GAE MapReduce Huge Query - google-app-engine

Abstract: Is MapReduce a good idea when processing a collection of data from the database, instead of finding some answer to a somewhat complex (or just big) question?
I would like to sync a set of syndication sources (e.g. urls like ), which are stored in GAE's datastore as a collection/table. I see two options, one is straight forward. Make simple tasks which you put in a queue, where each task handle's 100 or 1000 or whatever natural number seems to fit in each task. The other option is MapReduce.
In the latter case, the Map does everything, and the Reduce does nothing. Moreover, the map has no result, it just alters the 'state' (of the datastore).
#Override public void map(Entity entity) {
String url = (String)entity.getProperty("url");
for(Post p : www.fetchPostsFromFeed(url)) {;
As you can see, one source can map to many posts, so my map might as well be called "Explode".
So no emits and nothing for reduce to do. The reason I like this map-approach, is that I tell google: Here, take my collection/table, split it however you see fit to different mappers, and then store the posts wherever you like. The datastore uses 'high replication'. So availability of the data is high and a best choice for what 'computational unit' does what entity doesn't really reduce network communication. The same goes for the save of the posts, as they need to go to all datastore units. What I do like is that mapreduce has some way of fault-recovery for map-computations that get stuck, and that it knows how many tasks to send to which node, instead of queueing some number of entities somewhere hoping it makes sense.
Maybe my way of thinking here is wrong, in which case, please correct me. Anyhow, is this approach 'wrong' for the lack of reduce and map being an 'explode'?

Nope, Map pretty does the same as as your manual enqueuing of tasks.


Apache Flink - Filter Performance Tips

Let's say you are working on a big flink project. And also you are keyBy the client ip addresses of your customers.
And realized that you are going to filter the same things in the different code places like that:
public void calculationOne(){
public void calculationTwo(){
And assumed that they are many kafkaSource.filter(isContainsSmthA)..
Now this structure leads to performance issue in the flink?
If I did something like the below, would be much better?
public Stream filteredA(){
return kafkaSource.filter(isContainsSmthA);
public void calculationOne(){
public void calculationTwo(){
It depends a bit on how it should behave operationally.
The first way is a more friendly to the Kafka cluster: all records are read once. The filter itself is a very cheap operation, so you don't need to worry to much about it. However, the big downside of this approach is that if one calculations is much slower than the others, it will slow them down. If you do not process historic events, it shouldn't matter as you'd size your application cluster to keep up with all events anyways. Another current downside is that if you have a failure in calculationTwo also tasks in calculationOne are restarted. The community is actively working to mitigate that though.
The second way would allow only the affected source -> ... -> sink subtopology to be restarted. So if you expect frequent restarts or need to guarantee certain SLAs, this approach is better. An extension is to actually have separate Flink applications for each of these pipelines. You can share the same jar, but use different arguments to select the correct pipeline on submission. This approach also makes updating of applications much easier as you would only experience downtime for the pipeline that you actually modify.
I might do something like below, where a simple wrapper operator can run data through two different functions, and generate two side outputs.
SingleOutputStreamOperator comboResults = kafkaSource
.process(new MyWrapperFunction(processA, processB));
Though I don't know how that compares with what Arvid suggested. couchdb findAll is it efficient and alternative way

I'm using for a web app I'm making. I like the simplicity of it however there's something I'm not too sure about.
When retrieving data from the couchDB there is a method: findAll - which as an example looks like:'todo')
.done(function(allTodos) {
//do something with allTodos
What I was wondering/don't really like is the fact that I'm getting all the items of type todo then filtering down once I have e.g. todo with todays date.
Instead of getting all of them, is it possible to just get ones I actually want.
I know there is a find method but that requires an id which i won't have.
Or do i simply not need to worry about this - is the call to get all data not that expensive (if i had 1000+ records I feel it may be).
Any guidance would be appreciated.
You don't need to worry about it.
Hoodie stores all data in your browser, from where it also retrieves the data, it does not send any requests to CouchDB in the background when you call'todo')
In future, this particular call will become more efficient as Hoodie will use indexing by object types, but unless you have thousands of objects per user, you shouldn't even see the the difference

Self Tracking Entities Traffic Optimization

I'm working on a personal project using WPF with Entity Framework and Self Tracking Entities. I have a WCF web service which exposes some methods for the CRUD operations. Today I decided to do some tests and to see what actually travels over this service and even though I expected something like this, I got really disappointed. The problem is that for a simple update (or delete) operation for just one object - lets say Category I send to the server the whole object graph, including all of its parent categories, their items, child categories and their items, etc. I my case it was a 170 KB xml file on a really small database (2 main categories and about 20 total and about 60 items). I can't imagine what will happen if I have a really big database.
I tried to google for some articles concerning traffic optimization with STE, but with no success, so I decided to ask here if somebody has done something similar, knows some good practices, etc.
One of the possible ways I came out with is to get the data I need per object with more service calls:
return context.Categories.ToList();//only the categories
return context.Items.ToList();//only the items
Instead of:
return context.Categories.Include("Items").ToList();
This way the categories and the items will be separated and when making changes or deleting some objects the data sent over the wire will be less.
Has any of you faced a similar problem and how did you solve it or did you solve it?
We've encountered similiar challenges. First of all, as you already mentioned, is to keep the entities as small as possible (as dictated by the desired client functionality). And second, when sending entities back over the wire to be persisted: strip all navigation properties (nested objects) when they haven't changed. This sounds very simple but is not at all trivial. What we do is to recursively dig into the entities present in trackable collections of say the "topmost" entity (and their trackable collections, and theirs, and...) and remove them when their ChangeTracking state is "Unchanged". But be carefull with this, because in some cases you still need these entities because they have been removed or added to trackable collections of their parent entity (so then you shouldn't remove them).
This, what we call "StripEntity", is also mentioned (not with any code sample or whatsoever) in Julie Lerman's - Programming Entity Framework.
And although it might not be as efficient as a more purist kind of approach, the use of STE's saves a lot of code for queries against the database. We are not in need for optimal performance in a high traffic situation, so STE's suit our needs and takes away a lot of code to communicate with the database. You have to decide for your situation what the "best" solution is. Good luck!
You can find an Entity Framework project item at With version 0.9.8, I added a method called GetObjectGraphChanges() that returns an optimized entity object graph with only objects that have changes.
Also, there are two helper methods: EstimateObjectGraphSize() and EstimateObjectGraphChangeSize(). The first method returns the estimate size of the whole entity object along with its object graph; and the later returns the estimate size of the optimized entity object graph with only object that have changes. With these two helper methods, you can decide whether it makes sense to call GetObjectGraphChanges() or not.

