expected identifier or '(' before '{' token in Flex - c

I am trying to use flex and yacc to parse 'C' source code. Unfortunately I am getting the error "expected identifier or '(' before '{' token" on lines 1,12,13,14... . Any ideas why?
This is my flex file (called mini.l):
digit [0-9]
letter [a-zA-Z]
number (digit)+
id (letter|_)(letter|digit|_)*
integer (int)
character (char)
comma [,]
{integer} {return INT;}
{character} {return CHAR;}
{number} {return NUM;}
{id} {return IDENTIFIER;}
{comma} {return ',';}
[-+*/] {return *yytext;}
. {}
The corresponding yacc file (called my_yacc.y) is as shown below:
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* #include "myhead.h" */
#include "mini.l"
#define YYSTYPE double
# undef fprintf
%token INT
%token CHAR
%token NUM
%token ','
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%right UMINUS
lines:lines expr '\n' {printf("%g\n",$2);}
|lines '\n'
expr :expr '*' expr {$$=$1*$3;}
|expr '/' expr {$$=$1/$3;}
|expr '+' expr {$$=$1+$3;}
|expr '-' expr {$$=$1+$3;}
|'(' expr ')' {$$=$2;}
|'-' expr %prec UMINUS {$$=-$2;}
|NUM {}
T :INT {}
|CHAR {}
D :T L {printf("T is %g, L is %g",$1,$2);}
/*void yyerror (char *s)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
I am compiling the generated code using the commands:
flex mini.l
yacc my_yacc.y
gcc y.tab.c -ly

The errors you are seeing are coming from the C compiler and are caused by you misunderstanding of how flex and yacc work together. When I run it though the same tools as you, I get the following errors, as you also do, and as noted by #KeithThompson:
In file included from my_yacc.y:5:0:
mini.l:1:1: error: expected identifier or '(' before '%' token
mini.l:5:1: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before' letter'
letter [a-zA-Z]
mini.l:12:11: error: expected identifier or '(' before '{' token
{integer} {return INT;}
... elided the rest ...
Although you have used the commands flex, yacc and gcc in the correct sequence, you have included the file mini.l in your bison input. This is incorrect. You should be including the output of the flex that was created from mini.l. This file is called lex.yy.c. It is also necessary to include this at the end on the yacc input file. (This is because if you don't you get the error found by #flolo). If you make the necessary changes to your yacc file, you will have this:
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* #include "myhead.h" */
/* #include "mini.l" */
#define YYSTYPE double
# undef fprintf
%token INT
%token CHAR
%token NUM
%token ','
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%right UMINUS
lines:lines expr '\n' {printf("%g\n",$2);}
|lines '\n'
expr :expr '*' expr {$$=$1*$3;}
|expr '/' expr {$$=$1/$3;}
|expr '+' expr {$$=$1+$3;}
|expr '-' expr {$$=$1+$3;}
|'(' expr ')' {$$=$2;}
|'-' expr %prec UMINUS {$$=-$2;}
|NUM {}
T :INT {}
|CHAR {}
D :T L {printf("T is %g, L is %g",$1,$2);}
void yyerror (char *s)
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
#include "lex.yy.c"
If you run your command sequence on this now, you will find it both compiles and runs, and also process C language input correctly.
The mistake you made is a common error made by new users to the tools flex and yacc.


How do I parse the type of custom defined datatypes in header file of a C code using bison/flex?

