cakephp2.0 Appcontroller function calling - cakephp-2.0

i have created one function in cakephp appcontrollet.php file. that retrive me the detail on that record from that id
the function is mentioned below
function getDetail($id = null) // to check that user is valid or not
$data = $this->ModelName->find('first',array('conditions'=>array('ModelName.is_active'=>'Y','ModelName.is_deleted'=>'N','ModelName.primaryKey'=>$id)));
if($data !=array())
// return true;
return $data;
} else {
$data = array();
return $data;
//return false;
Now i want to call this function from any controlller to get detail of the record like i will call this function fron Userscontroller,adminscontroller, marketscontroller etc. and it will return me the related data
my issue is that how should appcontroller know that request is come from which controller and which model to user ?
can anyone help me to solve this
thanks in advance

Put this function to AppModel and call it from each controller with the related model. The function then looks like:
class AppModel extends Model
public function getDetail($id = null) {
$data = $this->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array($this->name.'.id' => $id)
// ...
Depending on your call from the model it will automatically use the right model. Such a call may look like this:
class UsersController extends AppController
public $uses = array('User', 'Market');
public function index()
// Fetch data from markets database
// Fetch data from users database
// ...
In this case, the model Market will be used to fetch the details from the database.


Can not get paginate parameters using func_get_arg() function in Model

I'm updating cakephp2 to cakephp3.
For model side, I can not get paginate parameters using func_get_arg() function in Model.
How can I get it?
I want to keep using func_get_arg() because other Model classes have also same logic.
class TopController extends AppController {
public function showTop() {
$query = array(
'limit' => 5,
'extra' => array(
'data' => 'test',
$topRawTable = TableRegistry::get('TopRawSql');
$pages = $this->Paginator->paginate($topRawTable->paginate($query)); //Error occur
class TopRawSqlTable extends Table {
public $useTable = false;
function paginate()
$extra = func_get_arg(6); // null
$limit = func_get_arg(3); // null
$page = func_get_arg(4); // null
// Execute custom query
I knew that CakePHP2 supports override paginate() and paginateCount() functions. But CakePHP3 DOESN'T support override paginate() and paginateCount(). That's why I couldn't get parameters by func_get_arg().
So, I switched to use CakePHP2 paginator feature.

Cakephp editing BelongsTo associated field

I'm having problem in editing associated (BelongsTo) field...
Class ModelA extends AppModel {
public $belongsTo = array ('ModelB');
public $actsAs = array('Containable');
public function getModelA($id){
$modelA = $this->find('all', array('contain' => array('ModelB'),'conditions' => array('' => $id)));
$modelA = $modelA[0];
return $modelA;
class ModelAsController extends AppController {
public function edit($id = null) {
$modelA = $this->ModelA->getModelA($id);
$this->set('modelA', $modelA);
Data in the $modelA is in the format:
'ModelA' => array(
'ModelB' => array(
So far, everything is fine...
But, I'm stuck with the edit.ctp. I need input for editing of the field1 from the ModelB, but I'm getting empty input box. Line of the code goes like this:
echo $this->Form->input('ModelB.field1');
When I try to debug:
then I have correct value.
What would be the way to have input box filled with field1 of the ModelB?
for a FormHelper to pickup the model data you have to set
$this->request->data = $modelA;
in the Controller, otherwise the helper has no idea where you've hidden the data :)
(tip: usually you can debug the helper code in such cases)

CakePHP: finding data after save

I'm working on an edit method. After saving data, an email is sent out with the changes made during the edit. Everything works except for one infuriating but crucial bug. Here it is distilled down very simply:
$data = $this->SupportTicket->readForView($st_id);
$this->SupportTicket->id = $st_id;
if ($this->SupportTicket->save($this->request->data)) {
//call custom model method to pull view data
$data = $this->SupportTicket->readForView($st_id);
//do something with this data
The issue is that $data comes out with the pre-save data. So what I then try to do with the new data doesn't work.
I can't just use $this->request->data because it doesn't have the full data that I want in it.
The save does however work. If I refresh the view method for the same record, it shows as updated. So it's saving, but when I do the find after saving it is giving me old data.
Any ideas?
Update: it doesn't happen with findById($st_id) so it must be something to do with my custom method. Code:
public function readForView($id)
$data = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id
'contain' => array(
if (empty($data)) {
throw new notFoundException('Ticket not found');
$data['SupportTicket']['type_long'] = $this->getLongType($data['SupportTicket']['type']);
$data['SupportTicket']['status_long'] = $this->getLongStatus($data['SupportTicket']['status']);
$data['SupportTicket']['name'] = 'Support Ticket #' . $data['SupportTicket']['id'] . ' - ' . $data['SupportTicket']['title'];
return $data;
Copying the code from this method into the Controller gives the same result.
I've found this helpful:
By model:
class Project extends AppModel {
var $cacheQueries = false;
By function:
function someFunction {
$this->Model->cacheQueries = false;
try using last Insert ID
public function readForView($id)

which method of model to update the row in cakephp

i have trouble in creating method in controller of cakephp to update the my existing row in a table, can anyone suggest me appropriate model method to update the row in table
class UsersController extends AppController
public function update($id)
// method of model to update the row
$this->User->id = $id;
Try the code.......
class UsersController extends AppController {
public function update($id = null) {
if ($id) {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$this->User->id = $id;
} else {
$this->set('user', $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $id))));
#burzum after reading the tutorial which link provide by you i found the solution to the my problem, in model updateAll() method available in model by using this i have update row of the table.
public function update($id)
echo '<script>alert("update successfully")</script>';
echo '<script>alert("failes to update ")</script>';

How to update translation cakephp but not main table

I have added translate behaviour to a model, the model comes here
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class Category extends AppModel
public $hasMany = "Product";
public $validate = array(
'name' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty'
public $actsAs = array(
'Translate' => array(
public $name = "Category";
public $translateModel = 'KeyTranslate';
And heres the controller for updating the model
public function admin_edit_translate($id,$locale)
$this->Category->locale = $locale;
$category = $this->Category->findById($id);
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$this->Category->id = $id;
if ($this->Category->save($this->request->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash('Category translate has been updated');
//$this->redirect(array('action' => 'edit',$id));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Unable to update category');
if (!$this->request->data) {
$this->request->data = $category;
My Problem is that i have a name field in the categories database and when i update or create a new translation it gets updated with the translated value. How do i avoid that
You must use Model::locale value to set code language for save in database
This happens because the TranslateBehavior uses callbacks like beforeSave and afterSave to save translated content, so it needs to let the model's save operation continue and thus will contain the last translated content.
You could get around this by tricking the TranslateBehavior into thinking the model is saving something by calling the beforeSave and afterSave like this:
$Model = $this->Category;
$Model->locale = $locale;
$beforeSave = $Model->Behaviors->Translate->beforeSave($Model, array(
'callbacks' => true
if($beforeSave) {
$Model->id = $id;
$Model->Behaviors->Translate->afterSave($Model, true);
This way the translation will be saved and the main table will be left untouched. Might not be the best way to save translations though. Why do you need to leave the main table untouched?
Callback Behavior::beforeSave is before Model::beforeSave...
but, the simplest way to modify data in Model::beforeSave before Behavior::beforeSave before realy saving is:
$this->Behaviors->Behavior_Name->runtime[Model_Name]['beforeSave'][Field_Name] = '...';
