Mudflap and pointer arrays - c

I've just implemented a pretty complicated piece of software, but my school's testing system won't take it.
The system uses the so-called mudflap library which should be able to prevent illegal memory accesses better. As a consequence, my program generates segfaults when run on the school's testing system (I submit the source code and the testing system compiles it for itself, using the mudflap library).
I tried to isolate the problematic code in my program, and it seems that it all boils down to something as simple as pointer arrays. Mudflap doesn't seem to like them.
Below is a piece of some very simple code with that works with a pointer array:
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char** rows;
strcpy(rows[0], "abc");
strcpy(rows[1], "abc");
strcpy(rows[2], "abc");
free(rows[0]); free(rows[1]); free(rows[2]);
return 0;
This will generate a segfault with mudflap. In my opinion, this is a perfectly legal code.
Could you please explain to me what is wrong with it, and why it generates a segfault with mudflap?
Note: The program should be compiled under an amd64 linux system with g++ using the following commands:
export MUDFLAP_OPTIONS='-viol-segv -print-leaks';
g++ -Wall -pedantic -fmudflap -fmudflapir -lmudflap -g file.cpp

You have at least one problem here:
char** rows;
This allocates 3 bytes. On most platforms the allocator probably has a minimum of at least 4 bytes which lets you get away with overwriting the buffer a bit. I'm guessing your mudflap library is more strict in its checking and catches the overwrite.
However, if you want an array of 3 char * pointers, you probably need at least 12 bytes.
Try changing these lines to:
char** rows;
rows=(char**)malloc(3 * sizeof(char *));
EDIT: Based on your modified code, I agree it looks correct now. The only thing I can suggest is that perhaps malloc() is failing and causing a NULL pointer access. If thats not the case it sounds like a bug or misconfiguration of mudflap.


How does gcc resolve malloc?

Since I started to learn c and c++, it has always confused me about some special functions such as "printf", "malloc","free","fork","new" and the standard iostream "cout" and "cin",whenever I try to go to definition of these members, it ends up with nothing or a simple declaration, I could never find the definition of them.Recently I'm learning compliers and the process of linking and it still seems unclear for these things.
suppose a simple a.c
int main()
int* a = malloc(sizeof(int));
the function "malloc" was declared in "stdlib.h" but with has not defined.
now I use gcc to compile it:
gcc -Wall a.c -o out;
However, this command execute successfully,
so I am wondering since there is no link options, how does it resolve the "malloc" function?
And I know it was implemented through OS-specified system call, but how does the call-tree looks like? I don't care much about the algorithm it uses, because it's too complicated for me, but I want to have a general idea of how these c standard library function works, Thanks!

c - Actions that should be undefined are seemingly acting very "defined". Why?