I am learning bison/flex. I successfully parse a simple c code file with bison/flex.
Now I was wondering on parsing the included header file in a test c code using bison/flex. Will it can do that ?
To put in a simpler way, I am attaching sample code to give idea of my question.
Here is the Test file that includes a header file (.h) also.
test.c which includes a header file header.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "header.h"
int main (int c, int b)
bigNumber a; /* I wanted that when parser come across to
"bigNumber" then it knows the datatype of
"bigNumber" and print its
type as defined in "header.h" */
while ( 1 )
newData d; /* Same should happen to "newData" also */
#define newData int
#define bigNumber double
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "c.tab.h"
alpha [a-zA-Z]
digit [0-9]
[ \t] { ; }
[ \n] { yylineno = yylineno + 1;}
int { return INT; }
float { return FLOAT; }
char { return CHAR; }
void { return VOID; }
double { return DOUBLE; }
for { return FOR; }
while { return WHILE; }
if { return IF; }
else { return ELSE; }
printf { return PRINTF; }
struct { return STRUCT; }
^"#include ".+ { ; }
{digit}+ { return NUM; }
{alpha}({alpha}|{digit})* { return ID; }
"<=" { return LE; }
">=" { return GE; }
"==" { return EQ; }
"!=" { return NE; }
">" { return GT; }
"<" { return LT; }
"." { return DOT; }
\/\/.* { ; }
\/\*(.*\n)*.*\*\/ { ; }
. { return yytext[0]; }
bison file (c.y)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int count=0;
extern FILE *fp;
%token FOR WHILE
%token STRUCT
%token NUM ID
%token INCLUDE
%token DOT
%right '='
%left AND OR
%left '<' '>' LE GE EQ NE LT GT
: Function
| Declaration
/* Declaration block */
: Type Assignment ';'
| Assignment ';'
| FunctionCall ';'
| ArrayUsage ';'
| Type ArrayUsage ';'
| StructStmt ';'
| error
/* Assignment block */
: ID '=' Assignment
| ID '=' FunctionCall
| ID '=' ArrayUsage
| ArrayUsage '=' Assignment
| ID ',' Assignment
| NUM ',' Assignment
| ID '+' Assignment
| ID '-' Assignment
| ID '*' Assignment
| ID '/' Assignment
| NUM '+' Assignment
| NUM '-' Assignment
| NUM '*' Assignment
| NUM '/' Assignment
| '\'' Assignment '\''
| '(' Assignment ')'
| '-' '(' Assignment ')'
| '-' NUM
| '-' ID
| ID
/* Function Call Block */
: ID'('')'
| ID'('Assignment')'
/* Array Usage */
: ID'['Assignment']'
/* Function block */
: Type ID '(' ArgListOpt ')' CompoundStmt
: ArgList
: ArgList ',' Arg
| Arg
: Type ID
: '{' StmtList '}'
: StmtList Stmt
: WhileStmt
| Declaration
| ForStmt
| IfStmt
| PrintFunc
| ';'
/* Type Identifier block */
/* Loop Blocks */
: WHILE '(' Expr ')' Stmt
| WHILE '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt
/* For Block */
: FOR '(' Expr ';' Expr ';' Expr ')' Stmt
| FOR '(' Expr ';' Expr ';' Expr ')' CompoundStmt
| FOR '(' Expr ')' Stmt
| FOR '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt
/* IfStmt Block */
: IF '(' Expr ')' Stmt
/* Struct Statement */
: STRUCT ID '{' Type Assignment '}'
/* Print Function */
: PRINTF '(' Expr ')' ';'
/*Expression Block*/
| Expr LE Expr
| Expr GE Expr
| Expr NE Expr
| Expr EQ Expr
| Expr GT Expr
| Expr LT Expr
| Assignment
| ArrayUsage
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r");
printf("\nParsing complete\n");
printf("\nParsing failed\n");
return 0;
yyerror(char *s) {
printf("%d : %s %s\n", yylineno, s, yytext );
int yywrap()
return 1;
what modification should be done in lexer (.l) and bison (.y) file so that while parsing c file, if that c file includes some header file then it go to that header file reads it and return to original test c file and if the custom defined datatype is present then it will know its datatype from header file and prints it.
Will it can be possible?
What modification I have to make ?
Thank you
Flex has a feature which makes it relatively easy to handle things like C's #include directive. It's described at length in the flex manual chapter on multiple input buffers, with code examples, and you should refer to that document for precise details. (I put some sample code at the end of this answer.)
In the flex manual, the scanner itself recognizes the #include directive and handles the inclusion transparently; the parser never sees the directive. That has a certain appeal; the parser only needs to parse a stream of tokens, and the lexical analyser takes full responsibility for producing the token stream, which includes reading from included files.
