anything else I can provide to clarify.

The answer is that apparently I was using the wrong function to compile the html. For some reason I typed in Handlebars.Compiler instead of Handlebars.compile
This hasn't solved all the problems in my project (template is being passed back now, but without the values entered), but at least it's a step forward.


Uncaught NoElError: An 'el' must be specified for a region

I'm trying to use this code for view animation and calling it BaseView:
then extending view like this:
], function (
) {
'use strict';
var LoginView, errorMap;
LoginView = BaseView.extend({
compiledTemplate: Handlebars.compile(loginTemplate),
events: {
'submit #loginForm': 'login'
initialize : function(options){
this.proxyLoginSuccess = options.loginSuccess;
this.errorMap = options.errorMap;
return LoginView;
It is giving me this error: Uncaught NoElError: An 'el' must be specified for a region.
I tried to remove this.ensureEl(); but doesn't make any difference. Appreciate any help.
You seem to be unclear about some Marionette concepts. The code you linked isn't a view, it's a Marionette Region, and is therefore used to show views, not to be extended from as in your code. This is how you would use it (e.g.):
fadeRegion: FadeTransitionRegion.extend({
el: "#some-selector"
Then, you instantiate a view instance and show it:
var myView = new LoginView({
el: "#another-selector"
In any case, your view needs to have an el attribute defined, either in the view definition, or when it gets instantiated (as above).
If you're still confused about the attributes and specifying them in the view definition or at run time, I'd suggest you read the free preview to my Marionette book where it's explained in more detail.

Bug while creating object in View

I'm working on a backbone.js project which is mainly to learn backbone framework itself.
However I'm stuck at this problem which i can't figure out but might have an idea about the problem...
I've got an Create View looking like this...
define(['backbone', 'underscore', 'jade!templates/addAccount', 'models/accountmodel', 'common/serializeObject'],
function(Backbone, underscore, template, AccountModel, SerializeObject){
return Backbone.View.extend({
template: template,
initialize: function(){
this.accCollection = this.options.accCollection;
events: {
'submit .add-account-form': 'saveAccount'
//Event functions
saveAccount: function(ev){
//Using common/serializeObject function to get a JSON data object from form
var myObj = $(ev.currentTarget).serializeObject();
this.accCollection.create(new AccountModel(myObj), {
success: function(){
myObj = null;
Backbone.history.navigate('accounts', {trigger:true});
error: function(){
//show 500?
//Display functions
render: function(){
$('.currentPage').html("<h3>Accounts <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'> </span> New Account</h3>");
//Render it in jade template
return this;
The problem is that for every single time I visit the create page and go to another and visit it again. It remebers it, it seems. And when i finally create a new account I get that many times I've visited total number of accounts...
So console.log("Saving!"); in saveAccount function is called x times visited page...
Do I have to close/delete current view when leaving it or what is this?
Here's a part of the route where i init my view..
"account/new" : function(){
var accCollection = new AccountCollection();
this.nav(new CreateAccountView({el:'.content', accCollection:accCollection}));
console.log("new account");
You have zombie views. Every time you do this:
new CreateAccountView({el:'.content', accCollection:accCollection})
you're attaching an event listener to .content but nothing seems to be detaching it. The usual approach is to call remove on a view to remove it from the DOM and tell it to clean up after itself. The default remove does things you don't want it to:
remove: function() {
return this;
You don't want that this.$el.remove() call since your view is not responsible for creating its own el, you probably want:
remove: function() {
this.$el.empty(); // Remove the content we added.
this.undelegateEvents(); // Unbind your event handler.
return this;
Then your router can keep track of the currently open view and remove it before throwing up another one with things like this:
this.currentView = new CreateAccountView({ ... });
While I'm here, your code will break as soon as you upgrade your Backbone. As of version 1.1:
Backbone Views no longer automatically attach options passed to the constructor as this.options, but you can do it yourself if you prefer.
So your initialize:
initialize: function(){
this.accCollection = this.options.accCollection;
won't work in 1.1+. However, some options are automatically copied:
constructor / initialize new View([options])
There are several special options that, if passed, will be attached directly to the view: model, collection, el, id, className, tagName, attributes and events.
so you could toss out your initialize, refer to this.collection instead of this.accCollection inside the view, and instantiate the view using:
new CreateAccountView({el: '.content', collection: accCollection})