I'm aware that in C you may write beyond the end of allocated memory, and that instead of crashing this just leads to undefined behaviour, but somehow after testing many times, even with loops, and other variables, the output is always exactly as expected.
Specifically, I've been writing to an integer beyond the bounds of malloc(1), as such.
int *x = malloc(1);
*x = 123456789;
It's small enough to fit in 4 bytes (my compiler warns me that it will overflow it it's too large, which makes sense), but still clearly larger than one byte, however it still somehow works. I haven't been able to run a single test that didn't either work in a very "defined"-looking manner, or segfault immediately. Such tests include repeatedly recompiling and running the program, and outputting the value of x, trying to write over it with a giant array, and trying to write over it with an array of length 0, going beyond its boundaries.
After seeing this, I immediately went and tried to edit a string literal, which should be read-only. But somehow, it worked, and seemed consistent also.
Can someone recommend a test I may use to demonstrate undefined behaviour? Is my compiler (Mingw64 on Windows 10) somehow doing something to make up for my perceived stupidity? Where are the nasal demons?
The term "Undefined Behavior" embodies two different concepts: actions whose behavior isn't specified by anything, and actions whose behavior isn't specified by the C Standard, but is specified by many implementations. While some people, including the maintainers of some compilers, refuse to acknowledge the existence of the second category, the authors of the Standard described it explicitly:
Undefined behavior gives the implementor license not to catch certain program errors that are difficult to diagnose. It also identifies areas of possible conforming language extension: the implementor may augment the language by providing a definition of the officially undefined behavior.
On most implementations, your program would be example of the first kind. Implementations will typically, for their own convenience, pad small allocation requests up to a certain minimum size, and will also pad larger allocation requests if needed to make them be a multiple of a certain size. They generally do not document this behavior, however. Your code should only be expected to behave meaningfully on an implementation which documents the behavior of malloc in sufficient detail to guarantee that the requisite amount of space will be available; on such an implementation, your code would invoke UB of the second type.
Many kinds of tasks would be impossible or impractical without exploiting the second kind of UB, but such exploitation generally requires disabling certain compiler optimizations and diagnostic features. I can't think of any reason why code that wanted space for 4 bytes would only malloc one, unless it was designed to test the behavior of an allocator which would use the storage immediately past the end of an allocation for a particular documented purpose.
One of the trademarks of undefined behavior is that the same code can behave differently on different compilers or with different compiler settings.
Given this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int *x = malloc(1);
x[100000] = 123456789;
return 0;
If I compile this on my local machine with -O0 and run it, the code segfaults. If I compile with -O3, it doesn't.
[dbush#centos72 ~]$ gcc -O0 -Wall -Wextra -o x1 x1.c
[dbush#centos72 ~]$ ./x1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[dbush#centos72 ~]$ gcc -O3 -Wall -Wextra -o x1 x1.c
[dbush#centos72 ~]$ ./x1
[dbush#centos72 ~]$
Of course, this is just on my machine. Yours may do something entirely different.

Stack overflow silenced on linux?

On Linux I have a code that use a array declared inside the main function with a sixe of 2MB + 1 byte
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_DATA (2097152) /* 2MB */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Reserve 1 byte for null termination */
char data[MAX_DATA + 1];
return 0;
When I compiled on Linux with gcc I run it without any problem. But on Windows I get a runtime error. At moment of run it I have 5GB of free memory.
For solve the problem on Windows I need specify other stack size:
gcc -Wl,--stack,2097153 -o test.exe test.c
or declare the data array outside the main function.
Because that the program compiled on linux was linked without change the stack size?
Why it run ok on Linux but fail on Windows?
I use the same source code and the same gcc instructions:
gcc -Wall -O source.c -o source
Because malloc implementation on linux i think is not reliable because it can return a not null pointer even if memory is not available.
I think that in the program that is running on the Linux, it maybe silently ignore a stack problem?.
Is possible that the program that is running on Linux that was not linked changing the stack size, but not fail at runtime unlike Windows, is silently ignoring a stack problem?
Also, why if I declare the array outside the main function it Works ok on Windows? In case it use heap why I not need free it?
Why does it run fine on Linux but fails on Windows?
Because the default stack size for a process or thread is system dependant:
On Windows, the default stack reservation size used by the linker is 1 MB.
On Linux/Unix, the maximum stack size can be configured through the ulimit command. In addition, you can configure the stack size when creating a new thread.
Because malloc implementation on linux i think is not reliable because it can return a not null pointer even if memory is not available.
I suppose that you are talking about the overcommit issue. To overcome this, you can use calloc and check the return value. If you do this at the very beginning of your application, you can immediately exit with an appropriate error message.