But as your header.h shows, handling #include directives is not all that is required. To actually parse C, you need to implement the C preprocessor, or at least as much of it as you care about. That includes being able to #define macros, and it also includes substituting the macro definition for any use of the macro in the program. That's a much more complicated process. And that's not all, because the preprocessor also allows conditional inclusion (#ifdef, #if, etc.). In order to implement the #if directive, you need to be able to parse and evaluate an arbitrary arithmetic expression (without variables but with macro substitution), which might best be done by calling a C expression parser.
There are various ways of structuring a solution which includes a preprocessor. One possibility is to implement the entire preprocessor in the lexical scanner, consistent with the sample code included in this answer. However, as can also be seen in that sample code, such an implementation will be quite irritating because it will basically involve writing a state machine for each preprocessor directive, something which could much more easily be accomplished with a parser generator.
So a second possibility is to embed the preprocessor in the C parser. But that will require a lot of communication from the parser to the lexer, complicated by the fact that the parse is not usually synchronised with the lexical analysis (because the parser often has read a lookahead token which has not yet been parsed when parser actions execute). For example, if the macro definition mapping is kept in the parser, then the parser will have to be able to push replacement tokens onto the input stream so that they are subsequently read before the lookahead token.
And yet another possibility is to put the preprocessor as a third component, between the lexer and the parser. Bison can produce "push-parsers", in which the parser is called with each successive token rather than calling yylex every time it needs a token. That's a much more convenient interface for integrating with a macro preprocessor. In this model, the preprocessor could be implemented as a separate bison-generated parser which reads tokens from the lexer in the normal way and feeds them one at a time to the C parser using the push API.
The full preprocessor implementation is not as complicated as a C compiler. But it's not something which can be summarised in a few paragraphs in a Stack Overflow answer.
So the best I can do here is provide a simple implementation (adapted from the flex manual) for the buffer state stack implementation of the #include directive. I assume that you are familiar with (f)lex "start conditions", which are used to build a simple state machine for parsing preprocessor directives. If not, see the previous chapter of the flex manual.)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* If a line starts with a #, handle it as a preprocessor directive */
^[[:blank:]]*# { begin(PP); }
/* The rest of your rules go here */
/* ... */
/* This state parses only the first word of the directive. */
[[:blank:]]+ ; /* Ignore whitespace */
"/*"[^*]*[*]+([^*/][^*]*[*]+)*"/" ; /* Also ignore comments */
include { begin(PP_INCLUDE); } /* include directive */
/* Handle other preprocessor directives here */
\n { begin(INITIAL); } /* null directive does nothing */
.+ { yyerror("Invalid preprocessor directive"); }
/* This state parses and handles #include directives */
["][^"]+["] |
[<][^>]+[>] { yytext[yylen - 1] = 0;
FILE* incl = find_include_file(yytext + 1);
if (incl) {
yyin = incl;
yypush_buffer_state(yy_create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE));
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find include file %s\n", yytext + 1);
/* You might want to stop the parse instead of continuing. */
/* PP_INCLUDE_SKIP is used to ignore the rest of the preprocessor directive,
* producing an error if anything is on the line other than a comment.
[[:blank:]]+ ; /* Ignore whitespace */
"/*"[^*]*[*]+([^*/][^*]*[*]+)*"/" ; /* Also ignore comments */
.+|\n { yyerror("Invalid #include directive");
<*><<EOF>> { yypop_buffer_state();
/* The buffer stack starts with a buffer reading from yyin.
* If the EOF was found in the initial input file, the stack will
* be empty after the pop, and YY_CURRENT_BUFFER will be NULL. In
* that case, the parse is finished and we return EOF to the caller.
* Otherwise, we need to skip the rest of the #include directive
* and continue producing tokens from where we left off.
return 0;