How to model Data Transfer Objects for different front ends?

I've run into reoccuring problem for which I haven't found any good examples or patterns.
I have one core service that performs all heavy datasbase operations and that sends results to different front ends (html, silverlight/flash, web services etc).
One of the service operation is "GetDocuments", which provides a list of documents based on different filter criterias. If I only had one front-end, I would like to package the result in a list of Document DTOs (Data transfer objects) that just contains the data. However, different front-ends needs different amounts of "metadata". The simples client just needs the document headline and a link reference. Other clients wants a short text snippet of the document, another one also wants a thumbnail and a third wants the name of the author. Its basically all up to the implementation of the GUI what needs to be displayed.
Whats the best way to model this:
As a lot of different DTOs (Document, DocumentWithThumbnail, DocumentWithTextSnippet)
tends to become a lot of classes
As one DTO containing all the data, where the client choose what to display
Lots of unnecessary data sent
As one DTO where certain fields are populated based on what the client requested
Tends to become a very large class that needs to be extended over time
One DTO but with some kind of generic "Metadata" field containing requested metadata.
Or are there other options?
Since I want a high performance service, I need to think about both network load and caching strategies.
Does anyone have any good patterns or practices that might help me?
What I would do is give the front end the ability to request the presence of the wanted metadata ( say getDocument( WITH_THUMBNAILS | WITH_TEXT_SNIPPET ) )
Then this DTO is built with only this requested information.
Adding all the possible metadata is as you said, unacceptable.
I will surely stay with one class defining all the possible methods (getTitle(), getThumbnail()) and if possible it will return a placeholder when the thumbnail was not requested. Something like "Image not available".
If you want to model this like a pattern, take a look at the factory patterns.
Hope this helps you.
Is there any noticable cost to creating a DTO that has all the data any of your views could need and using it everywhere? I would do that, especially since it insulates you from a requirement change down the line to have one of the views incorporate data one of the other views uses
ex. Maybe your silverlight/flash view doesn't show the title itself b/c it's in the thumb now, but they decide they want to sort by it later.
To clarify, I do not necesarily think you need to pass down all of the data every time, but I think your DTO class should define all of them. Just don't fall into the pits of premature optimization or analysis paralysis. Do the simplest thing first, then justify added complexity. Throw it all in and profile it. If the perf is unacceptable, optimize and try again.

Is it bad practice to "go deep" with your application of callbacks?

Weird question, but I'm not sure if it's anti-pattern or not.
Say I have a web app that will be rendering 1000 records to an html table.
The typical approach I've seen is to send a query down to the database, translate the records in some way to some abstract state (be it an array, or a object, etc) and place the translated records into a collection that is then iterated over in the view.
As the number of records grows, this approach uses up more and more memory.
Why not send along with the query a callback that performs an operation on each of the translated rows as they are read from the database? This would mean that you don't need to collect the data for further iteration in the view so the memory footprint shrinks, and you're not iterating over the data twice.
There must be something implicitly wrong with this approach, because I rarely see it used anywhere. What's wrong with this approach?
Actually, this is exactly how a well-developed application should behave.
There is nothing wrong with this approach, except that not all database interfaces allow you to do this easily.
If we talk about tabularizing 10 records for a yet another social network, there is no need to mess with callbacks if you can get an array of hashes or whatever with a single call that is already implemented for you.
There must be something implicitly wrong with this approach, because I rarely see it used anywhere.
I use it. Frequently. Even when i wouldn't use too much memory repeatedly copying the data, using a callback just seems cleaner. In languages with closures, it also lets you keep relevant code together while factoring out the messy DB stuff.
This is a "limited by your tools" class of problem: Most programming languages don't allow to say "Do something around this code". This was solved in recent years with the advent of closures. Think of a closure as a way to pass code into another method which is then executed in a context. For example, in GSQL, you can write:
def l = []
sql.execute ("select id from table where time > ?", time) { row ->
l << row[0]
This will open a connection to the database, create a statement and a result set and then run the l << it[0] for each row the DB returns. Note that the code runs inside of sql.execute() but it can access local variables (l) and variables defined in sql.execute() (row).
With this kind of code, you can even generate the result of a HTTP request on the fly without keeping much of the page in RAM at any time. In my case, I'd stream a 2MB document to the browser using only a few KB of RAM and the browser would then chew 83s to parse this.
This is roughly what the iterator pattern allows you to do. In many cases this breaks down on the interface between your application and the database. Technologies like LINQ even have solutions that can send back code to the database.
I've found it easier to use an interface resolver than deep callback where its hooked up through several classes. MS has a much fancier version than mine called Unity. This provides a much cleaner way of accessing classes that should not be tightly coupled