Debugging a crash within C preprocessor macro with gdb

I have a C program with a multi-line macro and the program crashes within the macro, how can I pinpoint the location within the macro where the crash happens?
Here is a simplified version of my program. In reality CRASHES is multiple lines long and not easily expandable manually.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define CRASHES(ptr) \
(*(ptr) == 123)
char *foo = NULL;
if (CRASHES(foo))
printf("This will never happen.");
When compiling and running this with gdb a.out I get the expected EXC_BAD_ACCESS (I am on Mac OS X with gdb 6.3), however the crash points to line 8 and not line 4 where the crash is actually caused.
I already tried compiling the program with additional debugging flags -gdwarf-2 and -g3 as suggested by the docs and inserted several assert()s within the macro itself. Unfortunately that did not provide more information.
lots of valuable information here about macro debugging.
...another approach is to use the preprocessor, i.e. compile it using -E and copy-paste the expanded macro into your src-code and see if you can debug from there.
Of course this crashes since you are deferencing a NULL pointer...(it was not this the question right?). With this particular example, it is easy: gcc -g2, and gdb says
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x080483d9 in main () at crash.c:10
10 if (CRASHES(foo))
which is rather clear, you expand by yourself the macro and see why (since *foo == 123 access memory you can't read, since foo is NULL). In more complex cases, gcc -E helps, or avoid using macros.
You don't say anything about how it crashes. If it's a segfault, be aware that it might occur a bit later than when you actually dereferenced the bad pointer value.
I there any way you could convert it to an actual function? This is one of the great evils of macros.

dlmalloc crash on Win7

For some time now I've been happily using dlmalloc for a cross-platform project (Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu). Recently, however, it seems that using dlmalloc leads to a crash-on-exit on Windows 7.
To make sure that it wasn't something goofy in my project, I created a super-minimal test program-- it doesn't do anything but return from main. One version ("malloctest") links to dlmalloc and the other ("regulartest") doesn't. On WinXP, both run fine. On Windows 7, malloctest crashes. You can see screencasts of the tests here.
My question is: why is this happening? Is it a bug in dlmalloc? Or has the loader in Windows 7 changed? Is there a workaround?
fyi, here is the test code (test.cpp):
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
return 0;
and here is the nmake makefile:
all: regulartest.exe malloctest.exe
malloctest.exe: malloc.obj test.obj
link /out:$# $**
regulartest.exe: test.obj
link /out:$# $**
del *.exe *.obj
For brevity, I won't include the dlmalloc source in this post, but you can get it (v2.8.4) here.
Edit: See these other relavent SO posts:
Is there a way to redefine malloc at link time on Windows?
Globally override malloc in visual c++
Looks like a bug in the C runtime. Using Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7, I reproduced the same problem. After some quick debugging by putting breakpoints in dlmalloc and dlfree, I saw that dlfree was getting called with an address that it never returned earlier from dlmalloc, and then it was hitting an access violation shortly thereafter.
Thankfully, the C runtime's source code is distributed along with VS, so I could see that this call to free was coming from the __endstdio function in _file.c. The corresponding allocation was in __initstdio, and it was calling _calloc_crt to allocate its memory. _calloc_crt calls _calloc_impl, which calls HeapAlloc to get memory. _malloc_crt (used elsewhere in the C runtime, such as to allocate memory for the environment and for argv), on the other hand, calls straight to malloc, and _free_crt calls straight to free.
So, for the memory that gets allocated with _malloc_crt and freed with _free_crt, everything is fine and dandy. But for the memory that gets allocated with _calloc_crt and freed with _free_crt, bad things happen.
I don't know if replacing malloc like this is supported -- if it is, then this is a bug with the CRT. If not, I'd suggest looking into a different C runtime (e.g. MinGW or Cygwin GCC).
Using dlmalloc in cross-platform code is an oxymoron. Replacing any standard C functions (especially malloc and family) results in undefined behavior. The closest thing to a portable way to replace malloc is using search-and-replace (not #define; that's also UB) on the source files to call (for example) my_malloc instead of malloc. Note that internal C library functions will still use their standard malloc, so if the two conflict, things will still blow up. Basically, trying to replace malloc is just really misguided. If your system really has a broken malloc implementation (too slow, too much fragmentation, etc.) then you need to do your replacement in an implementation-specific way, and disable the replacement on all systems except ones where you've carefully checked that your implementation-specific replacement works correctly.