How create an interpreter to that prints strings in Flex/Bison

I created a small interpreter using flex/bison.
This just can print a number, but I want to know how can add a string print?
lexer :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "y.tab.h"
<INITIAL>[s|S][h|H][o|O][w|W] {return show;}
<INITIAL>[0-9a-zA-z]+ {yylval.num=atoi(yytext);return string;}
<INITIAL>[\-\+\=\;\*\/] {return yytext[0];}
int yywrap (void) {return 1;}
yacc :
void yyerror(char *s);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
%union {int num;}
%start line
%token show
%token <num> number
%type <num> line exp term
line : show exp ';' {printf("showing : %d\n",$2);}
| line show exp ';' {printf("showing : %d\n",$3);}
exp : term {$$ = $1;}
| exp '+' term {$$ = $1 + $3;}
| exp '-' term {$$ = $1 - $3;}
| exp '*' term {$$ = $1 * $3;}
| exp '/' term {$$ = $1 / $3;}
term : number {$$ = $1;}
int main (void)
return yyparse();
void yyerror (char *s)
printf("-%s at %s !\n",s );
test data :
show 5;
show 5+5;
show 5*2-5+1;
I want add string code to the lexer :
Now how to use from content of in <STRING>?
Can you help me to complete my interpreter?
I need to add this examples to my interpreter :
show "hello erfan";//hello erfan
show "hello ".5;//hello 5
Please help me.
At the moment your interpreter doesn't work on numbers either! (Its an interpreter because it generates the results directly and does not generate code like a compiler would).
To make it work for numbers (again) you'd have to return a number token from the lexer and not a string. This line is wrong:
<INITIAL>[0-9a-zA-z]+ {yylval.num=atoi(yytext);return string;}
It should return a number token:
<INITIAL>[0-9]+ {yylval.num=atoi(yytext);return number;}
Now lets add a string. I see you made a start:
We need to add the state for a string to the lexer:
We should also match the contents of the string. I'll cheat a little here:
<STRING>[^"]*\" {BEGIN(INITIAL); return(string);}
We also need to return the string value in the lval. Cheating again I can store a char pointer in the integer
<STRING>[^"]*\" {BEGIN(INITIAL); yylval.num=strdup(yytext); return(string); }
Now we have to add strings to the yacc grammar. I'm cheating again by not allowing integers and strings to be mixed. You can expand that later if you wish:
line : show exp ';' {printf("showing : %d\n",$2);}
| line show exp ';' {printf("showing : %d\n",$3);}
| show string ';' {printf("showing : %s\n",$2);}
| line show string ';' {printf("showing : %s\n",$3);}
We need to remember to declare the string token:
%token <num> number string
Now we can put that all together:
The lexer file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "y.tab.h"
<INITIAL>[s|S][h|H][o|O][w|W] {return show;}
<INITIAL>[0-9]+ {yylval.num=atoi(yytext);return number;}
<INITIAL>[\-\+\=\;\*\/] {return yytext[0];}
<STRING>[^"]*\" {BEGIN(INITIAL);yylval.num=strdup(yytext);return(string);}
int yywrap (void) {return 1;}
The parser file:
void yyerror(char *s);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
%union {int num;}
%start line
%token show
%token <num> number string
%type <num> line exp term
line : show exp ';' {printf("showing : %d\n",$2);}
| line show exp ';' {printf("showing : %d\n",$3);}
| show string ';' {printf("showing : %s\n",$2);}
| line show string ';' {printf("showing : %s\n",$3);}
exp : term {$$ = $1;}
| exp '+' term {$$ = $1 + $3;}
| exp '-' term {$$ = $1 - $3;}
| exp '*' term {$$ = $1 * $3;}
| exp '/' term {$$ = $1 / $3;}
term : number {$$ = $1;}
int main (void)
return yyparse();
void yyerror (char *s)
printf("-%s at %s !\n",s );
#include "lex.yy.c"
Its basic and it works (I tested it). I've left plenty of things to be polished. You can remove the quote character from the string text; you can make the string token ave a string value rather than an integer to avoid the horrible type mismatch and you can make the show statements a bit more complex, but at least I've got you started.

Cannot find cause of 'syntax error' message in Bison

I'm trying to create a simple parser/compiler, mostly for homework, but eventually for learning purposes and for fun too. I've written both the lexer and the parser file (for an initial subset of commands) and I want to output an AST. However, I'm stuck at a "syntax error" message, even when I'm trying to parse a simple '1+1'. Here is the lexer file:
#include "parser.tab.h"
DIGIT [0-9]
[ \t\n] ;
{DIGIT}+ {yylval = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER;}
{LETTER}* { if (strlen(yytext) <= 8){
printf( "<ID, %s> ", yytext );
} else {
yytext[8] = '\0';
printf("WARNING! Long identifier. Truncating to 8 chars\n");
printf( "<ID, %s> ", yytext );
"+" {printf("Found '+' symbol\n");return(PLUS);}
"-" return(MINUS);
"*" return(TIMES);
"/" return(DIVIDE);
<<EOF>> return(END_OF_FILE);
int yywrap (void) {return 1;}
And here is the parser file:
#include <stdio.h>
/*#include "tree.h"
#include "treedefs.h"*/
int yylex();
#define YYSTYPE int
%start program
%token NUMBER
%token ID
%token LET IN AND
%token END_OF_FILE
program: /* empty */
| exp { printf("Result: %d\n", $1); }
| END_OF_FILE {printf("Encountered EOF\n");}
exp: NUMBER { $$ = $1;}
| exp PLUS exp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| exp TIMES exp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
| '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2;}
int yyerror (char *s) {fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
Also, I've created a main.c, to keep the main() function separately. You can omit the tree*.h files as they only include functions relative to the AST.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tree.h"
#include "treedefs.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
TREE *RootNode = malloc(sizeof(TREE));
return 0;
I've read tons of examples but I couldn't find something (VERY) different from what I wrote. What am I doing wrong? Any help, will be greatly appreciated.
Your grammar accepts an expression OR an end of file. So if you give it an expression followed by an end of file, you get an error.
Another problem is that you return the token END_OF_FILE at the end of the input, rather than 0 -- bison is expecting a 0 for the EOF token and will give a syntax error if it doesn't see one at the end of the input.
The easiest fix for both of those is to get rid of the END_OF_FILE token and have the <<EOF>> rule return 0. Then your grammar becomes:
program: /* empty */ { printf("Empty input\n"); }
| exp { printf("Result: %d\n", $1); }
...rest of the grammar
Now you have the (potential) issue that your grammar only accepts a single expression. You might want to support multiple expressions separated by newlines or some other separator(; perhaps?), which can be done in a variety of ways.
There are a few problems with the code.
First, your lexer should include this:
#include "parser.tab.h"
extern int yylval; // this line was missing
Second, assuming you want the code to evaluate at the end of a statement, you have to include a rule for the end of a statement. That is, assuming it's to be line-oriented, you'd replace your current whitespace rule with these:
[ \t] {}
[\n] { return 0; }
Third, one of your lines is munged. Instead of this:
printf("WARNING! Long identifier. Truncating to 8 chars\n"$
It should be this:
printf("WARNING! Long identifier. Truncating to 8 chars\n");

