Google App Engine Payment Gateway Dynamic IP address requirement - google-app-engine

I know this question has been asked in various ways but has anyone successfully integrated a payment gateway for GAE in JAVA in the UK?
I've looked at Stripe (US only), PayPal, Google Checkout and more recently SagePay.
I made some good progress with the SagePay for Java API but am thwarted by the whitelist requirement for a static IP address. Given all cloud computing services seem to operate on dynamic IP address assignment this seems a show-stopper for not only GAE but also other cloud services.
I've contacted SagePay and they can only work with a static IP unless using Form based integration but I want to keep users on my site and have as much control over the look and feel and user experience as possible.
Does anyone have any suggestions or has looked into this themselves?
In my experience offering only paypal or google checkout options results in loss of customers as people don't want to be bothered by creating accounts and often (in the example of paypal) miss the small print explaining sign-up is not required.
thanks for your help.

I use a reverse proxy (with a fixed ip) to access the payment provider. In my case: Ogone directlink. I did not find a public free service. So i created a small program which runs on a webserver with a fixed IP.


My google app instances does not seem to be on correct region

I have just created one google app engine application and one 2nd Generation MySQL instance in eu-west2 region. In GCP Console they both seems to be in eu-west2 region.
However when I try to gelocate my ip's they seem to be in somewhere in US.
What should I do to use GCP in eu-west2 region?
my GCP instances:
their locations:
Google has an extensive world wide network. What you are seeing is us routing you to Google's closest Point of Presence (POP), which from that point on you're on a software defined network (SDN). What this means is we get your traffic on to our fast network as quickly as possible and abstract away the details of getting you to the machine in question.
Check latency from you to these hosts, then spin up a VM in Europe and check latency from that VM to these hosts - you'll find the numbers will confirm they really are in eu-west2.
I faced the same issue, you can find more about it here: Outgoing HTTP Request Location on Google App Engine
Is about the Google Network usage, the outgoing traffic come from the "Point of Presence" instead of the location and it can be dynamic. In my case, I have no solution, since it's mandatory to my API to make the requests from Brazil =\

How does DNS domain verification work?

Im reading this google doc on how to hook up app engine to a custom domain (a domain I purchased through a different registrar)
I get to a point where I have to "Supply the domain name ("") and click Verify. This opens up a new tab titled Webmaster Central." and walk through some prompts to prove I own the domain.
After doing this "domain verification is automatically re-confirmed about every 30 days".
What exactly is "domain verification"? Is there like a domain verification protocol that all DNS registrars must support? What communication is happening between google and say godady or AWS (route53)? Is there a special type of DNS record specifically for verification?
I don't understand whats actually happening to prove I own the domain and if this process is standardized or each DNS provider has their own solution/quirks for doing this.
From Verify your site ownership (also accessible via the Webmaster Central help menu):
What is verification?
Verification is the process of proving that you own the site or app
that you claim to own. We need to confirm ownership because once you
are verified for a site or app you have access to its private Google
Search data, and can affect how Google Search crawls it.
No, it's not a standard. Each hosting provider asking for it had their own method/algorithm of doing it.
Google actually has several such optional methods so that you can choose one that best works for your case. They're listed in the Verification methods chapter further down in the above-mentioned doc, together with some explanation of how each of them operates. Not all of them are based on DNS registrar actions.
Also keep in mind that Webmaster Central is used for other sites as well, not only for GAE-based sites - just in case some things might not make sense in a GAE context. This includes sites not even hosted on/using Google infrastructure/services.

In Google cloud can i restrict the connection of my compute engine instances from App engine only?

As by default according to google cloud platorm docs, if someone makes a project and in that project suppose there are n number of instances (compute + app engine), then no one from outside can connect to any instance until and unless he/she has sat an additional firewall rule to accept traffic from outside IP ranges. Actually I wanted to connect my compute engine instances from my app engine only and i saw below two questions where i thought that may be i am not thinking in the right direction
This question here on SO google-app-engine-communicate-with-compute-engine-over-internal-network
where in the answer the person wrote that
There isn't currently a way to setup a private network between GCE and
One more question defined here
also here in the answer the person wrote that
In short you can not. AppEngine is a shared IP space with all the
other apps, just like shared hosting.
Can anyone please tell me am i missing something i am really confused now what is right and what is wrong ??
Thanks in Advance.

How should I provide a hosted service on Google App Engine

If i want to rent space on my service which I in turn host on Google App Service, is there some Terms of Service i need to know about?
Also, if I want to provide a service that should be customized for a company, say a Wiki that the company can tailor like their own with skins and even domains. Can that be done? Will I have to provide the binaries to be installed at my customer's Google App accounts? E.g. my wiki application would run at
I don't believe there is anything in the TOS that prevents you from selling your software as a service on GAE.
The domain issue is a bit trickier at the moment, however, as there are relatively limited tools for attaching large numbers of domain names to a single app instance. Your best bet at the moment would likely be to purchase Google for domains accounts for each customer and host them on these separate accounts.
(cf Issue 113)

How are people using Google App-Engine apps with their own domains?

I've been fooling around with the Google App Engine for a few days and I have a little hobby application that I want to write and deploy.
However I'd like to set it up so that users are not directly accessing the app via
Is hosting it through Google Apps and then pointing it at my own domain the only way to go? I looked at that a little bit and it seemed like a pain to implement but maybe I'm just missing something.
My other thought was to write the app-engine piece as a more generic web-service.
Then I could have the user-facing piece be hosted anywhere, written in any language, and have it query the url.
Anyone have any luck with the web-service approach?
The reason Google Apps is required is because you need somewhere to a) verify you own the domain (otherwise, you might point it at app engine, then I might hijack it by adding it to my account) and b) set up domain mappings (which subdomains point to which of your appengine apps).
Since this stuff already exists in Apps, it seems silly to duplicate it in AppEngine.
As has been pointed out, it doesn't cost anything, and you do not need to "move" anything to Google. You simple created a cname record with a random name to verify you own the domain, and a cname for the subdomain you wish to point at App Engine. This only takes a few minutes, and once it's done, it's done forever.
Note: If you host your site elsewhere and use webservices, you need to scale the site/frontend. If you host on app engine, you get this for free :-)
I wrote an article on my blog about redirecting * domains to your custom domain to keep your branding:
To do this, I believe you need to be using Google Apps and have a custom domain setup for Google Apps. Then, you deploy your app into your Google Apps domain.
Here is google's official instructions on how to do that:
I have used this process for a couple of sites and it is easy and painless, provided you have control on the DNS records for your domain (you should).
OK, we're now at the end of 2017 and things are a lot different regarding App Engine and custom domains. It's easy now!
Go to the app engine dashboard for your app and choose Settings, then go to the Custom Domains tab. From there, choose Add custom domain.
The tricky part is that Google needs to verify that you control the domain, so they ask you to put a TXT record in the DNS for your domain. Once you do that and Google it, you become "verified" as the owner of the domain.
After that, Google will give you a bunch of A and AAAA (for IP6) records to put in your DNS. Once you've done that, you should be good to go.
It can be easily done using request.getRequestURI() method. If the URL doesn't include your domain, just redirect it to the desired URL using
resp.sendRedirect("<your domain>")
Otherwise load a error page using
request.getRequestDispatcher("<error-page>").forward(request, response);