Require.js module not seeing Backbone Router.js

In this simple Require/Backbone app
Why does app.js see Router but TestView.js not?
Here is the first line of app.js
define(['router'],function (Router) {
and here is the first line of TestView.js
Check out the repo for full details, download, run and check console log if you feel so inclined
More: Ok, the answer is - because of the order in which it is loaded and even if that were altered I have a circular dependency don't I? TestView needs Router, Router needs TestView.
In which case the solution might be
var r=require('router);
r.navigate or whatever
but, that seems like a shame that Router is not directly accessible everywhere and, is the above method good practice anyway?
Surely it happens because of circular dependency. To resolve it, you either pass router to view's constructor and remove router dependency from view's module, or use require('router') in your view.
1st option, router.js:
app_router.on('route:test', function () {
var testView = new TestView({router: app_router});
1st option, view.js:
define(['backbone'], function(Backbone){
var TestView=Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#test',
initialize: function() {
// get router from constructior options
this.router = this.options.router
render: function(){
console.log("TestView.js does not find 'Router',", this.router);
return TestView;
2nd option, view.js:
define(['backbone','router'], function(Backbone, router){
// at this point router module is not loaded yet so router is undefined
var TestView=Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#test',
initialize: function() {
// at this point router module is loaded and you may access it with require call
this.router = require('router');
render: function(){
console.log("TestView.js does not find 'Router',", this.router);
return TestView;
2nd option is also described here: http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#circular
You should define baseUrl property in your main.js file that contains RequireJS config.
In this way all paths to modules in your application will be relative to that baseUrl.
I downloaded and inspected your code. Following could be the issues:
require.js only works with AMDs. Since backbone no longer supports AMD. You will need to use AMD enabled version of Backbone. You can get it here
TestView is the dependency in you Router. So it loads before the Router is loaded.
You might want to improve the coding pattern. Here is my suggestion:
], function(Backbone, MainRouter){
'use strict';
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
App.router = new MainRouter();
return AppView;
], function(Backbone, TestView){
var Main = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'test': 'test'
test: function(){
new TestView({
// pass model or collection to the view
// model: new TestModel // remember to require
return Main;
Listening to events:
// in main.js
var window.Vent = {};
_.extend(window.Vent, Backbone.Events);
// now in any view you can trigger a event
$('something').on('click', function(){
window.Vent.trigger('somethinghappened', this);
// this is reference to current object
// now in other view you can do
window.Vent.on('somethinghappened', this.run, this);
// this in the end is the reference we passed when event was triggered
run: function(obj){
//this function will run when the event is triggered
// obj is the object who triggered the event
PS: why do you want to use router in view?? I have built quite a few backbone apps. Never needed to do so.
You can use available Backbone.history.navigate to achieve your goal easier, because Router.navigate is a simple wrapper for it. Consider this part of Backbone source:
navigate: function(fragment, options) {
Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);
return this;

Creating backbone views with models from other views

I am making changes to an application that uses backbone.js with Handlebars as the templating engine. After a change event fires I need to create html that is appended to the current DOM structure which is basically just a spit-out of information that is contained in the model. This change needed to fit in the already established application structure.
I have created a new view that uses a Handlebars template and the model to create the html. I then instantiate that view and call the render function and append the output using JQuery. What I am noticing is that when the html is rendered the model that is passed in because attributes on the $el instead of filling in the template (like I think it should).
View I'm altering:
$.hart.TestView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
template: Handlebars.compile($('#templateOne').html()),
initialize: function () {
this.model.on('change', function () {
}, this);
selectSomething: function () {
this.createMoreInfoHtml(); //function created for new view stuff
createMoreInfoHtml: function () {
var id = this.$el.attr('data-id', this.model.get("ID"));
$('.info').each(function () {
if ($(this).parent().attr('data-id') == id
var view = new $.hart.NewView(this.model, Handlebars.compile($("#NewTemplate").html()));
$('h1', this.$el).after(view.render().el);
render: function () {
... //render logic
View I Created:
$.hart.NewView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (model, template) {
this.model = model;
this.template = template;
render: function () {
this.$el.html(this.template({ info: this.model }));
return this;
Json the is the model:
"DateOfBirth":"3/11/2011 12:00:00 AM",
The template
<script id="NewTemplate" type="text/html">
<span>Pet Name: </span>
So now to the question: What am I doing wrong? Why are the properties of the model being created as attributes on the $el instead of filling in the template? Can someone please direct me as to how to get the results I am looking for?
Let's skip the problem Jack noticed.
The way you're creating your view is just wrong. It may work as you get the expected arguments in the initialize function, but it has unexpected behaviors you don't see. See the View's constructor:
var View = Backbone.View = function(options) {
this.cid = _.uniqueId('view');
this._configure(options || {});
Now let's have a look at this _configure method:
_configure: function(options) {
if (this.options) options = _.extend({}, _.result(this, 'options'), options);
_.extend(this, _.pick(options, viewOptions));
And of course...
var viewOptions = ['model', 'collection', 'el', 'id', 'attributes', 'className', 'tagName', 'events'];
Ok here we are... Basically when passing the model as the options argument, you're passing an object with an attributes key (the attributes of your model). But this attributes key is also used in the View to bind attributes to its element! Therefore the behavior your noticed.
Now, other wrong thing. You're compiling your template each time you create a new function, but not using it as a singleton either. Put your template in the view:
$.hart.NewView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile($("#NewTemplate").html(),
And change your view's creation to make the whole thing work:
new $.hart.NewView({model: this.model});
Oh, and get rid of this useless initialize method. You're just doing things Backbone already does.

RequireJS + BackboneJS - connect modules

I have a problem when I try to connect two modules containing two different views of BackboneJS.
In this module of RequireJS contains a view of backbone.
I need within this module, refer to another view of backbone that is in another module.
I modified the code to make it simpler
define (["jquery","backbone","collections/controlSearchCollection","views/currentPlaylist","jqueryUI"], function($, Backbone, controlSearchMusic, currentPlaylist){
var searchModule = Backbone.View.extend({
el: "#containerSearch",
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new controlSearchMusic();
"dblclick li":"select"
select: function(element){
var trackJSON ={};
trackJSON["id"]= "playCloud_"+$(element.target).attr("id");
currentPlaylist.collection.add(trackJSON); <--- Here is where this error
return searchModule;
Here, my other module of RequireJS containing a view of backboneJS. i need add to JSON from the first module.
define (["jquery","backbone","collections/controlCurrentPlaylistCollection","jqueryUI"], function($, Backbone, controlCurrentPlaylist){
var currentPlaylist = Backbone.View.extend({
el: "#currentPlaylist",
initialize: function(){
this.collection = new controlCurrentPlaylist();
this.collection.on("add", this.executeFunction, this);
executeFunction: function(song){
return currentPlaylist;
the two modules are instantiated in app.js
Someone can help me? Thanks you!
Without the exact error its hard to tell but it looks like you don't have created an instance of currentPlaylist. So currentPlaylist.collection is undefined and causing an error when your try to call the add function on it.
You can try this:
var cpl = new currentPlaylist(); // create instance
cpl.collection.add(trackJSON); // cpl.collection should be initialized here