Lex yacc Shift/Reduce error

I am learning lex and yacc programming and this yacc program to validate and evaluate arithmetic expression in giving me 25shift/reduce conflicts. After reading other stackoverflow explanations, I understand the the issue is precedence, however, I am not sure how to resolve using error handling. I was wondering if someone could help me out.
I have tried an Association handler like this:
%token VARNAME
%token DIGIT
%token EQ
%token END
But, it doesn't work and I'm confused. This is my 1.y file:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
FILE *fp;
extern FILE *yyin;
extern int yylex();
extern int yyparse();
extern int yydebug;
yydebug = 1;
if (argc == 2)
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
yyin = fp;
fprintf (stdout, "***PARSE COMPLETE***\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
void yyerror (const char *err)
fprintf (stderr, "Error: %s\n", err);
%token VARNAME
%token DIGIT
%token EQ
%token END
expression END
{printf ("DONE!\n");};
{ printf(" INVALID EXPRESSION\n"); }
{printf("PARSED A VARIABLE!\n");};
{printf("PARSED A DIGIT!\n");};
expression ADD expression
{printf("PARSED A PLUS SIGN!\n");};
expression SUB expression
{printf("PARSED A MINUS SIGN!\n");};
expression MULT expression
{printf("PARSED A MULTPLY SIGN!\n");};
expression DIV expression
{printf("PARSED A DIVIDE SIGN!\n");};
expression EQ expression
{printf("PARSED A EQUALS SIGN!\n");};
LPAREN expression RPAREN
{printf("PARSED A PARENTHESIS!\n");};
I have tried an Association handler like this:
%token VARNAME
%token DIGIT
%token EQ
%token END
Is this association correct?
The issues are fairly well covered in the GNU bison manual.
As #Jonathan Leffler says:
You need to specify the precedence and associativity of the operators. Look up %left, %right and %nonassoc. Or write the grammar in a different manner altogether. For example, the grammar in the C standard doesn't need the precedence levels or associativity.
The %token items look plausible. I think %left does not need LPAREN; nor does %right need RPAREN. I'm not sure whether you need %nonassoc at all. I'm assume that the 'code'( at the start and the )'code' at the end are artefacts of trying to format a comment. Normally, you want ADD and SUB at a lower priority than MULT and DIV.
In the arithmetic example these are usually resolved by writing the grammar as:
expression : term
| term ADD expression
| term SUB expression
term : factor
| factor MULT term
| factor DIV term
factor : VARNAME
| LPAREN expression RPAREN
Now you have both the associativity and the precedence of the operators defined in an unambiguous grammar.

Concatenating string in yacc

I can't seem to figure out how to concatenate two string in yacc.
Here is the lex code
#include <stdio.h>
#include "y.tab.h"
[0-9]+ {yylval.intval=atoi(yytext); return NR;}
[a-zA-Z]+ {yylval.strval=yytext; return STR;}
"0exit" {return 0;}
[ \t] ;
\n {return 0;}
. {return yytext[0];}
And here i have the basics to add two strings
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
%union {
int intval;
char* strval;
%token STR NR
%type <intval>NR
%type <strval>STR
%type <strval>operatie
%left '+' '-'
%right '='
%start S
S : S operatie {}
| operatie {printf("%s\n",$<strval>$);}
operatie : STR '+' STR { char* s=malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen($1)+strlen($3)+1));
strcpy(s,$1); strcat(s,$3);
int main(){
The code works, the problem is that the output is something like this:
If i input
aaaa + bbbb
i get the output
aaaa + bbbbbbbb
The problem is here:
yylval.strval = yytext;
yytext changes with every token and every buffer. Change it to
yylval.strval = strdup(yytext);
yytext is only valid until the lexer starts looking for the next token. So if you want to pass a string token from (f)lex to yacc/bison, you need to strdup it, and the parser code needs to free the copy.
See the bison faq.
